Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Problems Of All TI's Pale In Comparison To What Is Covertly Taking Place Globally At This Time

I would never down play what any individual targeted for satellite based directed energy weapons is subjected to, or the hell that we are all forced to endure.

However at this time, the New World Order is on the cusp of being ushered in. And while TI's are to at least some degree aware of the EVIL that they are being subjected to as a result of this Illuminati one world fascist dictatorship, most of the people on this planet are not. Nor are they prepared for the mind enslavement that they are already being covertly subjected to by way of satellites, cell phone towers and other broadcast mediums including the GWEN communications system.

I have witnessed both first and second hand the psychological assaults that these weapons are capable of causing. Furthermore, I am also well aware of the campaign used to discredit anyone who comes forward with this information.

Seldom are those who discredit us overtly aggressive in their attacks, since that would raise suspicion to the largely unwitting public. Instead their attacks are carefully crafted in a light hearted and seemingly disinterested way.

Comments like take your medication or put your tin foil hat on are common place. Yet for all of their attempts to make light of what we are saying, they are very careful to watch what we say and where we say it. And it is no coincidence that when TI's post in regard to their harassment and the impending New World Order, that our posts are quickly met with these types of "disarming" tactics in order to ensure that we never make too much headway in getting our information into areas where the public can learn about it.

We are in one way or another neutralized. Those of us who have been subjected to satellite based synthetic telepathy are attacked with extreme prejudice depending on the severity and duration of the crimes that have been perpetrated against us, where even our own Families can be coerced and tormented to the point where they will turn against us. It has happened far more than most people would imagine.

Those who perpetrate these crimes against us have a lot to hide. And it's the US Federal intelligence community that's at the top of the list here, since they have access to this satellite based thought reading/influencing technology before any private corporations or groups do. And unlike the latter, they're able to commit these crimes under the color of law and conceal them under the cover of law through the National Security Act -- One of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed, since from day one it allowed for government secrecy, which in turn bred unparalleled criminal activity by our own government.

The NSA and CIA both have access to this technology. It appears that when the FBI needs to do this type of surveillance on those people whom they choose to target, they contact the NSA, who then places these TI's under 24 hour audio/visual satellite surveillance, tracking them by way of remote neural monitoring, while electronically accessing and manipulating their thoughts.

Two former NSA employees tried to come foward to warn the public about this technology and were prevented from doing so, because Congress is well aware of the scandal that would take place it this happens. There is no question that if Congress ever admits to the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology, and how serious the abuses of it have been regarding the American people, this government will collapse, having lost what little credibilty it has left.

There is no doubt about this and Congress knows it.

For targeted individuals the Due Process of law the 5th Amendment calls for is non existent, as federal agencies that are violating the US Constitution by usurping its authority unlawfully, deprive US citizens of their Civil Rights. While there is no way of knowing how many Americans are spied on by the NSA 24 hours a day, it's clear that this agency maintains the code to the EMF (electromagnetic flux) of every American citizen within its database, and can access anyone of them at anytime, without the citizen's knowledge. This is the most outrageous abuse of Civil Rights ever documented.

As I've stated in the past, the NSA's IBM blue gene computers are capable of monitoring more than 6 times the Earth's population simultaneously if needed, so spying on 300 million Americans at one time is well within the realm of possiblity here. Remember that your information can be archived and you can be "electronically" accessed without the need for an NSA agent to actually do the work. These AI (artificial intelligence) computers are capable of monitoring all Americans and kicking back superlative information in regard to what they find,
so that NSA cryptologists can later review it.

Given the near militarization of the police in this country since the attacks on 9-11, it is also plausible to infer that the NSA may well be watching a very large percentage of the US population, if not all of it at this time. And gathering information on all of us which is being archived in its huge computer data banks, so that the leaders of the NWO have the most complete dossiers on us possible.

