Thursday, March 07, 2013

Chronology of FBI/NSA/DHS Psychological Warfare And Organized Stalking Harassment Since December of 2012

Vehicular Stalking Is Part Of Organized Stalking Campaigns Orchestrated Against American Citizens By A Network Of 72 Nationwide Fusion Centers Overseen By The Department Of Homeland Security And The Department Of Justice - These Organizations Are A Modern Day Version Of The Nazi's Third Reich

Chronology of FBI/NSA/DHS psychological warfare and organized stalking harassment since December of 2012

Summary Of These Attacks

Followed By A Daily Chronology Since 12/25/12

The COINTELPRO operation against this author has been ongoing for decades by FBI and NSA, however, became aggressive in the Spring of 2003, when I also became the target of an organized stalking campaign which has now lasted more than 10 years. I have also been a target of MKULTRA mind control experimentation since the 1970s.

This non consensual human experimentation involves the *EEG Heterodyning of my brainwaves which allows the NSA the ability to access as well as manipulate my thoughts via this remote form of computer to brain interface (otherwise known as remote neural monitoring of the brain, or as the government secretly refers to it - synthetic telepathy - artificial mind reading via signals intelligence satellite or over the horizon radar).

*Google: The Matrix Deciphered and Dr. Robert Duncan

In 2005, this author publicly accused the U.S. Federal Government of secretly cataloguing the unique EMF (Electromagnetic Flux) signatures from the body of each American citizen into a central computer database, beginning in the early 1980s, which has since been used as part of a U.S. Military Intelligence complex - signals intelligence driven domestic spy program.

A clandestine program which involves the U.S. federal government's decoding of the individual brain maps of each American citizen , which are then catalogued into a central computer database and used to instantaneously track us as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program.

These signals intelligence satellite networks are used to locate and track each citizen by way of their body's own unique *electromagnetic signatures.

* Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency & The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network

My allegations have been supported by a number of people since I first made this claim. I have also stated that because the EMF signatures of each American citizen's body are unique to them, that our sets of EMF fingerprints constitute an electronic form of DNA. And since our DNA belongs to us, then it logically follows that our EMF fingerprints are also our property.

My information is supported by statements made by Dr. Robert Duncan, in his books "The Matrix Deciphered" and "Project: Soul Catcher."

Duncan is a former government scientist who's worked for the CIA, DOJ(FBI), NSA and Pentagon, refining EEG heterodyning technology.

EEG heterodyning is how a federal agency like the NSA can remotely interface an artificial intelligence computer with the neural pathways of the human brain, by synchronizing an artificial intelligence digital computer with the precise EEG signature (a brainwave print) of a targeted person's brain.

The testimony given by NSA whistleblower, John St. Clair Akwei in his 1992 civil lawsuit against the U.S. National Security Agency also supports my claims. In this lawsuit, Mr. Akwei describes the NSA's infrastructure, as well as the Agency's use of a "Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network" which can be used to instantly identify and track any American citizen, by way of their body's own unique EMF signatures, which also includes a brainwave print - illegally collected by the NSA as part of a national brain mapping program.

Akwei's lawsuit was dismissed by a corrupt federal circuit court judge named Stanley Sporkin, who as a former general counsel to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, has had a history while on the bench, of influencing federal cases in favor of the U.S. Intelligence community; including a case which involved Hamilton Securities, as well as Akwei VS NSA.

In the Spring of 2011 I cited Sporkin's role in derailing Akwei VS NSA, and the organized stalking attacks which were being perpetrated against my person increased significantly, as did the vicious NSA/FBI/DHS COINTELPRO-slander campaign against this author.

This organized crime syndicate, which operates under the cover of the U.S. Intel community, is also aggressively attacking certain members of this author's Family, as part of this COINTELPRO operation, which is completely illegal, since these crimes are being used to circumvent the judicial process.

This amounts to a complete circumvention of the Constitutional right to due process of law under the 5Th and 6Th Amendments to the U.S. Bill Of Rights, thus implicating the FBI, NSA and DHS in high crimes of treason, with regard to their attempts to circumvent the Constitution, in order to conceal the FBI and NSA's illegal use of this author as a target of MK-Ultra since the 1970s.

* Editor's Note:  FBI/NSA directed energy attacks against this author's Father and Mother, as well as my person, continue at an abated pace. However, they still continue on a more subtle level. In addition to these attacks, these Nazi indoctrinated psychopaths continue to use satellite based electronic warfare technology to vandalize electronic equipment in our home.

FBI/NSA murderous psychopaths have also destroyed many of the trees on our property using directed energy microwave weapons, in which to pull these trees out at the root.

 This has been going on for the past decade, and the HAARP created storm, Hurricane Sandy, was used as a plausible deniable way of knocking down more than a dozen trees on our property, each of which was pulled up at their roots.

While these crimes are always perpetrated with plausible deniability, we have had a significant number of trees, as well electronic appliances destroyed by directed energy microwave weapons. This damage is clearly anomalous.

Since Hurricane Sandy - which to reiterate, was a HAARP created storm - struck Long Island causing billions of dollars in damage, FBI/NSA have used the cover of the storm to further vandalize electronic equipment in our home.

As part of this electronic attack, these government criminals burned out an analogue thermostat which has now been replaced with a "new digital" thermostat.

The digital thermostat is that much easier to remotely tamper with.  The heating system has been the latest target of this signals intelligence derived vandalism, which has resulted in technicians being called to our home on several occasions, in order to repair the damage caused by this technology.

It would seem that when we are not being attacked bodily, these agents of Satan are busy amusing themselves either remotely tampering with, or damaging our electronic equipment.

Of course, the slanderous campaigns which are conducted as an adjunct to these atrocities are perpetrated in order to justify what these miscreants have done, since they are not operating within the rule of law. And as such, these government criminals have become reliant on covert and illegal methodologies which include organized stalking, psychological warfare, and directed energy weapons' attacks, in an attempt to drive this author insane, so that these agents themselves can avoid being indicted and prosecuted for crimes they have been perpetrating against my person for decades.

The result is nothing less than their terrorizing of members of this author's Family through a myriad of crimes so horrendous, that these government reprobates can never enter a court of law without denying that these crimes have taken place, while committing perjury on a myriad of counts.

Chronology Of FBI/NSA Psyops
And Electronic Harassment Of Our Persons Since 12/25/12

3/15/15 - In February the NSA remotely interfered with the infrared signal from key fobs for one of our automobiles.

The key fobs were taken to the local dealership and "reprogrammed" so that they should work fine.

However, when they are returned only one key fob works intermittently. The other key fob does not function at all.

The NSA also remotely tampers with a digital watch that I wear, constantly changing the time and date on the watch. These are just a few examples of the myriad plausibly deniable acts of psychological warfare that the NSA, FBI and DHS subject us to on a daily basis.

2/8/15 - The latest NSA signals intelligence attack on our persons took place this past week, when the two remotes to one of our automobiles were remotely sabotaged.

This resulted in our having to bring these remotes to the car dealer in order to have them reprogrammed. They were perfectly fine a week ago, and now they operate erratically, depending on whether or not the NSA is remotely tampering with them.

Something similar occurred with the remotes on another of our automobiles a few years ago, when both cell batteries died simultaneously. This was done via the NSA's signals intelligence sabotage of these remotes. The NSA can instantly sabotage by remote means, any electrical component, through the agency's use of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The NSA can also remotely access the brain of any American citizen by way of the electromagnetic spectrum, as part of its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which operates as part of a national EMF brain mapping program.

This scandal is being denied by the U.S. Federal Government because the government is involved in a conspiracy to enslave the American people, by decoding the EMF signatures from our bodies, and using the EM spectrum in which to locate us through these unique EMF signatures.

This is a form of slavery which is taking place under the cover of national security, which is why it is being denied by U.S. politicians, whose careers will be destroyed if they ever admit to this conspiracy.

The politicians are instead being used to destroy those of us who have exposed this Orwellian conspiracy to the American people.

10/22/14 - The FBI is presently engaged in its latest smear/slander campaign against this author. At least once a year, the FBI creates an addendum to its initial BOLO on this author, which includes further fabrications of information and testimony that may also involve the FBI's suborning of witness perjury. The FBI also uses myriad psychological operations against this author in attempt to drive me to the point of insanity. However, the FBI has failed to achieve this in more than 11 years of this Orwellian and sadistic harassment - which takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This is the extent to which the FBI will go to murder a legitimate target of MK-Ultra and COINTELPRO, who has also exposed the greatest scandal in American history.

Pentagon/NSA/CIA collusion in decoding the unique EMF signatures of every American citizen's body (including our own unique brainwave prints), which are then catalogued into government computer databases and used as part of an Orwellian signals intelligence driven domestic spy program.

This scandal is enormous, and will eventually bring about the downfall of the shadow government which operates within the United States.

While I will likely have been murdered by the FBI before this occurs, and as revenge for this exposition, I take great satisfaction in knowing that I have told the American people the truth about this Orwellian program, and that my blog has served to provide millions of people with this information over the past decade, who are now promulgating this information, as well as John St. Clair Akwei's precedent setting lawsuit against the NSA, which exposes this Nazi behemoth for its Satanic agenda of using the EM spectrum to enslave the American people.

9/22/2014 - "The NSA's SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network is an outgrowth of the Pentagon and CIA's MIND and TAMI (MKULTRA) mind control programs, which use EEG Heterodyning technology to synchronize AI computers with the unique brainwave print of each American citizen. This technology enables the NSA to brand us like heads of cattle."

"T H I S _(above)_ from a guy whose (self-posted) 'Primary Interests (include) The Paranomal, UFOlogy & EBE's, The True History Of The Human Race, Government Crimes Including The Inside Job That The Attacks On 9/11 Were As Well As Others Perpetrated By The US Intelligence Community...'

"'And, if you're crazy enough to 'Google' what he TELLS you to 'google' ("AKWEI VS NSA & The Matrix Deciphered") in order to supposedly 'VERIFY' the drivel he propunds , it brings you *Right_Back* to his twaddle-blog...! ('Yes', I had nothing better to do, immediately following lunch)"

The above post is typical of how the FBI attempts to discredit legitimate whistleblowers of government programs which utilize classified technologies for the purpose of non consensual human experimentation.

Their posts are often rude and glib, never taking into consideration the technology involved or the patents behind the creation of this technology. Their posts are simply used to discredit, because they are government shills whose sole function is to cyber stalk targets of non consensual human experimentation in an effort to discredit them.

This author has been subjected to the above types of disinfo posts on myriad occasions over the Internet, while the FBI continues to foment its vicious and illegal slander campaign against my person.

I cite the following only as an example of how these federal provocateurs are used for the purpose of discrediting legitimate targets of government financed and sanctioned non consensual human experimentation.

If this person found my Website to be of no value, why would they have even bothered to duplicate any part of it on another Website? They did so as part of an FBI smear campaign against my person, and as revenge for documenting my own experiences as a target of MK-Ultra for many years.

Because this person is a government provocateur who knows that what I have written is the truth, and why the federal government continues in its furtive attack on my person, in an effort to conceal from the American people, that they are the targets of a government conspiracy to enslave them through the use of EMF spectrum.

These smear campaigns are very personal on us, because these people are members of the federal agencies who take part in the crimes that we document.

Even though they attempt to post as casual Internet surfers.

They are also attempting to cover up the fact that the NSA has illegally and treasonously decoded the unique EMF signatures from each American citizen's body which are then used to identify each citizen through the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

9/11/2014 - May The Souls Of Those Americans Who Were Murdered By Their Own Corrupted Government During The 9/11 Satanic False Flag Operation And The Millions Of Iraqi And Afghani Men, Women And Children Who've Also Since Been Murdered As Part Of This False Flag Operation Rest In Peace.

A Family member of this author's who has been unemployed for nearly two years as the direct result of the FBI's orchestrating this person's being fired from their job, continues to be unable to find work.

It has become evident that the FBI is preventing this person from being hired, in an effort to force them to lose the home which they purchased more than two decades ago, and have worked very hard to maintain in all this time.

This relentless torture of the Family members of a Targeted Individual is how the FBI turns Families against their own flesh and blood; attempting to convince these Family members that it is the fault of the Targeted biological relative, instead of these federal psychopaths taking responsibility for the terrible crimes that they are perpetrating against us.

This is COINTELPRO at its ugliest, where these evil agents destroy the lives of good people in the interest of neutralizing them.

And the U.S. courts, the Congress and the White House are all complicit in covering up these atrocities up.

Especially when they involve the government's attempt to silence a target of MK-Ultra.

As another example of the signals intelligence satellite and HAARP over the horizon radar predation that we are subjected to daily, when I attempt to start one of our cars this morning, the automobile's engine will not turnover. And unlike the smell that one would experience if the carburetor to the engine was flooded, there was no such gasoline smell. The fuel was being blocked by remote means from entering the carburetor.

As proof of this, after another Family member attempts to start this automobile, the car starts within two tries.

This is just another in the thousands of examples of signals intelligence electromagnetic sabotage that we have been subjected to by the NSA over the past two decades.

9/6/14 - As I am watching a movie this evening, an Organized Stalker enters my neighbor's driveway and pulls their automobile to the upper part of this driveway, which sits about level with the window to my den.

This Organized Stalker, then proceeds to turn their highbeams on and aims their car directly at my window. This "BRIGHTING" is a common tactic used in Vehicular Organized Stalking, and in this case, goes on for a few minutes before the reprobate leaves.

In today's Orwellian society, our communities are told that they must allow these vigilante groups access to their property for the purpose of harassing a Targeted Individual whose home is located within the vicinity of such properties.

This is yet another indication of the coercion that our neighbors are being subjected to by DOJ, FBI, DHS controlled fusion centers, to use furtive means in which to attack any Targeted Individual whom they are told to.

The neighbor directly across the road from our home has oftentimes been an unwilling participant in the vehicular stalking and street theater regarding this author, because they likely resent having to spend their time taking part in committing crimes against someone who has never done a thing to them; especially since they have much better ways of spending their time.

As punishment for complaining about having to follow this Nazi inculcated program, he and his wife were harassed after they were followed home by an Organized Stalker one evening, and a shouting match between the husband and the stalker took place.

A week or so later, we had a heavy snowfall, and the person plowing the driveway of this particular neighbor, "accidentally" damaged his new car, while plowing the snow from his driveway.

Of course, this was no accident, but instead a furtive warning to this neighbor to continue to take part in the harassment of this author, or suffer the consequences for failing to do so.

More recently, that is for the past few months, this neighbor now appears to be home all day long. Prior to this he would leave his home early each weekday morning to head off to work.

However, he no longer does so.

And it is quite possible that he may have been fired from his job for not complying effectively in the Organized Stalking campaign against this author.

A member of this author's Family was fired from two well paying jobs over the past six years. In fact, this person has been out of work for nearly two years now, and has gone through most of their savings.

If this person is unable to find work soon, they could very well lose their home. A home which this person has sacrificed to purchase and maintain for the past few decades.

When the U.S. federal government can perpetrate such outrageous violations of the inherent rights of any American citizen, it is the responsibility of all citizens to hold such a corrupt government accountable for its own crimes.

Under the Patriot Act, the United States has become a Westernized version of Nazi Germany.

9/2/14 - NSA Satanist miscreants continue to tamper with the alarm for one of our cars. Over the past week they have disengaged the alarm so that the remote on the keyfob does not work. This forces us to open the door with the ignition key, which triggers the alarm.

This automobile has been the target of much signals intelligence sabotage over the past decade, including the NSA's remotely opening and closing its door locks via signals intelligence satellite, while this author was driving this car. The alarm was also set off while this car was being driven by another Family member, which forced this person to drive the car with the alarm blaring.

Interestingly enough, once the alarm was setoff the other day after I was forced to open the car door with the ignition key, and then waited for the alarm to reset itself, the NSA then allowed the signal to pass from the key fob again, which reactivated the infrared remote on the key fob.

Today, the key fob is being remotely tampered with again. The batteries in these key fobs can be drained by remote means through the use of this technology.

These forms of signals intelligence remote predation of our persons have been constant for the past decade, and took place sporadically during the 1990s.

One of the more disturbing types of such predation was the FBI/NSA premeditated murder of a Madison Avenue advertising executive by the name of Suzanne Hart. Hart was killed when she attempted to enter an elevator in the building she worked out, whose electronics were remotely triggered to close the door on her as she attempted to enter this elevator.

Her leg got caught in the door and her body was dragged between floors, resulting her being crushed to death.

