Friday, July 28, 2006

Memo To TI Victims Of Mind Control & Gang Stalking

After 25 years as a government mind control target, and three years of the most intense stalking ever documented, I have arrived at the following conclusions:

The perpetrators of these crimes, whether they be Government, local law enforcement, corporations, or simply citizens coopted into taking part in these attacks all have the following goals in common.

To utilize every aspect of psywarfare to drive us insane, by distorting the common occurences within our daily lives in such ways so that they can be used as psychological weapons against us -- words, phrases and items which can be used to trigger certain psychological responses in a TI which are unpleasant.

For example, every color in the spectrum, every word in the English language(or for that matter any language native to the country that stalkers reside in), every piece of matter, can be used in the attacks on TI's.

The objective here is to have every aspect of the TI's life become so miserable that they will choose to end it, rather then go on suffering from the attacks of the so called "do gooder stalkers" who in many cases without even realizing it, become the most vile and despicable characters, simply by way of their vicious activities.

These perps want you to imagine that everything you see and everything you hear will eventually become triggers in their attacks on you, to break you down psychologically -- And that is EXACTLY what these perps are attempting to do.

They usually begin with only a handful of these triggers to determine how strong willed the TI is. Then they custom tailor a plan of psychological abuse for each TI which is then followed to the letter of their law (BTW.. not our rule of law which would absolutely place people like this in prison for their crimes). This includes gradually adding in new triggers all the time until the TI has nowhere to turn for relief. -- There is only one way to beat this type of sick abuse -- Learn to Condition yourself to IGNORE these triggers -- It can be done and it will render the psyops aspect of this campaign against you virtually useless.

These attacks on us have nothing to do with law enforcement: they are expensive and
time consuming to conduct, and appear to be the creation of Illuminati who have tired of hunting their normal animal prey, and have found convenient loopholes within the law, which now allows them to now prey on human beings for sport. Is it any wonder how this has become a more prevalent problem over the past 5 years with George W. Bush, a member of the Illuminati, as President of the United States?

For the first two years of these aggressive attacks on my person, I was stalked in every possible way -- color stalked, vehicle stalked, phone and cyber stalked, noise stalked; brighting; you name the type of stalking and in the past three years I have seen it. All while trigger words, phrases, & items have been used liberally in an all out assault on my psyche.

Well my little perps, I am STILL HERE and alerting the world to what scoundrels you all are. And unlike you, I have not piddled away millions of taxpayer dollars in doing so -- money that could have and should have been put to much more humane uses!

While these stalkings continue unabated including the accompanying street theatre, I have learned to accept them as part of my daily life, and chosen to go on and live as best I can given the tremendous adversity that I deal with each day. I am not the criminal here; the Fascists who have attacked me and countless other TI's are the criminals. Due Process is supposed to be the main component in US Juris Prudence -- the focal point of the Judicial System in the USA. So where is it now while these miscreants continue to noise stalk me, as they drive up and down my neighborhood into all hours of the night, racing their car engines, spinning their tires, honking their horns and screaming like wild animals at the top of their lungs?

As for the FBI, NSA and rest of the Federal Intelligence Community, somewhere along the line they got it into their heads that it is OK to use satellites to spy on Americans within their own bedrooms and bathrooms. And if that wasn't bad enough, to use remote neural monitoring technology to both access the thoughts of those they target and manipulate them through the use of this technology. Can anyone say 25 years to life, because that is what you or I would get if we pulled this shit with someone. Another instance where the CRIMINALS in federal intelligence have literally gotten away with murder. One of their credos is do as we say not as we do. If we actually followed what they did we'd all be in prison for life.

As for those who stalk us, the truth about these people is that they are unhappy with their own lives, and looking to vent their anger on someone else. So of course it makes perfect sense to attack someone who has never done a thing to them; someone who has no criminal record; someone who has had their Civil Rights violated in the worst ways possible. Yes it makes perfect sense to do this if you are a sociopathic maniac!!! (My emphasis)

As I mentioned earlier, the key for the survival of all being targeted for these despicable acts, and by the abrogates who perpetrate them against us, is to learn to ignore these "triggers," whether they come from stalkers, or other TI's who for one reason or another have been coopted into the attacks on you. You are not the criminals here -- those who are stalking you and using directed energy weapons are the criminals. And at some point they are going to be made to answer for their attacks on us.

While we can condition ourselves to ignore these triggers, sadly we can't do so with the directed energy weapons used against us, which is why they have long been used as an adjuctive component in our torture.

As for our perps, regardless of what they do for a living or which end of the socio-economic strata they reside in, the following can be said of them:

If they must lie about what they have done, even given the military tactic of plausible deniabilty, then what they have done is wrong. There is no gray area here, and no room for interpretation.

America has truly become a fascist police state, but so many of the citizens in this country are taking part in these attacks that they have become oblivious to what has happened to the United States.

And what they have also failed to realize is that what is being done to us can easily and at anytime be done to them, since in these types of activities the rule of law does not apply. Any TI will tell you this, since these crimes are constantly being reported by them, yet nothing gets done about it -- not ever.

The FBI will not help them; the local police will not help them; the local politicians will not help them; and to be certain the federal government "a major cause" for this phenomenon is not about to help them.

Consequently all TI's will ultimately arrive at the following conclusion: For them to survive they must become Island's unto themselves, since everyone around a TI can become coopted into their harassment at any time, by coercion or if necessary physical violence.

Even TI's can be easily led to turn on other TI's who have been supportive of them. This is actually a very common problem, and one which the perps count on, simply because TI's will let their guard down with other TI's, making them more vulnerable to attack.

