Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Becoming Just Another Pawn Of The Zionist's New World Order Open Dictatorship

  • The Zionist Attack On The American People's Constitutional Rights

  • " Removes 1984 Digital Book: "In an irony-filled moment that underlines the flaws of our increasingly digital society, Amazon has removed George Orwell's 1984 from America's Kindle ebook readers."

  • George Orwell's 1984 Nightmare
    Becomes An American Reality

    This is yet another sign that the Zionist controlled intelligence community in the United States is nothing but a cabal which is being used in which to destroy the United States Constitution, under the guise of protecting Americans from a war on terror which was in fact propagated by world Zionism.

    In George Orwell's novel, 1984, which describes an anti-Utopian society governed by a technocracy, the government employs a staff of subjects who are paid to rewrite history books so that they conform with the teachings of this tyrannical government; while completely removing any truths which do not support this Communist government's own ideology.

    Perhaps has removed "1984" from its Kindle library because the book parallels a very similar situation which is occurring in the United States and the rest of the world in the new millennium, under the Zionist's New World Order agenda for a one world government.

    Such a manipulation of the historical record occurred in the United States after the Federal Reserve Communist central bank was illegally put into power in 1913 by the House of Rothschild, while their Rockefeller minions were used in which to infiltrate the U.S. educational system with their own disinformation; propaganda which is still being taught in American schools in the present day. As such, the American educational system is being used as a source of disinformation in which to brainwash American youth, rather than to educate them in regard to how their own government was subverted by the House of Rothschild through the Federal Reserve System, which now furtively controls the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government.

    Author Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" researches the House Of Rothschild from its earliest days as the Bauer Family, right up until the modern day, including the Rothschild's use of central banks which they then establish in countries which the Rothschilds are seeking to take over.

    The Rothschild's then secretly foment wars between countries in which they have established such central banks, in which to indebt the governments of these countries to the Rothschilds. Once this occurs, the House Of Rothschild then gradually infiltrates these governments (as well as the countries' own media systems) by getting their own people elected to government office. Once this takes place, these governments are used in which to destroy their own Constitutions and forced to adopt the Rothschild's own dictatorial policies.

    Why The Russian Revolution Really Took Place

    In the 1800's, Russia's Czar Alexander III understood how the Rothschilds were using their central banks in which to take over countries whose resources they sought to steal for themselves, so he refused to allow the House of Rothschild to establish one of their central banks in Russia. As such, Alexander III came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, in an attempt to drive the House of Rothschild out of the United States. As punishment for this, in the early 1900's, the House of Rothschild financed the Bolshevik Revolution, and took control of Russia, while establishing their own Communist Government.

    *Czar Nicholas II, who was Alexander's successor, and the head of Russia at the time that the Russian Revolution took place, was along with his entire family, executed by the Bolsheviks as punishment for preventing the Rothschilds from establishing a central bank in Russia.

    The Rothschilds know how to hate, and have a long sordid history of atrocities so great, that Guttle Schnapper, the wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and mother of the Rothschild clan which established their communist central banks all over the world, stated on her deathbed "if my sons did not want war, there would be no wars," implicating her sons in all of the major wars which took place during their lifetimes.

    Why didn't Americans learn about this aspect of the Rothschild's when they were studying history in the U.S. educational system? Because, history is written by the winners of wars, which is why most of the historical record regarding humanity is completely distorted, since the Zionist international Jewish bankers are the ones who've financed most of the wars which have taken place over the past few hundred years, and through the House of Rothschild's central banks; and have thus, overseen how the history regarding such wars has been written. A total deception of the human race.

  • Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" - This book is several hundred pages long, and one of the most worthwhile that you will ever read, in gaining an understanding of how the House Of Rothschild subverted the U.S. Federal Government, when it orchestrated the bribing of several U.S. Senators during the Christmas Holidays in 1913. This was done in which to pass the treasonous Federal Reserve Act, which allowed for the creation of the privately owned and Zionist controlled corporation known as the Federal Reserve System - A Congress authorized counterfeiter and money launderer that has destroyed the U.S. economy through its creation of fiat money, and inflationary and deflationary cycles, which resulted in the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, as well as every recession the American people have experienced over the past century

  • Also See: "Who Owns The Federal Reserve System?" - A Comprehensive List Of The Organizations Which Collectively Control The Federal Reserve - Many Of These Organizations Are Not Even Located In The United States
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