Monday, October 09, 2006

My Post To Kate Martin Director Center For National Studies For The American Constitution Society For Law & Policy

About a year and a half ago, I sent my article in regard to the harassment that my Family and I were experiencing at the hands of the FBI, entitled "Tortured By The FBI" to Kate Martin, Director Of National Studies For The American Constitution Society For Law & Policy.

I never heard back from her. It is my belief that my E-mail to Kate was intercepted at the time by the FBI or others at its direction to prevent her from reading my article, which described the extreme ways in which the FBI has been violating our Civil Rights.

Yesterday I left a post on her Website in which I have not only documented what I have been put through, but suggested that Kate read my Website to learn of the many others whose lives are being destroyed by the US Government's satellite based mind control technology and directed energy weapons. I also believe that Kate would learn a great deal in regard to those who are being subjected to organized stalking groups around this country, who are violating their right to due process of law, in addition to numerous other Civil and Human rights.

I sincerely hope that Kate takes a look at this Website so that she can see for herself that the FBI is not the upstanding law enforcement organization that it claims to be, but rather a terribly corrupted organization that has and continues to utilize its modern day counterintelligence (COINTELPRO) tactics to destroy the lives of a myriad of American citizens. I also hope that Kate will now realize the extreme nature in which the National Security Agency is spying on the American people, which with its illegal satellite spying and remote neural monitoring technology goes well beyond the illegal phone tapping and e-mail opening that this corrupted agency is already being publicly critized for.

Why have we not heard from Congress in regard to former NSA employee Russell Tice's testimony back in May of 2006? Testimony in which Tice no doubt disclosed the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology and its illegal use on American citizens.

It would appear that like another former fellow NSA employee turned whistle blower, by the name of John St. Clair Akwei (who came forward with similar information in 1991) Congress, upon hearing of the bomb shell which Tice dropped on them, realized that he must be neutralized, rather then allow his testimony to ever be heard by the American people. Such testimony would put Congress in a very bad light since they would have either OK'ed this illegal NSA spying, or unwittingly appropriated funds for it to take place.

Once again the American people are kept in the dark in regard to violations of their own privacy
and Constitutional rights.

My letter to Kate Martin is below:

Written By:James F. Marino
On October 9, 2006 12:23 AM

Kate, I sent you an article that I had written sometime back entitled "Tortured By The FBI" which recounted some terrible abuses that this organization has subjected my Family and me to under the color of law statutes.

I doubt that you ever received it since the FEDS have a nasty habit of intercepting my E-mails. Moreover they systematically remove or have hidden articles that I post on the Independent Media Websites so that they are never seen by the people who access these sites.

The NSA has also been subjecting me to its remote neural monitoring technology since the early 1980's in what is certain to be one of the most outrageous violations of both Civil and Human Rights ever documented.

You need to understand the depth to which the corruption within the United States Government now exists and that is has permeated the highest level of the aforesaid.

My Website URL is listed here. If you want to know the truth about what is going on in this country and links to the Websites of other Americans who are being subjected to the same extreme violations of their rights to privacy as well as being used as non consensual human experimentees, you owe it to yourself to see this information.

I have never been arrested, charged, tried or convicted of any incarcerable crimes in my entire life. The worst thing I have ever had to go to court for were speeding tickets.

So why was I placed in this illegal system of the NSA's where I am not only illegally and unconstitutionally spied on 24 hours a day, for the past 25 years, but also subjected to having my thoughts both scanned and manipulated by the NSA's remote neural monitoring satellite technology and its advanced Artificial Intelligence computers?

There are crimes being committed here alright!! But not by me!

Please see my Webblog so that you can have a better understanding of just how badly the US Government is lying to the American people.

James F. Marino
United States Mind Control Target/Activist


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