Friday, August 18, 2006

The Helicopter Theme & Other Musings

The past two mornings I have had helicopters passing over my home several times -- obviously not just commercial air traffic. Early on in the overt harassment against me, this aspect of the FEDS' attacks was constant. A helicopter was placed somewhere in the local area around my home with the prop spinning so that I could hear it whenever I was outside. This went on for months as a form of psychological harassment.

Over the past few days, in keeping with their aggressive "Things are heating up" theme the copters are back. What their fascination is with the helicopter is beyond me. I have not had a real interest in these aircraft other than as alternative modes of air travel. However, I do find some of them to be interesting to look at, especially the Military chopper that carries the President to his meetings.

However, aside from the house rattling from these noisy contraptions, they don't really have much of an impact on me one way or the other. I just see them as yet another act of stupidity by the FEDS and a collosal waste of taxpayer dollars.

But then again, I have also seen more more rubber and gasoline being expended in the FEDS' psywarfare attacks on me then most people could possibly imagine. Not to mention the wear on tear on some of the vehicles being used which these perps beat on mercilessly, many times flooring their engines to their redline. Exactly what benefit is there to racing cars up and down a road in front of a TI's home at all hours of the day and night? What are they trying to prove? At $3 a gallon why not just park the car and jump up and down like a jackass? At least this way you save money on fuel -- which where the FEDS are concerned is important, since the American taxpayers are footing the bill for it.

What I want to know is how can using dozens or perhaps at times even hundreds of people to harass someone be cost effective? If you have 100 people on an assembly line working on one computer how long do you think you would stay in business?

Yet this mind-set prevails within the Intelligence community as is displayed by its psychological warfare tactics. It's like when they spy on us within our own homes. You know that when the FEDS are watching you every second of your life for decades they are looking to nail you for something -- there is no objectivity here -- the decision has been made to attack you -- they are just looking for a reason & venue in which to do so.

But in my case (and for that matter a great many others)what can be said for an agency that has spied on me every second of the day for more than 20 years and must still resort to psychological warfare to attack me?

If I am such a criminal, why is it that it has taken so long? For certain, any legitimate criminal would have been caught within the first few months of the FBI's spying -- if a bit longer, no doubt within the first year. So 25 years later they are still sitting here looking to entrap me? And perhaps they even kept a grand jury empaneled for what would certainly be a "Guiness Book Of World Records" time, in efforts to just dig up whatever they can either find or fabricate to charge me with. I have a strong suspicion that this is what is going on in my situation,as well as those of many others being targeted here. Again, the violations of my Constitutional Rights are so completely outrageous that they would set yet another precedent in this instance.

Let's call it for what it is. The FEDS don't like some of us and the Civil Rights laws have become very inconvenient for them, since they protect our rights. So the FEDS figure out a way to deny us our Constitutional Right to due process of law.

It just doesn't make much sense. When you are trying to get someone to commit crimes that they would ordinarly not, you are attempting to create a criminal. Now what part of any respectable law enforcement agency would attempt to create criminals, since their job is to prevent crime?

The FBI IS Big With Numbers

Like many other TI's, I have also noticed that the FEDS and their Gang Stalking crews like to incorporate the use of numbers into their psywarfare campaigns. By this I don't necessarily mean that they actually use numerals (althought at times they do), but use a certain number of objects in order to manipulate at Target's thoughts. For instance, many times I will see two of an object repeatedly for a number of days such as the past few. Two horses, two blue vans, two verizon trucks, two people walking, two boxes of the same product etc. At other times they will shift to three of something and keep that theme going for a while. In every aspect of what they do, I get the impression that the themes they attempt to convey are only part of their intent.

Overstimulating our senses to the point where we become mentally incapacitated by this senseless and depraved harassment, seems to be their overall goal. However, they are not above using an item, or trigger word or phrase to convey several messages at a time.

It all has to do with driving the Target insane. I will admit that because my harassment began as the result of a vendetta waged by an FBI agent, that said harassment and the extensive resources in which to carry it out are probably more extreme for myself then what is experienced by most TI's. Your average stalking victim is not followed by jets wherever they go -- although a number of TI's who've been stalked by the Government have reported this. Moreover, they don't have the FBI using its authority to violate WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE their Civil Rights, the way that mine have been, by using the local media to make the Target known in a negative way to his community.

Is it any wonder why so many Government Targets claim that they are recognized by total strangers within their communities when they travel out? Exactly how is it that the FEDS can get away with this? And how is it that all of these people seem to recognize us, even though we have never seen them before?

Well, it's actually pretty simple. They insert their own TV broadcast signal into the TI's home so that they are now in a virtual media blackout, receiving only the NSA programming that the FEDS want the TI to see.

