Saturday, July 15, 2006

The FBI's Use Of Gaslighting Against It Targets


While I have experienced all types of gas lighting tactics ORCHESTRATED by the FBI through countless sources -- my own family included -- I think it's important to discuss some of the more subtle ones.

Hearing the last few words of a conversation while a family member is on the phone as you exit the bathroom or bedroom is a common one. Usually, these words have to do with a specific date and time. The tone of the person speaking will be serious, and the phrase the target hears will be mentioned repeatedly by others with whom the target's in contact with to reinforce it as a trigger. Triggers can be anything from words, phrases, objects, smells etc., which are used to sensitize a targeted person to these objects in efforts to damage them
psychologically. This is done through repetition where these Triggers are frequently used within earshot of the targeted person (TI).

The latest for me is the phrase in two weeks.

It has already been repeated by my Father and Mother as well as an FBI targeted victim whom I speak with online, whom the FEDS use as a provocateur against me. Of course, her accounts of abuse are credible, so I tolerate this abuse to a degree in order to correspond with others subjected to the same torment as myself.

Whether these phrases have any significance over and above their use as triggers means very little to me any longer, since I have been subjected to this gas lighting tactic numerous times over the past 2 years. The trigger phrase 6 months was mentioned within earshot of myself about that time, and I kept thinking, they are going to arrest me in 6 months.

Think about how much fun life is when you think you are going to be arrested within that time, or perhaps sooner. Furthermore, when the 6 months passed it became a day to day thing for a while. I would hear my Dad on the phone as I exited my den or bathroom repeating in a very authoritative way, 5pm on Sunday, OK. And then I would think, OK, so now the FEDS are coming to arrest me on Sunday.

However, common sense would dictate that the FEDS don't exactly announce when they are going to raid your home or business - not unless you own a business and are paying them graft in which case they need to look good for the public, so they call you up in advance and warn you of what they are going to do.

Of course, after the first hundred or so times of hearing this shit, you get pretty burnt out from it after awhile. I know I did. And you ultimately realize that it is just another part of the ongoing psychological warfare bluff campaign beign used against you.

However, you can still be arrested if you are harassed enough psychologically. And that is exactly what psychological warfare operations are designed to do.

Moreover, this campaign can be utilized to force you into making mistakes in order to make you an easier target for these low life FBI who use their COINTELPRO operations to torment you into such a state that you commit suicide. And to think that a judge may have OK'ed this depraved behavior.

What a farce this makes the US Judicial System.

Still worse is that in the present day the FBI's sadistic protocols are now being shared with the local police and communities who use them to declare it open season on any person who is being targeted. This is outright fascism in a country that has become an outright police state.

Another gas lighting tactic is the break in a normal decibel conversation -- to a whisper -- once a TI is within earshot of it. This is of course to create additional paranoia, which it often does. But remember this, you are only paranoid if you are concerned about something that is not there. If you are like myself and many others whom the US Federal Government is sanctioning organized stalking and mind control crime against, you are not being paranoid - you are being prudent.

And you should be concerned that there are people out there looking to hurt you because there are. Remember that you are sane and that it is these psychotic federal agents and their sociopathic operatives who are insane.

Also remember this: If you are hearing it, the perp's want you to.

You will not hear anything being discussed that they don't want you to know. I know that anything I have learned has been done through my own studies, incorporating thousands of hours of research into the FBI and other federally funded government agencies, which utilize illegal tactics on their own citizens.

You should know what the NSA (National Security Agency) is up to behind the scenes with the specialized satellites and remote neural monitoring capabilities that it deploys against myriad Americans -- including me. These guys can quite literally track you by targeting the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body and use it as a tracking device.

Once this occurs you can be tracked for the rest of your life without ever realizing it, while the NSA rec0rds everything that you say, do, and think! Yes, remote neural monitoring is for real. And it can be used to electronically read your thoughts by way of satellite. There's nothing paranormal or magic about this. It is simply a technological advancement that your average citizen has no clue about.

And for good reason.

If the American people ever collectively find out about this venue of government spying (outer space), or that they are being illegally satellite tracked by the NSA, you can say goodbye to the shadow government in this country -- the one which has allowed for this atrocity of both civil and human rights and uses a mask democratic respectability to hide its covert atrocities.

However, anyone who understands what a democracy is also knows that it is a terrible form of government where the majority rules the minority.

The United States was created as a Constitutional Republic -- the best form of government. And the American people should demand that this way of governing is resurrected.

As for the organized stalking crimes that I have briefly discussed here, the following is an excellent book review on the topic, written by organized stalking victim, Eleanor White. It covers many of the detailed aspects of this psychological warfare tactic, and I highly recommend it to anyone who's experiencing strange occurrences in their lives that simply cannot be explained in any rational terms.

Gaslighting by Victor Santoro


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