Monday, August 21, 2006

Perps Assaulting Me In A 9-11 Chatroom

August 21st, 2006

FEDS have been accessing recent chat rooms on 9-11 that I frequent

I was on the Internet yesterday in a chatroom in which the discussion was in regard to the 9-11 attacks being an inside job.

I was not in the room for more than 5 minutes before my perps got to the moderator. Suddenly, subtle triggers were used in that person's conversation. Over time, more people began to use them. This is so typical for myself and other TI's, that I have gotten to the point where I filter out most of it. However, one perp who got into the room was such a filthy pig that this person was quickly ejected.

I know that my visits to chatrooms involving 9-11 or for that matter anyother one where people are present will be used as a venue to attack me. However, I will make the points in regard to pertinent issues that I care to make, and will continue to do so because they are extremely important. I will not let these miscreants prevent me from telling the truth about what I know in regard to mind control and the Government's illegal spying on the American people,within their own homes and places of business.

The mere fact that these federal stalker aided and abetted groups are the most depraved people on this planet and that they believe that it is their right to prey on others is testament to how deluded they are.

Perhaps if we prey on them for awhile they may get the message! If not at least they will get a taste of the depravity that they mete out to us each day.

As for 9-11, there is no question that it was perpetrated by the US Federal Government and that George W. Bush himself signed the covert document which initiated this diabolical act of terrorism.

And it is clear that Bush signed a document which he knew would orchestrate the murders of nearly 3000 American citizens on 9-11. This makes him and those who helped to orchestrate this plan of savage attack cold and calculating mass murderers

And fortunately, more Americans are now taking note of this and forming their own grassroots communities, to expose to the American people, what can only be referred to as the Mother Of All Black Operations.

I have, however, noticed that there is the always present EGO-centrist aspect of those attempting to do good deeds. It is a human trait to want to be recognized for doing good works, and over the years I have seen many situations in which cliques of people began to disenfranchise others who were attempting to achieve the same positive goal.

The result was that these people ended up fighting amongst themselves, which became counterproductive to their cause. Yet, there is such a strong movement in this country and abroad to expose the 9-11 fraud, that it has become a driving force in Americans -- and not only Americans. There are grass roots organizations springing up all over the globe citing 9-11 and their own governments' attempts to silence them.

People are coming together to express their disdain for the corruption within their own governments, and the inhumane ways in which those who speak out are being treated by them.

Recently, a man who operated a Norweigian Website on the 9-11 fraud and other disturbing issues including those of Synthetic Telepathy and government sanctioned Gang Stalking, became targeted by directed energy weapons through Norway's Government because he chose to voice the truth about these topics, which the mainstream media in all NATO countries, including the USA will never go anywhere near. One might say that they are actually paid to stay away from them.

He was forced to move to Sweden where he now resides, to avoid this harassment. This is INSANITY! Having to move out of your own country because your Government does not want you to voice your own opinions?

It is clear now that people around the globe are willing to put their lives on the line to expose the Illuminati and its move to formulate a one world Government, New World Order. Given the destruction that they plan on causing to the human race, nothing that any of us will do in our lifetimes, however long or short they are, will be more important than what we are doing now.

These governments are bent on Fascism. Moreover, one of their primary purposes is to enslave all people on this planet with an electronic form of Mind Control done by way of signals being broadcast at the level of human brainwaves, which will be used to entrain the thoughts of the human race. This can control your thoughts as well as actions. This is what the technology behind these broadcasts was designed to do.

Now as science fiction as this sounds, this technology is for real, and it is being used on citizens of all NATO member countries. Satellites and cell phone towers are the primary methods of broadcasting these signals to the human brain and it is clear that there is technology which presently exists which can allow for the monitoring on a massive scale of Americans within the privacy of their own homes. I know this because it has been happening to me for decades, although the FEDS only made me aware of it a few years ago.

They did not come out and tell me that I was being watched. They just let me know that it was happening through the use of trigger words and phrases used by others around me to let me know that I was being illegally spied on within my own home. It was up to me to find out how they were doing this, and after two years, and thousands of hours of research I did find out how it is being done.

With this technology humans are being watched wherever they travel to. Moreover, their thoughts are being both read and manipulated through a process known as synthetic telepathy or V2K -- voice to skull technology. Yet this technology is so clandestine that they will never know that someone is doing it to them unless the person/persons doing so what them to. The implications of both Civil and Human Rights in this instance are of such an outrageous nature, that they are certain to cause a mainstream scandal in which the NATO governments will be villified by their own people as time goes by.

And this scandal is presently in the making. It is not going to go away, nor will it decline anytime soon, since this technology is a very real threat to how the human race evolves in the future.

These governments, including the US Federal Government, have betrayed all of us. And there can be no doubt that they are all guilty of treasonous crimes against their own people. And Alberto Gonzalez can dance around this subject all he likes, because by allowing himself to take part in what George W. Bush has done, Gonzalez has made himself party to a massive criminal conspiracy, and at the same time, betrayed the trust of all Americans, through these acts of treason. This is some disturbing statement to have to make about the highest ranking lawyer in the United States.

Will Americans and the rest of the world's citizens be able to think for themselves in the future or will they be mind controlled to think in the ways that their Ggvernment's want them to?

