"UFO Whistleblower Dean Warwick Suffers Fatal Heart Attack After Taking The Stage At A UFO Conference - Warwick's Death Is Yet Another Example Of How Directed Energy Weaponry Can Be Used To Remotely Murder A Person While Giving The Murderer(s) Total Anonymity In Doing So - This Is Why The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network Must Be Exposed & Destroyed, As Well As Any Similar Technologies That The U.S. Intelligence Community Has Access To - Myriad Citizens, Including This Author, Have Been Subjected To Directed Energy Weapons' Attacks For Years, As Targets Of Classified Government Black Operations, Including The National Security Agency's "Radiation Intelligence Program"Isn't It Time That You Read AKWEI VS NSA?
AKWEI VS NSA - Civil Action 92CV00449 Public Access to Court Electronic Records
Docket Report Output Menu
Docket for case 1:92cv00449 consists of 2 pages.
Case was last updated on: 03/09/92 . Report was generated on: 6/09/96 .
PACER session date: Sunday May 24, 1998 07:02:04 PM EDT
Case docket was last updated on: 03/09/92.
Docket as of June 9, 1996 10:50 pm Page 1
Proceedings include all events.
U.S. District Court
USDC District of Columbia (Washington)
AKWEI v. NATL. SECURITY AGCY. Filed: 02/20/92
Assigned to: Judge Stanley Sporkin
Demand: $0,000 Nature of Suit: 440
Lead Docket: None Jurisdiction: US Defendant
Dkt# in other court: None
Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act
Case type: 1. civil 2. pro n
Proceedings include all events.
2/20/92 1 COMPLAINT filed (adc) [Entry date 02/21/92]
2/20/92 2 MOTION filed by plaintiff(s) JOHN S. AKWEI to proceed in
forma pauperis (adc) [Entry date 02/21/92]
2/20/92 -- ORDER by Judge John H. Pratt granting motion to proceed
in forma pauperis [2-1] by JOHN S. AKWEI (fiat) (N) (adc) [Entry date 02/21/92]3/9/92 3 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER by Judge Stanley Sporkin :
dismissing as to plaintiff(s), defendant pursuant to 28
USC 1915(d) (N) (egf)[END OF DOCKET: 1:92cv449]
Isn't It Time That You Read AKWEI VS NSA?
Editor's Note: The more this author researches the court case filed by John St. Clair Akwei against the National Security Agency, the more anomalies there appear to be; especially given that Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA has exposed the agency's domestic spying technology (even though the NSA is forbidden from spying within the United States under Directive 18 of its charter).
Akwei's lawsuit also exposes the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which involves a national brain fingerprinting program, that is able to electronically target and remotely track the unique electromagnetic field of every citizen in the United States. There are myriad citizens targeted for non consensual human experimentation and the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking who have attempted to find out how these crimes are being perpetrated against them.In filing this suit against the NSA, John St. Clair Akwei has given us the "smoking gun" in such clandestine crimes, and also revealed to the public, that the National Security Agency has implemented a program of domestic spying which must be considered the modern day of equivalent of George Orwell's "Big Brother."
Mr. Akwei attempted to file his case in forma pauperis, as he did not have the money to afford an attorney. This is a very common problem with targets of the U.S. Intelligence community, which systematically destroys a person's *finances in a myriad of ways, in order to make them homeless, in an attempt to prevent such lawsuits from taking place.
* The FBI is presently attempting to perpetrate this furtive crime with another member of this author's Family, given that this person can testify in open court to the crimes that the FBI and NSA have perpetrated against this author and other Family members. This, as well as the FBI's coercion of their person to take part in a vicious psychological warfare operation against this author, which this person only did out of fear that the FBI would get this person fired from their job.
The FBI's goal is to force this person to use up what funds they have been able to save over the past few years (since the FBI allowed them to obtain another job which the Bureau thought would not work out for this Family member). However, this Family member is very talented and managed to make the most of a very difficult situation.
