Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cutting Another TI Loose

As much as I hated to do it , I had to remove yet another in a long line of Targeted Individuals from being used in the fed's harassment campaign against me. This person has had at least 200 chances to do the right thing -- never did -- yet in many respects she has taught me a valuable lesson.

Someone harassed to the degree that I am by the feds cannot have any relationship with people, since their goal is one of complete alienation. This particular target is treated badly by the fbi, however, she still has access to her friends and family, as the feds at least at this point have not yet severed them. However, many targets have had their lives decimated by these feds as I have, permanently severing their ties to family, friends, community etc.

There is nothing normal about these situations. The feds use their technology to spy on us every second of the day. Truth be told, we can't even take a shit without them watching us in our own bathrooms. Keep in mind that we have never been arrested, charged or convicted of any crimes over and above the usual parking ticket etc. However, these feds spy on us every nanosecond of the day and night, using their technology to pick up on any family arguements or anything else that they can use against us, as they wait like the buzzards they are to strike.

That means watching us sleep at night. Watching us shower and use the toilet. Watching us have sex. Watching us in the most private ways imaginable. And it is happening to millions of Americans who have absolutely no that their private lives are being carefully monitored and JUDGED without their knowledge -- The NSA, FBI and other federal agencies DON'T want you to know about it, because if you do, they are going to find themselves with a genuine American REBELLION on their hands!

Your average American may say well if they are doing it to someone else that is not my problem. However, show that American how it is being done to him without his knowledge and federal heads are gonna roll! This is just human nature. What would you do to your next door neighbor if you found out that he was secretly spying on you and your family in your bathrooms? We are all thinking the same thing here so there is no need for me to post it.

This extreme invasion of our privacy constitutes one of the worst violations of the US Constitution in United States History. And George W. Bush is a proponent of such a tyrannical way of ruling, in which those who dissent are harassed, intimidated, and even murdered if they represent a threat to him and those right wing extremists in this country, who endorse his dictatorial ways of doing things. However, this is not some situation where we are out committing crimes. Through the NSA's Remote Neural Monitoring technology, these agents are living within our very own thoughts, and if that's not bad enough, manipulating them as well for their own sadistic enjoyment.

Did you see George W. Bush give the female German Chancellor a quick backrub at the G8 Summit this past week? Take a good look at Bush's face while he was doing it. He had no facial expression at all. For just a moment he was in a trance, and had no idea why he did what he did, nearly causing an international incident in the process. This was a clear case of synthetic telepathy, where his thoughts were for a brief few seconds being manipulated by someone else. This technology is far more prevalent than one might think, and millions of humans both in the USA and abroad are being unwittingly subjected to it each day.

Is it any wonder that the Intelligence communities of all NATO countries have agreed to keep this technology to themselves?


And, they have the all out BALLS to think that they are entitled to do this to us. That is the ultimate insult, not to mention one of the worst crimes ever committed on a wide scale. Someone spies on you in your own home for decades and violates not only your most private space, but also your thoughts, and then they have the cojones to list your faults for you? We're not just talking gaul here, we are talking about people with an outright GOD COMPLEX. But any God I have heard of does not peek into peoples' bathrooms and bedrooms -- not if he still wants to be the focus of Idoltry he doesn't.

"So, Mr. FBI man, you like spying on me in my own bathroom do ya? Why don't you step over to me for a second and I will give you a lesson on the Bill Of Rights; one which I promise you will never forget. You think this is bravado do you? This is indignance, not bravado. And you of all people should recognize the difference since you and your cohorts are the ones who swagger around with a false sense of courage, using your weapons and the bully system to keep people in fear. And while we're at it, anyone who violates my Civil Rights the way you have, had better stay out of my way. You think you're a federal officer? Well then start acting like one and start upholding the laws of this country instead of violating them the way you do now."

The crimes that these feds commit against us are so extensive, is it any wonder why they have trashed us in public and become more interested in driving us to insanity then a court room, where these crimes would come up in court and a jury would learn about the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology, the worst violation of privacy ever to be created, and without a doubt the brainchild of NAZI's. This is a sure sign that the US Government has been swallowed whole by a shadow government that has completely eroded our Constitution and Due Process of law. Do you like that the FBI can check up on your Internet surfing, the library books you take out, the people you come across, the events that you attend? Of course you don't -- what normal person would? Yet, because of the Patriot Act we are entering into a new of stage of Mcarthyism that is going to be even far worse than the original ever was.