While this is happening, the local TV stations can broadcast information about the TI so that the public is now aware of them and can be used as taking part in their harassment. And of course the TI has no clue that this occurring. There is a term for this type of activity -- A Criminal Conspiracy.

This is a case where the bully (the FBI and its bretheren) decide to take it upon themselves to ILLEGALLY revoke the TI's Civil Rights, thus subjecting them to the bullying of every person that the FEDS decide to include in this harassment.

Now in my case FBI special agent Raymond Migliore decided that he was going to destroy my life decades ago. His plan was to use the FBI to gradually destroy my credibility, my reputation, and all of my relationships. This was to be done covertly. A more aggressive stage to this plan would eventually take shape in which my harassment would become so extreme that it could no longer be considered coincidental.

And that is exactly what has happened. Although something would occur that even Ray could not have forseen -- I would find others who have experiened similar harassment and learn how the Government was doing it. From there I would be able to expose this crime that Ray perpetrated against me, and isolate the specific ways in which he managed to carry them out.

Now I have become a major problem for Ray and every Intelligence officer who has taken part in this conspiracy. And I have noticed that lately those sadistic smiles of theirs seem to have turned to looks of frustration and intense anger.

Of course if anyone should be angry here, it should be my Family and me, since we are the ones who (thanks to Ray) have had our Civil Rights violated in the most egregious ways ever documented.

Yet I should note that the FBI's attack on us whether orchestrated by one FBI agent or a group of them is not unique. The Bureau has done this to a great many people over the years, including some of its very own agents. When these agents witnessed crimes being committed within the Bureau and reported them, one would have thought that they should have been rewarded for it. However, instead of being commended for their honesty they were harassed. Many were forced to resign, and experienced a chronic case of harassment which resulted in the end of their relationships with Family, spouses, friends and even their own communities.
In fact, there was a scandal like this within the National Security Agency several months ago in which a number of whistle blowers came forward to describe how they were literally "outed" by NSA top brass, because they reported wrong doing within the Agency. A former NSA agent by the name of Russell Tice was perhaps the most public of these people, and back in May he went before a Senate subcomittee hearing to describe what he knew about these NSA crimes.

Of course, the public never heard the results of Tice's testimony because what he has to say would have floored the public, being that it was coming directly from an NSA employee.

We can be certain that Tice discussed the NSA's illegal use of Remote Neural Monitoring and the extensive way in which it is being employed against most if not all Americans since 9-11. So what happened to Tice and all of the rest of the Federal Intelligence agents who become whistle blowers?

To put it as conscisely as possible: they were all black listed!

They will never again find a job in US Intelligence. In fact they will probably be lucky if they can find a job anywhere, since the NSA's top brass are now going to make their lives as difficult as possible. Up until this recent defection Tice and some of his colleagues, the public never heard about the NSA. Most Americans probably had no idea what it was -- I know that I never had.

Imagine how much of a shock it was to me to find out that this Agency that I had never heard of not only knew who I was, but had been watching ILLEGALLY spying on me with one at least one of its satellites for the past 25 years! And if that was not bad enough, just imagine what it is like to have NSA employees known as cryptologists using these same satellites to also read and manipulate your thoughts.

And it gets even worse when you find out that they are doing it to millions of your own fellow citizens, 99% of whom do not have a clue.

Now can you see why the FEDS would want me out of society? Can you see why they would want anyone who knew about this DIRTY SECRET of theirs away from the public?

The NSA is doing some really bad things -- and this technology sneaks right into your home and your mind and you never have a clue that it is being done to you.

That is, unless these perps decide to make themselves known to you.

Its refered to as going from Covert to Overt mode. Suddenly you are being made aware that your thoughts are being scanned and even manipulated. You are also being made aware that you are being watched everywhere you go, including the privacy of your own bathrooms and bedrooms. And this isn't science fiction we are talking about here. This is an electric monitoring system which uses both advanced computers and
satellites to monitor your every thought and every move.

And if you know about this technology, and can document that is has been used on you, you have now become a very significant concern for the NSA and the rest of the Federal Intelligence community, which depends on this system to spy on all Americans.

Moreover, it is very clear from this that the NSA & FBI are acting well outside of their purview as intelligence gatherer and law enforcement, and perpetrating some very serious crimes against those whom they choose to target. And from what I have observed, if the FBI will attack one of its own agents simply because they blew the whistle on crime within the Agency, you can well imagine what they will do to those of us whom they target, who are outside of this Agency.

We are talking about being subjected to psychological warfare and directed energy weapons (weapons which many TI's have even seen patents for), however which are denied by the US Military and Federal Intelligence communities.

