Sunday, October 15, 2006

Demonization Of Those Who Challenge Societies' Precepts Is Common Throughout Human History

If you are someone who has challenged the indoctrination of your culture, you are on the right track. Societies and their underlying governments are about social control, and able to survive only through the maintenance of a status quo. Those who question authority whether it be religious, political or other types of societal brainwashing, are a threat to this status quo and the government's which maintain them -- they will, consequently, always be attacked for their views.

While most people might think that a government would be the first to mount attacks against these people, in many repects it will be the so called "religious right" that casts the first stone. The religious right is hardly about true Christianity, but more about the fundamental use of religion as a form of brainwashing for social control. As such, in many respects formalized religions are a far more powerful influence on their parishoners than the body politic which governs their existence. Hence the call for the separation of church and state within the United States.

Of course the Bible thumpers who can quote scripture word for word will be the first to wage a vengeful attack on those who challenge their precepts. But then, when they claim that those who challenge their beliefs are evil and should be tortured and sent to the pit of hell, it's not exactly the "Christian thing to do," now is it? And the same can be said for all other forms of religion which promote violence towards others who happen to espouse different philosophies which challenge those of creationism.

If Christ for example, did indeed exist and was as good as we have been told, he would have hardly been as judgemental as these groups are, and looked to resolve any and all conflicts in a peaceful way. Clearly, society has failed in this vein, as violence through war appears to be the only way in which they can create the facade of peace.

However, when millions of people are dying around the globe through a deliberately orchestrated famine, others murdered through genocidal policies which allow for the creation of biological weapons such as the AIDS virus, and still others murdered through needless wars which profit only those whose sole purpose for war is based on greed, our conceptualization of peace clearly needs to be redefined.

I would truly like to believe that Jesus was real and as good as we have been told. However, in seeing how the human populace has turned out, murdering one another for the greed and power associated with both religious and political supremacy, one would have to wonder if he ever was. Even if he was incarnated into this life only one time as the Roman Catholic Bible has taught, it would appear that "His" teachings have had a less than critical impact on the human race.

Or were they even his teachings? Perhaps what started out as Jesus' teachings became so homogenized and contaminated though the usurpations of others far less qualified to do so, that most if not all of what Jesus meant to tell us was some how lost over time.

While there is no way to know for certain, one thing is. As a race, humans first and foremost need to think for themselves, and not be led by religious, political, or for that matter anyother types of mind warping indoctrination that attempt to alter their own perceptions of reality.

If Jesus did really exist, one must wonder if he himself would not have espoused a similar philosophy, in which people learned to believe in themselves before they could believe in anything else, including religious doctrine. Perhaps if humans truly believe in themselves they
won't need religious doctrine. Maybe that is what these religions are most afraid of?

When you say a prayer do you think about what the words mean everytime you say it, or do you just mouth the words without giving them any real thought? In having said these words so many times in the past is it just possible that they are in themselves a form of brainwashing to get you to think a certain way?

Some extremely worthwhile reading which may challenge your own fundamental belief system:

Ishmael By Daniel Quinn

The Story Of B by Daniel Quinn

Far Journeys by Robert A. Monroe

Ultimate Journey by Robert A. Monroe

Two books which clearly implicate the US Federal Government in the creation of biological weapons which were turned loose on American society. With much of their information gathered directly from the Freedom Of Information Act, these books are irrefutable proof of the complete wickedness found deep within the US Federal Government and most if not all governments.

The Brucellosis Triangle By Dr. Donald A. Scott

Lab 257 by Michael Christopher Carroll


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