Saturday, July 15, 2006

Traveling Through Time -- The Montauk Project

Is It Really Possible To Travel Through Time?

A few years ago, I began to research a phenomenon known as the Montauk Project, a continuation of the invisibility work done during World War 11 under the Navy's Philadelphia Experiment Project.

While the US Navy has been extremely reticent in regard to what was achieved by this Project, over the years, others have come forward claiming such things as time travel, the ability to electronically generate ones thoughts into physical matter and other provocative accomplishments which have caused the Montauk Project to establish a cult following.

The following is an article that I had written on it sometime back, and posted elsewhere. Please feel free to share it with others, since the citizenry in America should be made aware of this technology and its extensive applications.

After all, if you could create a portal out of thin air and travel from the present to say 2025, you would certainly find it an earth shattering experience. Well essentially that is exactly what certain members of the Montauk Project claimed to have done back in the early 1970's when they created a portal which carried them all the way to 1983.

This is mind blowing stuff we are talking about here. And if it is indeed possible to travel in this way, it demonstrates that there is far more to our reality than most of us are capable of perceiving.



Once I realized that I was not only under surveillance by the fbi/nsa/dhs, but also being subjected to some of their clandestine technology, I began researching different types of strange phenomena that I'd heard of in the past, yet never bothered to pursue. One aspect of this phenomena had to do with a top secret program conducted by the United States Navy during World War Two, which is today known as The Philadelphia Experiment.

While it's clear that much more went on during this experimentation, then Naval Intelligence will ever reveal to the American people, there are some ex-navy people in the present telling of their own experiences with this experiment. Their accounts describe some very advanced and thought provoking technology, developed as the direct result of the Philadelphia Experiment.

While many accounts have come and gone, the Philadephia Experiment's mystique continues to perpetuate itself through the former Camp Hero airforce base, located at the tail-end of Long Island in Montauk Point. There is a cult-like reference in regard to the Montauk Project and the clandestine experimentation which went on there, which exists to this very day.

My research has revealed many different people who claimed to not only know about the Montauk Project, but to have also taken part in it. Clearly, some of the statements that I've heard made by these people stretch their credibility to the breaking point. At least, that is what I believed at the time I'd first heard them. However, since then I, myself have experienced some extremely bizzare phenomena which has forced me to reevaluate some of the earlier accounts of what I'd heard regarding the Montauk Project.

I now believe that at least some of these accounts definitely have credibility. However, while I have tried to contact several people who were involved with the Montauk Project, I have only been successful in contacting one. But, because of his skittish and angry response to my inquiry, I will not list his name here. He has, however, made claims of being a "Montauk Boy" and someone who has actually traveled through time. I had heard of him quite sometime before trying to contact him, when I first read about the Montauk Project. His accounts of time travel and other aspects of his experiences fascinated me, and I was surprised to find out that he was also a mind control victim targeted by the Government.

However, when I finally did contact him inquiring as to his experiences as a "Montauk Boy" and mentioned that the fbi was stalking me, he quite literally freaked out, and threatened to sue me if I contacted him again. At least his threat was that I'd better not do so while the feds were harassing me. He did, however, leave open the possiblity of contacting him at a later time should the feds ever decide to end their stalking campaign against me. Of couse, anyone who knows the fbi's history is well aware that once the feds decide to stalk you, they don't stop until they have figured out a way to either imprison, institutionalize, or kill you. So I won't be speaking with this Montauk Project survivor anytime in the near future.

While several of the alleged Montauk Project survivors have made a name for themselves and a tidy sum of money, by going public with their accounts, the validity of their accounts has been challenged by others. Men like Preston Nichols and Alfred Bielek have pushed their credibility to the limit by making statements in regard to experiments done under the Montauk Project. One such experiment included a "Montauk Chair," which used an electric coil (probably one developed by the late inventor Nicola Tesla) to convert a person's subvocalized thoughts into physical reality. Nichol's even claimed to have seen a time warp open out of thin air which took certain "Montauk Boy" travelers to a future date in time. He also claimed that many of these "boys" became trapped in this time travel vortex and were lost forever.

