Monday, October 16, 2006

Project For An Old American Century -- A Website Exposing The PNAC

The PNAC (Project For A New American Century) was purported to have been created several years ago as a "think tank" to address some of America's global problems. In reality, the PNAC is a branch of the New World Order which was created to find plausible ways in which to continue and worsen the destabilizaton of the Middle East, and cut the legs out from under the United States Constitution, so that a dictator could gradually ascend to power in the United States.

The 9-11 attacks on the United States were the brainchild of this organization who used George W. Bush as their own personal hand puppet to accomplish their goals. And these goals have for the most part been achieved.

Unlike in the past where most Americans sat back from a safe distance as wars around the globe were fought, this time around it is their own country in which the next war will take place. And Americans are not going to be able to sit this one out, since the battle for their Civil Liberties is what this next war will be about.

Many Americans have already been made aware of just how bad off they are in this country at this time, while most are still laboring under the misconception that they are not in any real jeopardy. They are mistaken. They are very much in jeopardy and as the coming months unfold this will become increasingly apparent to most of them, as the madman in the White House continues his usurpation of the Constitution and the complete decimation of American democracy.

To not criticize Bush in light of what he has done must be considered unpatriotic. Bush believes that he is a man of destiny, and like Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and so many others who throughout human history have operated in the same fascist vein, he has become just as dangerous. And it's time that we all recognized what this monster has done to our country and made him and his accessories accountable for it.

Perhaps Mill said it best when he made the following statement nearly a Century and a half ago.

"Without dwelling upon supposititious cases, there are, in our own day, gross usurpations upon the liberty of private life."

John Stewart Mill

A Provocative & Informative Website:

The Project For An Old American Century


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