Satellite Based Electromagnetic Warfare Technology Is Being Used By The Global Military Intelligence Complex To Torture & Murder Millions Of Citizens
Editor's Note: Intel repeatedly electronically tampers with the following article regarding this author's opinion, that both screenwriter Simon Monjack and his actress wife, Brittany Murphy, were murdered by way of satellite deployed directed energy weaponry, because they threatened the financial success of the movie Happy Feet 2; the sequel to the box office hit Happy Feet. Murphy was slated to perform a voice over role for the sequal, when a tabloid scandal (which may have been a complete fabrication) resulted in her being fired after only two weeks on the set.
A Hollywood Couple Both Under 40 Die Of Heart Attacks Within Five Months Of Each Other & No One Cries Foul Play?
Is this another instance of directed energy weaponry being used in which to covertly murder someone? Russia's intelligence agency immediately posted after the death of the late pop star, Michael Jackson, that their spy satellites captured evidence of a directed energy weapon's beam directly over the home which MJ was staying at during the time in which he suffered a fatal heart attack. Russia's FSB claims that the DEW attack originated at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
We later find that a powerful group of real estate developers was attempting to obtain Jackson's desirable "Neverland Ranch" estate prior to his untimely death.
*Is the CIA now attempting to frame Jackson's cardiologist, Conrad Murray, for Michael's murder, in an effort to cover up a CIA murder for hire operation, which utilizes satellite deployed directed energy weapons in which to secretly commit such murders for profit?
Anna Nicole Smith's son, Daniel, dies suddenly while visiting his Mother after she gives birth to his baby sister. Was Daniel's death a warning to Anna Nicole, to give up her rights to her late husband's estate? If so, this threat did not work, because Smith continued her legal battle after Daniel's death and right up until the time that Smith, herself, was reported to have died under suspicious circumstances; thus effectively ending the battle with her late husband's son over the nearly half a billion dollars which Smith had been left by the late mogul.
Were Anna Nicole Smith and her son covertly murdered by way of a satellite deployed directed energy weapon, and by an Intel agency conducting a mercenary murder-for-hire operation?
Now Simon Monjack dies of a sudden heart attack at the age of 39, and not long after he stated that he was going to file wrongful death lawsuit against Warner Brothers, regarding the death of his actress/wife, Brittany Murphy; who just happens to have also died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 32.
We don't have to search for conspiracies, because if we bother to look, we'll find that we're surrounded by them.
This author has stated in the past that in my opinion, satellite based directed energy weaponry has been used for decades in which to commit a myriad of murders, while giving those who perpetrate such murders complete anonymity in doing so.
As such, I would not be at all surprised to find that Simon Monjack was murdered by way of such DEW technology, and as punishment for stating that he was going to file a lawsuit against Warner Brothers in the death of his wife, actress, Brittany Murphy; as well as for also creating the negative publicity which surrounded the sequel to the Warner Brother's animated film "Happy Feet."
Prior to her untimely and tragic death, Brittany Murphy did have an axe to grind with Warner Brothers, in regard to this animated motion picture, since Murphy had originally been cast in a voice over role for Happy Feet 2, when Warner Brothers decided to fire her after only two weeks on the set, citing rumours that the actress was on drugs.
Murphy would have been especially devastated in losing this role, given that Happy Feet 2 was a huge success at the box office, in addition to winning an Academy Award; both of which would have looked great on her acting resume.
Given this, one must wonder that if prior to her death, Brittany Murphy may have decided to sue Warner Brothers in regard to being aced out of the aforesaid role, and was then furtively murdered before she could file suit against the company and cause any adverse publicity for Warner Brothers; publicity which would have damaged Happy Feet 2's sales at the box office. Especially since Warner Brothers was expecting lightening to strike twice, in the hope that Happy Feet's successor would be as profitable as the original film.
As such, one must now wonder if Brittany Murphy was also murdered by way of DEW technology, in which the heart attack she suffered may have been remotely induced, as a plausible way for Warner Brothers to get rid of the actress before she could cause them any trouble.
Especially when one considers that Murphy's husband, Simon Monjack, was still amongst the living until he decided to resurrect this issue, by stating that he was going to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Warner Brothers in the death of Murphy, based on the fact that she was fired from the set of Happy Feet 2 due to unsubstantiated rumours that she was using drugs.
