Tuesday, July 18, 2006

GangStalking Networks --The Invisible Demon

I wrote the following e-mail to another stalking and synthetic telepathy target.

It never ceases to amaze me how these perps, both federal and otherwise, maintain a constant ritualistic vigil at our bedsides and everywhere else. They like to watch us walk the tightrope that they have placed us on just hoping that we will fall off it. And when we don't that really really pisses them off.

So then, in yet another failed attempt they (per as usual) pathetically attack someone close to us, ensuring that we get the blame. I am convinced that all of our contacts our mind controlled, however, we are the only ones who realize it.

To say that this is at times a gut-wrenchingly emotional experience is an understatement. It is very painful to watch the people you love being tormented by others, while you get the blame. This technology and the adjunct psywarfare employed along with it could have only been created by those with a NAZI mindset.

Only a NAZI or likeminded miscreant could possibly enjoy such suffering of others. And like you, John, who has witnessed enough of this suffering to last many lifetimes, I too have grown absolutely exhausted of the pathetic excuses for life that enjoy their attacks on us.

As I watch them cruising my neighborhood in their Porsche and BMW SUV's, Mercedes cabrio's and other expensive machinery, while some of those stalkers with less money drive their old beaters, it is clear that gangstalking is performed at all socio economic levels.

In my case these attacks began long ago by the Federal Bureau Of Investigation at the request of an agent by the name of Raymond Migliore. Very subtle at first. However, since the advent of the Fascist Patriot Act, and Homeland Security, I now find (as have most others targeted for this abuse) them to be far more aggressive. And they are expert in commandeering other people, including their own homes, to co-opt in these attacks.

But over and above federal law enforcement, there is what I have termed independent professional gangstalking groups. I use the term professional here, because it is clear that these people earn their livings by stalking TI's. I have observed this phenomenon for the past three years and these groups absolutely do exist, are used as an adjunct to law enforcement in these attacks, and are by all accounts networked out on a global scale. Simply put, they are, together with the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology, a physically omnipresent and malevolent force.

Your average cop is not going to take an active role in these stalkings -- at least not an obvious one. And I would still prefer to think of most cops as decent hard working people who put their lives on the line for the public.

However, that is not to say that there aren't some who will take part in our harassment. Of course, it is the feds who are pulling these strings, which is why complaints to the FBI are always ignored, and why this stalking and EM harassment tends to get worse for those who report it to this agency. The FBI TV series that we watched as children, where agents were portrayed as the good guys, has for the most part never existed. Hence I was not at all surprised to learn that back in the relatively early days of TV, the FBI's then director, noneotherthan John Edgar Hoover himself, approved the first few episodes of this program, before they were allowed to be aired.

Yet another example of how the US Federal Government controls the media. If the truth had been told, the series would have portrayed the FBI as an organization which existed to maintain the status quo in America, and to use covert forms of terrorism to either neutralize or eliminate those who they had targeted. The COINTELPRO counterintelligence program was a prime example of these types of abuses, and in this day and age TI's have dubbed the FBI's newest program COINTELPRO 2, since it integrates the FBI's Gestapo tactics of yore together with the latest in high tech electronic weapons which can invisibly attack those the FBI targets, without leaving a trace.

As for the perp's who live within our own communities, they can range anywhere from the soccer mom in her SUV, to her husband and the elderly couple taking their stroll at night, to the UPS driver, postman, cable company worker, taxi driver, local fire and police departments, and several others who appear benign enough on the surface. As I have often said, even decent people can be co-opted into these attacks, not being completely aware of the situation.

Of course this is by design, since if the TI mentions it to anyone outside of the sphere of this conspiracy, the likelyhood of such an event would appear to be improbable, and place the target in the unenviable position of being considered delusional -- again this is by design. However, TI's are well aware that this type of conspiracy is not only probable, but also possible, in that perps come in all shapes and sizes, and that their goal is to see us denied our Civil Rights and if possible, not only dead, by dead by our own hand. To these perps, getting a TI to die by their own hand is the equivalent of a degenerate gambler hitting the Trifecta. For them it just does not get any better than this - a testament to how severely disturbed many of these people are. Someone who takes pleasure in stalking and murdering others cannot possibly be sane.

Do you take joy in watching people who have never harmed you suffer? Neither do I. But some how we have found ourselves surrounded by those who do. To those who are being coerced into taking part in our torture, it is to some degree forgiveable. When you have a gun to your head you do as you are told. To those who are just taking part because they are bored with televison and their own pathetic lives, these people are no better than the feds who encourage them to attack us.

