The FBI's Legacy Will Be One Of Abject Treason, Torture, Murder & Outright Duplicity - Perhaps The Most UnAmerican Of All Its Alphabet Brethren

The Terrorist Attacks On 9-11-2001 Represent The Worst Black Operation Ever Perpetrated. This Site Documents This False Flag Operation As Well As My Experiences With Precedent Setting Color Of Law Violations, Perpetrated Against This Author By The FBI, NSA & DHS. Moreover, The NSA's Use Of EEG Heterodyning Technology And A Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, To Electromagnetically Fingerprint The EMF Fields Of Americans, Is Orwellian-- James F. Marino
There have been myriad articles written by so called "Intel insiders" since Akwei's lawsuit was filed (yet never actually heard in a courtroom), in efforts to discredit what will eventually turn out to be the most important lawsuit in American History.
John St. Clair Akwei VS The National Security Agency.
And one which proves that the NSA has brain fingerprinted the American people, and can track them by way of their body's own unique EMF signature.
Something this author has been stating for the past several years based on my own personal experiences as a target of the NSA's computer to brain interface experimentation.
Also notice the following diagram of the human brain, which describes the various portions of the brain, as well as which areas are responsible for certain physiological and psychological reactions. When the Pentagon invested in this research which was later incorporated into what is now known as the Dosimetry handbook (a document which has catalogued the specific frequencies which each portion the human brain operates at), it did so with the intent of electronically accessing our brains through the use of remote means (specifically satellites).
What possible use could such an organization have in developing such technology, except to remotely and electronically tap into our minds with the express intent of invading our privacy and using us for non consensual human experimentation.
This author has experienced many different anomalies as the result of the NSA's use of such brain scanning technology of my person (via computer to brain interface and remote neural monitoring of the brain), the result of being a long-term target of the National Security Agency's Signals Intelligence covert operations. Illegal satellite tracking and non consensual human experimentation perpetrated by way of the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.
(See Akwei VS NSA to learn more about this technology)
And this phenomenon is not limited to the United States by any means. In fact, the crime of organized stalking has been reported in myriad other countries (all controlled by the House of Rothschilds through one of their central banks); many of whose citizens are reporting the same egregious violations of basic human rights.
The truth of the matter is that the public is gradually wising up to the fact that our so called legislators are nothing but pawns of the House of Rothschild, and as such no longer represent the will of the American people.
An example of this is the people's total disdain for politicians whom they once respected. In recent legislative meetings in regard to health care reform, legislators were heckled while being called liars. Comments such as we don't care what you think, and stop printing money (a direct reference the Federal Reserve System's counterfeiting of currency) have been made by concerned citizens attending such meetings.
The American people have been slow to recognize the extent to which they have been deceived by this House of Rothschild controlled government. However, they are now gradually awakening to what's been done to them, and their anger at having been deceived so treasonously has become quite apparent.
Of still equal interest is what the NSA claims is the synthetic telepathic ability of certain NSA agents who have been trained to communicate by such artificial means; technology which is said to enable these men and women to remotely enter each other's minds during clandestine operations.
If this is actually true, there can be myriad reasons for these agents to do so.
However the fact is that they do so with each other's consent.
Those of us being targeted by way of the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology have not consented to having our thoughts remotely accessed. And we have certainly not agreed to being used as human experimental subjects for the NSA's computer to brain interface research; which is exactly what we are being used for.
Moreover, the fact that an Intel agency would be remotely accessing another person's thoughts without that person's knowledge or consent is indeed a horrifying prospect.
The following article is useful as an example of the type of disinformation that the NSA and other Intel agencies circulate for the express purpose of creating a smokescreen in which to mislead the public.
There is some some truth to the article, however this truth is used to disseminate a myriad of other lies. Moreover, the Intel community will only make such an investment in both time and money when they are seeking to cover up legitimate information which has been leaked to the public, and which may result in an investigation of some faction of the Intelligence community.
Furthermore, according to John St. Clair Akwei, the NSA's spying is far more pernicious than what has been reported by the U.S. Media, and involves the ability to electronically track any American citizen by way of their body's own unique EMF field, while also being able to establish two-way communication with the citizen's brainwaves.
A strong indication that the NSA has developed a proprietary system in which to secretly brain fingerprint the citizens of the United States while keeping them under illegal 24 a day surveillance through such technology.
So it's no wonder why the NSA refused to come clean regarding the aforementioned 2006 FOIA request by the American Civil Liberties Union, regarding the agency's use of advanced brainscanning technology!
This author has corroborated Mr. Akwei's testimony from my own first hand experience as a target of the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network. As such, the FBI & NSA continue to perpetrate a vicious smear campaign against this author in efforts to obfuscate the fact that for more than three decades, they have used my person (as well as myriad others) for such non consensual human experimentation via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.
Moreover, the U.S. Congress, which has a long history of lying to the American people under its *covert House of Rothschild leadership, has also conveniently ignored the crimes which the FBI and NSA continue to perpetrate against this author, while attempting to keep this devastating information from the public.
