Saturday, October 14, 2006

US Due Process Of Law -- Routinely Violated Here In The USA

United States Due Process of Law is called for by the US Constitution and protects the Civil Rights of every American citizen. To deprive any US citizen of their Civil Rights including that of due process of law is a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

As such, any persons who conspire to deprive an American citizen of their Civil Rights is in the commission of such a federal offense and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Unfortunately, too many federal agencies are routinely getting away with such crimes because the legislation prohibiting them is not being enforced as it should. These agencies, which include the FBI, NSA, CIA and numerous others (but especially the three aforementioned) are a major threat to American civil liberties and will continue to be until they are dissolved.

When these agencies can illegally spy on any American citizen within the United States and use technology which enables them to "electronically access" and manipulate the thoughts of such citizens, Americans must act in accordance with the laws of this land. Laws which call for the abrogration of such hideous abuses of Civil and Human rights, as well as those organizations that are in the commission of such.

The FBI, NSA and CIA are all included here, since their crimes against humanity are well documented throughout their criminal histories.

Only cowards would allow themselves to be abused by these organizations without at least attempting to expose such treasonous crimes to the American people and to prevent any further occurences of such.


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