As such, the FBI agents involved in this criminal conspiracy have now elected to get this Family member fired from yet another job, as they did a few years ago, since this person is doing well at this job and has been able to save some money.To give the readers an idea of how manipulative the FBI and NSA are, in 2003, these organizations took over our cable TV programming with their own, as part of the psychological warfare operation against this author. Many people who've been targeted for a form of COINTELPRO can attest to the fact that the FBI will electronically tap into the cable TV programming of a targeted person, in order to deliver its own psychological warfare programming - this is illegal, which is why the FBI does so in a plausibly deniable way.
These agents are pathological liars.This programming is then delivered in the way that TIVO programming is sent to a person's Television, in that the specific content of a TV program can be frozen until the targeted person turns on their TV set.
Once the TV is on, each of the programs being broadcast to the target's TV set are manipulated in such ways. This means that the entire experience that a person targeted for COINTELPRO has when watching their Television set, revolves around a psychological warfare operation, and not the legitimate programs which the person is paying to see each month; yet never actually receives.
This is yet another form of theft, just as the FBI's use of a psychiatrist to see this target under false pretenses as part of an entrapment scheme was in 2003, when the FBI also began to deploy the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking against my person. This shrink may have been an honest citizen up until that time (although I tend to doubt it), however has now committed the crimes of fraud and grand larceny against this author.
As for the FBI-NSA electronic manipulation of Television programming, keep in mind that unlike TIVO, where the homeowner can access TV programs and freeze them whenever they like, in this instance the programs are frozen by FBI operatives. The same crime can be perpetrated by virtually any Intel organization, as part of a psychological warfare operation.
As for the FBI's attack on the aforementioned Family member, keep in mind that this person has tremendous responsibilities, which only serves to make them an easy target for the FBI's manipulation, given that the Bureau can quite literally destroy the life of any person living within the United States, without the agents involved ever being implicated in these crimes. The FBI has been doing so since its inception in 1908 as the Bureau Of Investigation, and as of 1924, the Federal Bureau Of Investigation - a full fledged and Americanized version of the Nazi's Gestapo.
Yet another in the myriad of reasons why the FBI (which has no legislative charter and has never existed legally, in spite of what the Congress has told us) should be abolished.
The sadistic mindset and abject psychological brutality of the FBI and its cadre of evil agents is a horror. This has already been testified to by former FBI agents who could not stomach the cruelty they witnessed their FBI peers taking part in, and later became the targets of such cruelty for blowing the whistle on the FBI's rampant criminal activities. The FBI has destroyed the lives of many FBI agents whose only crime was that they operated within the Constitutional rule of law, and attempted to hold their peers accountable when they failed to do so.
As in the case of John St. Clair Akwei, this Family member now realizes what this author has known for many years; that the U.S. Intelligence community maintains nearly total impunity from prosecution for their crimes, even when such crimes include the torture and murder of American citizens.
What is also of interest here is how quickly John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA was dismissed, after Judge John H. Pratt agreed to grant Akwei his motion to pursue the case against the NSA in forma pauperis, only to then turn the case over to *Judge Stanley Sporkin, who quickly dismissed Akwei's lawsuit, claiming that it was frivolous.
Sporkin lied.* Stanley Sporkin is a former CIA general counsel and corrupt judge who's known for perverting the criminal justice system, in order to protect the U.S. Intelligence community's crimes - The best examples of this are his sealing of a case against Hamilton Securities, which had no merit, yet which Sporkin used the Qui Tam false claims statute to keep open for four years, while the CIA used its propaganda machine to bankrupt Hamilton Securities. And Sporkin's dismissal of John St. Clair Akwei VS the National Security Agency, a lawsuit which has exposed a national brain fingerprinting program in the United States.CIA Asset, Judge Stanley Sporkin, Torpedoes John St. Clair Akwei's Precedent Setting Lawsuit Against The National Security Agency, In An Attempt To Cover Up A National Brain Fingerprinting Program Any target of the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network (
even if they are unaware that it is the NSA who's illegally targeting them), who has read John Akwei's lawsuit against the National Security Agency, is well aware that Akwei VS NSA is not in the least frivolous, but instead exposes the worst domestic spy program in American history; a nationwide signals intelligence brain scanning network capable of remotely entering the thoughts of all American citizens without their knowledge, while using many Americans for the heinous crime of non consensual human experimentation.
