Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Red & White - Stalker Colors Of The Day

After searching the Web last night in regard to the colors that gang stalkers use, and reading about some victims who reported the use of both red and white colors in their harassment, the stalkers have included red and white colors on some of their vehicles today. A white pickup with a red painted rear cargo cover and a white panel van with red lettering have already showed up, proving without a doubt that the perps are watching my Internet surfing.

The real issue is not so much the colors as it is the reason behind their use. Every aspect of gangstalking is to force the TI to become sensitized to whatever it is that the stalkers want them to react to.

Some examples are the use of certain colors to instill a sense of paranoia within the stalking victim. Other aspects include certain rituals which are used to condition the TI into responding in a certain way.

For example, if a group of stalkers decides to condition a TI to become paranoid of pens, the TI will suddenly be exposed to many stalkers suddenly clicking their pens. Now if you see one person clicking their pen, you would not think much of it. However, if you noticed perhaps 40 people doing so within the course of one day, that would not be normal, and you would become sensitized to what the perps were doing. The same can be said of perps who jingle their car key rings, clear their throats, shake paper bags, honk their car horns, follow their targets using the highbeams on their cars to intimidate said targets (known as brighting) etc. It's all about repetitive actions which are used to condition a Targeted Individual to respond in a given way.

And any object or action, regardless of what it is can be used in this way. One that I have been experiencing for sometime now is the throat clearing episode, where those around me clear their throats constantly. Another is making a sniffing sound as they walk by. Keep in mind that these are just two of a myriad of gaslighting tactics that the perps use and coerce others to use against those they target.

Again, it is not the object, color nor action in and of themselves which has any real significance. It is their use in an abnormal way to attract a conditioned response from a TI which is the real purpose. The objects, colors and actions are just a means to an end -- not an end in themselves.

When taking this into consideration, an important question arises here.

Is it possible to not become conditioned to respond to these objects in a negative way? Absolutely! Blue and red are just colors. An apple is just an apple. A white van with red lettering is just a white van with red lettering. So don't let the stalkers make any of these items anything more to you then what they really are -- inanimate objects.

Also remember that when the stalkers attempt to use these objects as a warning to condition you to something that they may do to you in the future, the objects in and of themselves are still benign. It is the gangstalkers and their NAZI methodology which are the cancer which we must all rid ourselves of.

Also note that the objective of the stalkers is to destroy you by gaining control of your mind. If they cannot do so they have failed in their quest and wasted their time. To other TI's who have said that the gang stalker's goal is to waste the time of the TI, and that they cannot waste their own time no matter what they do, I say: gangstalkers are wasting their time. They are commiting cruel and sadistic acts of psychological warfare and wasting their lives, when in reality they could be performing a constructive role in this life. They simply choose not to, and that is what makes them the consumate losers they have become, as is the case with the FEDS who instigate them into taking part in these criminal acts.

They are all an albatross around the necks of the American people and should be eradicated like the cancers that they are.


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