Thursday, August 17, 2006

Blogger To Blogger To AJH

John, I thought long and hard about the past post and realized that it was beneath me to attack you in the same way that you have attacked me. Sadly, you are typical of the people that the perps are able to manipulate. Your dry wit enables you a certain latitude in your phrasing of words, but the truth is that your judgemental attitude here is neither appreciated nor wanted.

I'll not bother to look at your Website again, simply because your writing style and the content of your posts was far better before my perps coopted you into including their snide characterizations. And when you are an organization that spends its time spying on people within the privacy of their own bedrooms and bathrooms you are as depraved as it gets. People don't get any worse than those who rape the minds of others.

As for your travails and your obvious disdain for your parents, I don't know your story, and it is really none of my business. Unlike you, I am not going to pass judgement. There's more than enough of that going on, and by people who are so corrupted and perverse, that they have no business judging anyone else, much less someone whom they have repeatedly tortured for years on end.

My advice to you is to stick with what you were writing before I contacted you, as your style was much crisper and compelling then. The stuff the feds are getting you to write simply is not you. And it is a waste of your talent, as well as a contamination of your blog. With this technology we have enough shit being pumped into our skulls. We don't need anymore by way of the FBI or Homeland Security -- two organizations that are as corrupted and fucked up as any two can be -- unless of course you appreciate having your Civil Liberties trashed on a daily basis, by people who believe that the Bill Of The Rights is something that is to be circumvented instead of abided by.

Please don't respond because I will not read it. I have enough triggered garbage to read on a daily basis, not counting the synthetic telepathy that they pump into my skull at night. You don't seem to have suffered from the sexual assaults or the perversions in the attacks on you -- or if you have you keep to what is safe to talk about, and leave the rest out. However, to be helpful to other TI's we can't just talk about those aspects of the attacks that we feel are on safe ground -- we have to discuss all of them so that other TI's can feel that it is OK to describe their torment. Leaving out the crucial parts because you believe that they may not be socially acceptable, is of no help to others suffering from these attacks.

The sexual perversions that are placed in our minds are a reality. We can do our best to fight them, but that does not change what is being done to us, or the affects that this technology has on our libidos or our psyches. For all of your descriptions of finger flipping food and dithering key strokes and things of the color brown, there is a lot more going on with this technology than these safe to discuss aspects of these assaults, which I am sure that you are aware of.

And to discuss these aspects while leaving out far more critical ones is not a true
representation of what is going on with most of us. The sexual aspect is once again taboo to speak of. However, there are more TI's speaking out about it because what we are being subjected to is so outrageous that no one can justify it on any terms. And the fact that in most cases it is federal law enforcement that is behind it only makes matters worse.

Best to you in your travels. And remember, don't judge anyone else unless ye want to be judged as well. Because it will happen.



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