Also keep in mind that it only takes 3 spy satellites to cover the entire Earth, and that the NSA and the Department Of Defense have access to far more than just three of them. Are they spying on other countries? Of course. However, they are also spying on Americans and in ways far more intrusive than most of us would have imagined.

These satellites are not just listening to you. They are watching you within the privacy of your own homes, your places of employment and wherever you may travel to within society. They are electronically reading your thoughts and cataloguing them for future reference, as they watch you make love, shower and even use your own toilets.

Thirty years ago, when Senator Frank Church visted the NSA, he came back very concerned. So concerned that he stated the NSA's spy technology was advanced enough that with the right president, the NSA could turn the USA into a fascist police state. Senator Church was absolutely right, and may have even had an inkling that it was starting to happen during his tenure in Congress. Even then he had the foresight to see the Orweillian possiblities that the NSA represented in the wrong hands.

If only the rest of Congress and the American people had.

Any NATO member countries have access to this technology, and many citizens within these countries are reporting NAZI- type abuse by their own governments for speaking out against the Bush Adminstration, and the coverup that took place when Bush and the Project For A New American Century decided to employ the use of a real Operation Northwoods, which would seal the fates of nearly 3000 of our brothers and sisters, who perished in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that tragic and infamous day we now refer to simply as 9-11.

What should also raise a red flag is that US Government whistle blowers are being fired from their jobs and targeted for abuse at the hands of the federal agencies that they worked for, in efforts to silence them. Agents who are decent men and women attempting to expose unparalleled corruption within the hierarchy of their own government.

They are patriots who have risked everything to expose the truth and they are being villified by this Government for doing so. In many instances so are their Families and friends, in efforts to keep them under control, and prevent them from speaking out.

I have watched the terror within my own Family and the absolute brainwashing tactics that the FEDS have used against my parents and brother. I have witnessed the LIES first hand which have been told, and seen the complete helplessness of my own Family and the total ruthlessness of the FEDS in their attacks on all of us. Once you have witnessed this you are not likely to ever forget it. This is no longer America the constitutional republic -- this is now Amerika the fascist police state. And I am here to tell you that I witnessed this first hand within my Family's home.

These FEDS are the main threat to the well being of the human race, since the Illuminati is using them to enforce what will soon be a state of martial law within all NATO countries. The goal is to destroy individual thought and to enslave all humans who are deemed to be beneath the Illuminist hierarchy on this planet.

And the Illuminists have quite an advantage going for them, since the mainstream media in all NATO countries has been and continues to be used quite effectively in circulating government disinformation, to keep these people in a state of perpetual ignorance. One can infer from the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, that each NATO Government has a similar operation in which federal intelligence infiltrated the media and used it for its own disinformation campaigns.

Most Americans are so woefully ignorant in regard to the state of the US Government that they honestly believe that electing a Democratic president in 2008 is going to turn this country around. However, the reality is that should this election actually take place, it would be meaningless, since no elected president will be allowed into office unless he/she is approved of by the Illuminati long before the campaigns themselves ever get started.

And given the strong hold that it has over the US at this time under the Bush Adminstration, it makes more sense for these Illuminated ones to use Bush to do what they have wanted to do since the USA was first created as a constitutional republic -- subvert it into fascism and usher in the New World Order while they have the chance to.

Why wait for the 2008 election when they are so close to realizing their dream of global subversion, and complete autonomy over the entire planet by way of a one world dictatorship?

While most people are still unaware of it, the human race is now facing the darkest hours since its creation, and will be tested like never before to determine whether or not it can withstand and defeat the New World Order.

Our problems have gone well beyond that of the individual. The people on this planet are soon to be in a battle which will seal the fate of the human race. Call it Bible prophesy or anything else you care to, but make certain to acknowlege that this is the most important time in human history. And if the Illuminati wins, the enslavement of the human race and genocide of those ethnicities whom they deem to be of no value to them, will be an absolute certainty.


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