Other claims include a large monster like creature which was over 9 feet tall, the creation of a subvocalized thought being sent by one of the Montauk subjects while sitting in the Montauk Chair. It's alleged that this monster, which legend tells us was created out of thin air from this subject's subvocalized thoughts, materialized right before the eyes of those taking part in the experiment. Legend also has it, that before it could be destroyed, this monster began killing (actually literally eating) servicemen at the Montauk Airforce Base. I believe that Nichols has said that he had to destroy some associated machinery in order to kill this creature.

While much of this is, to say the least, difficult to believe, outlandish claims borne out of a complete hoax have in the past allowed for many marketing successes. Perhaps the best known of theses hoaxes which ultimately turned into a marketing bonanza, was the book the Amityville Horror. Not only did this book sell millions of copies, it also spawned its way into a major motion picture. While the tragic murders of the Defeo Family by their son Ronald are all too painful a memory for many Long Islanders who can remember back to that time, it's clear that some savy marketing hucksters, including the Lutz Family (the subject of the movie), profitted handsomely off of the Defeo tragedy.

The real issue for me is how many of Preston Nichol and Alfred Bieleks' accounts are true and how many are not? While it's clear that much of what they are saying has probably little or no truth to it, this much I do know.

The ability to transmit a person's subvocalized thoughts into code which can be then be translated into words by supercomputers does exist. I am the victim of such technology as are many others. Perhaps there's more to Mr. Nichols and Bieleks' accounts then any of us realize. Maybe they aren't so outlandish afterall. If they did in fact witness the creation of a time warp which allowed for immediate travel into another point in time, it certainly would raise some very provocative questions. Quantum physics has for all intents and purposes proven that the possiblity of time travel in this fashion may well exist. And if in fact there is a multi story secret research facility located deep underneath where the old Montauk Radar tower still stands, it would certainly grab the attention of people living in that area, not to mention the rest of the United States.

Since reading about the Montauk Project and the many outlandish accounts which are included with it, I have taken two trips out to Camp Hero, and in fact have gotten within less then 100 yards of the fenced in radar which sits atop a heavily reinforced concrete building. Aside from the ominous site that the 70 ton radar presents (especially on an overcast day), there is not much at the facility to suggest any type of malevolence.

However, to think that there aren't secret facilities built deep underground within the United States would be unrealistic in this hi-tech day and age. We know there is one directly under the Whitehouse, which travels at least a mile straight down. We also know that there was a fully functioning bunker known as the "Congressional Hideaway" built under the Greenbrian Resort Hotel in West Virginia, as early as the 1960's. This facility contained a restaurant, sick bay and sleeping quarters for several persons.

There is also talk of high speed underground railways which traverse the nation connecting to key strategic military locations. Is it possible that such a facility exists under Camp Hero and that it is connected by way of a high speed underground railway to other strategic points around the United States? Why not? Something this esoteric would certainly be well secreted a mile or so underground. While during the summer months Camp Hero (which in the last few years has been turned into a State Park) is heavily trafficked by tourists, it is nearly empty during the winter months of the year.

As for finding anyone who's been doing research on Montauk, I did observe the Website of one John A. Quinn, who himself appears to have done quite a bit of research on Camp Hero. However, in over two years, I have never been able to contact him by E-mail, having several of his addresses sent back to me as mailerdaemons. As for Preston Nichols, Al Bielek, and others who claim to be part of a modern day Montauk Project Society, I have never been able to contact any of them, not even through their own Website which can be found over the Internet.

I've even tried contacting a woman who claimed to have been abducted by a Reptillian type creature while visiting the beach at Camp Hero, and brought into an underground facility there while uniformed guards looked on. Like John Quinn, e-mails I sent her also bounced back as mailerdaemons. Do I think that there is something to the stories being told by all of these people? Yes.

However, my difficulty is in determining where the fiction leaves off and the facts begin. I don't think that these people are lying, nor do I think that they are crazy. As for trying to contact them, I know how the fbi has intercepted my E-mails on more then one occassion, so it's quite possible that either they or some other federal organization have done so with John and the others I've tried contacting. In any event I will never know for certain. It's more then likely that in addition to all of their other harassment the feds have also seen to that.


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