On the evening before Suzanne Hart was murdered, this author watched a movie entitled: "Paperman." In this movie, a woman is killed when she is crushed to death by an elevator in an automated building, whose electronics are deliberately remotely tampered with in order to cause her death.

The following morning there is a van parked in front of my home with the name HART painted on its side. This van was parked there for a few hours, and during the time period that Suzanne Hart was crushed to death by a "malfunctioning elevator."

I have been subjected to these types of street theatrics on thousands of occasions since the Organized Stalking of my person began in 2003, and I am certain that in this instance, Suzanne Hart was the subject of a premeditated and signals intelligence induced homicide, when the circuitry in the elevator Hart was attempting to enter was remotely tampered with via signals intelligence satellite.

8/21/14 - On August 6Th 2014, FBI/NSA murderous psychopaths target my solar watch for the first time, remotely tampering with it. Yesterday they did the same. Once this remote signals intelligence tampering ends, the watch is fine again.

Consider that this same type of signals intelligence "through the air" tampering is used to remotely tamper with motion sensitive spotlights, home and car alarms, TV sets, microwave ovens, dishwashers, washing machines etc. and the reader can begin to understand just how dangerous this technology is to the American people.

Moreover, how often this signals intelligence technology is used to torture and murder American citizens.

This author is also absolutely certain that a Madison Avenue executive by the name of Suzanne Hart was covertly murdered, when signals intelligence technology was used by the FBI/NSA psycho's who routinely attack this author with directed energy weapons, to remotely interfere with the electronics in an elevator that Hart was entering, when the was triggered to close unexpectedly, trapping Suzanne's leg, as her body was crushed when she was dragged between floors, as the elevator attempted to move to the next floor.

8/11/14 - Today as I attempt to access one of our automobiles, the infrared key fob signal is electronically intercepted by the NSA's Satan worshiping psychopaths.

When I attempt to open the car door with a car key, the car's alarm is triggered. However, since the infrared signal from the key fob has been remotely intercepted via NSA SIGNIT satellite, the key fob will not turn the alarm off.

Once the alarm cycles and turns off I again attempt to open the car's driver door with a key fob, only to find that it will not open.

I attempt to again open the car door with a key, which only serves to trigger the alarm again.

However, when the alarm finally resets itself for the *"second" time, I again try the key fob only to find that the NSA is no longer intercepting its infrared signal, so the key fob is able to remotely open the door now.

*Two has been a constant psychological trigger in the FBI/NSA COINTELPRO psyop waged against this author for the past decade.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence satellite predation is a hellish nightmare for those of us who know what types of capabilities the NSA's SIGNIT satellites have, since these satellites can be used to do everything from turn your car on while it is parked in your garage, to triggering its door locks, to remotely taking control of your car while you are driving it on the roadway (thus turning it into a mobile gasoline bomb - likely the way that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was murdered when his brand new Mercedes struck a tree at over 100 mph and exploded, burning Hastings' body beyond recognition), to running you over when you either walk in front of or behind your automobile when the engine is on (like Bush housekeeper Bertha Champlain was murdered).

The NSA's signals intelligence satellite network can also be used to remotely access the neural pathways of your brain via the EMF spectrum, by using EEG heterodyning technology to synchronize these satellites and the AI computers which they act as an intermediary for, with your brain's own unique EEG fingerprint.

The Pentagon/NSA/CIA/FBI/DHS collusion to turn the EMF spectrum into an invisible prison for all American citizens, through the use of this Orwellian technology, is a crime against humanity that remains unparalleled in human history; because this technology's ultimate purpose is to create an obedient race of cybernetic slaves who will function as little more than pawns of Rothschild Zionism's Satanic 21St century technocratic feudal system.

It is these signals intelligence driven attacks on our persons which act as the precursor to the aforesaid cybernetic slave race which will be forced to become, if we don't expose this Orwellian deception and hold those reprobates who are responsible for it accountable for this atrocity.

8/6/14 - Today I notice that the digital time on my solar watch has been remotely changed via the NSA's signals intelligence satellite predation of my person. I was wondering, given all of the remote electronic tampering that these Satanists do, how long it would be before they decided to attack this watch.

Moreover, the Organized Stalking campaign against this author also continues 24 hours a day, as it has since 2003, when the surveillance of this MK-Ultra target went from covert to overt.

About two evenings ago I noticed HAARP flashes in the sky above my neighborhood - an aquamarine tint to the sky is always present when this manmade weather is directed over Long Island.

The reader will also note that the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa is now completely out of control. Moreover, if it is (or becomes) airborne, this could mean a disaster of pandemic magnitude, should this plague be carried by wind currents to other continents.

7/28/14 - 7/29/14 - On both of these days this author was attacked with directed energy weapons in the middle of the night. Depending on the frequencies being used there are myriad different physical and psychological manifestations of these attacks.

One of such manifestations is the feeling of electrical current running through your body followed by total exhaustion.

These government psychopaths are doing everything possible to murder this author in a plausibly deniable way through their slo-kill radiation of my person, in an effort cover up their use of my person as target of this second generation of MK-Ultra mind control experimentation that has been taking place since the midst of the 1970s, not long after the official CIA MK-Ultra was officially shut down by the U.S. Congress.

Unlike the original program, this one has no paper trail, and is far worse, since the U.S. Military Intelligence complex has weaponized the electromagnetic spectrum and cataloged the unique EMF signatures from each American citizen's body into a central computer database so that we can be instantly identified, tracked, and EEG heterodyned (remote computer to brain interface) 24 hours a day. As such, it is safe to conclude that the U.S. federal government has secretly turned the EMF spectrum into an invisible prison against the American people.

7/21/14 - Those familiar with this blog are well aware that every member of my Family as well as my person are under constant electronic surveillance via NSA signals intelligence satellites, as part of decades of a second generation of MK-Ultra, which is conducted by way of the EMF spectrum.

As such, we can be attacked with any type of electronic weapon instantaneously.

The reader will also note that this attack on my Dad occurred after I posted in regard to the possibility that the Carlyle Group may have had something to do with the disappearance of Malaysian Air Flight MH370.

In an effort to save his life, I immediately posted about this attack after he complained of having PVCs in the early morning hours, which resulted in a trip to the hospital, where he was given an EKG and monitored for a few hours, before being told that he could go home.

These furtive attacks via the EMF spectrum are insidious because they can be perpetrated against any person at any time, for the purpose of either debilitating, torturing or even murdering them.

As such it's become an unending nightmare, propagated by the monstrosity which operates these classified weapons behind the cover of the global military industrial intelligence complex, and their national security state ideology.

This furtive means of attacking anyone who attempts to promulgate what's really going on in the world these days in regard to Rothschild Zionism and its intent to create a 21St century feudal system, has left us with a media system that is operating contrary to the purpose for which it was created.

Since disinformation is the primary purpose for today's global media infrastructure, and any person who is employed by this system is forced to operate within its very limited parameters, or suffer the consequences for attempting to do legitimate investigative journalism.

I will update this situation in the event that my Dad, Mom, or any other person within my Family are subjected to further cowardly and despicable directed energy weapons' attacks.

Also see the following review in regard to Dr. Robert Duncan's book on the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' mind control weapons' programs entitled "PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER - Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed," which is made by yet another target of this second generation of MK-Ultra.

*"Dr. Robert Duncan is honest and concise in his description of some of the most intrusive surveillance and behavioral modification technologies ever created. His latest work is a must read for everyone concerned with the future of human rights in both the United States and abroad. His detailed description of the modalities used for hacking the human mind are both accurate and troublesome. Countless thousands have seen their lives ruined in the non-consensual experimentation phase regarding this technology. Finally, the reality of mind control is presented to the public in a factual and academic manner by a credible scientist with the curriculum vitae to back it up. The future of humanity is truly in peril when the ability exist for the masses to be completely controlled by the whims of the few so insidiously. The technology Dr. Duncan describes in Soul Catcher is fascinating, worrisome and currently in use by several industrialized nations. Only time and ethical restraint will tell if this most pervasive technology is evil or divine. - Dr. John Hall, Targeted Individual

Another review from a Targeted Individual in regard to "PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER."

"This review is from: Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed (Paperback)

"Some basic EEG cloning info can be found here. -- Please, ALL, get this book, read it, and share the info with as many people as you possibly can, ASAP. Tell everyone you know. Tell anyone who is at all a curious person, or technically inclined. Don't be put off by folks who dismiss this most important book of the century at first glance. Especially tell younger people to take a look, and to even consider studying fields combining physics/programming/neurology to develop ways to save the human race.

"Dear all-- After an email I sent to a pacifist, at first, I was microwaved like a piece of meat in my apartment in San Francisco. (FYI: XXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXX) One by one, my neighbors moved in and surrounded this apartment. (One neighbor, where the ones upstairs would go to, directly across the from apartment upstairs, was "occupied" by a Partner of a VC firm which funds CIA startups located on Sand Hill Road.)

"They mostly shot from the apartment directly upstairs. I think They (the irradiators) must have a checklist that they go through: figure out the person's living pattern, especially when stationary (at PC, toilet, TV..), try and make them sick -my roommate and I coughed for 4 months... then force someone to sleep as often as possible, for the purpose of sleep, and brain entrainment.

"They also have a sadistic checklist, too. They performed the following on both of us: SNEEZING, muscular cramping, foot and hand cramping, genital stimulation, headaches (transient and ongoing...I don't get headaches, nor do I sneeze), "voice of god" (throwing sound into your cochlea), sleep denial for days and days, for months on end. They can, indeed, make a person irate. I believe They must be stimulating the amygdala.

"I went to the FBI, but realized they were in on it. (As I was sitting and waiting at the FBI waiting room, I saw one guy who had been loitering downstairs in front of my apartment building.) I think the FBI usually does the equipment-intensive monitoring (watching and listening to you via your cell phone), and the CIA and their young women lackeys do the slow-kill irradiating.) The irradiators upstairs move around to the other apartments, only when the coast is clear. There is signaling going on, mostly by running the water for a certain length of time. People wait outside when it's the changing of the guard time to go home.

"The first shooters were young-ish, lightweight women to dampen footsteps overhead.

"It's a highly organized group.(I have a very good eye, and great hearing. I have appreciated and enjoyed the company of many ethnic groups as my friends growing up, and currently. And I can usually tell where a person is from.) I believe white folks who blend in with dual citizenship -and fake passports- serve as mercenaries in the US, for easier escape and to make it harder to prosecute.

"I'm a current victim of brain entrainment. I experience, nightly and precisely, the symptoms Dr. Duncan describes on page 11 and elsewhere: 3 Hertz (or lower)swishing sound, flickering in my vision, tiredness, pulsing (and ongoing, severe) tinnitus. I've never had tinnitus, nor any of the above symptoms I've described hardly ever in my life before. I know my body extremely well (I had to constantly monitor my dad's health), and these symptoms are beyond any shadow of a doubt abnormal.

"The pain I've experienced was and is both acute, and ongoing. It has severely impacted my physical as well as mental outlook on life.

"It is like being tortured 24/7 *in* your home for years.

"Anywhere you sit, it starts again. There is much more to say... It is a very dark subject.

"Furthermore, I've had thoughts I've never had before. I feel I've had forced images scrolling when I've been half asleep, assumedly, for pre cognitive responses. Unnerving.

"Do not underestimate Dr. Duncan's book. This will change governments. They will, IMHO, attempt to control the planet.

"Read this book and similar, ASAP. Read it today.

"Suggestion: SHARE this book very quietly with as many people as possible.

"Suggestion: DO NOT discuss this or any other private matters anywhere near your cell phone. Do not be an 'I don't have anything to hide...exhibitionist' with any of your info to These sneaky, sadistic, and slow assassinators. If they have the capacity to listen to you, to psychologically profile you, They also have the capacity to set you up for one of their own false flag or more mundane crimes. The LESS they know about you, what your home looks like,...even what you ate for lunch, the better.

"Suggestion: Watch Dimitry Khalezov's 4-hour video on controlled demolition, too. I believe the very same people who are using these weapons to irradiate whoever they don't like or feel like, in the United States, stem from the same group who nuked the WTC on 9/11. -- The more you know, at some point, the more it may all make sense.

"Best to all."

7/18/14 - Today this author notices that yet another tree from the property behind our own has fallen onto our property and destroyed our shed. This is the same area in which trees landed in 2013, destroying a Sunfish and Dyer Dhow sailing pram. Moreover, this makes more than thirty trees which have been knocked down on (either our own trees or trees from the adjacent property) our property since the Organized Stalking campaign against this author began in 2003.

There's virtually no doubt that this tree was intentionally knocked down by these federal and Satanically inculcated psychopaths, by using a HAARP weapon in which to cause the damage with plausible deniability. It was likely a HAARP created microburst which was used to knock this tree down and to destroy our shed.

7/5/14 - As this author has described myriad times in the past, the directed energy weapon's attacks on our persons are ongoing, and oftentimes take place on a rotational basis, where the intensity of the attack on one person is decreased, as it is increased on another Family member.

As such, the FBI and NSA predatory psychopaths who perpetrate these atrocities against our persons, are again targeting this author's Mother with these weapons, causing her extreme physical pain.

They have caused her a number of physical problems over the years.

In the early 2000's they used this technology to cause her to lose her balance which resulted in her taking a fall which resulted in her breaking her shoulder and kneecap.

These monsters have also used directed energy weapons to cause her to pass out on more than one occasion, even though her heart is strong and the doctors could find no logical reason for the episodes to have taken place.

Over the past few years they have been targeting her with certain frequencies in order to cause nerve pain. This is done so that she is forced to see a physical therapist which would not be necessary if they were not targeting her person with directed energy weaponry.

Once she sees the physical therapist and takes therapy, the *pain subsides and she is fine until she is attacked by this satanic evil, whom we refer to as federal agents.

* The visit to the physical therapist offers these filthy reprobates plausible deniability in committing these crimes, however, they will continue to perpetrate them once they feel that they can again do so with plausible deniability.

This is a vicious cycle that all Targeted Individuals and their Families are subjected to under the Patriot Act and the cadre of evil who enforce this treasonous excrement.

This Satanic "corporate government" in Washington D.C. is an abomination to the human race, which aids and abets the furtive torture of millions of American citizens, through the covert use of classified electronic warfare programs, including HAARP.

Family members have been both brainwashed and intimidated into not only taking part in these Orwellian attacks on other (targeted) members of their Families, but also intimidated into covering up for the government criminals who perpetrate these crimes of abject sadism.

Rothschild Zionism's control over the United States is evil. And to quote the late Mohandas Gandhi, "non cooperation with evil is the duty of every citizen."

7/4/14 - On the evenings of 7/2/14 as well as 7/3/14, thunderstorms(likely created by HAARP) resulted in our losing electrical power to our home for several hours. The power went out between 9:30PM and 10PM on both evenings, and was not restored until at least 4 or 5 AM in the early morning hours of the following day.

The Pentagon's HAARP weapons can be used to control the weather based on how the energy from the HAARP system is modulated into the ionosphere.

HAARP can be used to create myriad different types of weather conditions, including the type of microburst that can knock down a tree, while leaving everything around it still standing.

It was likely that a HAARP created a microburst which took a tree (or large branch) down, which resulted in last night's power outage. The tree was on the property right next to our own.

On the evening before, 7/2/14, I heard a thunder clap and then the loud sound of a transformer as it was being put under great stress before it shut down.

This power transformer was likely struck with some type of HAARP frequency to damage its circuitry, without actually destroying the transformer itself .

I find it anomalous that we would be without electricity for two nights in a row. Of course these electrical storms give the Pentagon plausible deniability in perpetrating such crimes, even if it is the U.S. defense department that is actually creating these storms through its use of HAARP.

The frustration is that having been targeted for years by such directed energy weapons, I am well aware of how easily these weapons can be deployed on an unsuspecting American population, to cause complete havoc, without the public having any idea that these "naturally occurring" disasters are being artificially manufactured by the Pentagon through its HAARP electromagnetic warfare weapons.

While we are on the subject of HAARP being used to artificially manipulate the weather, the fact is that it can also be used to murder people, while giving the Pentagon plausible deniability in doing so.

I have documented a number of cases in which I am certain that people have been murdered by the Pentagon and other federal government agencies, including the FBI, through the use of such directed energy weaponry.

The reader will consider the following bizarre situation in which I believe that a directed energy weapon was used to murder a friend of my Father's (Dad has been a target of directed energy weapons attacks for more than a decade), with plausible deniability.

*Dad and a few of his friends have lunch with a friend of theirs named Frank Morello on Wednesday, August 11Th 2005. On August 12Th my father receives a phone call from another friend who was at the luncheon, telling him that Frank died of an aneurysm on the same day that the luncheon took place - the evening of 8/11/2005.

