Syracuse University Research Team Investigates The FBI & Questions When The Bureau Became A Domestic Spy - Answer -- 1908 When The FBI Started Life

For those who have been targeted by the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO operations, they will find the following article of interest. I know that I did. Not that the FBI has ever been a legitimate crime fighting organization.
It never has been, even in its earliest days as the Bureau Of Investigation, when it conducted the now infamous "Palmer Raids" to deport resident aliens, even though they were committing no crimes.
However, it is nice to see academia finally taking notice of the FBI's covert and Nazi-like activities. Perhaps Syracuse University is breaking away from the human conditioning teachings of organizations like Tavistock and the Rockefeller Foundation; Illuminati run institutions that have long been known to condition the psyches of those participating in the United States academic and corporate worlds.
In fact the Rockefeller Foundation is directly responsible for the "backwards" educational infrastructure in the United States, as well as CONvincing (quite literally making women feel guilty that they were not working) women that they have a responsibility to work, while taking them away from their children eight hours a day. Another scam perpetrated against the American Family in an Illuminati attempt to dissolve it.
By infilitrating the women's movement through the likes of well known female personalities such as Gloria Steinem and Bella Abzug, the Rockefeller Foundation actually attempted to CONvince women that the job of child rearing -- the most important job there is or ever will be-- was less important than becoming part of the US workforce. Of course the Rockefeller Foundation had an ulterior motive here.
With women working, the Rockefeller's Federal Reserve Banking System could now double the number of Americans paying the illegal federal income tax each year, and threaten them with being audited by the IRS if they failed to do so. The ultimate irony here is that the American people have been unwittingly helping to pay for the creation of the New World Order and its one world Totalitarian government since 1913, when the unconstitutional income tax was created; the result of the unratified 16TH Amendment, which Congress illegally passed into law.
According to *Bill Benson, a tax protester who has done extensive research for the Tax Amnesty Movement, the 48 contiguous US States never ratified the 16TH Amendment, meaning that it is illegal. Moreover, in 1897 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the wages of the American worker were to be considered private property and as such, non taxable. Furthermore, in 1913, the Supreme Court also ruled that the 16TH Amendment conferred no new powers of taxation on the American worker.
*See Bill Benson's Website here: **Benson's book is a compendium of the 17,000 pages of documentation which he came across while doing his research, which proves that the 16TH Amendment was never ratified, and that the IRS is operating illegally.
**Read about what Bill's presently being subjected to here:
Yet knowing full well that a federal income tax is illegal, the US Congress has been allowing the IRS to impose this tax on the wages of the American worker since 1913; wages which are then paid directly to the PRIVATELY held Federal Reserve Bank System.
And where has the FBI been in all this? Did it shut these criminals down and return this stolen money to the American people? Of course not. Instead, the FBI has as usual, aided and abetted this criminal activity, while even backing out of a symposium conducted by "The We The People Foundation" in which the FBI, IRS and US Congress promised to prove that the federal income tax is legal.
Why did the aforementioned organizations back out of this meeting? Because they themselves searched for the law which entitles the IRS to impose a federal income tax, and found that no such law exists. So now the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS, Congress and FBI have all been caught in a lie which they cannot get out of, and are forced to simply ignore the situation.
However, this is not a situation which is going away, and only going to become more of a problem for the Congress and these organizations, as more Americans learn of how they have been cheated.
Simply put, wouldn't you like to have every dollar that you have paid in the federal income tax since you began working paid back to you with interest? Of course you would. Yet you have been "brainwashed" into believing that if you fail to pay a tax on your wages you are a criminal. However, you are not a criminal if you refuse to pay a tax on your wages -- you are a good American who is abiding by the laws as set forth by the US Constitution, and rulings made by the Supreme Court. Moreover, it's the US Congress, privately held Federal Reserve Bank, and IRS that are breaking the law here, and in the process stealing billions of your hard earned dollars each year.
Crime-busters turned snoopers
Lompoc Record March 11, 2008
A team of research analysts at Syracuse University has been tracking the FBI's activity in domestic crime investigations. The results are revealing.
For example, in 2007, the FBI made 2,300 referrals of cases to be prosecuted to the U.S. Justice Department. In 1993, the FBI made 20,900 such referrals.
Two decades ago, FBI investigations contributed 36 percent of the total cases prosecuted by the Justice Department. Last year, the FBI referrals were down to 16 percent.
So, if FBI agents aren't investigating crime in the United States, what are they doing? Ferreting out terrorists, apparently, and invading your privacy in the process.
Internal audits indicate the FBI has continued, and even expanded, its pursuit of information on American citizens - made possible by the Patriot Act - although it was ordered by a federal judge last year to cease and desist.
Read the rest of the article here:
Lompoc Record
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