Thursday, October 19, 2006

How The NSA Can Manipulate Your Thoughts & Actions

As a long-term mind control target of the NSA I have often wondered exactly how it is that this federal agency is able to invade my thoughts and influence them. The following article is a decent primer on how it's done, although there's a lot more to it than what's listed there. For the reader's edification it would be prudent to review this article and to share it with others.

Believe me when I tell you that the US Federal Intelligence community is no friend of yours or mine. You should know the half of it!

When you have a government that utilizes technology which can electronically access your own thoughts, as well as manipulate your actions by way of satellites that are more than 20 thousand miles into space, you should at the very least know how it's being done.


Because no one in this government wants you to know about this technology, especially since you are one of the primary reasons for its creation. And if you happen to find out that you are being targeted for it prepare to have these FEDS turn you into a pariah within your own community and alienate you from everyone you know, including your own Family.

Read about it here:


Blogger James F. Marino said...

Yes I am for real. And what my Family and I have been put through by the FEDS has been well documented on my Website. We are all being put through a hell that most people cannot imagine, but some of the most EVIL people on this planet.

US Federal Intelligence is a facade having committed some of the worst atrocities against humanity ever documented.

Their need to demonize me is done to cover up the extensive crimes that they have perpetrated against me and my Family for decades.

Remote Neural Monitoring is real and IT IS EVIL as are those who use it to attack us.

The FEDS will have to kill me to stop me from exposing their crimes
and it is quite obvious that they are FEELING THE HEAT since my accounts are true and looking to completely TRASH my reputation to cover up for their own crimes.

THE FBI CIA NSA are all Illuminati run organizations controlling the population by way of deceit and looking to do as much damage as possible to the human race as they move towards enslaving all of us through the ILLEGAL and IMMORAL use of this technology.

They will be EXPOSED for these crimes now since there is a very powerful movement in place to show the world what they really are.

And I take great pride and enthusiasm is using the anger that I now have as a result of the long term pain and suffering of my Family and self to focus on the ultimate dissolution of these FASCIST miscreants.

Anyone who torture us the way that they have is EVIL.

9:41 PM  

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