Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is Noble Laureate John Nash "A Beautiful Mind" Really Suffering From Schizophrenia, Or Is He A Victim Of Voice To Skull Technology?

The FBI Falsified Evidence In The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, And Confiscated Tapes Which The FBI Refused To Release To The Public, Just As The FBI Has Refused To Release The Tapes It Confiscated From The Pentagon On 9-11-2001 - This Offers Further Proof That The FBI Is Being Used To Obstruct Justice By Seizing And Likely Destroying Evidence That Could Be Used To Conduct Legitimate Investigations Into The Oklahoma City Bombing And The Terrorist Attacks On 9-11 - The FBI Was Also Used To Fabricate Evidence Regarding The Missile Downing Of TWA Flight 800 In 1996 - What Kind Of Legitimate Police Force Would Fabricate Evidence, Destroy Legitimate Evidence And Obstruct Justice The Way That The FBI Does? No Wonder The FBI Has No Legislative Charter - It's An Organized Crime Syndicate Concealed Behind The Facade Of A Federal Law Enforcement Agency

Charles Manson - Was Manson An MKULTRA Target, Brainwashed Into Becoming A CIA Assassin? His Crimes Involved Many Of The Mind Control Techniques Used By The CIA

Is John Nash A Victim Of MKULTRA?

And Was He Wrongly Diagnosed With Schizophrenia?

Author - James F. Marino

Given allopathic medicine's considerable use of junk science (the cancer fraud perpetrated by the American Medical Association is perhaps the best example of this), and the CIA's history of setting guidelines for the psychiatric profession in the United States, through its creation and manipulation of the *DSM, one must seriously question if an intentional misdiagnosis of schizophrenia by the psychiatric profession, is being used as a cover by the U.S. Military-Intelligence complex, in order to discredit the accounts of men, women and children who are being used as unwitting subjects of various government sanctioned non consensual human experimentation programs.

This is especially important in regard to covert government programs which involve mind control experimentation.

Having seen the movie A Beautiful Mind many years ago, and since learning about the U.S. Intelligence community's history of using unsuspecting Americans for different forms of non consensual experimentation, this author now wonders if Noble Laureate, John Nash, has been the target of such illegal experimentation for much of his life?

Since A Beautiful Mind premiered several years ago, Nash, a world renowned mathematician and as previously mentioned, noble laureate, has also become one of this planet's best known schizophrenics.

A man, who while a student at Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, may well have become an unwitting target of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA program; The CIA is an anti-American organization with a history of using American citizens for non consensual human experimentation - experimentation conducted through institutions given grants by the CIA, such as McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute.

(Google: MKULTRA and Dr. Ewen Cameron)

* In his book "Murder By Injection" author Eustace Mullins describes the CIA's creation of the DSM reference manual, which Mullins has stated is used by the psychiatry profession, in order to diagnose any person who (claims to have been or) is being used by the CIA (or other Intel agency) as a target of non consensual human experimentation, with schizophrenia, and to place that person on dangerous psychotropic drugs.

This is why the men, women and children who are used for such illegal experimentation, many of whom are also the targets of the vigilante hate crime/psychological operation - organized stalking - are concerned about speaking out in regard to these crimes, since they fear that the medical community will be used to intentionally misdiagnose them with schizophrenia. And this erroneous diagnosis may in turn result in their being wrongfully institutionalized.

Read Murder By Injection Here

There are presently a myriad of men and women on the Internet who not only claim to be targeted by the type of computer to brain interface that can be used to implant the voices of others into the mind of a target of such non consensual human experimentation (Google: EEG Heterodyning and voice to skull technology), but who have also created Websites in which to document these experiences.

And as a result of doing so, a number of these people have been portrayed as schizophrenics, even though they know that their experiences are the result of being used for various forms of mind control experimentation, and by Intel agencies which include but are not limited to the CIA, NSA and FBI.

If John Nash has been used by the Intelligence community as a target of mind control experimentation, the medical community may be continuing to intentionally misdiagnose Nash as a schizophrenic, in order to cover up the fact that he is a decades' long target of the CIA's MKULTRA program.

Moreover, if John Nash is an unwitting target of V-2K (short for voice to skull technology) and other forms EEG Heterodyning computer to brain interface technology, then his experiences would qualify him as yet another in a long line of the U.S. Intel community's experimental guinea pigs.


The Nazi Connection To The Allopathic Junk Medicine Used By The American Medical Community

In the past, John Nash has also admitted that the psychotropic medications that he has been taking for years have not made his "paranoid delusions" disappear. He has also stated that he has just chosen to ignore them.

In the case of those who are targeted for non consensual human experimentation, paranoia is perfectly natural, since as the saying goes - "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you."

So if these medications, which were supposed to clear up his "paranoid delusions," have failed to do so, perhaps John Nash never really had schizophrenia at all, but instead the type of experiences that are now commonly reported by targets of non consensual human experimentation.

Which poses the following observation:

If John Nash can be intentionally misdiagnosed with schizophrenia in order to conceal his use as a target of the U.S. Federal Government's illegally sanctioned mind control experimentation programs, then so can the myriad of men, women and children who are presently documenting their use as targets of non consensual human experimentation - people who have been subjected to many different forms of mind control experimentation, including hearing voices and seeing images which are *electronically implanted into their brains via signals intelligence satellite deployed computer to brain interface technology.

* Google John St. Clair Akwei VS The National Security Agency to learn more about the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and its use in brain fingerprinting the American people. Also Google The Matrix Deciphered, EEG Heterodying, and the government programs TAMI, MIND and SATAN.

According to Akwei, this Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network has been in use since the early part of the 1980's. This author has personally documented the criminal conspiracy by a federal district court judge by the name of Stanley Sporkin, to make certain that Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA was never tried in a U.S. courtroom.

* Google: Stanley Sporkin - Akwei VS NSA

This illegal experimentation of American citizens by the U.S. Intelligence community is a crime against humanity, and in fact the greatest government cover up in American history. This is why the U.S. Media is being told to conceal it from the American people.

As such, in order to silence these victims, a massive conspiracy by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex which involves everything from the fabrication of witness testimony to the coercion of family members, to the suborning of witness perjury is taking place, in order to discredit the victims of these Orwellian crimes.

This is especially true in regard to the victims of this technology who have attempted to expose the fact that we are being used by federal agencies within our own subverted governments, as targets of non consensual human experimentation, while our constitutional rights to due process of law are violated in the most precedent setting ways imaginable.

Given this government's attempts to completely abrogate our Constitutional rights as American citizens in order to conceal these atrocities from the American people, is indicative of a criminal conspiracy which extends to the very highest levels of the U.S. Federal Government.

Which is why this human rights scandal, and the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' role in this scandal, can longer be concealed from the American people.

- MKULTRA Target, James F. Marino

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