The last thing that Dad said to Frank as Frank was walking up the front lawn towards his home was: "Don't forget to water that Azalea or it is going to die." Frank would die just hours later.

He was most likely murdered with a directed energy weapon, which was used to cause the aneurysm. It is also interesting to note that during this same period several people whom we know had strokes (a few of whom died) and one of who was an extended member of this author's Family, who was only about 40 years of age at the time.

It is also interesting to note that during this time our subverted cable TV programming, which since 2003 has been used as nothing more than part of the FBI/NSA psychological operation against this author, included constant commercials having to due with stroke prevention.

Frank's obituary:

Morello, Frank
MORELLO-Frank, on August 11, 2005, of East Norwich, N.Y. Beloved husband of the late XXXXX. Loving father of XXXXX XXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXX, XXXX XXXXX and the late XXXXX. Dear grandfather of six. Fond brother of XXXXX XXXXX and XXXXX XXXXXXXX. Reposing at the Beney Funeral Home, Inc. of Syosset, 79 Berry Hill Road. Visiting Sunday and Monday, 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Funeral Mass, Tuesday, 9:45 AM, at St. Edward Confessor R.C. Church, Syosset, N.Y. Interment, Holy Rood Cemetery, Westbury, N.Y. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society would be greatly appreciated.

Published in Newsday from 8/13/2005 - 8/14/2005

For more on the ways in which an agency like the FBI or NSA can use this technology in order to murder someone with plausible deniability, see the following article which this author wrote in regard to my experiences as a target of EEG heterodyning and directed energy weapons' technologies, as well as decades of being subjugated to a second generation of MK-Ultra mind control experimentation that takes place via the EMF spectrum.

*See: A Woman Named Suzanne Hart Is Covertly Murdered Via FBI/NSA Signals Intelligence Sabotage Of An Elevator She Attempts To Enter, When The Electronics In The Elevator Are Remotely Triggered To Close The Door On Hart, Which Results In Her Being Dragged Between Floors And Crushed To Death

6/28/14 - After posting the information on 6/27/14 regarding an EEG heterodyned experience that I had pertaining to someone whom I had known several decades ago, last night, this author notices that there are a lot of bird feathers under a new plumb tree which we had planted on our property earlier this week. However, the remains of the bird itself are not there. So either the bird was *killed there and removed, or the feathers were dumped there by some Organized Stalking psychopath who illegally trespassed on our property in the middle of the night.

The CIA's original MK-Ultra program was based on Satanic Ritual Abuse which involved killing animals as well as children and adults, as part of a sacrifice to Satan, and so is the second generation of this evil program, which is now conducted by way of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Moreover, the tree which this one replaces, was in all probability destroyed by way of directed energy weaponry, since it was less than a year old when it died, and its branches were brittle enough to be from a tree that was decades older.

Today, 6/27/14, the name of someone whom I have not seen in years suddenly pops into my head, which is typical of the NSA EEG heterodyning of the neural pathways of my brain, that I have dealt with for several decades now as a target of MK-Ultra. I go to the Internet to see if I can locate information on the person only to find that he was recently arrested for setting fire to a multimillion dollar home on Long Island. At the time he was out on bail for having attempted to set a cellphone tower on fire a few weeks earlier.

Accused Arsonist Found Mentally Incompetent To Stand Trial

He was reported to have been incoherent at the time that he was arrested, claiming that he was trying to save the people who were living in the home he had set afire, by burning it down before they could get home. He claimed to have done so because he believed that their son was the target of an Israeli conspiracy to kidnap him. And it appears that he thought these conspirators were hiding in their house.

Is this person yet another unwitting target of mind control experimentation via the EMF spectrum? And is this why he had attempted to burn a cellphone tower down a few weeks earlier, since cellphone towers are one of the means by which "through the air" computer to brain interface is taking place, as cellphone and GWEN towers are being used to "piggy back" this computer generated information via signals intelligence satellites and HAARP over the horizon radar systems.

This person is a former real estate developer whom I knew more than two decades ago.

This non consensual human experimentation is going on all around us, given the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of the EMF spectrum for the purpose of turning our communities into covert laboratories, in order to experiment upon a totally unwitting American public.

Unlike the early days of the CIA's MK-Ultra program where targets of such mind control experimentation were usually sequestered behind the walls of an establishment which was used to cover up the CIA's horrific crimes, in the modern day this second generation of MK-Ultra can take place anywhere, since the American people have all been unwittingly brain mapped by the NSA.

As such, any American citizen can find themselves being targeted for such mind control experimentation without their knowledge or consent, as can any member of their own family.

This is the greatest scandal in human history, because it involves the furtive electronic EMF finger printing of each American citizen, which is then used to brand them like the proverbial head of cattle.

6/23/14 - This author notices that our kitchen freezer has started to defrost again. This has been intentionally done in the past by FBI/NSA malicious psychopaths, who conduct their COINTELPRO operations against our persons 24 hours a day. They use signals intelligence technology to disrupt the flow of electricity into this freezer. Specifically, the electricity to the freezer is not completely turned off by remote means, but instead reduced to the point where the freezer cannot operate at full power, which allows the food to thaw.

This can become very costly when you have hundreds of dollars worth of food in a freezer, that is intentionally allowed to spoil through such a covert signals intelligence attack. It is also a means in which to force the targets of this COINTELPRO to spend more money, since one of the primary focuses of COINTELPRO is to financially bankrupt the targets of these crimes, in order to make them homeless and thus, easier to murder in a plausibly deniable way.

6/18/14 - As a target of non consensual human experimentation and the psychological warfare operation known as Organized Stalking, this author is subjected to myriad forms of such psychological warfare operations on a daily basis, which also includes being remotely attacked with directed energy weapons.

As a target of these insidious crimes, every part of my life is disrupted, and the same is true of members of my Family, as well as friends and other acquaintances of our persons.

This means that no one is safe. It also means that any interaction that we have with other people is automatically monitored and sabotaged by the FBI and NSA, through their control over the modern day Communist Red Squads in the United States, which pass themselves off as fusion centers.

Today, when one of our newspapers is not delivered (a common occurrence) we call the delivery service, and are told that the person who is supposed to deliver the paper had a seizure.

It is possible that the person was given a seizure by remote means via a weaponized signals intelligence satellite, or that he was lying (far more likely) as part of the psychological warfare operation which the FBI and NSA lowlifes continue to perpetrate against us.

The fact is that under the Patriot Act, the United States federal, state and local governments have been used to turn our communities into brainwashed domestic spies and vigilantes, who are being used to do this government's dirty work for them, with plausible deniability and total impunity from prosecution.

This aiding and abetting of these crimes is being used to cover up an even worse crime - the U.S. federal government's covert brain mapping of the entire U.S. population, as part of Rothschild Zionism's agenda to create a 21St century global feudal system in which the global monarchies - with the help of the Rothschild banksters who serve their financial interests - will return to power, while reducing the rest of the citizens on this planet to the status of indentured slaves.

6/10/14 -- FBI/NSA murderous psychopaths who continue in their Satanic attack on this author and my Family, again target my Father in the head with a directed energy weapon, right after he finishes a staged phone call with another Family member which was made for the express purpose of upsetting him.

The FBI has attacked this Family member routinely, after having orchestrated the firing of this person from two well paying jobs over the past decade, and now uses this person in its attack on other members of our Family.

This person is easily controlled now, since the FBI has blocked this Family member from earning a living, and made certain that this person has been forced to go through their savings.

Moreover, in late 2012, Dad was targeted several times for such directed energy computer to brain satellite predation by these federal murderers, which resulted in his being hospitalized twice with two serious microwave induced seizures, that were caused by this Satanic excrement.

Moreover, today, when this author went to dial 911, the FBI blocked the number so that I could not reach emergency medical personnel!

Moreover, just as has been reported by millions of Targeted Individuals in every country on the face of this planet, local police and fire departments routinely take part in this sadistic and Orwellian harassment.

And we can only imagine how many Targeted Individuals have already been murdered in such a covert way.

This has been the case in regard to the FBI COINTELPRO attack of this author and other members of my Family. In this instance, the directed energy attack on my Father's brain was used as just one part of an aggressive COINTELPRO against our Family by these murderous Nazi minded psychopaths, that has lasted for well over a decade.

This particular electronic warfare attack was obviously planned out well in advance by these criminals as part of this state sponsored terrorism.

And the attack further supports what this author and other targets of MK-Ultra have already stated in regard to the "physical torture" which is used to keep the family members of Targeted Individuals in line.

What we are talking about here is evil incarnate hidden behind the masque of federal, state and local government.

What are they trying to cover up?

An NSA Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network that operates based on a covertly implemented national brain mapping program in the United States, which has been used to electronically brand each American citizen like a head of cattle!

After I post this information my Father makes a "rapid recovery" once the microwave frequency that the FBI/NSA murderous psycho's direct at his brain is modulated downward.

Of course, as is typical, other Family members in fear of their own lives completely deny that this was a microwave energy induced attack, having been made "satellite" prisoners within the so called privacy of their own homes, by this filthy monstrosity within this government that uses "invisible" and classified weaponry deployed via the EMF spectrum, to perpetrate their crimes against humanity.

Moreover, this frequency electronic warfare frequency can be increased at any time causing another episode with my Father that can result in hospitalization or even death.

And the same is true for the rest us, as well as the general population in the United States, since we are all brain mapped and can be attacked by this Satanic driven whore of a government at anytime.

As for the Obama Administration & U.S. Congresses' claims that the U.S. federal government does not torture American citizens, this is an OUTRIGHT LIE, which the body politic in this country continues to cover up!

And any politician or government agent who has attempted to expose these atrocities by calling for an independent investigation of the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, has been subjected to the destruction of their political career; including but not limited to former New Jersey Senator Robert Torricelli, former Representative Cynthia McKinney, former NSA agent Russ Tice and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

This while other government whistleblowers are covertly tortured and murdered by the Nazi inculcated and Zionist financed FBI, NSA and DHS.

6/7/14 - FBI continues to use this author's insurance carrier as part of this Gestapo's COINTELPRO attack of my person. Since my new health insurance plan took place under the Obamacare disaster in January of 2014, every month this insurance carrier has continued to aid and abet the FBI's crimes against this author, by falsifying their billing records for my account with this company.

For example, even though I know that the premium for each month is paid well in advance the company will often claim that they have not received the payment, even though they know they have. This prompts a phone call to them for the express purpose of psychological warfare harassment, and then the manufactured problem is "suddenly" resolved.

This author is also targeted by directed energy weapon attacks 24 hours a day, by way of the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and continues to be remotely tortured by these government psychopaths, while also being used for non consensual human experimentation.

These Satanists are murderous scum who are systematically destroying the United States of America in the interest of perpetuating Rothschild Zionism's 21St Century New World Order global feudal system, which they will eventually burn in hell for.

5/31/14 FBI/NSA psychopaths target this author's heart, causing it to skip a beat. I have not had this directed energy induced symptom in nearly a decade. From around 1994 until 2003 I was targeted by directed energy weapons to cause skipped heart beats every few seconds 24 hours a day, as the result of a microwave energy weapon being directed at my heart.

At one point I was experiencing two completely separate beats - my actual heart beat, and the vibration of certain areas of my heart which was being remotely induced by way of a signals intelligence satellite that was directing this particular frequency at my heart.

And this was just one of myriad symptoms that this author was experiencing during the better part of a decade as part of the FBI's covert torture campaign against my person.

The fact is that many of the physiological symptoms that a target of an electromagnetic warfare attack experiences are so bizarre that they are oftentimes difficult if not impossible to explain to a physician, without sounding like a hypochondriac, or someone who is mentally unstable.

And this is precisely why these insidious weapons are used at specific frequencies within the EMF spectrum to cause such bizarre symptoms, since the intent of the Satanic psychopaths who use these weapons against us is to drive us to the point where we either commit suicide or an act for which we can be incarcerated.

As such, the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' attempt drive us insane, and to then use the medical community in order to portray the targets of these classified weapons as being crazy, is a complete deception by this complex of the American people.

Moreover, when the entrapment schemes and the psychological warfare campaigns against American targets of this non consensual human experimentation fail, a conspiracy in which to covertly murder these people is initiated.

In fact, a significant number of American citizens who have been targeted by these murderous reprobates for this 2nd generation of MK-Ultra have already been murdered by way of heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, fast acting cancers and other deadly means, through this aforementioned type of directed energy weapon's attack that this author has been experiencing for the past few days.

This is one of the more successful protocols used by the FBI and NSA to murder American citizens with plausible deniability.

The heart skip that I experienced was followed by a vertigo-like condition (slight loss of balance when walking) induced by a microwave energy weapon directed at my inner ear, which continues on this day.

This microwave energy frequency which caused this symptom can be modulated upward to cause death, or downward to the point where this particular symptom completely stops, which serves as further proof that these symptoms are being artificially caused by these government murderous reprobates.

Yet another Family member was recently hospitalized for a bad case of vertigo which just "suddenly" occurred, like the one that I am presently experiencing. Both of these attacks are undoubtedly microwave induced - specifically, microwave energy weapons directed at our skulls - more than likely at our inner ears, in order to adversely affect our balance.

This directed energy symptom is so common amongst targets of directed energy attacks that it has been included in a list of dozens of other physical and psychological symptoms, which are manifestations of the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' classified electronic warfare program.

The Nazis didn't die at Nuremburg as the controlled media lead us to believe, but instead were relocated to the United States through CIA black op, Operation Paperclip, in order to create a paradigm shift within the United States Military Intelligence complex, that in the modern day represents a new Nazi regime, cleverly concealed from the American people behind the cover of this complex and the U.S. National Security Act.

Consider the merging of the two most evil belief systems in human history - Nazism and Zionism - and what we have here is the proverbial marriage made in hell.

These so called agents are demonic and murderous miscreants who will burn in hell for their crimes against humanity, as will those who have willfully aided and abetted these scoundrels, in their cover up of this technology, as well as the U.S. federal government's murders of nearly 3000 American citizens on 9/11/2001.

This author will update this situation as I always do, in the event that other members of my Family become more aggressively attacked, as they have been in the past.

In the event of my death as the direct result of an FBI/NSA directed energy weapon's attack used to murder this author, this Website will serve as my public testimony to the horrific crimes that these federal psychopaths have perpetrated against my person, as part of the COINTELPRO and MK-Ultra programs that I have been subjugated to for nearly forty years.

As for denying that these crimes have taken place, the fact is that these agents are pathological liars, whom in their slanderous campaign against this author, have attempted to abrogate the Constitutional right to due process of law, by conducting a mock trial based on fabricated evidence (FBI illegal BOLO of this author), without a courtroom, judge or jury.

The same can be said for the collusion between DOJ(FBI)& DHS fusion centers across the United States, which through a secret blacklisting program have attempted to deny the millions of American citizens who are the targets of such non consensual human experimentation and Organized Stalking vigilante harassment, their Constitutional rights to due process of law.

This Website will also serve as evidence against the U.S. Congress and White House in regard to their complicity in these atrocities, since they have callously and criminally ignored the pleas of millions of Americans, to end these Orwellian crimes against humanity.

This government has also conspired to cover up a national brain mapping program which is being used as a form of covert enslavement of the American middle class.

A scandal which this author exposed nearly a decade ago, when I publicly accused the NSA of illegally using the unique EMF signatures of the bodies of each American citizen, as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program, which has since been used to brand the American citizenry like a giant herd of cattle.

The Zionist shadow government in the United States is a completely subverted and evil entity that the American people must abolish, and replace with a Constitutional government based on that of the Republic which our founding fathers created for us more than two centuries ago. For without such a Republic, the rampant criminality and complete lack of accountability of the so called leadership in this faux government, defines it as yet another pawn of Rothschild Zionism and its murderous and Satanic interlopers.

Completely unaccountable for their crimes against humanity, a den of viperous evil is what they really are.


As of 5/30/14 the intestinal bloating that this author and two other members of my Family have been experiencing as a manifestation of the latest directed energy weapon's attack by these federal psycho's on our persons, suddenly ends for this author. It has since been replaced by another miserable microwave energy weapon induced headache. However, the earlier symptom can return at anytime when the electronic frequency used to cause this symptom is again used against my person.

The U.S. Military Intelligence complex and its Nazi reprobates will never publicly admit to having these weapons, nor that they are deployed via the electromagnetic spectrum as a covert means in which to both torture and murder American citizens.

