Saturday, July 08, 2006



By Karin Pekarcik

Next time you send a private e-mail message or speak on the phone about personal and confidential information, think about who might be listening and recording this information. Everything is monitored in one way or another.

The government has extensive spying techniques for keeping an eye on its citizens. The National Security Agency and the FBI regularly violate our privacy with their wiretapping laws.

We now have the program ECHELON, which is the National Security Agency’s secret global surveillance network that monitors most personal communications around the world. (Check out this organization on

The European Parliament has expressed an interest in participating in the NSA’s spying programs as well. China already has a spying program of its own set up. There are plans between the European Community and the FBI to cooperate on building up this global surveillance system in order to be able to spy on all telecommunications anywhere in the world. The "Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control" now has the EU and FBI Global Telecommunications Surveillance System that has been established under the Maastricht Treaty for the cooperation in the areas of justice and police work.

The European Secret Service Union, ENFORPOL is being established which allows police to monitor all communications everywhere without giving notice to those they are spying on.

What happened to the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution? Seems that our rights went right out the window as new technological devices are being put into place.

Iridium World Communications, Ltd. has a global wireless communications network that combines the 66 low-earth-orbit satellites with land-based wireless systems around the world. This enables their subscribers to communicate using handheld telephones and pagers anywhere in the world. (

This is an inexpensive way for anyone to make telephones calls anywhere in the world. Thus the bait is set to reel in all the willing participants in this new program with worldwide communication and tracking capabilities.

The United States, the European Community, Japan, China, and most of the Pacific Rim countries are all signed into this new program.

The new Iridium satellite systems are being forced to create wiretapping friendly technology in order to provide easy access to any electronic or voice communication around the world. ENFOPOL will monitor all communications everywhere. Not only do we have our own government spying on us but the governments around the world taking their turn at eavesdropping on all of us.

Encryption will not be a safeguard against this snooping. The ENFOPOL system will also be helped by a subject tagging system allowing those operating these systems to track us wherever we may go. This is called the International User Requirements for Interception (IUR). IUR will create a data processing and transmission network that requires the names, addresses, phone numbers of the targets as well as their associates, e-mail addresses, credit card details, PIN numbers, and passwords.

Nothing is secret anymore. All speech over the telephone, any communication through e-mail and FAX will be monitored and logged into a global system of observation.

Still think we have privacy?

Pretty soon that television we sit in front of every day will be used as a monitoring device to further expand the surveillance to include our every word and action. This technology has already been developed and is just waiting to be put into place.

Eyes and ears are everywhere. Are you ready?

Karin Pekarcik is a free-lance writer living in Anaheim, California. Her e-mail address

Domestic Spying Related Subject Matter

Covert Interference Technology On Target Subjects (informational writing in the context of my own true experiences)

Santa Fe, New Mexico

As an undeniable target of covert interference I have over the years been able to put together pieces of what is going on ... even some of the ways and means. Over three years ago I began a series of several meetings with a woman (here in New Mexico) who is very knowledgeable in much of what is going on in the covert infrastructure ...

A deeply spiritual and religious woman who has been to fringe-topic conferences around the world and someone who has testified in front of government investigative committees on the very unfortunate underground military-conducted traumas she was subjected to during an earlier period of her life.

During one of our meetings she closed her eyes and intuitively discerned an outline of my body and then drew out what she saw .. which depicted a number of single implants placed in my knees, middle, and upper body, and head area. At the time I of course found this strangely curious and she offered that she felt that it was an 'implant system' meant to keep me from being able to lower my brain-wave level to a sub-alpha state ... what people enter in hypnosis, for example, to access their unconscious mind.

I did wonder about this, as I've had five hypnotherapists in my life who were quite certain that they could use their 'induction' method to accomplish this but could not. So what she layed out seemed a possibility to me. # In the last week I ran across a lengthy internet article entitled Chemtrails, HAARP, and Mass Mind Control in which I was capitivated to find a section on 'Body suit of implants (system)' ... What this particular section as well as the entire article has to say about it I'll quickly lay out as follows along with some peripheral but pertinent information:

-- Victims of tracking, mind control interference, and monitoring are often given a 'body suit' of various implants throughout key anatomical sites. These implants over the body create the ability (to varying degrees depending upon the subject and situation) to trigger, influence, or alter specific moods, pain, and other desired results including lethargy toward doing something that they don't want the monitored person to do. Amazingly these implants are much smaller than a human hair in diameter and are injected and will actually make their home like a virus in the desired location (anatomical parts) of the body.

