Thursday, November 02, 2006

For The Bush Administration This Would Appear To Be Very Convenient Timing

In today's news there was mention of identifying the remains of a former flight attendent by the name of Karen Martin who was allegedly killed at ground zero on 9-11. Martin, a flight attendent who was alleged to have been aboard American Flight 111, which was alleged to have crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11, was from Danvers, Massachusetts.

The release of her name at a time when the 9-11 conspiracy has taken on tremendous relevance would seem to be more than just coincidental -- especially since a number of people who witnessed the planes that crashed into the towers all agreed that they were not commercial airliners, but instead, military aircraft of some type. Was Karen a stewardness for the US Airforce? Not from what I've read. So exactly how is it that her remains were found at the WTC site when the chances are quite likely that she was probably never anywhere near Manhattan on 9/11/2001?

Is it any wonder why out of the roughly 1600 victims who've yet to be identified from the WTC collapse, that Martin's name would be mentioned today? When the public starts to head in the right direction, the FEDS use the media to quickly redirect them. And that is exactly what happened today.

They do the same with Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda when the public begins asking too many questions. A tape of a CIA operative who represented American interests during the 1979 Soviet Afghan War suddenly surfaces, where we see Bin Laden in all his rebellious glory hatching yet another plot against us. Anything to keep the Bush Adminstration's terrorist threat alive, no matter how great the deception.

The FEDS aren't even above creating a bogus terrorist warning to instill fear in the American people, in efforts to ensure that they keep control over them. Remember that the theme the Bush Administration has perpetuated in order to steal our Civil Liberties from us is terrorism.

We hear about some aspect of it nearly every day either on the news or in the papers. Since 9-11 the fear of terrorism is a common theme shared by all Americans. Bush probably says the word at least 50 times a day, everyday. It's more than likely as ingrained in him as it is in most Americans but for the opposite reason, since Bush realizes that if the terrorist threat in this country cannot be maintained, all of his subversions of existing legislation (done through bill signing statements) will be scrutinized in depth -- something they have not up 'till this point.

The New World Order needs to operate on fear to control the Earth's populace, and there is little question that if they can't get it by circulating disinformation through the US media, we will again see another attack on US soil; an attack perpetrated not by Bin Laden, Al qaeda, Iran or North Korea, but by the Bush Adminstration and those right wing neocons who support extremism in order to further their facscist interests.

Without the rampant fear mongering, this adminstration would no longer have the excuse that it has used for the past 5 years, to emasculate the Bill Of Rights, since the war on terror is a bogus one, created to allow for the complete dominance of the United States and her people -- a dominance which will make us easy pickings for the New World Order's elite oligarchy.

As for those who attack conspiracy theorists, may I remind you that there is a significant amount of irrefutable evidence which proves that 9-11 was a criminal conspiracy, and that there are myriad players involved in the treasonous deception of the American people, starting first and foremost with the Bush Adminstration and the Project For A New American Century.

In regard to the DNA samples supplied by Karen Martin's family I have no doubt that they were real. However, the FEDS can easily coerce a coroner to LIE about DNA evidence and there is little doubt in my mind that this is exactly what occurred in this case.

I still wonder what really became of the passengers who were alleged to have been on the four flights which were destroyed on 9-11. Film maker Dylan Avery has Flight 93 landing at Cleveland airport shortly before it was reported to have crashed in Pennsylvania. And there are so many eyewitness accounts to both the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and the Pennsylvania crashes which simply contradict the official version of events on 9-11.

A myriad of eyewitnesses to each of these attacks saw something very different from the official story. Not one person at the Pentagon saw a 757 hit the facility. And the FBI has refused to release all but one of the tapes that it confiscated -- the one it did release (only after they were sued in court to do so) never did show a 757 or for that matter anyother type of aircraft.

A ground to air missile is more than likely what we would see on the tapes that the FBI has held back, so is it any wonder why the FBI won't show them to us?

As for the World Trade Center, numerous people have come forward to say that the planes that they saw hitting the Towers did not look anything like commercial airliners, but instead, military aircraft.

And a woman who was driving in Pennsylvania within close proximity to the alleged crash site of Flight 93 reported seeing a white jet moving very low and at great speed just before the crash occurred. She relayed this to the media stating that the jet she saw appeared to be military and was far too small to be a commercial aircraft. Shortly after this jet zoomed over her car, she saw smoke in the distance.

Can all of these people be mistaken? Were the 270 eyewitnesses to the missile attack on TWA Flight 800 back in 1996 all mistaken as well? Not one of them was ever taken seriously by the FBI, which raises more questions about the FBI's legitimacy as law enforcement then it does about the eyesight and credibility of nearly 300 eyewitnesses.

What reasons would these witnesses having for lying ot the FBI about what they saw?
None that I can think of. On the other hand, what reasons would the FBI have for lying to the American people in regard to the missile downing of TWA Flight 800, the 9-11 attacks and a number of other unnacceptably explained events which have plagued the United States over the past decade? As an enforcer of the Illuminati and soon to be ushered in New World Order, plenty.

Now how many witnesses have to come forward before the American people as a whole finally admit that we have another JFK situation on our hands? We have been "black propaganda" duped by our own government and are the victims of some very serious treasonous crimes.

In orchestrating this latest hoax regarding the DNA of Karen Martin, the Bush Administration can now use it to bolster its shaky official story. I do, however, seriously wonder whatever happened to Karen. Is she still alive somewhere along with all of the others who were taken by the US Government on 9-11, or was she murdered? Perhaps they were all murdered. But they did not die in the plane crashes that occurred on 9-11, which leaves us to wonder exactly how they met their fate.

I seriously doubt that Karen died at the World Trade Center unless she was visiting someone in one of the Towers at the time of its collapse. Given what this government has hidden from the public in regard to covert non consensual human experimentation, living might have been a worse fate for her and the rest of the passengers on that day than dying, given an even darker alternative. Something so horrible that at this time I would prefer to not even think about it.

There's little chance that any 9-11 conspiracy buffs are going to buy into this latest black propaganda whitewash of Bush's, since it's only being used to continue to propagate the LIES perpetrated by the Bush Adminstration and the PNAC -- a modern day version of Operation Northwoods, which like the original plan, called for the murders of innocent Americans in order to justify a military attack on a country of their choosing. An attack on Cuba was the goal of Operation Northwoods. A plausible reason to war with Iraq was the goal of the attacks on 9-11.

One must wonder what government insiders named the near mirror of image of North Woods which they perpetrated against the American people on 9-11? Operation Grand Deception has an interesting ring to it.


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