It is very disturbing when you are being attacked by people using these weapons, to contact your local politicians only to be told that they researched your inquires and were told by the Military or Intelligence communities that these weapons simply don't exist. Of course you know they exist because you are being tortured by them on a regular basis.

As TI's we are forced to deal with communities that have been turned against us without having ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of any wrong doing. It is clear that the Federal Intelligence community has grossly abused its authority in these instances, yet these agencies are constantly being let off the hook for serious breaches of ethics.

And the longer this harassment goes on, the more the FEDS will demonize the people they attack. When you are portrayed as Hitler, Drefus and Ghengus Kan all rolled into one, yet have no criminal record to speak of, you know that the FBI is spinning its black propaganda web against you.

However, one would think that as the premier law enforcement agency in America, the FBI would be adamant about preserving the Civil Rights of every American citizen. Yet one must only look at the FBI's COINTELPRO history to know that this agency does not like Civil Rights, or any persons who attempt to stand up for theirs.

The Internet is replete with accounts of American citizens who have had their lives destroyed by the FBI and its anti-American COINTELPRO tactics.

If the FBI is lying about the ways in which it is conducting its investigations we must ask ourselves why? And if the agents within this organization are routinely violating the laws that they are sworn to uphold, exactly how is it that the FBI is protecting the American people?

After all, if you're a federal agent, you should be squeaky clean -- a role model for the rest of us. However, based on what I have experienced with this organization, a role model for the American people is the last thing the FBI is. They are a better example of how to commit the worst crimes imaginable and get away with them. And to say that these agents take themselves way too seriously is another major understatement. Those suffering from a God complex is probably the best description of them.

The only reason that I have been harassed to the extreme that I have is because of one FBI agent who decided that he was going to use his position at the FBI to make my life a living nightmare. And this unindicted felon succeeded. Not only did this prick attack me, but because of his actions my Family and several friends were also attacked and have had their Civil Rights violated to an extreme.

Now the FBI is not going to stop this harassment campaign. I am well aware of that. I am ever certain that if they can't find some trumped up charges to arrest me for, that they will find a way in which to murder me, because they know that I have no intention of stopping my exposure of their crimes against us, regardless of what they attempt to do. Through Migliore, the FBI instigated what would turn out to be one of the biggest violations of Civil Rights and wastes of taxpayer in United States history.

And believe me when I tell you, when the American people find out about it they are not going be too pleased. Especially when they learn how FBI agents use the Bureau as their own personal vendetta service. If you are an FBI agent and you have someone you don't like put 'em under 24/7/365 surveillance let the cameras roll. Who knows what you'll dig up and the public will never the wiser because you are using advanced technology to get away with it. Of course the Constitution forbids this type of warrantless spying, but who's to know right?

The real irony is that when the FBI goes public with its information everyone imagines that they are being told the truth. Whenever I used to hear a radio announcement regarding the FBI I took it seriously. That was before I witnessed first hand the complete manipulations that this organization is capable of.

If there is a lie that can spun into the truth the FBI has done it.

And should they decide to target anyone, given enough time they can turn anyone into a felon, through the use of dirty tricks such as coercion and entrapment. Even your own Family and friends can be turned against you when the FEDS put them under enough pressure. There is no rule of law here. This is an all out assault on
your Civil Rights and the FBI and NSA know it. They just want to see how far they can push things to see if they can get away with it.


The FBI doesn't just put people under surveillance. They study us. They play us. They stage events to entrap us. They pit us against eachother. They use black propaganda to twist the facts in a situation around. And then to make matters worse, they demonize and dehumanize their prey to cause their complete destruction. The
campaign that they create to destroy someone they target is tailor-made for that target, so that the Target fits the profile that the FEDS have created for them as neatly as possible.

The FBI is about the untruth. It is about the perpetuation of disinformation. The maintainence of the status quo, and a most vicious character assassination of those who they believe to be a threat to it.

And I am not overstating the case when I say that there are few people in the history of this country who have had their Civil Rights violated by the FBI and certain other Intelligence agencies worse than I have. We are talking about some of the most outrageous violations of privacy, and both Civil and Human Rights ever recorded. Is it any wonder why the FEDS are doing their best to drive me insane, when any attempt that they would make to proceed in a legal way would only serve to expose the extensive criminality that they have taken part in here.

Enough for one day. Just the thought of these thugs and what they have been allowed to get away with since their inception is giving me a major headache. All this time I thought I lived with my Family. I had no idea that I had regular members of the NSA watching me as I slept, used my bathroom and in lived day to day.

If these aspect of the NSA gets out to the mainstream public expect to see the biggest shakeup in US Government that this country has ever experienced in its 230 year history. When you see a building collapsing around you you take note of it and get out of the way.

If the American learn of this information and doing nothing about it, we will all die as the building collapses in us. We cannot let that happen.


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