They will also never admit that the American people have been brain mapped by the NSA, and that the unique EMF signatures from our brains are used as part of an extremely elaborate signals intelligence driven domestic spy program, which is being utilized by the U.S. federal government as a means of covertly enslaving the American citizenry.

If this federal government did admit to this atrocity, it would never survive this outrageous scandal.

For the millions of readers that "The Mother Of All Black Ops" blog has attracted over the past decade from all over the world (since I began blogging about my experiences as one of the longest targets of both COINTELPRO and MK-Ultra in U.S. history) who have recently been experiencing difficulty in accessing this Website due to the FBI organized crime syndicate's electronic sabotage of this site, the following is the URL for Choose the View by Ixquick Proxy link. If you find that the View by Ixquick Proxy feature is remotely blocked in order to prevent you from accessing "The Mother Of All Black Ops" Website, contact to inform them that their search engine may have been remotely hacked by these psychopaths, so that Startpage executives can "investigate" this for themselves.

You may also want to notify's spokesperson, privacy expert, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, in regard to any electronic tampering that you experience when you use to remotely access "The Mother Of All Black Ops" blog or any other activist Website from, since Dr. Albrecht has been promulgating the importance of Internet privacy, and openly critical of the FBI's blatant disregard for the privacy of American citizens, who are surfing the Internet using other search engines such as Google.

5/28/14 - Around 12:30AM I hear a loud crash coming from outside our home. I looked out the window in time to see a car stopped in the road in front of our home, just starting to pull away.

This afternoon I find that the vehicle crashed into one of our shrubs, damaging it, and in all likelihood, badly scratching up the front end of this vehicle. Of course, the mind controlled psycho driver who is responsible for this vandalism, does not stop by our home to report the damage that they caused, which is a crime.

The fact that this "Organized Stalking" psychopath was sent to commit this act of vandalism (by a local fusion center) right after I added the following post to this Website - regarding the FBI's criminality - proves that this vandalism was ordered by the FBI's psychos, as retaliation for my posting this article on these Satanic thugs.

Last week another vehicle (a late model white BMW sedan) deliberately ran into the shrubs on the other side of our driveway. Who would take an $80,000 automobile and deliberately damage the car by running its rear quarter panel against some sharp branches, which would certainly have badly scratched the paint on this car?

A psychopath.

The fusion center deployed Organized Stalking community is defined by such lowlife, cowardly refuse.

Furthermore, the FBI's crimes against this author only further support my allegations in regard to the FBI's being nothing more than a well financed organized crime syndicate, which employs every type of felon imaginable; including torturers and murderers.

These Zionist indoctrinated government reprobates are turning our society in an Orwellian nightmare.

5/24/14 - Directed energy weapon attacks continue on a subtler basis, however, they do take their toll over the long haul. The carriers which this author deals with to deliver parcels I have ordered online, continue to take part in this Orwellian Organized Stalking harassment; sometimes pulling their vehicles into our driveway without even having a parcel to deliver.

This is just further proof that the FBI and NSA are complicit in conducting a COINTELPRO operation against this author that has lasted for decades, and become far more aggressive since the Communist Patriot Act was passed.

The crimes perpetrated by the FBI and NSA against this author and other members of my Family are indeed the most precedent violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights ever documented.

5/14/14 - Organized Stalking vehicular stalking continues. One of the common pieces of this type of street theater is for a criminal who is taking part in this vigilante hate crime, to drive their automobile into the end of the driveway of a target of Organized Stalking, and then quickly pull their vehicle out of the driveway and leave.

Today, an Organized Stalking psychopath who does so, actually begins to back their white BMW into our driveway, and grazes some of the shrubs that we have planted there. I can actually hear the sound of the branches of the shrubs scratching the side of this car as the driver backs too close to them.

Why would a person take a new BMW sedan which costs in excess of $80,000 and deliberately damage the paintjob on this vehicle in order to perform such an insane act?

Because these people are being unwittingly mind controlled into perpetrating such acts of complete insanity.

5/10/14 - Gaslighting tactics continue. In the middle of the night this author is resting comfortably when I hear a loud popping sound. The type of sound one would hear if one pressed in the side of an empty plastic soda bottle and the indentation made then popped out again.

I use a large empty plastic soda bottle to tote drinking water around in, which I leave on nearby a desk at night. This bottle was either hit with a microwave beam, or more likely, what I heard was the EEG signature which was recorded by the NSA from illegally brain mapping and remote neurally monitoring my brainwaves, and then cloned and added to a file containing the myriad EEG mapped brain signatures that they have illegally recorded from my person over the past four decades.

The particular signature from this specific "popping" sound would have been remotely broadcast into the aural pathway of my brain, having been sent on a carrier wave via artificial intelligence computer, the EMF spectrum, and either a signals intelligence satellite or over the horizon radar.

This cloned EEG print could have also been taken from another target of such non consensual human experimentation and broadcast at the specific frequencies of my own brain, so that only I could hear it.

The gaslighting tactics which I am subjected to on a daily basis also continue. This morning I run the washing machine, only to find that it has been turned off during an early part of its washing cycle.

Another EEG heterodyned Family member could have done this as part of the FBI/NSA gaslighting that we are subjected to 24 hours a day, or the machine could have been remotely turned off by these federal psychopaths via signal intelligence satellite.

5/7/14 - Yet another Family member suddenly comes down with a symptom that places them in the hospital. In this case the Family member is suddenly afflicted with a bad case of vertigo. A directed energy weapon can be used to target the inner ear, artificially causing vertigo symptoms. And given how my Family as well as my person have been under a constant directed energy weapons' attack for many years, this latest situation is most likely just another directed energy weapon related attack.

The vehicular stalking has increased as well, with many different color combinations used as psychological triggers which the FBI has developed as part of its decades' long COINTELPRO against my person. This entire situation has become completely insane.

This is the type of insanity that we must deal with, as a group of government psychopaths continue their reign of terror against us.

4/27/14 - Illegal soliciting from a realtor asking if our home is for sale. This organized stalking tactic has been reported by myriad targets of Organized Stalking and Electronic Warfare Harassment, for the past decade.

Early on in the FBI/NSA/DHS fusion center orchestrated OS/EH attack on this author, these "illegal solicitations" were far more frequent. This is just another psychological warfare tactic being illegally perpetrated by these federal, demonic psychopaths, who continue to conceal from the American people the fact that we have been illegally brain mapped by the NSA.

4/22/14 - FBI/NSA Psychological Operations continue: This author's health insurance carrier regularly takes part in the FBI's psychological warfare "gaslighting" tactics, which the Bureau has been using against my person for more than a decade. The latest involves the addition of a monthly charge to my health insurance plan that is not a legitimate part of the plan. I have spoken to several people at this healthcare insurance company, who have in the past told me that they would correct this situation. However, the company continues to bill for this additional charge, when they know that it is not applicable. This is an excellent example of how the FBI corrupts the business practices of any organization that a COINTELPRO target does business with.

When I attempt to print out a letter which I have typed to this company in order to correct this situation for the umpteenth time, the inkjet cartridge in a printer which had been fine, "suddenly" *runs out of ink.

*The inkjet cartridge may still have plenty of ink left in it, however, the nozzles can be clogged using this technology, or the printer head can be remotely affected to cause the printer to malfunction, since signals intelligence satellite predation can be used to cause an infinite number of permutations for the purpose of conducting such electronic warfare harassment.

This is typical of the signals intelligence induced attacks that we are subjected to on a daily basis by these Nazi minded psychopaths; those who refer to themselves as federal agents.

In regard to signals intelligence related attacks, I should also state that my Mother, who has regularly been the target of directed energy microwave weapon attacks for the past decade, is now suddenly experiencing a microwave induced headache; after feeling much better for the past month. This is how easy it is for the FBI and NSA psychopaths who perpetrate these crimes against our persons using directed energy weapons, to remotely torture or even murder our persons. Or for that matter, any target of this Orwellian technology.

Since we are being illegally tracked via the EMF spectrum by way of our own *unique brain wave prints, and targeted by Signals Intelligence technology which is used interactively by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex. Something the Pentagon (NSA), CIA, DHS and FBI would prefer that the American people never learn about given how they use this technology to torture and murder American citizens with plausible deniability.

* Google: Akwei VS NSA - 1992 lawsuit by John St. Clair Akwei against the NSA; PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER by Dr. Robert Duncan

This afternoon, this author is also experiencing a microwave energy induced headache, courtesy of these demonic reprobates; who conceal their atrocities under the cover of the U.S. National Security Act. Other members of both my immediate and extended Family are also subjected to these furtive electronic warfare attacks, which have in a number of instances caused them to suffer chronic fatigue-like illnesses (likely caused through the use of directed energy weapon/ELF waves).

Your tax dollars hard at work!

4/16/14 - Our cable TV programs have been subverted since 2003, when the Organized Stalking crimes against this author began. The programs always contain specific information in regard to psychological warfare, and as such often contain themes which deal with death, and suffering, such as the type of suffering created through various means of torture.

The intent of the FBI and NSA agents who perpetrate these sadistic, yet covert acts, is to torture this author and those around me in a plausibly deniable way. After more than ten years of this sadism, I have learned that these so called agents have no conscience and no sense of right or wrong. I also know that by exposing their covert electronic enslavement of the American people via the EMF spectrum, that their intent remains to torture my person and Family right up until the time that they murder us.

Moreover, the FBI/DHS BOLO against this author is based on myriad pieces of fabricated evidence, which not only proves that I am the target of a massive criminal conspiracy by these Agencies, but that their intent is to demonize my person for both documenting my experiences as a target of COINTELPRO and MK-Ultra, as well as for publicly accusing the U.S. Military Intelligence complex of complicity in the electronic brain mapping of the American people; which I am both certain they have done, and which will be proven to be fact within the years to come.

This is the mother of all scandals, and it is not going to end. Not with their torture or murder of my person, nor anyone else. Since such a covert agenda to enslave the American people by electronically branding each one of us like heads of cattle, is the greatest crime against humanity that has ever been documented.

4/6/14 - This author notices a piece of aluminum siding on the upper portion of the side of our home which the power line from the road attaches to, has "suddenly" come loose. It is resting on the cables which contain the electric line into our home, as well as our cable TV line.

Over the past several years this author has seen the NSA create dangerous weather using directed energy weaponry like HAARP.

I have seen several microbursts created and aimed directly at certain areas of our property to tear large trees out at their roots. On two separate occasions, we lost power when large trees were knocked down and landed on the power line from the road to our home, which one occasion from the incredible weight of one of these trees, tore the mast which is attached to our home off the side of our home.

We were without electricity for over a week, and this resulted in our having to call an electrician to install a new mast. A few years later, the mast which had been replaced earlier had to be reinstalled after another tree was "knocked down" on this power line, this time only removing the power mast from the side of our home, instead of destroying it like the first one.

These types of anomalous weather conditions have become frequent in regard to the FBI/NSA attacks on this target of MK-ULTRA. The NSA, through the Pentagon has access to the HAARP antenna farm in Gakona Alaska, and can use it to create dangerous storms, earthquakes, mudslides, floods, fires (through the use of HAARP created plasma fireballs) anywhere on the face of this planet.

This demonic monsters must be stopped before they destroy this entire planet.

As for the FBI COINTELPRO on this author and other members of my Family, I find that this past week, one Family member's car gets "scratched" while it is parked, while another Family member loses concentration for a few seconds while backing their car up, and hits a retaining wall, causing over $1000 damage to the bumper on the car.

This Family member could have easily been EEG heterodyned into allowing this to happen, without even realizing it. This is what is so horrifying about this Orwellian technology, is that the NSA can use it to remotely enter the brain of any person in the United States, while manipulating that person's thoughts, without the person ever even realizing it.

Is it any wonder why the demons within this totally corrupted and evil government are intent on murdering those of us who know of this technology from first hand experience and how dangerous it is to the human race?

3/29/14 - Microwave Energy Attacks Continue To Occur On A Rotational Basis

This author's Father is again being subjected to a microwave induced headache via the EEG heterodyning of his own brain! The attacks are perpetrated by the same FBI/NSA psychopaths who have been attacking this author with microwave energy weapons for the past two decades.

The reader should keep in mind that this particular frequency can be increased at any time to cause my Father to have another microwaved induced seizure like he had twice in late 2011, or even used to murder him.

The reader will also note that although my Mother has been repeatedly attacked with microwave energy weapons over the past several years causing several hospitalizations, she has been experiencing relief over the past few weeks. FBI/NSA use the cover of medical treatment as plausible deniability in these attacks.

Specifically, they will use directed energy weapons (especially to remotely attack elderly people) in order to force their targets to obtain medical treatment, that they would not need if they were not being targeted by these DEW weapons.

This is in part about forcing people to take medications which will make them sick and keep them sick, rather than allowing their bodies' to heal themselves naturally.

This usually results in these people being placed on medications that they do not need, nor want.

Moreover, these medications can also have many different side effects, which can be used as plausible deniability when perpetrating further directed energy weapons' attacks against these people in the future.

In post 9/11 America, the Rockefeller controlled U.S. medical community has become totally conspiratorial in covering up these covert attacks, by using fraudulent diagnoses to conceal the fact that these "illnesses" are being artificially created via signals intelligence weaponized satellites, and HAARP over the horizon radar systems.

Oftentimes, this results in the targeted person's finding themselves in the clutches of the Rockefeller controlled medical community, usually being prescribed treatments (including drugs) which they don't need. Once this occurs these federal agents will usually temporarily ease up on the electronic attacks, by modulating these frequencies downward, while ghoulishly waiting for their opportunity to wage a future directed energy attack, when the concept of plausible deniability is again possible.

This is just a further example of the complete viciousness and inhumanity that these Nazi idealized government Satanists are capable of, when attempting to conceal their own crimes from the American people.

Including, and especially crimes which involve a second generation of the CIA's original MK-ULTRA program, which for more than thirty years has been conducted by way of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The latest furtive electronic attack on my Father was preceded by the burglar alarm on the *home diagonally to the left of our own, being remotely triggered in the middle of the night(3/29/14).

FBI/NSA psycho's use of signals intelligence satellites to remotely trigger motion sensitive spotlights, electronic home alarms, automobile alarms, garage door openers etc., has been commonly reported by myriad targets of these Orwellian government sponsored terrorist campaigns.

* Late this afternoon, the driver of a red sedan shows up at this home, shortly after I post the above, honking their horn twice (another psychological trigger). This car is not owned by a person who lives at this residence, so it's someone who is likely directed to show up at this home via instructions from a local fusion center.

* Many members of the TI community have reported that the color red is often used to represent death. Either the imminent death of the TI, or someone either close to them (such as a family member or friend), or some **unsuspecting person who has been unwittingly chosen in advance to serve as a victim as part of this Satanic psychological operation.

Earlier this week we were contacted by the wife of a friend of this author's Father, who died quite suddenly over the past week. "Sudden deaths" as the result of a directed energy weapon attack have become quite common in post 9/11 America, even though the body politic and media in the United States will deny this fact.

** Something that they will also deny is that a woman named Suzanne Hart was murdered via directed energy weaponry in 2011, having been sacrificed as part of the Satanic psychological warfare operation that FBI/NSA predators have been subjecting this author to for the past decade.

Hart was intentionally crushed to death in an elevator accident, in which the doors to the elevator were remotely triggered to trap her in between them.

Once trapped in the elevator doors, Suzanne Hart was helpless to save herself, and was crushed to death when her body was dragged upwards and struck the ceiling of the floor she had entered the elevator on.

A truly gruesome and horrific murder that has since been blamed on an innocent group of men, who are being used as scapegoats, in order to conceal the fact that Suzanne Hart's death was not an accident.

As previously stated, as a precursor to the directed energy weapons' attack on my Father, in the early morning hours of 3/29/14, FBI/NSA psycho's used a signals intelligence satellite to set off the burglar alarm in the home diagonally across the road from our own. The homeowners are away so this allows these federal miscreants the ability to remotely set off this alarm system anytime they care to, knowing that the alarm will run for about 30 minutes before it resets itself - because no one is home to turn the alarm off.

These "noise campaigns" are just one facet of the organized stalking street theater that Targeted Individuals are subjected to as part of the aggressive psychological warfare tactics used against us, by these murderous and Satanic government psychopaths.

The home directly across from our own is also used for this particular type of signals intelligence induced electronic harassment, anytime the owners are away on vacation.

This enables these federal reprobates to use both of these homes as part of this psychological warfare operation, rotating between them when the homeowners are away.