This implicates the U.S. Congress in a criminal conspiracy in which to conceal the fact that the Zionist controlled government in the United States has secretly brain fingerprinted the American people, which can only be part of a larger and even more evil agenda.
The U.S. Congress is no stranger to deceiving the American people. The fact that the privately held Federal Reserve System Communist central bank has been allowed to counterfeit and launder its fiat currency in the United States for nearly a century, is further proof of the Congresses duplicity, as well as aiding and abetting of high crimes of treason.
Furthermore, as part of this criminal conspiracy, the NSA and FBI, in their failed efforts to murder this author via their use of psychological warfare against my person over the past decade, are now intent on slandering my person in what can be described as nothing less than a demonization campaign, while committing the most criminal and egregious violations of the Constitutional rule of law in American history.
These agents are filthy liars who have done everything possible in which to violate this author's Constitutional right to due process of law, including playing everything from the religious card to commandeering our home's cable television programming beginning in 2003, in order to deploy their own psychological warfare programming; which this author's own Family has been subjugated to, and brainwashed by.
As such, there isn't even a semblance of law in regard to what these government criminals have done, as they attempt to justify these outrageous violations of the U.S. Constitution, which proves that they are the ones who are operating criminally.
Furthermore, neither the NSA nor the FBI want to be held accountable for their treasonous spying, and continue to propagate their myriad smokescreens in which to obscure their own outrageous criminality, because they can never obtain a legitimate indictment in regard to this author.
Nor will these disciples of evil admit to their collusion in a plot in which to brain fingerprint the American people.
In reality, the American people have become completely disillusioned by the U.S. Federal Government and its Intelligentsia, because of the outright underhanded ways in which they operate, and their complete failure in which to honor their oath of affirmation in defending the United States Constitutional rule of law.
This is why at present there are at least 20 U.S. States which are seeking to become sovereign nations, by seceding from the Union.
What could be a more compelling argument for the American people's complete disgust with how criminally the United States of America is being run?
Moreover, the FBI and NSA agents who continue to perpetrate the criminal conspiracy against this author, can now be indicted for the thousands of crimes which they have committed against my person and Family; including their deliberate fabrication of information and willful misrepresentation of facts which the Bureau is using in which to demonize this author.
This while these agents omit exculpatory information which further indicts the FBI and NSA in the crimes which this author has accused them of.
These so called agents are filthy liars who are attempting to cover up their own outrageous crimes by conducting the type of smear campaigns which the FBI has used as smokescreens; something which has long characterized the FBI's own despicable COINTELPRO operations.
And this is why they are willfully disregarding this author's Constitutional rights; including my 4TH Amendment right to privacy, as well as my 6TH Amendment right to due process of law. A situation in which the FBI, as usual, wants to circulate its own lies, rather than be cited for the commission of perjury in a U.S. Court of Law, as these agents would be forced to do on cross examination when testifying under oath.
FBI agents commit perjury all the time.
And according to the late ecoactivest, Judi Bari, FBI agents are taught to lie during their training. When FBI agents were deposed during her lawsuit against the FBI Judi was so appalled by their dishonesty and commission of perjury, that she made the following comment: " These guys are professional liars who've raised selected memory loss to an art form."
(This author also believes that Judi Bari was murdered by the FBI via the type of electronic warfare technology which the Bureau has officially had access to since the mid 1990's, and as punishment for bringing a federal lawsuit against the FBI - one which would eventually result in Bari's being posthumously awarded a 4.4 million dollar judgement against the Bureau.)
The FBI's furtive attack on this author was fomented several decades ago, by an FBI agent who decided that he was going to use the FBI in which to wage his own personal vigilantism against this author, which concerns crimes committed under the color of law. This has now resulted in the FBI's precedent setting violation of not only this author's Constitutional rights, but also the rights of my Family and hundreds of other people whom we've been in contact with over the past few decades.
This FBI agent and his minions are Constitution raping, criminal scum, who should be indicted for these outrageous crimes, as well as their furtive use of the U.S. Media in which to demonize this author, while displaying an abject disregard for the United States legal system.
Since by committing these treasonous crimes, these agents have proven that they consider themselves to above the rule of law (which they are not), and can usurp the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Federal Government whenever they decide to (which they have absolutely no legal authority to do).
As such, the American people are not safe when a psychopathic Intel agent can use the resources of the agency which employs them, to wage their own covert war on any citizen whom they take a personal dislike to - something else which has characterized the FBI and its Hooverized disciples for the past century, as has been documented by their myriad victims. Those who include the late Martin Luther King Jr. and Actress Jean Seberg, to myriad others who've learned first hand of the crime syndicate that operates under the FBI's facade of judicial respectability.
Julian Assange's WikiLeaks Alternative Media's Been Wrongfully Bankrupted By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex
Website Of The Late Investigative Journalist Sherman Skolnick