Saturday, July 15, 2006

Americans Under NSA 24 Hour Surveillance


Given that I live in a virtual fish bowel 24 hours a day, my every movement recorded -- my every thought captured by way of EEG-like technology, by the feds, I have often wondered exactly how many other Americans are in these virtual types of Government prisons without knowing it. I would imagine that each and every person whom the US Government deems to be a dissident would also be. This would include every employee of the American Civil Liberties Union, Greenpeace, and other "Government Watchdog" based organizations.

Who can I basically say for certain is under this type of surveillance 24/7/365? Well there is of course my family, former agent NSA agent John St. Clair Akwei who reported about the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology in the first place.

Of course, these are just a few examples of those whose Civil Rights are being violated each and everyday by a Government that's clearly deceiving the American people as to its true purpose. I think that it's safe to assume that there are probably millions of us under this extreme type of covert surveillance without being aware of it. Let's face it, the technology is as invasive as any known to humankind. The mind control/invasion aspects in and of themselves are so horrendous that many Americans would have a difficult time believing that they exist.

However, those of us who've been victimized by this technology can tell you with absolute certainty, that it does exist, and that our lives have been destroyed by it, and by those government hired "demons" passing themselves off as humans, who utilize this horrid technology against us -- both scanning and manipulating our thoughts.

For Targeted Individuals American Civil Liberties and the Constitutional right to Due Process
do not exist.


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