Friday, August 25, 2006

23 Wenwood Dr. Gets A Visit From The Brookville Police

About 12:15am I heard the quick blip of a police siren which caused me to head to the nearest window to see what the trouble was. Sure enough, the Brookville Police were headed straight to 23 Wenwood Drive -- the Gang Stalker's main base in this neighborhood. Wenwood Drive was blocked with cars which were on their way up to 23 Wenwood when the cops showed up.

As this situation wound down, I counted 46 cars that left the neighborhood while I watched the situation unfold. Before I knew it there were at least 4 Brookville squad cars that had stopped traffic and were checking each one, flashing lights into each to determine who was in there.

This went on for the better part of a half hour before the neighborhood cleared out, although I did notice several squad cars going up and down the road flashing their spotlights into the wooded areas along Wenwood Drive. I am now wondering if some of the people up at 23 Wenwood had made a run for it before the cops could get them.

I also made a comment in an earlier post about doing a sweep of the neighborhood last night and wondered if this was not a mocking of what I had said. Was the entire situation staged? Yet another piece of the ever present street theater that I have witnessed countless times over the past several years? Quite possibly it was. I have no way of knowing for sure.

However, 23 Wenwood has become a less than neighbor-friendly location -- their loud parties going on well into the early morning hours. Cars racing up and down Wenwood Drive, going in and out of their driveway at all hours of the day and night. One thing's for certain. The perps at 23 Wenwood are starting to get on everyone's nerves. Their behavior has gotten to be a real hassle for all of the people who live in this neighborhood. So perhaps the visit by the Brookville PD was legitimate afterall.

There's no way to know this for certain. However, I did notice that after most of the Brookville cops had left, a few vehicles headed back to 23 Wenwood -- the rats returning to their lair?
Anyway, my camera battery was dead or I would have been able to capture all of this -- Murphy's Law strikes again. I will continue to document this harassment as times goes by. I have also learned more about the neighbors who have taken part in it, but quite truthfully, I don't want to harass them. I was not at all happy about having to post some of their names on this Website, but they have had over 3 years in which to stop taking part in my harassment, so they left me with no choice. If they ease off, I have no problem with forgiving the attacks -- but first they have to ease off.

My primary focus is on these stalkers, the FEDS who have sanctioned them, and most of all, FBI special agent Raymond Migliore, who was the cause of this disaster in the first place. These are the real criminals. My neighbors have for the most part been unwittingly duped into this criminal harassment.

As for the Brookville cops, as usual, they were right on top of things and spent quite a bit of time here making certain that there were no perps running loose in the woods. They had made several passes through the neighborhood with their searchlights cutting a wide swath through the darkness. At least they did their best without doing an actual foot search. And with these Gang Stalker loons would you really want to go into the woods alone if they were lurking nearby, armed with some type of weapons?

I'll continue to report on 23 Wenwood and the rest of the Stalking that I am subjected to each day to see if tonight's Police visit helps to quiet things down, or if they resume their harassment. My personal belief is that things will start up again as quickly as they quieted down tonight. And If they do, I will certainly be reporting about them as they unfold. The perps don't need the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology or a crystal ball to figure that one out.

As for the mind control tactics being used against me both in the way of Gang Stalking and gaslighting, as well as those being done remotely by way of the NSA's remote neural monitoring satellite technology, there is no doubt at all that they are taking place -- And that it is the US Federal Government who is keeping some very dark and disturbing SECRETS from the American people.

Every American citizen has their body's biophysical print catalogued within the NSA's computer database. Now this is not like having your photo ID or finger prints on file. It is far more invasive. Here each American citizen's biophysical imprint (the electromagnetic flux that their brains give off) is housed within the NSA's vast computer banks, to be accessed whenever the NSA decides to.

Once the NSA accesses an American's electromagnetic flux EMF imprint, that person can be monitored as follows:

1. Watched 24 hours a day for life no matter where they are

2. Have their subvocalized thoughts both monitored and decoded by NSA cryptologists working at the NSA's Fort Meade, Maryland headquarters. This enables these cryptologists to electronically read the minds of those they are monitoring. According to John St. Clair Akwei, this monitoring is a two way "dial up" system which can also insert the NSA's prescripted programming into the subconscious thoughts of those persons it is targeting to influence their thoughts and behavior.

3. The NSA can use directed energy (so called non lethal weapons) weapons to remotely torture the target by directing these weapons to any part of the Target's body. The NSA has also mapped out the human brain and is capable of remotely targeting specific areas of the brain in order to manipulate those being Targeted into acting out in ways in which they normally would not.

In essence, what we find in this situation is the NSA using its technology to illegally experiment on humans -- nonconsensual human experimentatoin is ILLEGAL and in violation of a myriad of laws which specifically prohibit such criminal acts. And the NSA is in violation of these laws and guilty of using nonconsensual human experimentation on a significiant number of Americans including myself.

The NSA should be subpoened by an independent counsel empaneled to investigate these crimes on an individual basis so that the American public can learn not only about remote neural monitoring technology, but also of the specific NSA employees who were involved in these criminal acts, as well as the names of those who have been victimized by them.

As for the FBI, this organization is employing the use of a modern day COINTELPRO operation against many American citizens, and they have included my Family and me in these despicable attacks. So much for an agency that is supposed to uphold the law, when its agents spend most of their time violating the Civil Rights of the American people and finding plausible ways in which to deny it.


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