Tuesday, September 19, 2006


More than 30 years after committing numerous crimes against the American people by aiding abetting criminal activity for Boston's Flemmi crime family, and furnishing them with the names of FBI informants who were later murdered by the Flemmi's, FBI special agent John Connolly is finally arrested.

This is a rare sight, since most FBI agents who commit crimes even worse than Connolly's are never punished by the Bureau or the Justice Department, unless this information gets out to the public as it did in Connolly's case. Only then in the face of a tremendous scandal such as Connolly's will the DOJ and FBI do what they should have done in the first place.

The truth is that the FBI is anything but legitimate law enforcement. Instead, this agency is a covert terrorist used to maintain the status quo within the United States for the Illuminati.

As such it is by far one of the greatest threats to the American people and their civil liberties that has ever existed. If only FBI agent Ray Migliore was in the photo below, that would be justice, since this low life thug committed federal crimes by abusing his authority under the color of law; crimes in which he had me illegally placed into the National Security Agency's remote neural monitoring program, where I have been spied upon 24/7/365 for the past 25 years, while my thoughts have been electronically accessed by the NSA's electronic brain link technology. This is without a doubt one of the worst violations of both civil and human rights in United States history.

Ray, you are just lucky that the statute of limitations has run out or you'd be sitting right next to Connolly in a prison cell where you belong, you rotten dirt bag.


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