Wednesday, August 13, 2008

If You Read One Book This Year Make It "SPYCHIPS" -- The Most Important Investigative Research Into RFID Tracking Chips Done To Date

I recently finished reading the shockingly disturbing book * "SPYCHIPS" written by authors Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre. This book discusses the threat that the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Chip) represents to our privacy and individual freedoms. All through the book I kept wanting to tell these two intelligent women, that the privacy which they believe will ultimately be lost by these RFID chips, was in fact already lost way back in 1980, when the NSA began deploying its satellite tracking systems on the global population.

And moreover, that in all likelihood, they were both being monitored by way of such satellite tracking and computer to brain link technology 24 hours a day, given their courageous and aggressive campaign to take on the U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence complex. As well as those within the private sector who are presently attempting to employ the use of RFID chips in myriad products, as part of the New World Order agenda -- one in which information hub agencies like the NSA will be used to collect the most complete dossiers on the human race ever before documented within the annuals of human history.

George Orwell's "1984 Big Brother" on steroids!

* See my earlier review here:

You can order this excellent book at the following Website.

Click on the link below:

Excerpts from the book "SPYCHIPS"


"Still think it couldn't happen to us? The rise of the bloodthirsty government like the Third Reich is anything but an isolated event. Government violence is a timeworn reality that stretches back throughout history. University of Hawaii professor R.I. Rummel has devoted his career to researching this phenomenon, which he calls: 'democide,' the killing of people by their own governments. What he has found is breathtaking -- and very scary."

"Hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered in cold blood by the very authorities that were supposed to be in charge of protecting them. In fact, in the twentieth century, people's own governments were four times more deadly than all the century's wars combined. Rummel cites examples of democide from around the globe -- from China, the Soviet Union, Germany, Portugal, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Poland, Pakistan, Turkey, Cambodia, North Korea - the list is mentally and emotionally exhausting."

"In total during the first eighty-eight years of the [20TH] century, almost 170 million men, women, and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed, or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people. It is as though our species has been devastated by a modern Black Plague. And indeed it has, but a plague of Power, not germs."

"What are we to make of these statistics? Rummel's conclusion goes to the heart of the problem. He writes that 'the way to end war and virtually eliminate democide appears to be through restricting and checking power' emphasis added."

"It all became clear when we found a General Services Administration (GSA) bulletin titled 'B-7 Radio Frequency Identification,' blatantly directing heads of federal agencies 'to consider action that can be taken to advance the [RFID] industry by demonstrating the long-term intent of the agency to adopt RFID technological solutions.' Apparently, since the spychippers knew they couldn't get consumers to sign on, they switched tactics to getting government agencies on board instead."

"Taxpayers have little say in the day-to-day purchasing decisions of federal agencies, so it was the perfect place to land high-profit and lucrative contracts -- right over the heads of the public. After all, how is a citizen going to protect the Social Security Administration's use of RFID to keep track of files? Not only could government agencies spend freely to support the RFID industry, but also their deployments would make it clear the technology had government-backed legitimacy. Quite a coup. "

U.S. Senators Vow to "Protect" SPYCHIPS

"As we know from the confidential documents we uncovered, the RFID industry has long been planning to use 'top tier' government officials to advance its agenda. Apparently, those efforts are now paying off. Not only is the GSA openly supporting RFID, but U.S. senators are getting on board, too. Rather than looking out for the interest of their constituents, our elected representatives are working overtime to protect and promote the interests of the RFID industry."

"One pro-RFID government missive to leave us reeling came from something called the 'Senator Republican High Tech Task Force,' which unveiled a set of policy programs in the spring of 2005. Unbelievably, one of their policy planks was a vow to 'protect' RFID. These senators announced they would: protect exciting new technologies from premature regulation of legislation in search of a problem. RFID holds tremendous promise for our economy including military logistics and commercial inventory efficiencies, and should not be saddled premature with regulation. "

"We were disturbed when we took a closer look at this 'task force' of elected officials. Its website describes it as 'a conduit for the technology industry.'But, wait a minute. We didn't elect these senators to represent the industry; we elected them to represent us."

"When did politicians become lackeys for industry instead of 'conduits' for the people? CASPIAN doesn't generally advocate legislative controls over RFID (we want labeling legislation only as we describe in Chapter Seventeen), but we certainly don't think it is appropriate for our elected representatives to gush about the technology, calling it 'exciting,' either. We're betting the lawmakers' exuberance will subside once their constituents read this book and learn that the 'exciting new technologies' their politicians are pushing involve Orwellian-style privacy invasions."

"There will always be those who believe the potential societal benefits of surveillance schemes outweigh the risks of abuse. However, though there is ample evidence that the supposed security 'benefits' of mass surveillance are quite doubtful, the risks of unchecked government control are very real and not to be discounted. As the police and other agents of the state increasingly tap into the power of the retail sector's growing arsenal of sophisticated surveillance technologies, we may soon find ourselves in the totalitarian nightmare described by George Orwell in 1984."

-- Katherine Albrecht & Liz McIntyre

Order SPYCHIPS here:
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