Monday, July 24, 2006

Trouble Donating To the Mind Control Forum Website

Yes, yet another strange coincidence occured this evening when I went to make a financial contribution to the Mind Control Forum's Website. As I was finishing up, I was given an error message, which appears to have prevented my donation from going through.

Now Given the Mind Control Forum's stance against government sanctioned mind control, gang stalking and other types of psychological warfare, is it any wonder why the governments of this planet, would want to see a Website like this one shut down?

And is it possible that they would use their intelligence factions to apply their electronic technology to interfere with such a site?

Of course it is. One would have to be completely delusional to believe otherwise, given how much the governments and their tyrannical leaders and intelligencia have to lose if the word spreads in regard to just how completely EVIL they are.

I have chosen to hold back on attempting to donate again, since I have read of many other targets being subjected to the same types of gaslighting tactic. They take the bait thinking that their purchases, donations etc. did not go through only to later find that they paid twice for the same purchase and cannot get their overcharges back.

Now in the case of the MC Forums, it's more likely that the charges never went through in the first place, simply because the feds would like to see this Website which documents the torture of so many mind control targets, go bust, and electronically interfered with my transaction -- it won't be the first time.

The MC Forum's Research Archives is a real threat to the status quo which thest government's depend on to maintain their disinformation campaigns. It's a genuine treasure trove of useful information pertaining to FOIA declassified government documents, as well as many historical articles which describe the complete lies that the citizens on this planet have been told since the time that they were old enough to read, not to mention many useful articles on advanced technologies which most of the human populace on this planet are completely unaware exist.

This Forum is a place where those who take the initiative to free themselves from the psychological imprisonment that they have been placed in through long term brainwashing, the social institutions including monotheistic religions, and the entire faux political structure that the governments of this world have placed them in, can for a change basque in the light of truth.

While many people are thinking it, most will also refuse to mention (simply for fear of being ostracized) that there is simply too much evidence of an Extra Terrestrial component which has (whether we like it or not) been added into the human mix.

Why has the US Government in particular been lying to the American people for the past 60 years, in regard to what we now refer to as the Roswell incident? There is so much compelling testimony from a myriad of alien abduction survivors and from those who have seen UFO's in ever increasing numbers hovering over their own communities, that the more this Government maintains this denial, the more it hurts its almost non existent credibilty.

Why is it that alien abduction survivors have a difficult time living past the age of 50? If their accounts are true, there has been a plot fomented nearly 60 years ago under the Granada Treaty, to have special forces within the US Federal Government
work hand in hand with some of these ET races, to share their knowledge and to develop technology which is being used, not for the good of humankind, but to gradually destroy it.

And if the Granada Treaty is fact, then what does it mean to all of those patrons who follow monotheistic religions such as Christianty, Judaism and Islam? If humans were indeed created in a God's image, then how do we explain what these various species of ET creatures look like? If God looks like them and not humans, then the Bible is wrong -- or at least some major aspects of it are.

This Government is not about to volunteer any information for us. And if we want to learn some truths about the human race, it is going to be up to us to do our own independent research rather then take the Government's forked tongue word on anything in the future.

So where's a good place to begin your research? Well, I would recommend reading the accounts of as many alien abductees as you can, beginning with the late Karla Turner and Katarina Wilson. Karla's books are available on a Website dedicated to her and can be downloaded and printed out for free. I am well into reading her book TAKEN, and find it be a compelling and useful tool in my own research into this paranormal phenomena. Katarina also maintains a Website of her own called the Alien Jigsaw, which offers a wealth of information in regard to her own experiences as an alien abductee, as well those of several others.

If you are truly interested in taking a major step in the advancement of freeing yourself from the social confines of society, religion and politics, looking for a higher truth is your next logical step. Of course, you are going to find that most of what you have been told about the US Government's history, the famous people making this history, and the USA as a shining example of democracy for the rest of world is untrue - a mainstream deception perpetrated on all but the wealthiest and most powerful people in the USA and abroad.

As you learn these truths you are going to find yourselves becoming infuriated with the lies you have been told. However, once you get past this initial anger you are going to find that an enormous burden has been lifted from you. And this will only further your thirst to continue your quest for the truth, while US society remains largely ignorant of it, fed instead by the disinformation campaigns created for their consumption, by the powers who continue to foment a plot to use the American citizenry as unwitting slave labor for a fascist New World Order, and an equally deceptive media force which is more than willing to feed this disinformation to them.

So is there a down side to this deprogramming/enlightenment? Yes there is. It would be prudent to expect that you'll be derided for your new found wisdom in regard to history and politics, and positively villfied for your criticisms of the major monotheistic religions.

However, in spite of this you can look back at the end of each day with a certain satisfaction in knowing that the so called facts behind each of the aforesaid simply do not add up in the ways they should. And that rather then taking them as doctrine you have moved on to the next level, which has opened new horizons for the few trailblazers who have the courage and foresight to do so, while those who remain in the doldrums of their old belief systems will continue to stagnate in blissful ignorance.

Remember, if you attempt to alert others to the truths that you have found and they have chosen for whatever reasons to ignore them, you have done the right thing; it it is their own conscious decision to follow the paths that they have chosen.

We all make errors. It is the ones who refuse to learn from them and move on who will spend a lifetime making the same ones over and over again. The corrupt governments of the world; the wars; the poverty; starvation and overall misery. Federal intelligence communites whose creations are to perpetuate the untruth, to wage war, to corrupt, to torture and murder. There is no need for any of it. But people who are kept in the dark and don't search for the light will remain in the darkness. This is a universal principle.

And so wars will continue, while hate and greed will serve to fuel them, and organizations such as the aforementioned will continue to be created to obstruct the common good, and ensure that this hopeless and ugly situation is made perpetual.


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