Not So Happy For Warner Brothers Happy Feet Sequel As Monjack's Death Accusations Surround New Film
Given the aforesaid information, anyone with a functioning brain would have to conclude that the mysterious deaths of both Murphy and Monjack may in someway be connected to a conspiracy perpetrated by Warner Brothers' executives, as well as other individuals who may have had a financial interest in both Happy Feet and its sequel.
And if we take into consideration the possibility that electronic warfare technology may have been used in which to commit the murders of Murphy and Monjack, then we must also ask who has access to such technology?
According to former NSA employee, John St. Clair Akwei, the National Security Agency has access to directed energy weaponry, and has brain fingerprinted the U.S. population through a cellular network which Akwei describes as the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network. Moreover, other government whistleblowers have stated that both the CIA and FBI also have access to directed energy weapons' technology, and have been given permission to use these weapons on American citizens.
Which raises the question: Is there a murder for hire black operation being conducted within the U.S. Intelligence community, in efforts to increase the black budgets which the Intel community utilizes, in order to finance black operations that the United States Congress would never publicly approve of?
The CIA has been supporting its black operations through the manufacture and trafficking of illegal drugs practically since its inception, as well as taking part in human trafficking and participating in the sex slave trade for profit. So it wouldn't be much of a stretch to conclude that an agency like the CIA or some of its Intel brethren, would conduct a covert murder for hire operation in which to subsidize their annual budgets, while using classified weapons in which to commit these crimes with plausible deniability. Such "Active-Denial" weaponry is ideally suited for use in the commission of such furtive crimes.
A Timeline Of CIA Atrocities By Steve Kangas - Kangas Would Be Murdered In A Made To Appear Suicide For The Expositions He'd Written Regarding CIA Drug Trafficking Operations
It is also this author's opinion that the late muckraker, Mae Brussel, EarthFirst! activist Judi Bari, UFO researcher - Dr. Karla Turner, and America Freedom To Fascism producer, Aaron Russo, were all murdered by way of some form of directed energy weapon. And as punishment for their successful challenge to some aspect of the criminal status quo in the United States. One can only hazard a guess as to how many well known people have been covertly killed by such classified technology in the past.
Mae Brussel, Judi Bari, Dr. Karla Turner and Aaron Russo, all died from fast spreading forms of cancer (which in this author's opinion were caused by directed energy weaponry).
Mae Brussel was one of the first conspiracy theorists in the United States, who became famous after questioning the Warren Commission's bogus investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. She would go on to a successful radio career while promulgating her theories regarding myriad conspiracies into crimes committed by the U.S. Intelligence community. Moreover, before her own death at the age of 66 (from a fast spreading form of cancer), Brussel claimed that one of her daughters had been murdered by Intel as punishment for her investigative research.
* The Intel community is notorious for using psychological triggers in which to brainwash the public, when demonizing someone they target for a COINTELPRO operation. Agencies like the CIA, FBI and NSA regularly uses such triggers regarding the Satanism which they covertly practice. Mae Brussel's death at the age of 66 could well have been a covert murder in which the 66 represented Intel's demonization of her person. For example, 66 being short for 666 - mark of the beast. Brussel, herself, admitted to being a thorn in the side of the U.S. Intelligence community, for exposing many of its criminal and oftentimes treasonous operations. If they had chosen to murder her at the age of 66, this would also illustrate the Intel community's advanced planning in regard to murders which they may carry out at a later date.
Judi Bari was an eco-activist with the radical group EarthFirst! Bari became famous in 1990, when the FBI orchestrated the bombing of her station wagon, after a COINTELPRO operation the Bureau had been carrying out against Judi failed. Bari would later sue the FBI and develop breast cancer over the decade in which her attorneys attempted to overcome the FBI's constant efforts to block Judi's lawsuit. And while she died before ever being able to see her lawsuit to fruition, Judi's Family and friends were so disgusted by the FBI's criminal behavior that they vowed to see Judi's lawsuit against the FBI to its natural conclusion; a situation which resulted in Judi's estate being awarded a 4.4 million dollar judgement against the Bureau, in 2002.
Dr. Karla Turner had been researching UFO abductions for several years and had written three books on the subject, when she was anonymously warned to end her research. UFO abductees who'd been interviewed by Turner had also been warned to end their contact with the researcher. Prior to her death, Dr. Turner had described being targeted by the types of psychological warfare operations that many people have reported in regard to the U.S. Military-Intelligence complexes use of their person's for some type of non consensual human experimentation.
