Friday, August 18, 2006

The FBI's Statement On Civil Rights

The following is a statement taken straight off the FBI's Website - hence the quotation marks:

"The FBI is the lead agency for investigating violations of federal civil rights laws…and we take that responsibility seriously. Why? Because as Director Mueller has said, “When just one of us loses just one of our rights, then the freedoms of all of us are diminished.” Find out here how we aggressively investigate and work to prevent hate crime, color of law abuses, human trafficking, and freedom of access to clinic entrances violations—the four top priorities of our civil rights program. And learn how you can report suspected abuses and obtain assistance if you have been victimized."

Robert Mueller:

If the FBI is so interested in protecting the Civil Rights of American citizens, as the above mission statement conveys, how is it that so many Americans have documented precedent setting Civil Rights violations at the hands of other FBI agents?

Both my Family and I have also been subjected to this type of vicious harassment by one of your so called agents "Raymond Migliore," who catalysed what would turn out to be a mainstream conspiracy against me, in which I was villified by the FBI and demonized by them to the public -- all of this without having ever been arrested or for that matter convicted of any crime. Exactly where is due process of law in this situation? It appears to be non existent.

It is clear from my experiences which mirror those of a number of other individuals targeted for this abuse, that the FBI's mission statement is a blatant LIE, looking to mislead the American public. And moreover, that this organization is one of the greatest threats to American Civil Liberties that we can imagine, since it does not respect the Bill Of Rights or the US Constitution.

Mr. Mueller, perhaps you can tell me how it is that the FBI can spy on Americans within the privacy of their own bathrooms and bedrooms and still be respecting their Civil Rights? I think all Americans would appreciate your answer to this question, since so many of them are being affected by invasions of privacy at this level, that they too have become unwitting victims of the FBI.

Jim Marino
US Government Mind Control Target/Activist


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