My advice is to trust no one. Do your own research and learn as much as you can about this criminal phenomenon that is sweeping the globe. An excellent place to begin is the Mind Control Forums website. There you will learn that most of what the mainstream media has been telling you about the US Federal Government and (its criminal appendage) the US Intelligence Community, have been complete lies; lies used to misdirect you and prevent you from learning about their extensive history of corruption. All Americans need to be deprogrammed from a lifetime's worth of Government propagandized lies.

And the following applies to all TI's:

If you can help another TI in their battle exposing these crimes do so, but never allow yourself to be deceived into believing that those around you cannot be coopted at anytime -- because they can. If a TI deceives you, don't attack them; cut them loose, since they will become as much of a threat to your sanity as any normal perp.

And hold onto your money. One of the perps' goals is to bankrupt us. And it is easy to get suckered into giving another TI money, only to find later that they were used in setting you up. I have given money to two TI's in the past few years. One was a noble gentleman whom I am happy to have helped. The other person was a woman who gladly accepted $200 from me, while she was in fact taking part in the perps's psywarfare against me.

In reality she approached me from the getgo, being used as a perp, and asked for my help is setting up an organization for other targeted indivduals, which I gave her, including writing the mission statement for the group as well as providing it with several different resources of pertinent information.

While I was doing this work, this woman used every opportunity to attack me with triggered words and phrases through her e-mails. I eventually tired of the abuse, and dumped her before she could do any further damage. I have also read of many other TI's whose good nature was taken advantage of by other TI's or perps posing as TI's. So a word of caution here.

I am still empathetic towards this person because she is being treated very badly by her perp's. However, this woman is the type who gives all women a bad name. But to attack someone who has done nothing but go well above and beyond the call of duty to help you, makes you a miscreant. And this woman has a habit of doing this to others who have been screwed over by her and later commented about it. I remember her telling me at the time I was gifting her (somehow I knew I would never get a loan back) of one person who had been bad mouthing her unfairly. Well, as it turns out, that person was right about her all along. I just had to learn it the hard way. $200 bucks down the drain. Fortunately, most women are far more decent then she is.

As TI's you are being abused at all levels of your life and by some of the sickest perps you will ever find. Please note that even the nicest of people can be coopted into doing horrible things, and this can result in even your loved ones becoming off limits to you -- as painful as that may be. Never hate your loved ones for this -- remember that they have been coopted into this miserable situation and are as much victims as you are. Also remember that the perp's goal is to create hatred -- so don't fall into their trap. If you can't love people, then stay away from them. Only negative things will occur if you don't.

Learn to be good to yourself. Read books, listen to music, free your mind to think for yourself and not this oppressive work force or Government which is sucking the life's blood out of the American citizenry.

Moreover, Extra Terrestrials have made their mark on the human race and we are now finding ourselves to be pawns in their diabolical game of planetary subversion and domination. Don't be afraid to acknowledge their existence. It was President Truman's Majestic 12 committee which was created back in 1947, that instructed the media to make the topic of Extra Terrestrials and UFO's off limits to the public, and to deride those who attemped to seek further inquiries into this phenomenon.

Of course, while instructing the media in this way, Majestic 12 was hard at work researching the UFO's which crashed in Roswell in 1947, attempting to determine the intentions of these aliens. This has been somewhat effective over the years because any Americans who attempted to investigate ET's, and even those who became abductees have been stonewalled by the mainstream media, and derided as being lunatics for even mentioning UFO's.

This tactic has gradually lost any effectiveness that it may have once had though, and if anything now stymies the Government's attempts at disinformation, in what has become a growing interest in the ET phenomenon -- something far too powerful and universal for any Government to quash.

The real focus at this juncture is given the advanced intellect and technology of these beings, is there much that the human race can do to battle them and their conquest of this planet? It's not likely, especially if one understands the nature of the Granada Treaty.

1950 would prove to be a major milestone in the undoing of the American people, for it was at this time that the US Military formed a treaty with these ET's to work together sharing their research. The newly formed Granada Treaty would allow the US Military to obtain a myriad of advanced technological research in return for allowing these ET's to take the humans of their choosing and conduct whatever experiments they wanted to perform on them. This despicable activity has been occuring since 1950, and continues into the present day.

Now given this information, do you still need to ask why the US Military is so SECRETIVE and refuses to even acknowledge the presence of ET's on this planet? Imagine if most people found out about this coverup, and what that would do to the monotheistic religions in this country, who tell us that God created humans as the highest form of life in the universe. The undeniable proof of ET's living and colonizing on this planet would throw one hell of a monkey wrench into that doctrine.

But I digress..

As much as you may hate your tormenters and you certainly have a right to, it is better to let the hate go. If you do you will find that your life will improve in some important ways, simply because you will no longer be boxed in as most of society has become; being fed government disinformation by way of the mainstream media, and falling deeper into this universal deception each year. Instead of hate, it's better to ridicule your tormenters to show them how pathetic and cruel what they are doing is.

Moreover, there is still A Constitution in place in the United States, and NO ONE has the right to violate the Articles set forth within that document or the Bill Of Rights, even if the current president considers it to be nothing more that a GD piece of paper. And in the case of all peoples, regardless of the countries which they hail from, human rights laws demand that you are treated humanely. If you are not, then those violating human rights laws are criminals.

The following site belongs to a gang stalking target. It contains an excellent FAQ sheet (frequently asked questions) on gang stalking. Since 1 in 100 people in this country is a gang stalking target and 1 in 25 is recruited as a gang stalker, you will probably eventually find yourself as either a stalker or a stalkee. Learn the facts.

Note: my perps are obviously not happy about this particular blog since they have got
my computer running at a crawl. So what else is new?


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