-- Certain people are fitted with 'body suits' so that if they do not comply to 'control impetuses' the remote, technological controllers behind the scenes can work toward inducing 'dissociative' behaviors, states, and ways of living for the target victim. This can even work toward the target victim (an intelligent and ambitious person with no mental and no real physical problems) becoming homeless for example.

-- A 'body suit' has a primary 'control implant' (that for some reason the article calls a 'bio-medical telemetry' implant) placed at the base of the skull which records body function and brain wave activity. This implant not only acts as the central processing unit for the entire (body suit) implant system but also receives information from an external transmitting source.

A case in point for this, I believe, is what happened to me a year ago in Albuquerque (right after the below-described encounter with a 'mystery man') when I spotted the same person one night walking across a dimly-lit area at the same time that a sudden shrill, high-pitched tiny ring began emanating from from the back of my head at the base of my skull.

-- From this 'body suit' system, it's said, the controllers are able to track the person, hear what they hear, know what they're saying, and to some degree see what they see. I have experienced reasons to believe this is so.

-- It's said also that even by the 1970s various intelligence agencies were ready to experiment on human subjects with a new generation of technological implants ... and that eventually people in every state in the U.S. were selected as subjects. The selection of people, I'll add, may be due exclusively to experimentation while others (as myself I believe) are not only kept in the program for valuable data of how the covert program is doing, but because of what they don't want me to accomplish.

Why they don't just snuff me out the old-fashioned way has, I believe, at least three possibilities: Firstly I am only one of many possible subversives to be concerned about. And also since monitoring and interference are ran and automated by satellite and computer systems on a mass basis on who they consider subversive or potentially subversive (as hard as that is to believe) they (whoever 'they' are) do not ordinarily concern themselves with conducting assassinations. (One exception would be the late Senator Paul Wellstone).

And so it stands to reason that they aren't going to go that route only for exceptional circumstances. Secondly is something some may consider too exotic that I personally don't as would many of the best physicists of our day ... and that is the reasoning that time is not as it seems to us and that time has everything to do with our living in a multiverse of parallel universes ... that our eternal 'now' is constantly being recreated and results in different timelines. It's said that the secret military fights over what alternative timeline(s) will come to be actualized. Thirdly, but not lastly, it's my belief that as what we are living is Earth School we do have 'divine protection' which comes into play if we're learned enough to be deserving of such intervention.

-- Quite amazingly the article wrote that computers programmed with artificial intelligence handle most monitored targets. So if the target person does something the controlling perpetrators don't want, or is getting help the perpetrators consider subversive to their ends, (something the computer can't handle on its own) then human handlers step into the act.

I believe that this is exactly what I experienced in Albuquerque when my business consultant made a phone call to get my business project Ancient Grains Baking Company of Santa Fe 'one million dollars' ... and that enroute to the downtown Albuquerque Hyatt Regency to make the business meeting that next day for us to meet with this financier I (alone) was affronted by the above-mentioned mystery man I had never seen before who told me details of what was going on that seemed impossible for him to have known. Days later he made another unexpected affront and told me that "the people involved in my business project were going to be contacted about me, that my financing would fall through, and that I would then have a psychological breakdown."

While I have no reason to believe anyone involved in my business project was 'contacted' I will say that everything he said did come to pass except the last statement. (And please know that I don't think they're after my recipies)

-- The article furthered (perhaps too bizarre to believe) that (NSA?, CIA?, DIA?) human personnel (possibly mind-controlled and monitored themselves) staff consoles equipped to CRAY computers where they monitor people with special attention. In this the information transfer is done via-satellite, large TV broadcasting antennas, and/or the country-wide GWEN tower network that many believe may be cranked up to nullify the masses in the possible advent of Martial Law (even General Tommy Franks as well as numerous conservative talk radio hosts have openly said that it may at some point be necessary to declare Martial Law) ... (this writing in continuation).

