Saturday, August 19, 2006

Use Of License Plates In Street Theatre

When it comes to the various angles that our perpetrators use against us, it would seem that no venue including the automobile is safe for the TI. I have witnessed perhaps 2000 or more situations where vehicles with either personalized plates or some other aspect of the vehicle were used to convey a theme, in regard to the Gang Stalking that was taking place against me.

Not all plates were personalized but a few which come to mind were:


There have been so many that it's been difficult to keep track. One thing's for certain, they are in most cases not the plates registered to these cars. And early on when my harassment became overt and I was alerted to the fact that the perps could hear me. I kept thinking that my house must be bugged. That afternoon while traveling out I noticed a VW Beetle (also known as a bug) with a personalized plate that said "RUBUGINYET." I would see many VW bugs after this and to this day many with some type of applicable personalized plate. As a matter of fact, if I should travel out randomly, there is a good chance that I will see one whenever I do.

The advantage that I have is that I am extremely unpredictable, to the point where at times even I don't know what I am doing until the last minute. And while there is no doubt that the perps do influence my thoughts, I am now vigilant in watching them, something that I was unable to do before I became aware that I was being targeted.

Something that has also turned out to be of some advantage is that I do not sleep in a conventional sense having suffered some sort of damage to the part of my brain which controls the ability to become unconscious. I can safely say that I have not fallen into an unconscious sleep since August 2nd of 1993, when my Lyme disease symptoms became apparent after a second deer tick bite.

Unless there is someone out there who has not slept in more than 13 years, I can easily lay claim to the longest time by a human without sleep. And I will gladly take on a challenge by any sleep clinic to prove that what I am saying is the truth, because I know that I can prove it.

As for the perps' use of mind reading technology, it was of course done to make me paranoid and it certainly worked. Of course since that time I have become so densensitized to this type of harassment that it is nowhere as effective on me as it used to be.

Back then, I was so naive in regard to the technology that was being employed. When I knew that they could hear and see me within my own home it was one thing. But the day I found that they could read my mind -- that was another situation altogether.

As it suddenly became apparent that my Family's home has been on Government satellite videocam for years watching everything we have said and done I did not get frightened -- I became infuriated. And as I learned more about the complete LIE that this Government really is -- the complete fraud that our politicans and those RUNNING them have perpetrated on the American people -- I knew that the rest of my life was going to be miserable no matter what I did.

I don't even watch TV anymore. And when on occasion I hear a bit of news on the radio in between music, it just reinforces the lies we are being told. My Family is still living in a world where they fear death -- even at times life. I can honestly say that I fear neither. I have been relentlessly tortured for three consecutive years, and that only concerns the Government's use of psywarfare and directed energy weapons.

I spent the 10 years prior to that suffering in ways that most people can't begin to comprehend, as several different pathogenic illnesses, at least one of which was a biological weapon, attacked my central nervous system, crossing the blood brain barrier and doing significant damage. Your body is meant to serve as your container (if you will) while you are on earth. It is not meant to host many different pathogens and support them as well. And I can tell you that the body does not do a very good job of functioning when it is trying to support you and these pathogens
at the same time.

You feel as if you barely have enough energy to survive -- even a walk across a small room can be agonizing. And when you have lived with this long enough you prefer to die rather than live such a life of misery. As a former Roman Catholic I prayed to heal for months -- three and four times a day saying the Rosary. After 6 months of this and being bedridden the entire time, I began praying to die. I kept thinking this is not living so just let me die. And after another 6 months my Family poured me into the back of their car and took me to a doctor who was able to be of help. He never cured me of Lyme disease, but he did help me as he has done with many others. So were my prayers answered? Or was it just a coincidence? How is that I had stopped praying for at least 6 months before we learned of this doctor?

But Lyme has left me with several physical problems, and none which seem to have been able to reconcile themselves. And the FEDS use of directed energy to attack my brain and central nervous system is only making the problem worse. So why fear death? This virtual imprisonment is not worth living -- where everyday these sick bastards get their sadistic rocks off finding news ways in which to attack me. These NAZI pigs will eventally get what is coming to them. I know they are cowards and I know that when it does they will break down begging for mercy. But swine this like deserves no mercy. Killing them is even too good for them because they wouldn't suffer enough and they can only learn compassion for others through suffering.

As for the FEDS, they may have high tech weapons to use to torture us, but their mentality is back in the stone age and if only we could teleport them back to where they belong.

As for myself, even if the attacks ended, which they won't, I would still have to live knowing that everything that I thought was true about this country has been a complete LIE. And you don't recover from that unless you free yourself from the societal brainwashing that has been imposed on you by way of your schooling, the media and this Government and its propaganda.

And to move on means that you must leave everything including those you love behind you. And given the damage that the FEDS have caused between my Family and self, it really is just too painful to think about. They have been thoroughly brainwashed over the past three years and any love that they ever experienced for me is long gone. The perps have proven one thing to me. Love is based on many conditions and evil can and will triumph over it if allowed to.

I love my Family unconditionally. I would have to given the psychological warfare that the FEDS and their Gang Stalkers have demanded that they impose on me in the past three years.

And I do love them. So in spite of it all, I win, the stalkers and their Federal orchestrators lose. Like I said, you can only be controlled by those whom you allow to control you. Could the perps continue to control me as they have in the past? I doubt it. Because I have distanced myself from those aspects of control that they depend on. Oh they can try to control me. They can even kill me with these weapons. It is not very diffiucult to do. But they have someone here who they can no longer manipulate -- someone who knows exactly what evil they are.

What this Government has done to us is unforgivable, and so extremely cruel that words cannot convey it. When your own Government rips your heart out by taking your Family from you it becomes your enemy. And the United States Federal Government is my enemy, and the enemy of all Targeted Individuals. I have no use for it and I have no forgivness for those who have attacked us in such despicable ways.

You will never control me and you will never have my servitude or my allegiance. You are all TRAITORS and you should be hung for betraying your countrymen. As for death I will willingly accept it before I ever acknowlege you as being anything more than the tyrants that you are.

As for the plates, the following is an interesting article which builds on the psychological aspects of their use. Moreover, it also covers the use of lighting as a harassment tool to use against the TI's. I had mentioned this aspect of my harassment a few blogs back, and this TI has many similar experiences with it, including the use of the lighting on his neighbors' homes as a source of psychological warfare. While he believes that these lights are triggered locally, and many times by the perps who are in the area (which they can be), I think that in many instances these lights are triggered by way of satellites.

Anyway, the article:


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