The homeowner directly across the road has complained in the past about having to take part in the harassment of this author (probably citing that he has better things to do with his time - who can argue with such devastating logic?) and has been subjected to furtive warnings to do as he is told.

As an example of these intimidation tactics, he and his wife were followed home one evening by an organized stalker, who got out of his vehicle and began a verbal confrontation with this neighbor. At one point the confrontation grew very loud before this organized stalker returned to his vehicle and left our neighborhood.

About a week later we had a snowstorm and the person who lives across the road had his driveway plowed out. The person plowing his driveway "accidentally" hit my neighbor's new car, causing enough damage to the car, for him to have to send the automobile to a body shop for repairs.

The "accident" in reality was no accident at all, but instead an intimidation tactic used to force this neighbor to follow orders in the future, which he is now doing. I have no doubt that if he failed to comply, he would have found himself (or perhaps other members of his own family) being targeted by directed energy weapons' attacks (if this has not already happened in the past).

I document this to prove that our communities are being coerced into taking part in Organized Stalking crimes, based on the intimidation tactics they are subjected to; intimidation tactics being orchestrated through the more than 72 DOJ/FBI/DHS fusion centers which have *sprung up across the United States since the 9/11 false flag operation began.

* I also find it of interest that since doing an episode of his Conspiracy Theory program regarding Targeted Individuals and mind control, former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, has moved out of the United States, and now lives in Mexico.

If Ventura is seeking to avoid electronic harassment or the types of invasive spying this author documents on this Website, he will find his efforts to be futile, since he is in all probability being remotely tracked via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and as such can be remotely tortured or even murdered by those using these classified weapons, at any time.

I document this here in an effort to prevent this from occurring.

Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" program was very successful with consistently high ratings and more than one million viewers, when Time Warner was pressured into cancelling the program, after Ventura did the episode on Targeted Individuals and government mind control, entitled "The Brain Invaders."

It would appear that Jesse Ventura has now become a Targeted Individual, simply for attempting to expose this Orwellian phenomenon in the United States.

I will update the latest directed energy attack on my Father, to see if the frequency being used to target his brain is either increased to cause another seizure, or perhaps even a stroke, aneurysm or heart attack; or modulated downwards so that his microwave induced headache will "miraculously" disappear just as it began only a brief while ago.


This author has been targeted with such directed energy induced microwave weapons' attacks for more than 20 twenty years, as a target of MK-ULTRA.

And as such I can say this with absolute certainty: What we have operating within the U.S. federal government in post 9/11 America concerns Rothschild Zionism and its connections to the occult world. These people are nothing less than a Satanic coven concealing themselves behind the façade of a government.

And their intent to create a "world government" feudal system based on Satanism, has become thoroughly ingrained within the societies of every country on the face of this planet.

* This author recently notices that Heineken beer is selling cases of beer with bottles that have different design logos, as part of its "limited edition" campaign.

3/27/14 - For the past several years the E-mail of another Family member has been used by the FBI/NSA psychopaths who have been waging an aggressive slander campaign against this author for the past decade, as part of a psychological warfare campaign against my person.

The scenario goes like this: A federal provocature begins circulating E-mails with specific psychological triggers included in these E-mails, which are supposed to relate to the target of a COINTELPRO operation.

These Emails get sent to either the targeted person's E-mail account, or if the person wises up to what is going on, to the E-mail account of someone close to the person, such as the person's spouse, parent, sibling or even child. From there, this person gets coopted into this psychological warfare operation, as do former acquaintances of the target, who are gradually added to the E-mail list, which is then used as a venue for the FBI's psychological warfare operation; while the people on this ever expanding list are unwittingly subjected to the FBI's brainwashing of their persons.

Specifically, the people on the E-mail list are unbeknownst to themselves, being subjected by the FBI, to a brainwashing protocol known as neural linguistic programming.

Unfortunately, in the case of the E-mailing list this author is referring to, four people who have taken part in circulating E-mails on this list have died over the past three years. We were informed of the death of the latest person last night. He had been in good health and died suddenly, which has this author wondering if he had been murdered with a directed energy weapon.

This person, like all others who are part of this "E-mail conspiracy" oftentimes willfully took part in this psychological warfare operation.

He is the fourth person on this list to die in the past three years, which has this author concerned that other people who remain on this list and are being used as part of this vicious psyop against my person, may also become the victims of murder by directed energy microwave weapons.

FBI/NSA COINTELPRO attacks on this author also involve the daily sabotage of something I utilize. The sabotage can consist of everything from an E-mail account and computer software to a car or home burglar alarm or motion sensitive spotlight being remotely tampered with via signals intelligence satellite. And this does not include the directed energy attacks which I (and other members of my Family) have been subjected to for more than two decades.

Today, I find that my Apple I-music software has been remotely sabotaged so that I cannot access music via the Internet. The sabotage may be related to permanent damage that these Satanic reprobates have done to this software, or, it may be temporary if the software is being blocked electronically - a common experience I have had with the NSA's signal s intelligence satellite predation of my person for nearly 40 years.

In any event, I will update whether this electronic sabotage is remotely undone, or if I will have to download the latest Apple I-music software, which will enable these federal psychopaths to implant a virus on the I-music software I download to cause future problems with this Apple I-music software, or other software on my computer.

Of course, this particular method of attempting to make my computer a slave to the NSA's artificial intelligence super computers is unnecessary, as they can remotely access the hard drive on my computer using the EMF spectrum, by identifying the particular emission of my computer. The NSA can remotely access any home computer in the United States using this signals intelligence method.

3/25/14 - One of the constant forms of signals intelligence electronic warfare harassment that this author has experienced for the past two decades involves the NSA's use of signals intelligence satellites to remotely tamper with the motion sensitive spotlights on our home.

The spotlight next to the window by my den is routinely remotely turned on and off all night long, while a motion sensitive spotlight on the side of our home is turned on and left on the entire night (sometimes for days at a time), as part of this demented psychological warfare operation.

This is a covert way for the NSA and FBI psychopaths who perpetrate these crimes against this author, to increase our electric bill each month, since these lights are not particularly efficient. The bulbs also burn out prematurely, as do the power supplies for the lights themselves.

At least two power supplies have been replaced over the past few years as the direct result of this electronic vandalism of our home by these federal psycho's.

The lights can also be prevented from turning on if these murderous psychopaths decide to have some of their Satanic minions trespass on our property during the night, which completely negates the purpose of having motion sensitive spotlights.

The same is true in regard to the automobile and home burglar alarms in our neighborhood, since they are always remotely triggered via NSA signals intelligence satellites for the purpose of psychological warfare - not preventing the theft of these automobiles or burglaries of these homes.

Moreover, at this point the FBI/NSA slander campaign against this author has become so outrageous, that these criminals will do everything possible to demonize my person, while they continue to cover up their precedent setting crimes against this author and my Family.

What we are dealing with here are not just rogue agents, but instead rogue agencies operating within a rogue shadow government whose basic tenet is that as long as they don't get caught, their crimes do not matter.

This is especially true of their illegal brain mapping of the American people, as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program that would have made a tyrannical monster like Hitler envious.

An Orwellian domestic spy program which the U.S. federal government will never admit exists, much less to having created.

3/23/14 - FBI/NSA psychopaths continue to attack this author and other members of my Family with directed energy microwave weapons.

My Mom continues to complain of migrating pains, which is typical of the directed energy weapon's attacks which my Dad, this author, and a number of other members of my Family are regularly subjected to.

The types of attacks that have been reported by millions of men, women and children whose governments are members of NATO.

These attacks are vicious, in total violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights, Geneva Convention and Nuremburg Code, yet they continue to take place in increasing numbers, based on the new accounts being regularly documented over the Internet.

The United States Military Intelligence complex is perhaps the worst offender here, given America's claims that it does not torture its own citizenry, which this author knows for certain is an outright lie.

I will continue to document these microwave energy attacks on my parents, my person, and other members of my Family, since what I am describing here is a silent holocaust.

3/21/14 - Today the FBI/NSA demonic agents who have been targeting this author for both COINTELPRO and MKULTRA for nearly 40 years, use a directed energy weapon to attack my person, causing me to cough chronically.

These directed energy attacks continue each day as they have for the past twenty years. Today, my bronchial passages are targeted by a directed energy weapon, irritating my bronchial passages, which results in my coughing. I have also experienced the same situation in regard to sneezing, and have experienced a myriad of physical manifestations from these directed energy weapon's attacks over the past two decades.

These so called agents are nothing but murderous psychopaths who should burn in hell for their crimes against humanity. Earlier this week, I was also attacked with a microwave energy weapon in the middle of the night, by the sexual predators within the FBI and NSA who use these weapons to remotely molest men, women and children.

These crimes have been well documented on the Internet, by the myriad victims of these wicked criminal psychopaths, who attempt to pass themselves off as federal agents. They are the absolute dregs of humanity. The scum of the earth.

These attacks also offer further proof that this classified technology can be used to artificially create any physical symptom the human body can experience naturally. These directed energy attacks can also be used to cause cancers in the body, heart attacks, aneurysms and strokes.

The U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of microwave energy weapons on American citizens, defines these agents as the Nazi indoctrinated criminals that they are, as their crimes continue to horrify an entire population.

3/10/14 - A raccoon has now taken refuge on our back porch. He is out during the day which means that he could be rabid or even just subjected to the type of EEG heterodyning of the brain that can be used to manipulate an animal's thoughts just as it can a human being's.

Two years ago about this time we found a dead opossum in the midst of our backyard that was covered in blood. At the time the FBI's psychopaths were using red and white colors aggressively as part of their psychological operation against this author. The dead opossum covered in its own blood, surrounded by "white" snow made for an extremely ghoulish example of the "red and white" themed psyop.

The fact that this author has seen so many animals under EEG heterodyned mind control over the past decade, leads me to believe that this is yet another instance of such through the air mind control experimentation.

We are presently deciding what to do about this animal. Calling an animal control center is probably the best idea. However, if the raccoon is not sick, and just being used for the purpose of mind control experimentation, then he will be euthanized for no legitimate reason.

I will *update this situation in the hope that if it's strange behavior is mind control related, the raccoon will eventually be freed from its current EEG heterodyning enslavement, and able to travel back into the woods again on its own.

* The raccoon eventually left on his own.

Given the federal psychopaths who we are in some way forced to deal with 24 hours a day, and their use of this technology on our persons and those around us (including both humans and animals) these types of anomalies have become common place.

Given their ability to also remotely infect an animal or human with a disease via the EMF spectrum, only complicates the situation. It is truly unfortunate that the general population on this planet remains completely unaware of these covert technologies, or how our own corrupted governments are using them to enslave, torture and even murder their own citizens, as part of Rothschild Zionism's New World Order agenda.

3/5/14 - After this author posts the following article regarding the planes which were alleged to have been used in the 9/11 false flag operation, questioning what may have really happened to the people who were alleged to have been on these flights, and implicating the PNAC controlled *Bush 43 Administration as part of the 9/11 conspiracy, this morning (3/5/14) I find the doors to our propane barbecue grill open.

They were closed last night.

Google: Richard Behan's book "The Fraudulent War - The Facts About The Bush Administration's War On Terror

The magnetic doors and the propane tank valve are always left closed until the grill is to be used. So either a cowardly and criminal (fusion center directed) organized stalker(s) trespassed onto our property in the middle of the night on 3/5/14 - in order to perpetrate this latest gas lighting tactic, or some type of electromagnetic field was used to remotely open the doors - temporarily interfering with the magnets ability to adhere to the doors, causing the doors to lose contact with the magnets.

However, from the apparent symmetry of the doors being open just about equally on both sides, it is more likely that some vigilante organized stalker opened the doors in the middle of the night as part of a psychological warfare operation.

This author has witnessed thousands of these psyops over the past decade.

The tampering with the barbecue grill is significant here, because I have often written about my concerns regarding the NSA and FBI's access to directed energy microwave weapons, which could easily be used to cause a propane tank to explode. I have also voiced concerns in this regard given that several of the homes in our neighborhood use large propane tanks in which to power generators that are used in the event of a power outage.

If one of these propane tanks was targeted by a directed energy weapon, several of the homes in this neighborhood could be leveled, and many people killed.

If all of these tanks were attacked simultaneously with directed energy weapons, our entire neighborhood could be destroyed and hundreds of people killed.

FBI/NSA psychopaths are well aware of this, and are certainly capable of committing such an atrocity if they believe that they can do so with plausible deniability. So they have now added to this concern to myriad others which this author has, with their latest demented gas lighting tactic.

3/4/14 - Today the sanitation truck failed to show up for its normal Tuesday pickup. This is typical of how FBI/NSA psycho's interfere with every part of a Targeted Individual's life.

2/18/14 - FBI psycho's call this author's healthcare provider, to have them mail me an *overdue billing notice for the monthly premium payment for February 2014. The healthcare provider is well aware that they have already received a check for this month's payment.

* These types of illegal interference with anyone whom the targeted individual interacts with (including those whom we conduct business with) have been reported by a myriad of men and women who are the targets of government non consensual human experimentation and organized stalking crimes.

At this point there are millions of us. And our numbers are growing every month, as our subverted governments attempt to disenfranchise us of our inherent rights as citizens, while using furtive methods in an attempt to murder us in anyway they can, in order to conceal these atrocities from the global population.

A population who are also the unwitting targets of the very mind control weapons that we are being subjected to at the present time.

In the United States, the only reason that these crimes continue to take place is because of the federal government's use of the Patriot Act to subvert the U.S. Constitution.

This, while implementing what can only be described as a "wall of silence" which is used to cover up the fact that not only is organized stalking taking place on a national scale within the United States, but that the government itself is behind these crimes.

If this silence is broken, and it eventually will be, the government will be forced to admit to their treasonous abrogation of the U.S. Constitution, and their clandestine brain mapping of the American people.

As for the FBI's attack on this author: it's nothing but an illegal, vicious and slanderous smear campaign being waged by agents who continue in their attempts to abrogate the Constitutional rule of law, in order to exculpate themselves from crimes that involve the total subversion of the U.S. Constitution.

It's only when you have committed crimes against the U.S. Constitution that you would attempt to ignore the Constitutional rule of law, as the FBI continues to do!

As for the FBI's interference with this author's healthcare insurance, in spite of the fact that this month's health insurance bill has already been paid, the insurer willfully commits mail fraud by using the U.S. Postal Service to send a second and fraudulent bill to this author requiring payment, for a check which they have already received.

This is outright fraud on the part of this healthcare insurer (the equivalent of attempting to double bill me) as well as the FBI.

As such, this healthcare insurer continues to aid and abet the FBI's COINTELPRO against this author, while allowing themselves to become party to a criminal conspiracy that dates back more than three decades, and not only involves the use of this author as a target of non consensual human experimentation, but also involves the most precedent setting violations of the 4Th Amendment in U.S. History.

The reason for the FBI's covert tampering of this author's healthcare account, serves as nothing more than further harassment by these sadistic, miserable, lowlife, Satanically indoctrinated psychopaths.

Those who use government military grade weapons to torture and murder their victims, while denying that these atrocities are even taking place.

This psychological operation is done as a further and plausibly deniable form of punishment to this author, for exposing the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' EMF brain mapping of the American people, as well as my experiences as a target of a resurrected version of the CIA's original MK-ULTRA program (which now operates via the EMF spectrum), for nearly forty years.

As part of this particular psyop, this author will be forced to call my healthcare insurer and wait for up to two hours on hold (how long I waited on hold during the FBI's last psyop).

That is, until a belligerent FBI psycho or one of their provocateurs, decides to access the phone line, and then pretend to be a customer service representative for this company. Once this takes place, the phone conversation is used as an additional part of this psychological operation.

Is it any wonder why an Executive Branch-created Gestapo like the FBI has never received a Congressional legislative charter to Constitutionally operate within the United States?

A legislative charter, would at least theoretically hold the FBI accountable for the criminal actions of its own agents - including torturing and murdering American citizens through the use of directed energy microwave weapons.

Then again, both the CIA and NSA have legislative charters that these organizations have never abided by. As an example of this, Edward Snowden's recent revelations regarding the NSA's unconstitutional collection of data on all American citizens, proves that the NSA is in violation of its own legislative charter and Directive 18 of the Agency's internal policing guidelines.

However, no U.S. politician, nor any member of the U.S. media has publicly cited the NSA's violations of Directive 18, or how these violations are being used to carry out an Orwellian spying campaign against the American people.

What would these politicians do if a CIA whistleblower publicly accused the CIA of collecting data on all American citizens? Based on the fact that no legitimate actions have been taken against the NSA, we can be certain that no actions would be taken against the CIA either!