This constitutes a modern day version of the CIA's MKULTRA mind control research being conducted by way of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is also how the NSA has been able to steal information out of the brains of any person being targeted by its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, through the use of a wireless and advanced form of functional magnetic resonance imaging technology - or what Akwei refers to in his NSA lawsuit, as electronic brain link, used to remotely monitor the neural states of the brain.The following is the docket report regarding Akwei VS NSA, and one can see how expediently the U.S. District Court in the District Of Columbia dismissed Akwei's lawsuit, because the information in this lawsuit would have a caused a scandal within the U.S. Federal Government that would have made Watergate seem like a pie fight.Is it any wonder why the mainstream media in the United States has completely ignored this lawsuit, just as they have the dozens of Americans who have beaten the IRS in court, by proving that there is no law which authorizes it to impose the federal income tax?
It's also interesting to note that even though Judge Stanley Sporkin managed to set a record in keeping a Qui Tam lawsuit which had absolutely no merit, sealed for four years,in order to allow the CIA to bankrupt a finanical brokerage known as Hamilton Securities, that he dismissed John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA within a matter of weeks. In doing so, Judge Sporkin has allowed the NSA to get away with horrible crimes against the American people, that must one way or another be answered for.
Like Stanley Sporkin, the U.S. Federal Government is a purveyor of untruths, and a textbook example of the House of Rothschilds' furtive control over the American middle class, through its use of propaganda and the destruction of those who attempt to expose the crimes of this government and its Rothschild Zionist overlords.
Anyone who has done their own investigative research into the House of Rothschild knows that the Rothschilds have been in control of the U.S. Federal Government since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the creation of that abomination known as the Federal Reserve Communist central bank, a year later. The vehicle by which the Rothschilds have taken control of the U.S. currency, looted the U.S. Treasury and subverted the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government for their own criminal agenda.
- James F. MarinoAKWEI VS NSA - Civil Action 92CV00449 Public Access to Court Electronic Records
Docket Report Output Menu
Docket for case 1:92cv00449 consists of 2 pages.
Case was last updated on: 03/09/92 . Report was generated on: 6/09/96 .
PACER session date: Sunday May 24, 1998 07:02:04 PM EDT
Case docket was last updated on: 03/09/92.
Docket as of June 9, 1996 10:50 pm Page 1
Proceedings include all events.
U.S. District Court
USDC District of Columbia (Washington)
AKWEI v. NATL. SECURITY AGCY. Filed: 02/20/92
Assigned to: Judge Stanley Sporkin
Demand: $0,000 Nature of Suit: 440
Lead Docket: None Jurisdiction: US Defendant
Dkt# in other court: None
Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act
Case type: 1. civil 2. pro n
Proceedings include all events.
2/20/92 1 COMPLAINT filed (adc) [Entry date 02/21/92]
2/20/92 2 MOTION filed by plaintiff(s) JOHN S. AKWEI to proceed in
forma pauperis (adc) [Entry date 02/21/92]
2/20/92 -- ORDER by Judge John H. Pratt granting motion to proceed
in forma pauperis [2-1] by JOHN S. AKWEI (fiat) (N) (adc)
[Entry date 02/21/92]3/9/92 3 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER by Judge Stanley Sporkin :
dismissing as to plaintiff(s), defendant pursuant to 28
USC 1915(d) (N) (egf)[END OF DOCKET: 1:92cv449]
Isn't It Time That You Read AKWEI VS NSA?