Turner reported frequently witnessing the infamous black helicopter fly-overs of her home; strange sounds emanating from within the home (which can be caused by way of satellite deployed electromagnetic weaponry), as well as anonymous phone calls taking place in the middle of the night in which the caller would hang up the phone once Dr. Turner answered the call. Turner also reported being followed by government vehicles when driving to UFO conferences that she was invited to speak at. After being warned to end her UFO research and to refrain from attending UFO conferences, Karla Turner contracted a rare and deadly form of cancer which ended her life only months after being diagnosed. There's little doubt that Turner was murdered for her refusal to end her UFO research. And one must wonder if some type of Directed Energy Weapon was used in which to commit this crime?
The late Hollywood producer, Aaron Russo, was part of the 9-11 Truth Movement. Russo created the now famous film about the Federal Reserve System's counterfeiting and money laundering operations (America: Freedom To Fascism), only to die from a fast spreading form of cancer at the age of 64.
Many of Russo's supporters, including this author, believe that Aaron was murdered for creating this film. This as well Russo's exposing House of Rothschild lackey, Nick Rockefeller, as the source of his information regarding the Rothschild's conspiracy in which to turn the United States into a military-intelligence dictatorship - which the United States has become since passage of the Patriot Act.
The brutal irony in the deaths of cancer patients, is that more than a century ago * research was conducted that proved that a diet rich in Vitamin B17 (and which produced a high level of pancreatic enzymes), was the body's natural defense against cancer.
The House of Rothschild's medical monopoly is well aware of this, however, wiping out cancer would destroy their profits, so they continue to demonize Vitamin B17 and the Laetrile treatment for cancer, because B17 would eventually put this criminal drug trust out of business.
Moreover, the premier cancer treatment hospital in the United States, Sloan-Kettering, deliberately covered up its own research, when its own Laetrile study proved that Laetrile (a refined form of Vitamin B17) is far more effective in curing cancer than the traditional and oftentimes deadly, radiation/chemotherapy protocols prescribed by the private corporation known as the American Medical Association.
The Rothschilds have even had their FDA puppet ban Vitamin B17 from the United States, out of fear that it would have eventually destroyed their profitable and deadly radiation/chemotherapy treatment scam. The Rothschilds did the same thing with marijuana in the 1930's, when they feared that hemp would be used to manufacture products that would eventually destroy the oil and paper industries, because hemp products, unlike the oil industry's petrochemical products are ecologically friendly.
This author also finds it of great interest (given the FBI/NSA decades' long COINTELPRO against my person, and a bizzare and illegal smear campaign that must rank and the greatest fraud and waste of tax payer money in the history of the United States), that Aaron Russo died on the same day as my Birthday. - Is this a further illustration that Russo was given cancer as well as murdered by way of Directed Energy Weapon's technology?
Is this also a covert warning that the U.S. Intel community intends to murder my person in the same way that they murdered Aaron Russo, for publicly exposing the fact that the American people are the unwitting targets of a national brain fingerprinting program, secretly implemented by the U.S. National Security Agency in 1981?
Also See:
Actress Brittany Murphy Dies Suddenly Of A Heart Attack At The Age Of 32 - Was She Murdered By Way Of A Directed Energy Weapon As The Result Of A Rift With Warner Brother's Executives, Over The Animated Film Happy Feet?
Brittany Murphy's Husband Hospitalized After Airline Flight
"Monjack - Murphy Lost Happy Feet Role Due To Tabloid Rumours"
Simon Monjack Sues Warner Brothers In The Wrongful Death Of His Wife, Brittany Murphy
Not So Happy For Warner Brothers Happy Feet Sequel As Monjack's Death Accusations Surround New Film
>Brittany Murphy's Husband, Simon Monjack, Found Dead In Hollywood Hills Home - After Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Warner Brothers
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Studies Have Shown That Infrasonic Sound Can Cause A Range Of Symptoms Including Nausea, Headaches, Fatigue, Insomnia, Vibration Of Internal Organs etc. Another Name For Infrasonic Sound Is U.L.F. (Ultra Low Frequency) Waves -- This Directed Energy Weapons' Technology Is Also Being Deployed Via Spy Satellite Networks Like The National Security Agency's Echelon In Order To Covertly Experiment Upon (Non Consensual Human Experimentation) Myriad Citizens, While In Some Instances Being Used To Even Torture And Murder Americans (As Well As Those Citizens Of Other Countries.)
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