In fact, over the past year in order to avoid a scandal which took place at the Department Of Homeland Security, the former head of DHS, Janet Napolitano, was quietly forced to resign from the Agency, after being accused of promoting female employees (including a close "personal" friend of Napolitano's) ahead of their male counterparts, while the women in her office were accused of sexually harassing male employees who worked for DHS. The same types of deplorable actions that men have been condemned for conducting against women for ages.

It would appear that misandrists are becoming as problematic in our society as misogynists and misanthropes.

Moreover, such a complete breakdown within our government should give the average American citizen an indication of just how thoroughly corrupted the U.S. federal government has become over the past century; while passing treasonous legislation like the Patriot Act, which has been used to all but destroy American sovereignty, and allowing those within our own government who conspired to foment the 9/11 false flag operation, to go unpunished for their murders of *thousands of American citizens.

* And well over a million Iraqi and Afghani citizens and soldiers. Not to mention the thousands of American soldiers who have died fighting these bogus wars for oil and natural gas, as well the maimed soldiers who've returned to the United States, and those who have experienced horrific psychological torment from the ordeals which they have been forced to face in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This, while patriots like Bradley Manning, are imprisoned and demonized for their acts of conscience and basic decency, having exposed crimes against humanity committed by the U.S. Military in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What the American people must ask themselves is the following question:

Why would the U.S. Military have created a signals intelligence driven domestic spy system which is being used to decode our individual brain maps? And why did the Military invest large sums of money in mapping out the EMF signatures of every part of the human brain, with its creation of the Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook?

The answer, is that this was done as a clandestine means of enslaving us through the exploitation of the bioelectrical fields which emanate from our own bodies; including the unique brainwave resonances and entrainment frequencies of each American citizen.

If the federal government is going to attempt to brand us like heads of cattle, they must first be able to identify how each part of the brain works. Once they have broken down the different areas of the brain into something that they can use for the purpose of remote mind control, then they can use this information as part of a furtive plan in which to take a citizenry from within their own minds, by decoding the individual brain maps of each citizen, and then cataloguing them into a central government computer database, which can then be used to electronically enslave the citizenry.

John St. Clair Akwei first revealed the NSA's ability to do this when filing his 1992 civil action against the Agency. Unfortunately, the NSA was able to use a corrupt federal judge by the name of Stanley Sporkin, to dismiss Akwei's lawsuit before an American jury could hear his case against the NSA.

Sporkin dismissed Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA on the same day that it was filed in his Washington courtroom, so one must wonder if Sporkin even bothered to read the lawsuit before dismissing it.

Given Sporkin's cavalier and irresponsible (if not criminal) dismissal of Akwei VS NSA, the reader should also note that Stanley Sporkin may actually hold the record for keeping a frivolous lawsuit open, by using the Qui Tam false claim statute to keep a fraudulent lawsuit filed against former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts' company, Hamilton Securities, open for more than four years, in an effort to bankrupt the company. Which Sporkin eventually succeeded in doing.

So here we have two different cases involving Stanley Sporkin, in which Sporkin dismissed a legitimate case against the NSA on the same day that it was filed in his courtroom, while in another case, Sporkin abused the Qui Tam false claims statutes in order to keep a bogus lawsuit against Hamilton Securities open for over four years!

What was Stanley Sporkin used to cover up in regard to the NSA and Pentagon?

In this author's opinion, Sporkin was used to cover up the U.S. federal government's covert use of signals intelligence EMF scanning networks, over the horizon radar systems, and EEG heterodyning technology, for the express purpose of exploiting the unique EMF signatures of our own bodies, in order to electromagnetically brand the American people, as though we were little more than heads of cattle; cattle, whose thoughts and actions can now be controlled by remotely accessing the neural pathways our brains via EEG heterodyning.

Google: Dr. Robert Duncan, EEG heterodyning, The Matrix Deciphered, Project Soul Catcher

To a very significant extent, this has already been accomplished in a number of countries, including the United States, whose citizens have been electromagnetically branded through the use of such brain mapping technology.

However, don't expect your elected officials or the government controlled media in this country to ever admit to this outrageous scandal, because wittingly or otherwise, they are part of it.

Google: AKWEI VS NSA and the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network

2/12/14 - In the middle of the night this author is attacked with a microwave energy weapon, causing a jabbing sensation on the top of my head. This is just another example of what these federal psycho's subject this author and other members of my Family to as part an FBI COINTELPRO that has been occurring for at least three decades.

2/9/14 - These federal criminals are at it again, vandalizing a computer battery and a heater to one of my aquariums. There is a special place in hell for these pieces of sadistic scum.

2/6/14 - Over the past two days NSA psycho's are interfering with the electricity in our home again, intermittently turning off the power to different parts of our home.

For more on this, scroll down to December of 2012 when these Satanic demons decided to remotely destroy the analogue thermostat in our home, while waging a signals intelligence driven directed energy attack on our furnace.

2/1/14 - A Family member calls to say that the wife of a missing attorney whom they know, has stated that the unidentified body of a man found on a Hampton's Long Island beach this past week is her husband.

*See:"Suffolk County Cops Investigate Body Found In Montauk Dunes"

This is yet another instance of someone who in someway is connected to this author or a member of my Family, dying suddenly and under mysterious circumstances. Was this person a target of directed energy weapons? Possibly even suicide programming?


This author's Father is again being subjected to a directed energy microwave weapon attack on his bronchial passages, causing him to *cough repeatedly.

*Not five minutes after posting this, Dad's coughing stops. This is further proof that he is also being targeted by directed energy microwave weapons.

These types of attacks occur instantaneously, and can end just as quickly. However, it is the duration of such DEW attacks that is flexible. They can be momentary or last for months or even years at a time.

Many targets of this technology who've died from cancers, have been subjected to years of such microwave energy attacks, before their immune systems were destroyed by these weapons.

This author has also been the target of a similar DEW attack over the past month, by these federal, murderous, psychopathic predators, who continue in their attempts to murder my person, in order to cover up their use of this author as a target of MK-ULTRA for close to forty years.

Their illegal interfacing of artificial intelligence computers with the neural pathways of this author's brain, is the result of a treasonous national brain mapping program, which continues to be used to decode the individual brain maps of each American citizen, for the purpose of domestic spying.

This signals intelligence driven domestic spy program, which can be used to instantly access the mind of any American citizen, is so inherently evil, that no U.S. politician will ever admit to its existence.

Moreover, any American who attempts to expose this program will be subjected to every means possible in which to discredit our allegations, while covert means will be taken in an effort to both slander and ultimately murder us in a plausibly deniable manner.

In addition, slander campaigns will be used in a further attempt to discredit such whistleblowers, while the criminals within this government who attack us, attempt to cover up this Orwellian program, and its use in the furtive enslavement of the American middle class.

In the middle of the night on 2/1/14, FBI/NSA Gestapo psychopaths use a signals intelligence satellite to remotely trigger the burglar alarm on a home across the road from our own. This occurs at least twice over the span of a few hours, and the alarm operates for close to 40 minutes before it resets. In *neither case did the police show up, so if the house was actually being robbed, the burglars could have gotten away without any police interference.

*Interestingly enough, two police cruisers show up as this author is writing about this situation (10:06AM EST), and merely cruise through our neighborhood as part of the earlier psyop. This is a further example of the brainwashing of the police themselves, who would prefer to deny that the American people have been individually brain mapped by the Pentagon through its oversight of the NSA, than admit that this terrible atrocity is taking place, and attempt to expose it on a national scale, as they should be doing.

However, this remote triggering of the burglar alarms in our neighborhood has been going on since right after the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks took place. By now, after more than twelve years of this total insanity, they have become such a standard part of the psyop against this author and myriad other targets of MK-ULTRA and organized stalking, that the alarms are usually ignored by both neighbors and police, who are well aware that the alarms are being intentionally triggered as part of a criminal FBI/NSA psyop against our persons.

This remote triggering of burglar and automobile alarms (as well as motion sensitive spotlights), has become a common aspect of the vigilante hate crime organized stalking, and as such, has been reported by Targeted Individuals in virtually every one of the lower 48 States in America.

While many targets of these Orwellian crimes continue to speculate as to who is responsible for them, the fact is that they are instigated by a network of 72 fusion centers which are located across the continental United States, and overseen by the U.S. Justice Department, its FBI underling, and the U.S. Department Of Homeland Security - part of a modern day version of the Nazi's Third Reich.

While fusion centers and the so called community watch groups are portrayed as being Orwellian "pre-crime" solutions in our post 9/11 society, the fact is that they are anything but legitimate crime fighting organizations.

They instead operate based on a complete disregard for the Constitutional rule of law in America, they utilize brainwashing such as neural linguistic programming, as well as intimidation tactics in order to bully the citizenry into submission, and they operate based on a system of propagandized disinformation, which is used for the express purpose of outright deception.

Let us not forget that the terrorist attacks on 9/11, themselves, were the genesis of this continued false flag operation, to destroy the United States and to reduce the American middle class to the status of serfs in a 21St century feudal system.

Since 9/11, the United States of America has been turned into a police state, as Rothschild Zionism attempts to finish America and her middle class off for good, as part of its agenda to implement a one world government technocracy.

Our only alternative is to destroy these demonic interlopers in any way we can, before they can destroy us.

1/28/14 - These government psycho's delay the keystrokes on this particular Webpage, in an effort to prevent me from updating it. Recently, they also damage another electric heater from one of this author's aquariums. Such remote signals intelligence driven vandalism has become common over the past two decades, and defines these Nazi indoctrinated criminals for the evil they are.

This Illuminati trash, continues to attack this author's Mother with directed energy weapons, causing chronic nerve pain.

May these monsters burn in hell for it.

1/19/14 - FBI/NSA murderous thugs continue to attack this author's Father with microwave energy weapons, while targeting my Mother with microwave energy induced nerve pain. These EMF attacks serve as further proof that the EMF spectrum has been weaponized by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, and serves as a venue in which to conduct microwave energy torture and murder on American citizens.

This Orwellian crime against humanity is now being reported by thousands of victims of this technology over the Internet, exposing the Nazi indoctrinated - federal predators who operate within this complex.

Something else that is commonly reported as part of the psychological warfare operations against TI's is the use of gifts during a TI's birthday, or the holiday season, which are given simply for the purpose of a gaslighting psyop.

The gifts can be cheap or expensive. However, they always serve the same purpose - as triggers for a psychological warfare operation.

This also acts as an adjunct to the FBI's intercepting of items purchased online by the TI, which the FBI often tampers with before they arrive at the person's home.

A common thread within these attacks is the destruction of the family as a unit. This can be likened to the survivors of a shipwreck who huddle together in the water, attempting to stave off the sharks until the last person succumbs.

However, in this case it is the Nazi idealized government agents who are the sharks.

And it is the American middle class who are attempting to huddle together for their survival.

The intimidation tactics have become very effective in scaring most people into submission, with most Americans giving up their 1St Amendment rights to criticism of this government, and instead succumbing to its horrible war on terror brainwashing.

However, the most diabolical aspect of this betrayal is the U.S. federal government's decoding of the individual brain maps of the American people, which are used as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program.

Something which this author first documented in 2005 and has since promulgated on this Blog.

1/16/14 - The reader should note that my Father is again under microwave energy weapon attack, targeting his bronchial passages. The attack is plausibly deniable, however, it affects his ability to rest at night. He was also subjected to two microwave energy induced seizures in 2012, only months apart.

It is horrifying to see how the police, fire department and medical staff at the local hospital have become party to this criminal conspiracy, knowing in advance that these microwave energy attacks are taking place, yet out of their own complicity and cowardice, refuse to admit this.

Such conspiratorial cooperation between the *police, the fire departments and hospital staffs around the United States has now resulted in their being absorbed into this Nazi indoctrination, as a modern day Third Reich rears its ugly head within our own society.

* Given that I have mentioned them, will they be visiting our neighborhood again in the near future as part of a psyop attack, or to administer first aid to another target of a microwave energy induced attack?

I will update should this occur.

Especially since the last time they were here, one of my neighbors died.

Today, (1/16/14) I receive an unpaid notice from my healthcare insurance carrier, in regard to a bill for the first month of my new health insurance coverage under the Obamacare insurance healthcare plan.

However, a check for the amount was sent well before its due date.

After a phone call to the insurance carrier I find that they billed me for the correct plan, however, added additional coverage that was not included in the plan, and then charged an additional sum for this coverage, just to confuse the billing.

This resulted in the wrong premium being charged.

As such, instead of sending a bill for the proper monthly premium, the healthcare insurer sent a bill for the amount which included additional coverage for a dental plan that I did not order, and was not part of the plan that I subscribed to.

* The reader will also note that a few of my teeth were remotely targeted via microwave energy weaponry to cause tooth pain over the past few weeks, in advance of the intentional and erroneous addition of dental plan coverage to my health insurance policy.

This also serves as proof that the electromagnetic fields of our own bodies can be remotely breached, and that remotely induced EMF fields can be used to target us as a form of plausibly deniable torture.

The reader should also keep in mind that these space based electronic warfare weapons can be used to cause Tornadoes or other devastating forms of geophysical manipulation of the weather, as well as harnessed to create and concentrate enough energy to fall a massive tree, or even knock down a house or building.

As such, it should come as no surprise to any person who's already being targeted by these directed energy weapons, how easily they can be murdered by them, while the demonic stain on humanity that cowardly deploys them against us, hides behind their computer monitors in order to do so.

In what may well be the most hypocritical act of all time, the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is now using its control over the Congress and media in this country in an attempt to hold NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden accountable for what they claim is a treasonous act.

This, while the criminals within this complex who have completely betrayed the American people through their covert implementation of a national brain mapping program, ignore the atrocities that these Nazis perpetrate with the very classified weapons that this author and myriad other targets of MK-ULTRA document on our own Websites, in what is turning out to be the best documentation of the worst crimes against humanity ever exposed.

Short of what NSA whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei exposed in his 1992 civil action against the NSA, what Edward Snowden witnessed occurring within the NSA is no doubt the best documentation of the NSA's violations of its own charter in U.S. history. However, in reference to Akwei's shocking information, Edward Snowden has just uncovered the very surface of the Orwellian crimes that the dyed in the wool Nazis within the Pentagon, NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS and other government alphabet agencies are perpetrating against the American people, through the use of HAARP weapons, over the horizon radar systems, signals intelligence EMF scanning networks, and EEG heterodyning directed energy weapons' technology.

We are dealing with an evil here that is unparalleled in our history, and it's concealed behind a wall of brainwashing, government corruption and manipulation that remains without equal in human history.

The entire system of government in this country has been subverted. Moreover, there is no part of the U.S. federal government that hasn't been corrupted, in regard to the propaganda used to white wash the facts behind the 9-11 attacks.

Politicians and media journalists who have attempted to do so, have been made examples of in order to terrify the body politic and media in the United States, into total complicity in these cover ups.

Some have even been murdered, along with a number of 9-11 whistleblowers who have died under very mysterious circumstances.

As such, while Edward Snowden may have violated his oath to protect the confidentiality of the NSA, he only did so because he learned that the NSA long ago violated its oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the American people.

And that the NSA, like so many other alphabet agencies, has perverted the concept of the National Security Act to conceal their own treasonous crimes against the American people.

As for the FBI's latest psychological mind fu*k in its attack on this author, it is obvious that my healthcare insurance carrier is being used as part of an FBI gaslighting protocol against my person.

I have already received my health insurance ID card, which indicates that the insurer did receive my monthly payment for this particular plan, with the additional amount charged for an addendum that I neither wanted, nor was included in my premium. Otherwise the ID card would not have been sent out.

In other words, the health insurance carrier deliberately added coverage to one of their plans that does not by law include this particular coverage.

This means that the recent billing from the insurer claiming that they are still owed for this month's payment is bogus, since they have not only been paid the amount that is owed for January 2014, but also the additional and erroneous charge which they added as a supplement to this plan.

This manipulation of my insurance plan, however, pales in comparison to the myriad of far more serious crimes that the FBI has perpetrated against this author, which constitutes the most abject violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights in American history.

The American people should demand that Congress force the FBI to account for the monies it has spent over the past three decades, conducting illegal surveillance of my person, entrapment schemes, and collusion to cover up the use of this author as a target of MK-ULTRA since childhood.

You will probably find that this COINTELPRO operation has run into the tens of millions of dollars.

According to the representative at the health insurance carrier, they are going to remove the additional and incorrect charge from my policy so that the next premium reflects this.

