Sunday, January 31, 2010

Only A Dictatorship Would Electronically Brain Fingerprint Its Citizens - So What's The NSA Hoping To Accomplish By Brain Fingerprinting Us?

"Menticide - The Destruction Of The Human Mind Through Brainwashing -- The Zionist/Illuminati New World Order Plan For The Human Race"

The Zionist's Global Spy Network

Jews Against Zionism - Zionist Jews Took Part In The Murders Of Millions Of Jews During The German Holocaust Yet Exploit The Holocaust For Their Own Evil Agenda - No Self Respecting Jew Would Ever Have Anything To Do With Zionism

  • Adolph Hitler Was An Illegitimate Grandson Of Nathan Mayer Rothschild & Great Grandson Of Mayer Amschel Rothschild - Who Like His Ancestors Left A Legacy Of Global Torture, Murder & Pathological Deception - Even Though Hitler Has Been Labeled As A Nazi He Was First & Foremost A Zionist

  • Zionism & The Third Reich

  • Rothschild/Zionism Is Evil

  • "Uncle Sam" Or "Uncle Rothschild?"

    "Give me control of a nation's money
    and I care not who makes the laws."

    -- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    Founder Of The Zionist International Banking Cartel

    Which Took Control Of The U.S. Federal Government In 1913

    Under The Guise Of The Federal Reserve Central Bank

    To Have A Greater Understanding Of Just How Powerful & Corrupt The House Of Rothschild Is & How It Uses Central Banks Like The Federal Reserve System To Subvert A Country's Government, Read Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve"

    The NSA Takes A Blowtorch To The 4TH Amendment

    "By brain fingerprinting the entire United States population: 'A subject's bioelectromagnetic field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEG's). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject.'"

    -- Former NSA Employee John St. Clair Akwei

  • Printable Version Of John St. Clair Akwei's Federal Lawsuit Against The National Security Agency - A Lawsuit Which Every American Adult Should Read To Have A Better Understanding Of The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network - A Satellite Network Which Is Used To Spy Domestically By Tracking American Citizens Via Their Body's Own Unique Electromagnetic Fields

  • Mind Control For The Masses - A Reality In The New Millennium - Our Brains Are The Target Of Billions In Technology - The Ultimate Cost May Be The Hi-Tech Destruction Of The Human Soul

  • The Body Politic By Gary Dobry -- Why The FBI Was Forced To Frame Former FBI Special Agent Richard Taus On Charges Of Paedophilia

  • How U.S. Legislators Use Scare Tactics & The Media To Pass Treasonous Legislation Like The Patriot Act

  • This Blog Moves Up In Rank

    And Into The Top One Percent Of The Internet

    Since 2006, this Blog has gone from having virtually no traffic to more than 21 million page views per day, simply because the information contained within the Blog describes the most egregious government corruption ever documented, and identifies the Zionist banking cartel in London, England (which operates under the House Of Rothschild) as the source of this corruption.

    In the past few months, this Website's Internet ranking has gone from 4,121,047 to 3,697,750 (out of roughly 180 million Websites on the Internet), moving ahead of another 423,297 Websites. I cite this because the Intel community has been electronically tampering with the web counter on this Website since the site was created in 2006, in order to confuse the actual number of page hits which the site gets on a daily basis.

    Two independent sites which monitor Web traffic have this Website ranked nearly identically, which shows that the traffic on this Blog is now considerable - more than 21 million page views each day.

    To Have A Greater Understanding Of Just How Powerful & Corrupt The House Of Rothschild Is & How It Uses Central Banks Like The Federal Reserve System To Subvert A Country's Government, Read Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve"

    This is a significant achievement given the Intel community's never ending attempts in which to both discredit as well as demonize this author, for my exposition of the treasonous crimes which they have and continue to perpetrate against my Family and person. In their myriad attacks on us, they have violated virtually every rule of law there is, and in doing so, completely destroyed their own credibility as a legitimate part of the U.S. Federal Government.

    Moreover, I would not be surprised if Intel now tampers with these Web traffic sites ( & in which to misrepresent the actual number of page views this Blog achieves in the future. If so, it certainly won't be the first time that these miscreants have violated this author's civil rights.

    However, as of this day: has nearly 150 million page views a week.

    And given Intel's electronic tampering with this site in the past, the aforementioned information regarding the significant traffic on this Website illustrates that it has been effective in exposing the FBI/NSA COINTELPRO against this author, and that the public is rightfully concerned for their own safety, given the Intelligence community's illicit satellite tracking of our persons, egregious violations of our 4TH Amendment rights under the United States Constitution, and complete disregard for the Constitutional rule of law in this country.

    It is also true that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has never been granted the legislative charter necessary to operate in the United States, yet has been doing so for the past Century.

    See: The FBI Has No Legislative Charter - So Why Does Congress Appropriate Billions Of Dollars Each Year To Maintain This Unconstitutional Crime Syndicate?

    Under its Zionist leadership, the U.S. Intel community is disregarding our inherent rights as American citizens knowing that this so called leadership is not going to be held accountable for their criminal activities, which includes the computer to brain interface of millions of American citizens without their knowledge or consent.

    And we are not going to tolerate these abject abuses of our inherent rights as citizens of this country any longer. Our Constitutional rule of law must be reinstated no matter what the cost. And with such outrageous abuses of our civil liberties as those listed in the following paragraph, this movement to reinstate our rights as American citizens cannot begin soon enough. We have already waited far too long.

    Any government that would brain fingerprint its own citizens is a dictatorship. And that is exactly the type of government (however covert its operations are) that Americans are now being subjected to under the Patriot Act and this Zionist leadership.

    "By brain fingerprinting the entire United States population: 'A subject's bioelectromagnetic field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEG's). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject.'"

    -- Former NSA Employee John St. Clair Akwei

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