Saturday, August 19, 2006

The FBI & Its COINTELPRO Operations

Every American citizen should be familiar with the FBI's counter-intelligence program dubbed COINTELPRO. Unfortunately, most Americans are not. Now while COINTELPRO is described as a program that the FBI conducted from 1956 until 1971, under the late FBI director, John Edgar Hoover, it is clear that this program continues covertly in the present day.

The FBI's COINTELPRO tactics are criminal. They are in violation of every Civil and Human Rights laws in existence and employ the use of psychological as well as electronic warfare.

American citizens are being tortured en masse by the FBI and NSA, as well as many other Government agencies. And the watchword for them when confronted with complaints has routinely been to deny that this technology even exists. The FBI has also labeled those TI's voicing complaints as being mentally unstable. And it should be noted that many of these TI's have reported an increase in the attacks against them after contacting the FBI, which is further evidence that this organization itself is sanctioning these types of attacks on the American

Having been subjected to the FBI's COINTELPRO operations for the past few decades, and heavily so over the past three years, I can say without hesitation that this organization is corrupt. It commits the crimes that it was formed to prevent. These crimes include everything from the illegal use of electronic warfare to the use of Gang Stalking, where the individual or individuals being Targeted are constantly being subjected to both psychological and physical attacks by way of directed energy weapons.

Those who perpetrate these attacks on us are relentless. They destroy our relationships with our Families, friends and communities. They stalk us; they commit crimes against us that would put any ordinary citizen in prison. Yet because they are Federal Intelligence, they continue to commit these crimes with impunity.

And they are doing so on an extremely wide scale. They will spy on those they Target within the privacy of their own homes. They will slander these Targets through the use of calumny and deny them their right due process of law. They will in fact relentlessly pursue these Targets to death.

They will turn any individual or group with whom the Targeted Individual comes in contact with, against them. When the FBI is involved in these attacs, there appear to be no exceptions here. If a TI happens to be targeted by a member of the FBI or other Intelligence agencies, he will be attacked with extreme prejudice, having his Civil Rights routinely violated in the most egregious of ways.

These Federal agents who perpetrate these crimes will use all their resources in which to do so including that of a black propaganda campaign, in which to both attack the TI and alienate them from all others. Please note that most TI's have no criminal records and that these attacks are in direct violation of the US Bill Of Rights and Constitution.

Moreover, the TI's have absolutely no chance of being treated fairly, simply because they are demonized within their community, and completely alienated from everyone, and in most cases this also includes their own Families. It should also be known that should the Families or friends of these Targeted Indivduals attempt to help the TI, they will find themselves being attacked by the FEDS or the "Goon Squad" Stalking Groups that they keep in their employ.

What is most concerning about this is that we now have law enforcement operating as a criminal network. And this network can only be described as something which was created to perpetrate a very large criminal conspiracy, and by those who do not believe in democratic rule. For those who believe that they are entitled to due process of law yet would deny the same to others reveals that they do not believe in a democratic way of rule.

Totalitarian governments have routinely operated in this way, in which the Aristocracy and Military lived very comfortable lives and existed above the laws of the Government, while the rest of the people were forced to live like peasants and denied their Civil Rights.

This is now becoming a major problem within the United States with a myriad of new cases of Americans being subjected to Gang Stalking and targeted for directed energy weapons. What I have found even more disturbing is how those in outreach programs claiming to help those being targeted, will inject their own prejudices into the situation, and in many instances form cliques, in which certain people will be denied access, or find themselves being psychologically abused by these TI victims in the same ways in which they themselves are being abused.

I have personally witnessed this on many occasions and know of several other TI's who have as well. It is a very disturbing situation to say the least, and there is no question that these TI's are being influenced by other perpetrators outside their groups.

What Americans now have is the US Federal Government declaring war on the American people and their Civil Liberties, and directly threatening the very Constitutional laws which it was established on. So it is clear that this Government is no longer operating as the American people designed it to.

The real issue now is what must be done to correct it? We cannot allow the Government to continue to violate our Civil Rights in the ways that it has. When you have the FBI and NSA illegally spying on Americans for decades within the privacy of their own homes, that is an act of treason. And when these agencies are also using synthetic telepathy to attack our minds we must now conclude that this Government is threatening our lives, and must be dealt with accordingly.

The sheer arrogance of Agencies like the FBI, NSA and CIA show nothing but contempt for the American people and the Freedoms which this country was founded on. In reality, these organizations are no longer serving any positive function within the United States, so the American people must ask themselves, exactly why it is that these agencies given their illegal experimentation on us and use of electronic warfare, have not been prevented from doing so?

It appears that the only way that these agencies will be stopped is for the American people themselves to do so, as it seems that Congress is now powerless to reign them in.

The following is a link to many Websites on COINTELPRO. Please share them with others so that the American people can begin to understand the threats that they are under from these organizations. While COINTELPRO has always been associated with the FBI, it's clear that the entire US Intelligence community employs these tactics in their counter-intelligence operations.

The real issue is that if they must commit crimes through the use of these operations, and then lie about them to the American public, they should not be employing them at all.


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