This gives the FBI's psycho's the opportunity to have this plan canceled based on what the health care provider can claim was a "misunderstanding." So I will update the status of this latest FBI psyop.

This is yet another example of the gaslighting tactics used by these FBI demonic psychopaths.

As part of its COINTELPRO operation against my person, the FBI is intent on finding a way in which to have this author's healthcare insurance cancelled.

Given the FBI's attempts to murder my person through what is perhaps the most vicious psychological warfare attack ever documented, the FBI's intent to get my health insurance cancelled, in conjunction with increasing the electronic warfare attacks on my person cannot be ruled out.

I will update any further tamperings with this account, that these Illuminati Satanists perpetrate, since they continue to operate in both a criminal and Orwellian capacity. This is just the latest in a list of myriad crimes that these cowardly reprobates perpetrate as part of a decades' long COINTELPRO operation against this author, and their intent to conceal their use of my person as a target of MK-ULTRA for many years.

As I have stated for much of the past decade, what the U.S. federal government is trying to conceal from the American people, is that Americans are the unwitting targets of a national brain mapping program, which is used to decode the unique EMF signatures from each of our bodies (including the decoding of the unique EMF signatures from the neural pathways of each person's brain - in other words an *EEG brain map).

*Google: Akwei VS NSA, "The Matrix Deciphered" and "Project Soul Catcher" by Dr. Robert Duncan, for more information regarding the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of the EMF spectrum to remotely decode the individual brain maps of each American citizen.

This has been occurring since the 1970s and continues in the present day under the cover of the "War On Terror." It is being done as part of a much larger agenda in which to implement a world government technocracy, which will be used to oversee a 21St Century feudal system. The House of Rothschilds' Anglo-Zionist investment classes' intent to enslave the global population through the electromagnetic enslavement of our persons.

Given the creation of FEMA, and a network of secret prison camps throughout the United States, there's little doubt that a major false flag terrorist attack on the scale of 9-11 is already in the works, which will be used to repeal the Obama signing statement regarding the National Defense Authorization Act. This will result in the complete loss of our Constitutional rule of law.

The reader should also keep in mind that as part of this conspiracy, the highest office of the Presidency would also be abolished.

Given the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' criticism of the Obama Administration, one must wonder if there are at present, forces within this complex who have already decided to remove Barack Obama before his term is over.

If this is the case, then one must wonder what method they will use in order to accomplish their goal?

The reader must remember that Obama's NDAA signing statement is all that presently stands between the American people and an all out military dictatorship.

Given Rothschild Zionism's intent for world government, and a crumbling U.S. infrastructure and middle class, how much longer will these Satanists wait before they implement their plan of having the U.S. Military overrunning our neighborhoods after the Office of the U.S. President has been abolished under FEMA?

If as an American citizen you are not terrified at the thought of such an occurrence, you should be, since there is every indication that the Office of the President will be abolished within the next few years. And as the result of another home grown and devastating terrorist attack by those who brought us 9/11.

1/12/14 - The psyop's conducted by the FBI and NSA in regard to this author continue after more than 10 years of daily attacks.

These psychopaths are intent on covering up the fact that the American people have been electromagnetically brain mapped as part of an Orwellian plan to enslave them.

And I am the first person in history to expose such a plan, having, in 2005, publicly accused the U.S. federal government of covertly brain mapping the American.

This was to a large degree confirmed by Dr. Robert Duncan, when he published "The Matrix Deciphered" in 2006, citing that by the midst of the 1970s, the Pentagon and CIA had secretly implemented domestic spy programs which involved the decoding of the individual brain maps of American citizens.

Dr. Duncan went on to say that by the midst of the 1980s, the individual brain maps of millions of American citizens had already been decoded by the Pentagon and CIA.

Given the advancements made in computer design since that time, and the tremendous speeds at which today's digital computers operate, a network of such computers operating within any number of federal agencies - including the NSA - are more than capable enough of monitoring the bio-electromagnetic fields each citizen within the United States 24 hours a day. Including the remote monitoring and recording of the subvocalized thoughts of each American citizen, by EEG heterodyning the neural pathways of each citizen's brain.

This is what John St. Clair Akwei was attempting to expose in 1992, when he filed his lawsuit against the NSA, and it was intentionally derailed by federal circuit court judge, Stanley Sporkin.

1/3/13 - The latest electronic attack by these federal psychopaths involves the hacking of my account.

In this case they hack my account and change the credit card I have been using, for one which is no longer active, but still on this account.

This is just part of the Nazi psyop that this author has been subjected to for more than a decade, and as part of the FBI COINTELPRO operation waged against my person, which now nearing its fourth decade, has established an entirely new precedent in regard the FBI's already outrageous violations of the 4Th Amendment.

This author's accounts also involve NSA use of my person as a target of MK-ULTRA since the 1970s.

12/30/13 - A week ago this author posted in regard to the son in law of a business associate of this author's Father, whom this author was at the time told was diagnosed with intestinal cancer.

Today, this author finds that this person wasn't actually diagnosed with intestinal cancer. In fact, the test came back negative.

At least that is what I have been told. It is entirely possible that this entire situation was nothing but a gaslighting tactic, and the person in question is not ill, and never went for any tests.

This particular type of gaslighting tactic is used in an effort to get me to post incorrect information, because the FBI and NSA are well aware that I document their crimes on this Blog.

And there is no longer any doubt that they have used directed energy weapons to murder a number of people over the past decade, as the direct result of their vicious psychological warfare operations against my person.

So their intent is to attempt to discredit my documentation by using those around me to furnish me with false information whenever possible.

This is why when they tell me of the death of someone they know, I check the obituaries in an effort confirm what I have been told.

These people are not doing this willfully, but are instead being blackmailed into doing so, by a group of predator agents who belong in prison.

At any rate, I am pleased that this person does not have cancer.

However, the fact these federal psychopaths have such control over the lives of the people around me, who are coerced into taking part in this Orwellian madness, remains of great concern.

Especially since these people are remotely brain tapped via EEG heterodyning technology, and can be remotely influenced into acting out in ways that they would not normally do.

They are not free to make their own decisions. And if they get out of line, they are subjected to covert forms of discipline which can range from psychological operations, to directed energy attacks, which can be used to incapacitate them or even murder them.

Their own ignorance in regard to this brain mapping technology is as dangerous to them as those who use the technology against them.

The FBI/NSA blackmail of these people is criminal, and being used to obscure the crimes of these agents.

12/27/13 - A Family member who is supposed to have lunch with a few friends shows up at the designated restaurant, only to find that no one is there. He called one of his friends earlier to confirm the luncheon date, however he was unable to reach him.

This is the type of typical gaslighting tactic used by the FBI as part of a COINTELPRO campaign. The people who were supposed to be at this luncheon were told not to show up. They will likely feign ignorance of the situation.

Under the Patriot Act this is the type of power that the FBI has to interfere in anyone's life. One must ask, what does interrupting a luncheon date between a few friends have to do with combatting terrorism?

The answer is nothing. The FBI's interference here serves as part of a psychological operation.

With each passing day, the FBI becomes more corrupt and its agents more evil.

12/26/13 - The healthcare provider finally called back to confirm that they received the fax of my enrollment form. However, as the typical psyop this was, only after I had received a bill for it in the mail. I will now have to make a follow up call to make sure that the FBI does not have the check which was mailed for the first month's payment from the mail. Something they have a propensity to do as part of their COINTELPRO attack on this author, as well as many other targets of this Nazi idealized psychopathology.

Today, these Intel anathema to the Constitutional rule of law are delaying the interface on my netbook's keyboard, which results in each character I type, being out of sync with the computer screen.

I am also experiencing yet another microwave induced headache, and my Mom is still being subjected to a directed energy weapon's attack which is being used to mimic the symptoms of sciatic nerve pain.

These attacks are perpetrated with plausible deniability, however they are nevertheless devastating. Especially when they occur constantly.

There are thousands of Americans blogging about this Orwellian atrocity at the present time, most of whom are targets of MK-ULTRA and organized stalking.

What many have now come to realize is that they are the targets of a covert government brain mapping program, in which the unique bioelectric resonance and entrainment frequencies of their own brains have been decoded by the Pentagon (NSA) and CIA.

* The NSA is part of the U.S. Military complex, and operates under the auspices of the Pentagon.

12/18/13 - The person at the healthcare provider still has not called even though the should have received the faxed copy of my enrollment form last night.

FBI Nazi scum continue to interfere.

12/17/13 - This author has filled out a new health enrollment form with my healthcare provider which was faxed to the provider a week ago. Today, they claim that they do not have this form in their computer database. However, the person I spoke to also stated that this doesn't mean that they did not receive it. Especially given the large numbers of people who are enrolling at the last minute.

This situation offers plausible deniability if these Intel psycho's decide to prevent this author from transferring to a new health insurance policy under Obamacare from my old and far more expensive policy.

So, I faxed the enrollment form again this evening, to a fax machine in this person's office, so that they can hand deliver it to the billing department of this health insurer.

The person said they would call me back when they received this fax. In my opinion this document is already in their billing system and they lied when they claimed that it was not. They were told to do so as part of the psyop these federal psychopaths conduct against this author daily.

So now the FBI and NSA agents who perpetrate these crimes are interfering with my ability to transfer from one health care policy to another. If the old health care policy lapses because this insurer intentionally failed to send me a bill for the new policy before the 1St of January 2014 (in place of the payment for the old policy which should no longer apply because I am cancelling it in favor of a new and less expensive policy for 2014 ), then this health care insurer will have colluded with these federal agents to deprive me of my right to purchase a new health care policy from this health care provider.

This will be just the latest in a series of crimes which these demonic psychopaths have gotten away with in regard to this author, as they continue to cover up the most precedent setting violations of an American citizen's 4Th, 5TH & 6Th Amendment rights in U.S. history.

And if these agents claim that they have not done so, then that's just another lie that they have told the public.

Earlier this week, the Washington Post reported that the FBI is now using computer software which enables the Bureau's agents to hack into your home computer and to use its internal camera to spy on you. This software disables the warning light on your computer's mini camera so that the camera can be used to spy on you whenever you are at your computer's keyboard, without your even knowing that you are being recorded by the FBI - while the FBI completely abrogates your 4Th Amendment right to privacy.

For more on this read the following article written by former Judge Andrew Napolitano.

If You're Not Using The Internal Camera On Your Personal Computer To Teleconference With Someone, Put A Piece Of Scotch Tape Over It To Prevent The FBI From Using This Camera To Spy On Whoever Is Sitting At The Keyboard Of Your Computer - "Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now spying on us. It seems that the FBI, no doubt jealous of the unpunished lawlessness of the NSA, has acquired software that permits it to utilize the tiny cameras in many home computers to observe whoever or whatever may be in front of the computer screen. The FBI doesn’t only look at whoever is using the computer screen; it also captures the words and images on the screen. It seems to have an affinity for monitoring online gaming, even the lawful variety."

Today this author is subjected to a microwave energy attack directed at my head, which causes a strange floating sensation. These types of furtive attacks have been perpetrated against my person by FBI/NSA psychopaths for the past two decades.

The reader will also note the recent decision rendered by U.S. District Court Judge, Richard Leon, claiming that the NSA's spying of American citizens is unconstitutional.

See the full article on the Associated Press Website:

"WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge made headlines Monday by declaring that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records is likely unconstitutional. But even he realized his won't be the last word on the issue.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon put his decision to grant an injunction against the NSA on ice, predicting a government appeal would take at least six months. He said he was staying the ruling pending appeal 'in light of the significant national security interests at stake in this case and the novelty of the constitutional issues.'

Even after the appeals court rules, the Supreme Court will probably have the last word. determining that the NSA's domestic spying is unconstitutional. This judge will now find himself the target of a covert black operation to destroy his career, because he had the courage to defend the U.S. Constitution."

The media in the USA is prevented from investigating the real scandals within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex. In particular, this complexes' treasonous EMF brain mapping of the U.S. population.

This technology, in spite of its being used to destroy the U.S. Bill of Rights, is being concealed by the U.S. federal government from the American people.

12/15/13 - In the early morning hours FBI/NSA demons incarnate attack this author with a directed energy microwave weapon. The attack causes pain to the upper right quadrant of my torso. A few days ago a similar scenario took place with these reprobates when they attacked the upper left quadrant of my torso.

At present, they are causing this author to have a directed energy microwave induced headache.

These demons incarnate are a cancer on the American people, who secretly control the puppet corporate government in Washington D.C.

12/13/13 - FBI/NSA predatory murderers target the upper left quadrant of this author's chest with a directed energy microwave weapon, which feels like the tip of an ice pick. There are many targets of this classified technology who have died from directed energy induced heart attacks. Their cause of death was reported to be from natural causes. However, they were murdered by federal cowards hiding behind a computer monitor at the NSA, CIA, FBI, or any number of other alphabet agencies with access to this technology.

These federal psychos have also tampered with my E-mail account, preventing me from opening my E-mails. They have also hacked into my account, and changed the password in an effort to prevent me from accessing the account.

The reader will note that my E-mail account was fine until I went to access an E-mail from Angelfire to reset my password. From that time on my E-mail will not open.

This is the so called defense department that is supposed to be protecting the American people? With a defense department like this treasonous one, which is secretly enslaving the American people through its illegal use of a national brain mapping program, who needs foreign enemies?

12/10/13 - Yesterday, this author's den was subtly vibrating like a tuning fork, as the result of the specific EMF frequencies I was being targeted by. Our body's own unique EMF signatures act as a remotely tracking device for the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which enables the NSA's cryptologists to remotely torture us with directed energy microwave weapons. These agents are also capable of remotely interfacing the NSA's digital artificial intelligence computers with the neural pathways of our brains.

These allows this secreted Nazis to remotely read our thoughts (synthetic telepathy) as well as to implant computer generated thought (computer to brain link) or a NSA's cryptologist's own thoughts into our minds (brain to brain link) without our knowledge or consent.

The reader must also keep in mind that this EEG heterodyning technology also enables the NSA or CIA to clone our thoughts and to then store them in a computer database for later use. These cloned thoughts can later be remotely broadcast via signals intelligence satellite and computer to brain link, into another person's brain, without their knowledge or consent.

Such an Orwellian attack on the human brain can result in implanting one person's personality into another person's mind, creating an alternate identity.

There's no doubt that much of what we are seeing in the media in the present day in regard to many of the people who are committing mass murder, are unwitting targets of this signals intelligence mind control technology.

12/5/13 - FBI COINTELPRO harassment continues, with bogus phone calls, as part of a telephone harassment scheme. Today, a person calls our home leaving a message for another person who does not live here. Of course this does on occasion occur innocently. However, when you are the target of an FBI Nazi idealized COINTELPRO operation, your phone and email accounts become venues for the FBI's psychological warfare operations against your person.

For instance, years ago, long before the organized stalking of my person began, I would receive telephone messages from someone claiming to be an investment advisor, leaving personal account information in regard to one of his clients, on my answering machine.

The person would never leave a call back number, and their phone number was blocked, so that I could not return their phone call.

Interestingly enough, the last name of the person whom they left the message for was ransom (as in being held for ransom). I decided to see if I could locate the person's phone number, figuring that the broker may have accidentally transposed one of the digits of the phone number he was calling, which would have given him my phone number. As it turns out, that is how I was able to locate Mr. Ransom's phone number.

Having done so, I called and left a message on his answering machine, describing how a person who claimed to be his investment broker was leaving his personal information in regard to his account on my answering machine.

I thought that this would remedy the problem. However, I continued to receive messages which were left on my answering machine in regard to Mr. Ransom's "financial account," deleting them as they came in, in spite of calling Ransom several times, and leaving messages on his answering machine. One time I was actually able to reach him, and he apologized for the inconvenience. However, his "broker" continued to leave messages on my answering machine for several years, before this eventually stopped.

I am now convinced that this was just another attempt by the FBI at entrapping this author, hoping that I would attempt to use the financial information in regard to Ransom, which the FBI could then use against my person.

Of course, I just kept deleting these messages, having no idea that I was being targeted for one of the most outrageous violations of the 4Th 5Th and 6Th Amendments in American history.

Given that another of the FBI's entrapment schemes had failed, they became even more aggressive in regard to the criminal acts they have since perpetrated against my person.

If FBI agents are attempting to entrap you and fail, they will continue to create one entrapment scheme after another in an effort to do so, while committing myriad violations of your civil rights in the process.

Moreover, if by some chance you learn that you are the target of an FBI entrapment scheme, and are thus able to start documenting these crimes, the FBI will foment a smear campaign against you in which you are not only slandered, but also demonized and dehumanized by these Satanic psychopaths.

