Monday, August 28, 2006

Advice On Handling The FBI If They Harass You

The following person has an interesting Website describing how he handled the FBI when they began harassing him. Unlike most people, he was not fearful of the FEDS (something they depend on to control you just as any predator, a wolf for example, will use). If you don't fear them, they can harass you, but they can't control you. This TI mentions taking photos of any agents (or for that matter anyone you have following you -- you never know when they can be federal agents) so that you can document their actions.

I have been keeping a detailed journal as to what these FEDS have done to me and will readily access this information should it become necessary to. That is why the FEDS eased up on the physical harassment by way of car and on foot, and employed the use of professional gangstalkers like those who've taken up residence at 23 Wenwood Drive to harass me instead. It would not look good having a video of an FBI agent smashing into the back of your car as an intimidation tactic (something that they will do though).

The FEDS like to paint their targets as being ignorant to discredit their accounts. It is amazing how the more we dig up on them the more their harassment of us (usually through the use of their flunky goon squads)increases. The FEDS description of an ignorant target translates to meaning someone who knows the crimes that they have committed against us and others, and can pose a threat to them in public or a court of law.

This necessitates the FEDS use of criminal tactics which they will deny in a court of law, thus committing perjury. For those who don't think that the FBI will commit perjury in a court of law or surpress exculpatory evidence which can exonerate the persons whom the FBI is attempting to prosecute, just search the Internet
and type in FBI COINTELPRO.

You can research specific cases where the FBI has routinely done so and put innocent people in prison. AIM activist Leonard Peltier is one of these people. Black Panther member Geronimo Haga is another. There have been myriad Americans who were setup by the FBI for its illegal COINTELPRO Sting Operation over the past Century.

The FBI also has a convenient way of twisting around everything a Target says to put them in the worst light possible. The Target can be well thought of by others and have done much good in their lives. However, the FBI will quickly spin this to mean that the Target just wanted to get credit for what they were doing because they wanted to be a hero. Drink a beer and the FBI will call you an alcoholic. I could cite several more examples but you get the general idea.

No matter what you do, the FBI will spin it so that you are put in a negative light. So how does the FBI spin spying on Americans within their own bedrooms and bathrooms, something that I know they have done with myself and many others? Oh I know.. we are a threat to national security because of the amount of toilet paper we are using. People this nasty and manipulative and who have absolutely no respect for our Civil Rights are too stupid to live.

The following Website will be very uplifting to anyone who has ever been harrassed by the likes of this modern day Gestapo and its despicable COINTELPRO tactics. If there is a way that the FBI can screw you they have already thought of it. So screw them and take a good look at this Website : )


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