Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The FEDS Destruction Of The Family Unit

When the FEDS decide to infiltrate your Family the situation becomes a living hell. Gone are the close bonds that you've built over decades with your loved ones, as the FEDS relentlessly gnaw away at your relationships to the point where there's nothing left but distrust, and in all too many cases hatred.

I have stated in the past that no matter what happens, I will never hate my Family even though they were long ago brainwashed into hating me. And I use the term brainwashed deliberately here, because I watched them subjected to NSA altered TV programming day after day for years. How did I know this? Because I was subjected to the same programming, but unlike my Family fought back.

The destruction of my Familial relationship is something very painful that I must live with on a daily basis. And it is something that most TI's must deal with, since in our situations a prime goal of the perps is the destruction of the Family unit -- a very familiar NAZI protocol that Hitler and his Third Reich used against the Jews during World War 2.

As I continue to document the truth about the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology and how I have been targeted by it for decades I am met with ridicule and cruelty. Fortunately there are enough TI's out there who know that I am telling the truth, and that my situation is in many instances very similar to their own.

Moreover, in telling the truth I am also documenting the fall of democracy in the United States while those around me continue to perpetrate some of the worst LIES and crimes against humanity ever reported. And as more people being targeted for this come forward every week to describe the horrors that they are being subjected to, they help to reinforce the total corruption within the US Government and society that so many of us have been documenting for years now.

Like many TI's I must live with the pain and sadness of losing my Family -- my greatest treasure. Yet this loss is in large part the driving force behind my determination to expose the FBI, NSA and their sanctioning of satellite based directed energy weapons as well as the organized stalking networks of sociopaths that they continue to perpetuate.

And like most TI's I will do so or die trying. There are no other options in our situations, as we are now faced with the most blatant subversion of government since Hitler overran Germany prior to World War II. As for the conspiratorial FOOLS who have allowed themselves to be used in the vicious harassment of all TI's, they are only helping to perpetrate these crimes against us and to prevent the truth from ever surfacing. They are in fact part of the problem -- not the solution, since they are in their own way guilty of treasonous crimes against the American people.

And in the long run they will be seen for the cowards that they are, and for attempting to block the truth when they had the opportunity to expose it.

As for those who claim that TI's are the ones who are crazy, all I can say is that TI's are the ones who are honestly appraising the subversion that is taking place in this country and exposing this government's extensive crimes against humanity. We do so while being treated as cruelly as possible by the sickest pieces of NAZI SCUM on this planet.

Yet we will have our day of victory in spite of the odds we face. We are in the right -- these NAZI's who conceal themselves within the sub-framework of our government are not.

And as for those relationships that these NAZI Rat Bastards have destroyed (including those with our own Families), we must remember that this Silent Holocaust is a WAR that we are fighting and that the destruction of these relationships is a very real consequence and devasting casualty of this war.

To be a perp whether you are a federal agent or someone whom they are sanctioning to take part in these crimes against humanity, is to deny the truth and to perpetuate treasonous LIES against the American people. To be a TI is to illuminate the truth and expose the LIES being told at all levels of government, in spite of the suffering that you are being subjected to.

And each of us shall do so and take great pride in exposing this EVIL for exactly what it is.

My suggestion for those TI's who find that their Familial relationships have been destroyed, and are now targeted by their own Families for psywarfare is as follows:

Love them and be as compassionate as you can with them, since in nearly all cases, your Families are victims of these NAZI's just as you are. In my situation I have been referred to by the perps as ice, simply because I no longer fall for their tactics, and refuse to be taken in by them when they use my Family to do their dirty work for them. I stay clear of my Family because I don't wish to hurt them anymore than they have already been hurt, and if I kept in close contact it would mean being subjected to the psychological warfare employed by these FEDS and their squads of organized stalkers.

Only the FEDS are sick enough to use these tactics in an attempt to destroy a TI's sanity and then claim that the TI is either paranoid or mentally unstable.

For those TI's whose Families have been brainwashed against you, you must understand that they now see you as their enemy, just as the organized stalking minions do. Most if not all of them are brainwashing victims whose strings are being pulled by the agents within the federal government -- agents who are extremely dangerous people and should be given the death penalty for the crimes that they have perpetrated against all of us.

These PERPS are a CANCER -- an absolutely disgusting plague on all TI's and society, that should be extinquished in the ways in which you destroy any CANCER.

As far as I am concerned, the battle that I face for the rest of my life will be to expose this NAZI garbage for what it is and the technology that they have illegally used on myself and myriad other TI's by way of the FBI, NSA and Homeland Security. The CIA and Department Of Defense are no better, and use this technology illegally to remotely torture many of us with their satellite directed energy weapons. The American people are so woefully ignorant of what is happening within the United States at this time that they are unprepared for what is going to befall all of us within the next few years.

And while they are unaware of it at this time the following holds true:

America will again have to battle to restore her Civil Liberties, and this means
wrestling this country back from the Nazi's who now reside within the core shadow government that has been building here for more than 60 years. Until we have done so, the Constitutional Republic that America was created to be will continue to falter.


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