Monday, October 09, 2006

Final Blogger To Blogger To A John Hughes

John as you well know the FEDS like to use other TI's in their attacks on me. I'm not the first TI that they have done it to and I certainly won't be the last. For them it is a game of psywarfare as "you" well know, usually filled with a few truths and many LIES.

I know that it is difficult, but try to avoid the temptation to give into the darkside that they represent whether it concerns their attacks on me or someone else whom they might try to get you to go after. You are a very easy target for them to manipulate and the hatred that you experience for your oppressors can be easily directed towards others who mean you no harm.

And believe me when I tell you that the FBI and DHS are not your friends, mine or anyone else's. They are "USERS" who will bleed you dry to get what they need and leave you FLAT when you no longer serve their purpose. Just ask Charles Schlund what the FBI did to him when they no longer found him useful.

Long ago Americans should have called for the abrogation of both the FBI and DHS, since they are a very real threat the Civil Liberties of all Americans and have absolutely no respect for us or our Constitution. They never have and they never will. They were created to get around the laws of this land, in ways that the local police cannot. And that is exactly what they do.

Do you honestly think that it is within the law to illegally spy on people within the privacy of their own bathroom and bedrooms for years on end, use synthetic telepathy to rape their minds, and directed energy weapons to torture them? I sincerely hope not.

If these organizations did not abuse the laws by breaking them, and allowing their agents to perjure themselves in courts of law as they regularly do, perhaps they would deserve more credibilty. Since it would appear that your harassment stems from a source other than the FEDS, I do not expect you to empathize with someone who is being targeted by them. You probably believe that they are basically upstanding organizations (which is why you are helping them?") and that at some point they may help you with your dilemma. All I can say is based on my experiences with them don't hold your breath.

They exist to corrupt in the most vile ways, and are very capable of perpetrating mainstream LIES due to their influence of the US media, as well as the new found powers that the Patriot Act has unfortunately given them. When you have a teenager who's flunking out of school and getting into all sorts of trouble you don't hand over your car keys and tell them to go out and have fun (which is EXACTLY what Congress did for the FBI when it allowed for the Patriot Act in its present incarnation). In the months just prior to 9-11 an investigation and talk of a major restructuring within the bureau had taken place.

But then 9-11 came along and with all hell breaking lose, the FBI was able to avoid a major house cleaning. So to this day the original problem still remains, only worse than ever, with the bureau now having unheard of and undeserved investigative powers. These people are FASCISTS. Anyone whose been targeted by their COINTELPRO tactics can tell you that for certain.

As for these blogger to blogger communiques, they really are quite pointless since there is no way for me to know what part of you in is your writing, or for that matter what part is the FEDS. I've given up trying to figure it out. I just don't have the time or energy to deal with yet another mind fuck. It's just how it is John. I don't make the rules, I just deal with them as best I can. And as you well know you are just one in an endless series of people who the FEDS latch onto in a desperate and pathetic attempt to drive me into a state of insanity. So once again, I am removing your from the line up -- this time permanently.

The bottom line is that if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. So become a part of the solution by not taking part in the sadistic and manipulative attacks on someone who has never done a thing to harm you. Have I ever harmed you John? I doubt it since I don't know you from a hole in the ground.

So your persistence in what is for certain to be a futile effort makes no sense. I know that I have never done anything to attack your or your well being, so why you would covertly attack me and then feign complete ignorance of it is itself disturbing. There's no doubt that you have alot of pent up aggression towards those who have made your life the living hell that it's become, so I suggest directing said aggression towards those who are feeding it.

As for the perp's manipulations, they will one way or another eventually "hang" themselves, so it is best to just wait for them to do so.

Best of luck in your quest for a more peaceful life away from the moral depravity and unconscionable actions of your tormenters. And remember to stay away from that dark side that keeps nipping at your heels. I know that it's an easy temptation that will get hold of you if you let it -- so don't let it. As I remove you once again (and for the final time) from the startling line up, I must now wonder who the FEDS have waiting in the wings to replace you.

It certainly won't take long for me to find out though, since this introduction of new perps has become a habitual one. As for the FEDS, I think that we can conclude that any person or groups of persons who would spy on others within the privacy of their own bedrooms and bathrooms as they have done with you, me, and myriad other TI's, can be considered morally superior to absolutely no person or other living creature on this planet.

Adieu, John


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