Vigilantes are anarchists. While they openly profess to admire government rule, they secretly despise it, and yearn to unleash their inhibitions including those of utter ruthlessless on others. President George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush are prime examples of this. However, when the time comes and an accounting is made (and that time will come as it always does), it will be these people who will suddenly develop a convenient case of amnesia.

And why not? Would you want to admit that you have hit rock bottom as a human being?
Of course not -- no one would. Would you want to admit that in spite of your outwardly open acceptance of your government, that secretly you despise what it has become? Again, it is doubtful. Yet we have these vigilantes in all shapes and sizes doing it daily -- and desecrating the very Constitution that they claim to so patriotically admire.

One common trait of a government subversion is when leadership conveys a false sense of patriotism to convince people that they must surrender their Civil Liberties in the service of their country. Nazism, Fascism, Marxism and Totalitarianism are all parts of the same failed ideology.

They all refer to types of governments which exist at the expense of individual freedoms. And it is this type of shadow government within the United States which has been covertly eroding American Civil Liberties since long before 9-11 was planned. One might say that 9-11 was planned to finish off American Civil Liberties for good -- and given the contents of the Patriot Act, one would have to agree that those who orchestrated the 9-11 attacks succeeded exactly as they had planned.

Consequently, we can point the accusatory finger in their direction knowing full well that they are equally complicit many times over in the tortures and murders of TI's.

Like you, I'll not go quietly in this criminal conspiracy, but instead send up a flare so that others can be made aware of the extreme violation of both Civil and Human Rights, which has and continues to occur, where American families are torn apart by those diabolical enough to think that they have the right to take a human life, even in the most covert of ways.

The FBI, NSA, and Homeland Security are the ones who destroyed my reputation and denied me my Constitutional rights, especially that of Due Process. And with the initiative of a pack of wild hyenas, they have assumed that I would simply just let them get away with such attacks while those around me were either too frightened or hamstrung to assist me in exposing these miscreants.

As you well know, one of the first things they do is to remove your support system from you, meaning family and friends.

Nothing this diabolical could possibly take place on a scale such as this without heavy duty financing and the use of law enforcement to stay silent while it occurs. However, I will continue to do just fine exposing them on my own, as I agonize for the pain and suffering that they cause my family and former friends. My only satisfaction any longer is that of achieving an enlightenment as to the real status of things in this country, while most remain oblivious to them.

As Alan Yu said: the mind controllers (as he likes to refer to them) will let those who don't know about them continue to live their lives while they destroy those who have learned about them. And in the future, they'll attack anyone who they decide on some whim, deserves it.

This can only mean one thing: that as long as this technology exists and as long as there are evil people to operate it, no one and for that matter, no living thing on this planet is safe.

On a side note, in regard to experiencing what I will refer to as pre-staged fights that are loud enough for the TI to hear, see Vera's Story on the MC Forum if you have not already read it.

This is one witty human being who has done a superb job of capturing the TI experience and the perp's ritualistic attacks. She at one point mentions her mother and father having a knock down drag out fight on the front lawn, loud enough so that she could hear it. Yet a short time later, they were laughing and acting as though nothing had ever happened. I think that many of us have witnessed such displays in the past. How much of it is being done without the conscious knowledge of those around us and how much is being perpetrated as yet another gaslighting skit remains to be seen.

One thing's for certain - we are the ones who are targeted for these deceptions. As for our families, they are sadly targets in their own way, and usually treated just as cruelly as we are. My family were up until the time the feds attacked them the nicest and most loving people you would ever have the good fortune of meeting. They are still good people, but being drawn into the misery that these perps can inflict on anyone.

As for these these globally networked stalking groups who attack us and our loved ones and divide us, I have coined them quite simply as the invisible demon.

I think this term describes exactly what they are, as they operate out in plain sight and are at least on the surface completely benign in nature. Yet a few layers beneath this benign surface, it has become clear that the devastation they cause is quite visible to those being targeted, and global in scale. Sadly, Satanism is alive and well, and flourishing on this planet of ours. Yet the brainwashing of the masses has prevented them from seeing, what is common knowledge to most TI's.

As for how I became a TI, let's just say that it's the FBI's version of a mafia kneecap job, and that FBI Special Agent Raymond Migliore was the one who ordered it, at the expense of the Civil Rights of my family, self, and others formerly close to us. And in doing so, Special Agent Migliore crossed the line from officer of the law to common criminal.

Jim Marino
US Government Synthetic Telepathy Target/Activist


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