Monday, October 16, 2006

Russell Tice Interview With Democracy Now's Amy Goodman In Regard To The NSA's Illegal Spying On Americans

From the Democracy Now Website an excerpt of an interview between reporter Amy Goodman and former NSA employee Russell Tice. I think it's clear from the following statement that Tice came forward to make himself as public as possible because he was in fear for his life after blowing the whistle on NSA corruption at the highest levels of the agency.

The full interview can be seen at the link following the excerpt.

"AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now?

RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, in – you know, sometimes you just don't know. And being, you know -- what they’ve basically accused me of, I can't just walk around thinking that everybody is looking at my heels and are following me around. But in one scenario I turned the tables on someone I thought was following me, and he ducked into a convenience store, and I just walked down there -- and I saw him out of my peripheral vision -- and I basically walked down to where he ducked into and in the store, I walked up behind him. He was buying a cup of coffee, and he had a Glock on his hip and his F.B.I. badge. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on there."


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