And as for the FBI being trustworthy, research COINTELPRO on the Internet and you will find out just how much of a criminal organization it really is. Every aspect of COINTELPRO was illegal, and when the Black Panthers made it public in 1971 it nearly destroyed the FBI -- if only it had. In this day and age the FBI COINTELPRO tactics are back worse than ever, and this time around they have the use of directed energy weapons to make them more dangerous to your personal freedoms and life than ever before.

And you thought that the mafia lied in court? If the mafia was as capable of getting away with perjury in court as the FBI has been, the Gambino Crime Family would still be a force to be reckoned with.

An example of an FBI agent lying in court:

FBI agent X?

Yes your honor?

Is it true that you were using psychological warfare on Mr. Y?

Ah your honor I don't understand the question.

FBI agent X, from June 2003 up until the present time did you or did you not employ the use of psychological warfare on Mr. Y?

Your honor, as an FBI agent I am sworn by my agency never to employ the use of any illegal tactics against someone I have targeted.

So your answer is No?

Yes that is correct your honor.

(And here we have a clear instance of an FBI agent perjuring himself in a court of law). This type of perjury by federal agents is so common within the intelligence community that it is referred to as "testa Lying."

One of the best known victims of FBI COINTELPRO harassment was an activist named Judi Bari. During the deposition in which Judi was suing the FBI claiming that it attempted to destroy her reputation and the Earth First! movement that Judi was a part of, she commented on the behavior of the FBI agents who were deposed to testify in court. Judi's comment after observing their testimony was "these guys are professional liars who have raised selective memory loss to an art form."

Judi was absolutely right in her assessment of the situation.

Two things should be noted here:

1. These agents should have been on trial for the attempted murder of Judi Bari and her partner Daryl Cherney.

2. The FBI could not con a Federal Jury who awarded Judi and Daryl a 4.4 million dollar award against the it. This kind of justice is very rare in FBI circles since a jury will almost always find in favor of the FBI whether they are right or wrong. Judi's award sent a clear message to the FBI of just how far they had overstepped their bounds. However, it was not these agents who ended up having to pay the award and they all walked away with a slap on the wrist, ready to commit the same crimes again and again. Sadly, Judi died from breast cancer before she could ever see her triumph over the men who tried to murder her. Yet, in spite of the FBI's attempts to destroy her, they instead made her into a martyr and the Redwood Summer Program that Judi so much loved, better known and more powerful than ever.

So I say goodbye to yet another TI, who was easily coerced in taking part in the fed's attacks on me. And is it any wonder, since they can do so to anyone they care to at anytime, simply by using their sweeping and undeserved powers to threaten people close to targets with prison time. And with the feds, what they don't have as evidence, they can readily create.

My advice is if you know you are being targeted by them, make yourself as public as possible. It may not save your life, but it will make their attempt to murder you a lot more difficult, since if you suddenly die, everyone will know that it was the feds who murdered you. Of course they wil try to explain it away with plausible deniability, but in this day and age less and less people are believing anything that the FBI has to say, especially since they have blatantly obstructed justice on so many recent occasions.

And I am not overstating the case when I say that there is not a person in this country who has had their Civil Rights violated worse than I have. And that the FBI, NSA, & DHS are all guilty of covering their own asses in this complicity. So what else is new? US Federal Intelligence is the world's largest criminal organization and it always has been. And until such time as these agencies are dismantled, they will continue to conduct themselves in the same criminal ways that they always have, and perjure themselves in court. That is the FBI and that is US intelligence in a NUTSHELL.

As for legitimate law enforcement, if the FBI was legit, its agents would have arrested George W. Bush and the FBI agents who took part in the gang rape and murder of Texan Margie Schoedinger. Instead, the FBI chose to cover the situation up. Then again, coverups have become the FBI's main preoccupation, since they are obviously stonewalling any legitimate investgation into the 9-11 attacks, and withholding key evidence from the public. Of course, the FBI could not care less that the public is concerned, even though more than 50% of the American people are certain that the US Government is not only lying to them, but also complicit in the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and that George W. Bush played a key role in orchestrating them.

This is clear proof of just how arrogant and out of touch with the American people
the FBI has become. And the American people are sick to death of it.

Some recent terrorist attacks in which the FBI clearly obstructed justice by covering up and apparently destroying evidence:


WACO -- Murdering the Branch Davidians

RUBY RIDGE -- Murders of Vicki and Sammy Weaver

MURRAH BUILDING BOMBING 1995 -- 168 people murdered

TWA FLIGHT 800 BOMBING in 1996 -- 230 people murdered

And of course let's not forget the missing tapes from the Pentagon and the black boxes from the WTC from the 9-11 attacks.

You can't make this stuff up......


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