Monday, July 10, 2006

The Federal Reserve Bank Is A FRAUD

The Federal Reserve Bank Fraud

Much has been written about this, yet very few Americans know the truth about the Federal Reserve Banking System.

Rather then going into the history of one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the American people, to steal their economy away from them, it is better just to do a quick summary, and direct you to a documentary that describes this fraud in detail. A few things to keep in mind here:

1. The Federal Reserve Bank is not owned or operated by the United States Government. It is instead owned by an International group of bankers from all over the world. It was created in 1913 by way of the Federal Reserve Act, in an effort to allow England's Rothschild Family to usurp the United States Federal Govenrment's control of the US economy. It was a monumental success, and one of the greatest crimes and deceptions ever committed against the American people.

1913 also saw the creation of the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution, which called for a federal income tax to be attached to the wages earned by every American citizen, even though the United States Constution clearly prohibited this.

The Federal Income tax Americans pay today is the direct result of the Federal Reserve Bank's charging of interest to the US Treasury for lending it money, when in fact the US Treasury had in the past printed its own currency, interest free.

2. The Federal Reserve Notes that are in circulation in this day and age are based on nothing but thin air, unlike the US Treasury Bills which came before them, which were based on the gold and silver coinage within the US Treasury's vaults. This is in large part why the US dollar has lost its value over the past century.

3. The US economy is largely influenced by the Federal Reserve banking system. Given the input of certain other countries that maintain controlling interests in the Federal Reserve, most Americans would probably be shocked to learn that both England and Germany in large part control the US economy through their partial ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Stop listening to the lies being parroted to you by this Government and the mainstream media, which it uses to control its perpetual disinformation campaign against the American people. You can take the first step by watching the following documentary which describes in detail how the the criminals behind the Federal Reserve Bank began their financial rape of the American people. And please do cirulate this information to EVERYONE you know!


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