In the present day this is a very pertinent question. Americans have been "dumbed down" by the CIA's manipulation of the US mainstream media so that most believe what this Government tells them.

However, the attacks on 9-11 and an ever increasing concern by the American people that this was orchestrated by their own Government have now begun to open their eyes to much larger problems.

While most are yet unaware of why these attacks were perpetrated, it is only a matter of time before they begin to learn about the Illuminati, and that this Government is being controlled by it. And furthermore, that the attacks on 9-11 were perpetrated against the American people to allow for the Patriot Act legislation which would gut the Bill Of Rights and destroy their Civil Liberties, making them much easier for the Illuminati to control.

Many people are now stating their belief that the Patriot Act legislation was in existence before the 9- 11 attacks and that 9-11 was specifically used to give George W. Bush a reason to enact such fascist legislation.

And it now appears that these people are right on target.

For those who are reading today's post, I implore you to read John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA. If I had the money I would pay people to read this lawsuit -- that is how important it is to your futures.

Akwei, a former employee of the National Security Agency became a whistleblower in regard to certain NSA agents using this Agency's Remote Neural Monitoring technology to illegaly spy on and manipulate the minds of targeted Americans.

Akwei himself became targeted for abuse by this Agency through the use of these weapons once he came forward, and has been a target for the past 14 years of his life.

*** On a side note, I took a trip out in my Father's truck last night, which I am convinced is having the electrical flow of current to its distributor being remotely manipulated, by way of the NSA or some device placed on the truck which can be accessed remotely.

My reason for this statement is that this vehicle can run fine for a period of time only to instantly begin to run poorly again. No mechanic that my Father has taken this vehicle to can explain this anomaly. It seems certain that it is being caused by the NSA, so I am documenting yet another instance when the NSA or someother members of its Intelligence community or their goon squad Gang Stalkers have again tampered with one of our vehicles -- a common practice.

I should note that since I have not driven much due to the constant stalking I am dealing with, that my car's battery is now dead. Furthermore, out of concern that my motorcyle will be damaged while it is out of my sight, I have yet to bring it in to be serviced or inspected.

This is yet another way in which the perps have violated my Civil Rights. The make it nearly impossible for me to conduct normal transactions that should be done very easily. One of their goals is to prevent me from being mobile. And I have seen this being reported by many other

What the hell is wrong with these people? This is America? The people attacking us like this are not Americans -- they are brainwashed NAZI's.

I can't get my motorcycle inspected without worrying that it will be deliberately vandalized while at the dealer????

As far as I am concerned this means that it is time to take America back from these psychopaths. They will not return the freedoms that they have stolen from us, so it is going to be necessary for us to take them back one way or another.

And we will take them back, or die trying. However, we are not going to make it easy for these NAZI's to get away with the EXTREME crimes that they have perpetrated against us!

I also noticed that when I drove last night (for the first time in about 6 weeks) that the usual crowds of gang stalkers were not present. There were a few here and there, however, a much smaller number than the significant numbers of vehicles which usually stalk me.

This is a big change from having hundreds of vehicles stalking me at once while being followed by at least one or two aircraft at a time. Lately the aircraft have all but disappeared. And while the stalking continues it appears less regimented (a bit sloppy actually), as though those now doing the stalking are losing their motivation. Or perhaps have the FEDs who were following me early on, simply moved out of the area and only left a few agents, to control the masses of others whom they coopt into this illegal activity?

I don't have access to mind control technology as these perps do, but it is clear that the military precision that was once so prevalent seems to have lost a step over the past several months.

Of course, having now made this statement they may just go all out to disprove me. However, there is no doubt that over the past few weeks things have quieted a bit. And listing the names of some neighbors will in my blog may have had something to do with it.

It does not matter though, because stalking is for life. And I am well aquainted with the psychotic actions of the organized stalker and his depravity. So I will continue to document this SICK harassment for as long as I am physically able to.

With this statement I could well find jets overhead again by this evening and the next time I travel out, a thousand or more cars ready to follow me whereever I go. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

The FEDS and these stalkers are of the belief that we are not entitled to the same rights that they are. This is not only an erroneous assumption, it is the product of arrogant and controlling minds - something that is characterstic of the FBI, NSA and CIA.

However these people (NAZI's that they are) will find that those of us whom they are Target are in most cases more than up to the challenge of defending our rights, even when these miscreants believe that we have no right to.

I know that they FEDS have taken every cheap shot that they can at me. There is no doubt in my mind about this. And what they have done is anger me to the point where I will not stop until I have exposed every aspect of the violations of privacy that they are perpetrating on all Americans.

These are cowards. And they are the product of some of the most despicable organizations ever created -- the brainchild of NAZI's -- and that same criminal and depraved mindset prevails in all they do. FBI, NSA CIA, (DHS) Homeland Security -- same concept, different acronym.

This is, however, not a slur on all Federal agents. There are a few good ones, but their work is completely overshadowed by those corrupted agents who use COINTELPRO style tactics to violate the Bill Of Rights and the Civil Rights of the American people. Even more disturbing is that should they choose to expose crimes being committed within the Bureau they will be targeted as whistle blowers and find themselves under attack by every agent from the upper brass straight on down to the grunts within these organizations.

Another day, another post describing this despicable behavior by some very disturbed people who belong in a federal prison.


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