I'll add these two more notes for anyone who may be wondering:

-- Yes, it is true that the NSA can remotely track people if they know the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person's bioelectric field. Each person's emissions are unique, just like their fingerprint, palmprint, and their voiceprint. This means that the NSA can remotely track anyone in public. Don't think they didn't know where Saddam Hussein was at that entire while? Or that they don't know where Osama bin Laden is? Perhaps we should think again.

-- Yes, it is true that they have voice prints of hundreds of thousands of Americans and can identify & track via their computers all electronic communications in this nation. Most phone calls go through about 30 computers before they reach their destination. The phone companies' computers, according to someone who worked for AT&T and witnessed it, record ALL phone calls using computers.

However, to weed out the worthless from the worthwhile, the Illuminati's fronts use a list of key words, such as names or phrases called THE WATCH LIST which the computer uses to identify conversations worthwhile to listen to. Time, Newsweek and other media sources have validated and identified the codename as being ECHELON ... which simply amounts to being the NSA's secret national & global surveillance network.

In closing:

-- On covert interference technology: A graduate of Berkeley Law School Richard Glen Boire of the Center for Cognitive Liberty who has coined the term 'cognitive liberties' says that "Mind control is getting smarter by the minute". (And yes we are talking about remote viewing, tracking, monitoring, and remote neural influencing by psychic and technological means being done on targeted individuals and to those around and associated with them.)

-- For further information visit Mind Justice at ... 'A human rights group working for the rights and protection of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system.'

-- This is analogous to the Catholic Church sex abuse scandals and the debacle caused by the denial of health issues from tobacco industry officials ... this will be the next big breaking news story of our day.

-- Need scientific validation of such covert technologies? (Such as 'target tracking', 'technological thought reading capacity', and behavioral influencing technologies') Go to the web site of Christians Against Mental Slavery (an international evangelical group whose members want it to be regarded as a crime against humanity worldwide for anyone to monitor or influence human thought technologically without continuing, informed consent) ...

And a last word from one of our heavyweight military insiders:

-- Col. John B. Alexander formerly of Los Alamos National Laboratories has said that "Powerful elite insiders have long known how electromagnetic weapons can be effectively utilized to wage mind control against the population ... specifically targeting political dissidents and troublemakers." "Don't worry", Col. Alexander is quoted as saying, "everything is under control. You just don't know how much." That to me is a very revealing statement.

(Isn't curious by the way - even in light of stepped-up national security - that since 9-11, other than the anthrax in the mail, nothing else has happened?)

Author's Note 1/12/06: I, Richard Dean Jacob residing in Santa Fe, New Mexico, am willing to openly state my above experiences to anyone of what seems to me to be obvious examples of covert monitoring and interference in my life and affairs (professional and personal) that has come to be known in our mass media as 'domestic spying' or 'domestic surveillance'.

I am willing to undergo any battery of psychological testing and evaluations including polygraph testing of all that I relate. Also let it be known that I am not seeking publicity nor will I turn down the opportunity to raise public awareness either. The negative interference I and others have experienced is usually subtle and hard to detect, and then there are times when it is not so subtle and is plainly evident. I have had my sent e-mails not received and my incoming ones delayed or not make it at all ... this is among the instances where one can only wonder.

Many people everywhere would like to read this article - Are E-mail and Phone Conversations Private? - and can do so at

Also in all this I would be perfectly willing to lend my thinking as to why there would be interest in me and others like myself. I very much believe as do surely the vast majority of us that we have the right and need to know the real truth about 'domestic spying' and the unfathomable surveillance capabilites of our interior government upon it's citizenry.

I will even state that I for one can live with some encroachment on my privacy and basic civil rights if it will ultimately protect me and the people of our country. But if this is actually evidence of what many intelligent and very credible conspiracy thinkers and authors say is the behind-the-scenes New or One World Order movement (who care nothing about our Constitutional rights and national sovereignty) who would disagree that we desperately need to know.

Lastly I would like to say that I have told my private experiences to very few people for the obvious personal PR reasons. I am seeing now, though, with domestic spying being so prevalent in the news that some of the people I have told my experiences to are tending to take me more seriously with more credibility in their minds. I believe that now may be the time to begin getting this out in the open. Maybe the adage of 'safety in numbers' will apply to me in all this. Anyone wanting to contact me I suggest they do so by e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as well as leaving a voice-mail message at 505 946-0199.



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