Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The FBI's TWA FLIGHT 800 Coverup

Even 10 years after the terrorist attack which destroyed TWA Flight 800, killing all 230 passengers aboard, it's still being covered up by the FBI. More than 200 people saw a ground to air flare of some type strike the doomed flight. So after all these years, why is the FBI still denying it? And for that matter, why with such clear evidence of a coverup, has the mainstream media chosen to perpetuate the FBI's lie, rather than reporting the truth?

This is far from the only SECRET that the FBI is keeping from the American people. This organization's fingerprints are all over the coverup in regard to the 9-11 attacks as well. Where are the three black boxes that two workers at the World Trade Center Towers saw sitting in the back of an ATV? And where are all of the tapes from the Pentagon and surrounding businesses which captured exactly what happened on 9-11 and could clearly show the American people whether or not a 757 hit the Pentagon or if it was something else that did all of that damage.

One thing's for certain, the FBI is not pursuing any legitimate leads in regard to 9-11. If anything this organization has obstructed justice and aided and abetted those who perpetrated the terrorist attacks on that fateful day in 2001. As for TWA Flight 800, the truth is that this plane was destroyed by a missile attack. That is not in question here. However, what is in question is who perpetrated this attack. Was it deliberate, or done accidentally by a Naval ship?

A convenient cover that was provided for conspiracy buffs is that there was a speed boat seen leaving the area which was never stopped. And no investigation was ever followed up on in regard to this vessel. One would have thought that if this vessel existed, it would have been thoughly investigated by the FBI. Yet no investigation ever took place.

It is more likely that this phantom craft was created to derail those who may have concluded that this missle was fired from a Navy ship. The real issue is was it done deliberately or by accident? Back in 1996 I would have thought for certain that it was the latter. However since then I am leaning towards my first choice. It certainly won't be the first time that a terrorist attack by a Government was deliberately perpetrated in order to cause a state of fear within its own people.

The following is an excellent Website covering the TRUTH about this disaster, something that the US Media refuses to go near. One must ask, if the mainsteam US media cannot be counted on to provide us with anything but Government run propaganda and the fluff pieces that it usually covers, is it really serving any as benefit to us at all?


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