Where are the U.S. courts in all of this? And how is the FBI able to perpetrate such egregious violations of an American citizen's Constitutional rights, without ever being held accountable for the crimes they commit while doing so?

Because while the FBI is using COINTELPRO operations against such citizens, the courts usually know nothing about these crimes. If the FBI is eventually successful in entrapping the target of these schemes, the FBI will then use the information it obtained in regard to the specific entrapment, while completely ignoring the crimes its agents perpetrated in carrying out the entrapment scheme.

I have now documented at least three decades of such entrapment schemes as both a target of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA.

12/4/13 - This author's Father is being subjected to a *microwave energy induced headache, which offers further evidence of the directed energy microwave weapons' attacks we are being subjected to on a daily basis, by the torturers and murderers who operate within the FBI and NSA "Third Reich."

* This author is regularly subjected to such microwave induced headaches by these demonic psychopaths, as part of their COINTELPRO attack against my person. The local fire department shows up at a neighbor's home across the road minutes after I document the above, as part of an FBI/NSA psychological operation. To justify their bogus call, a smoke or carbon dioxide alarm could have been remotely triggered in this neighbor's home, via signals intelligence satellites, offering a plausible reason for the fire department to make a call into our neighborhood.

They were only here for a few minutes.

Local fire and police departments across the United States are used as part of the organized stalking campaigns being illegally directed at thousands of American citizens, who blog about these crimes over the Internet - and how fusion centers overseen by the U.S Department Of Justice (FBI) and the Department Of Homeland Security (part of a modern day Nazi Third Reich) are the organizations which orchestrate these crimes against humanity, in the 9-11 Totalitarian police state that was once the United States of America.

A few weeks ago, after this author posted an article I had written a few years ago in regard to the Martin Tankleff case, and the corruption within Suffolk County law enforcement, just minutes after I have posted this article, the local fire department and police showed up at another home close to our own.

Later in the week we saw the name of the neighbor who lived in this home and who had died on the day that the fire department showed up, listed in the obituary column.

Was this *person murdered by way of a directed energy microwave weapon? And are these Intel psychopaths looking at the medical histories of people who live in the neighborhoods of targets of this non consensual human experimentation, in order to determine if any of these people can be subjected to directed energy microwave attacks (to cause medical emergencies), which could be used as a plausible means in which to bring the fire department and police into the neighborhood of a targeted individual. And for the express purpose of conducting a piece of street theater, as part of the psychological warfare operation against them.

* The FBI and NSA psycho's who have continued to perpetrate these crimes against this author have murdered a number of people during this time, and as part of the psychological warfare operation that they have been aggressively conducting against this author for decades.

One of the people who was likely murdered, was a woman by the name of Suzanne Hart, who was crushed to death by an elevator, which was in all probability intentionally triggered by a signals intelligence satellite as Hart was entering the elevator.

For more on this type Suzanne Hart into the search feature on this Blog.

The bogus visit by the fire department this morning is just a further indication that the headache which my Father is experiencing is being caused as the result of a satellite deployed directed energy microwave weapon. Further proof that the two seizures which he experienced (and which nearly killed him) last year at this time, were caused by these FBI/NSA psycho's via weaponized signals intelligence satellites and EEG heterodyning technology.

Here we are a year later and this particular part of this demonic operation appears to be occurring again, with a microwave induced attack to my Father's brain.

For more on what these Intel demons put us through on a daily basis scroll down through this post, which is updated several days per week and now serves as one of the best documented cases of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA in United States History.

These federal psychopaths will use any means necessary in which to torture our persons with plausible deniability, while attempting to discredit our documentation of these Orwellian crimes against humanity. Their ultimate goal is to murder us with plausible deniability using psychological warfare and directed energy microwave weapons..

We are subjected to some form of electromagnetic weapons' attack every day, while these demons incarnate attempt to conceal the outrageous crimes they perpetrate against our persons, from the public.

If the reader uses the Internet and search terms such as: directed energy microwave weapons' attacks, organized stalking; signals intelligence satellites and over the horizon radar systems utilized in the furtive mind control of American citizens; you will find myriad Websites on these crimes against humanity, which the U.S. federal government is attempting to conceal from the American public and the rest of the world.

These crimes are being perpetrated by way of signal intelligence satellites, over the horizon radar systems and directed energy microwave weapons!

This technology can also be used to induce any illness imaginable within the human body, which enables those within the federal government who use this technology against us, plausible deniability in their commission of these horrendous crimes.

For more on this technology Google: "The Matrix Deciphered" by Dr. Robert Duncan, which can be downloaded and read for free on the Internet.

12/2/13 - During the night NSA/FBI psycho's target this author's right arm with directed energy weaponry, causing a numbness in my arm, which ends within a matter of minutes. These high tech satellite predators - who conceal their crimes under the cover of national security - continue to be the greatest threat to the American people that has ever existed.

Their intent is to murder my person in anyway they can, for my my documenting my experiences as both a target of MKULTRA and COINTELPRO for decades, while exposing their electromagnetic fingerprinting of the entire U.S. population, as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program.

An Orwellian program which is being used to destroy our Constitutional rule of law, and the American people's rights to due process of law under the 5Th and 6Th Amendments to the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Any government that would secretly electromagnetically brain fingerprint its own citizens, should be abolished, and its leadership indicted for such an abject act of treason, and crime against humanity.

These so called agents are the real terrorists in the United States!

12/01/13 - FBI/NSA psycho's continue to target this author with microwave energy weapons. *The latest is using certain frequencies to burn my arm and leg. This particular manifestation of these directed energy microwave weapons' attacks has become commonly reported by myriad Americans who are being targeted for such remote forms of microwave induced torture.

* These malevolent reprobates also target floorboards in our home, vibrating them very subtly. This could ultimately lead to a floor collapsing. These demons incarnate use this signals intelligence weaponized technology to vandalize our home and property, just as they have routinely vandalized much of our personal property.

And this is in conjunction with the directed energy attacks on our persons, as well as the psychological warfare ops that we are targeted for daily.

As part of this intended brainwashing of our persons, the FBI routinely has TV programs broadcast through our cable TV which portrays the FBI as a good organization, employing men and women of great character and courage. However, anyone who's ever been targeted by these demonic psychopaths knows that most FBI agents are exactly the opposite. Those who believe that the FBI is a perfect cover for their own psychopathic personalities and acts of sadism and torture.

What these neo Nazi demons are really intent on covering up here is their criminal use of signals intelligence satellites and over the horizon radar systems to which are used to remotely track our bodies' own unique EMF signatures.

And how this Orwellian technology is then used to target specific parts of the body to cause a myriad of illnesses, including cancer.

The Nazi's were not killed off after the Nuremburg trials were concluded.

As they should have been. Instead, the better known of them were sacrificed so that the rest could be smuggled into other countries, where they would then be incorporated into the military intelligence complexes' of these countries.

In the United States, the CIA's Project Paperclip was used to smuggle Nazi war criminals into the United States, in order inculcate the military intelligence complex with the Nazis' ideology of a global dictatorship secretly controlled by a technocratic world government.

In the modern day, this world government is being implemented right before our very eyes, under Rothschild Zionism's New World Order agenda, yet most of America's citizens remain completely unaware of this.

The global population would be shocked to learn how similar Nazism and Zionism really are. Both are Satanic in their origins, and being used to enslave the human race, while fomenting a genocidal policy which if allowed to propagate, will be used to murder billions of this planet's human population, unless we expose and destroy this demonic plot before it is too late.

As for the FBI's smear/slander campaign against this author. It's just that. An illegal smear campaign which these psycho's are using to justify their criminal activities and their circumvention of the Constitutional rule of law.

They may officially proclaim their allegiance to a god, however, their true master is non other than the lord of darkness - Satan himself.

Moreover, there is no rule of here, because the people who are supposed to be enforcing the law, have committing crimes against this author for decades that they would have admit to in a court of law.

Instead, they commit further crimes through their perversion of the media in this country and their use of neural linguistic programming, in which brainwash the American people, by demonizing those of us who are exposing the greatest scandal in American history.

What are they really concealing here? Many crimes, not the least of which involves the U.S. federal government's electromagnetic fingerprinting of the American people, and its use as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program that is based on outright Satanism.

As for the FBI/NSA remote sabotage of this Website, which in and of itself is completely illegal and a violation of this author's 1St Amendment rights, would the FBI be doing so if there was no truth my allegations?

The fact is that if there was no truth to my allegations the FBI would deny even knowing who I am. However, my allegations are true. And as such, the FBI's only logical recourse is to deny as many of these allegations as they can, while attempting to smear this author as what is nothing less than an expensive propaganda campaign.

What's more is that the FBI could never have gotten away with this prior the Patriot Act being passed. They would have committed the crimes, however, their admission of having done so publicly, would have called into question the FBI's violation of the Bill of Rights.

Instead, what we have today are a group of federal agents who use the Patriot Act to justify their criminal activity, while completely circumventing the Constitutional right to challenge them in a U.S. court of law. Which offers further proof of the organized crime syndicate that the FBI really is.

An unconstitutional and criminal organization with no legislative charter, and no legitimate oversight from a Congress that allocates tens of billions of dollars each year, in order to allow the FBI to continue its criminal and anti-American activities.

This author continues to journal about the best documented case of COINTELPRO in American history. The FBI's precedent setting violations of my civil rights, and the NSA's use of this author as target of MKULTRA.

11/28/13 - This author's concept of celebrating Thanksgiving is having managed to survive more than three decades of COINTELPRO & MKULTRA, as well as some of the most vicious psyop and microwave energy weapons' attacks imaginable. The early attacks on my person during the 1990s were horrible, and deployed under the cover of my having chronic Lyme Disease.

For years I thought that the Lyme Disease was responsible for all of this misery, until I later began reading about the symptoms of electronic warfare attacks, and realized that I was experiencing both symptoms from chronic Lyme Disease, as well as even more bizarre symptoms as the result of being the target of satellite deployed directed energy microwave weapons.

The fact that Lyme Disease is just another government biological weapon only adds further insult to injury.

The past two days I have experienced muscle spasms as the result of yet another directed energy microwave weapons' attack, while the demons who refer to themselves as federal agents - who commit these crimes with total impunity from prosecution - continue their illegal and vicious slander campaign against this author, in an effort to whitewash these Orwellian crimes.

In 2003, after this author realized that the FBI was using a *psychiatrist as part of an illegal entrapment scheme against my person, I gradually began to realize that I had become the target of one of the most outrageous violations of due process of law in American history, and the FBI was nothing but a well camouflaged organized crime syndicate.

* The psychiatrist took part in the classic gaslighting protocols which have since largely come to define the vigilante hate crime organized stalking.

A decade a later, I now realize just how criminal the FBI has always been, and the absolutely despicable ways in which its agents violate the civil liberties of a myriad of American citizens.

The FBI should be called for what it really is - an American adaptation of the Nazi's Gestapo. This is why the FBI was created through the Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government, instead of by Congress. This is also why the FBI does not have a legislative charter, since a charter would outline what function the FBI really serves, instead of its agents being able to put anyone under surveillance, regardless of how illegal this surveillance is.

The FBI's violations of this author's Constitutional rights under the 4Th, 5Th and 6Th Amendments, is not only precedent setting, but defines the FBI as an anti-American, unconstitutional crime syndicate, whose ideology is based, not on the democratic principles of government, but rather those of a Totalitarian police state.

The fact that the FBI can even exist in this country is indicative of a much more deeply rooted problem within the U.S. federal government itself. A problem which hearkens back to the end of the 1863 Civil War, and the House of Rothschilds' intent to thoroughly corrupt and destroy the United States of America but subverting our government through the establishment of one of its Communist central banks. The Federal Reserve System has become the central bank which the Rothschilds are using to destroy the America and her people.

11/26/13 - It's just about a year since this author's Father was targeted by a directed energy microwave weapon which was used to cause a seizure which nearly killed him. This was the first of two seizures that he'd have within a month's time - both caused by directed energy microwave weapons.

Prior to this his digestive tract had been targeted by these weapons artificially causing problems with his digestion. This became a daily occurrence for nearly two years, as was used as a furtive form of torture against him, until these federal psychopaths decided to add the microwave energy attack on his brain.

Since I began documenting these attacks on my Father and Mother, the microwave energy weapons' assaults have lessoned considerably. However, they are still taking place, and can be intensified at anytime, since these agents track us by way of our bodies' own unique EMF signatures.

Moreover, both this author as well as my Father have been experiencing an artificially induced cough as the result of microwave energy weapons being used to irritate our bronchial passages. This serves as further evidence of how this technology can be used to remotely target any part of the body. The DEW attacks on our persons also serve as further evidence that we are being tortured by way of FBI/NSA psychopaths, who are determined to cover up the crimes they continue to perpetrate against us.

I will continue to document these atrocities while the FBI continues to slander my person, in an effort to cover up the best documented case of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA in U.S history. This in addition to a slander campaign perpetrated against this author which includes everything from fabricating evidence (including CGI morphed video), to blackmail (used to prevent people who can corroborate my allegations from doing so), psychological warfare operations used to brainwash the public, and quite possibly FBI suborning witness perjury.

As previously stated, for the past week this author has been experiencing a microwave energy induced cough. This has been used in conjunction with microwave induced headaches which come and go depending on the moods of the demonic FBI/NSA psychopaths who use this technology on us. The same is occurring with my Dad, who is also a target of this technology. These weapons can be used to irritate one's bronchial passages in order to induce a spasm in the bronchial tubes, which results in the person coughing. The same technology can also be used to cause a myriad of physical manifestations, including artificially induced sneezing.

This time of year, where the weather gets colder, also offers plausible deniability to the demons within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex who perpetrate these Orwellian crimes against us, with complete anonymity.

The U.S. federal government was taken over after the 9-11 false flag operation, by a military intelligence complex that functions as a shadow government, which now maintains furtive control of the United States.

They, like their Zionist masters who finance this government through the Federal Reserve System, are a complete and utter cancer on the human race.

11/20/13 - In today's paper the name of one of our neighbors is in the obituary section. This person lived at the home where both fire department and police showed up on 11/16/13, just after I posted an article I had written on Martin Tankleff and the rampant corruption within the Suffolk County law enforcement community.

It is impossible to ignore how these emergency vehicles showed up right after posting this article. And the fact that a neighbor of ours is now dead has this author wondering if she is yet another victim of the demented and evil psychological warfare operation that FBI/NSA psychopaths have been conducting against this author for decades.

If this woman was ill, her illness would have made it that much easier to use a satellite deployed microwave energy weapon to murder her. Moreover, could her illness have been brought on by the furtive use of microwave energy weapons on her person?

If so, then she is the latest victim in this macabre counterintelligence operation, which is being used to discredit the testimony of a legitimate target of MKULTRA since childhood. Someone who has now exposed the greatest scandal in American history - the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program which operates via the electromagnetic spectrum, and uses the unique electromagnetic signatures of our own bodies, to remotely track and enslave us.

Access the link below to read an article that I've written about a Madison Avenue executive who was crushed to death in an elevator the day after I saw a movie in which a woman was crushed to death in an elevator (Paperman 1971). On the morning in which this woman was killed, I saw a van parked in front of my home with the name HART on it. The woman killed in the elevator was named Suzanne Hart.

Was A NY Advertising Executive By The Name Of Suzanne Hart Covertly Murdered Through The Use Of Electronic Warfare Technology, And As Part Of A Psychological Warfare Operation That Federal Agents Continue To Subject This Author And Target Of MKULTRA To?

I have been subjected to these types of psywarfare attacks for over a decade, in which these federal psychopaths often either injure or murder a person as part of these demented psyops. As such, it is quite possible that the woman who died in my neighborhood last week may have been murdered with a satellite deployed microwave energy weapon.

Several years ago, my Dad had lunch with a few friends. The following day, one of these men died suddenly of an aneurysm. It is entirely possible that he was covertly murdered with a directed energy microwave energy weapon by a group of monsters operating within his own government.

For more on this spy/mind control technology, Google: Akwei VS NSA, The Matrix Deciphered, The TAMI Electromagnetic GRID

In this author's opinion, the entire U.S. population has been EMF fingerprinted by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, as part of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program which is being used to enslave us.

As an indication of the extent of the psychopathology of the agents involved in these crimes, in the early days of the organized stalking of my person (2003) on several occasions after having left my home, there would be automobiles which was recently damaged in accidents, taken from a body shop or junk yard (depending on the damage) and placed in road I was traveling on while police pretending to be attending to a real automobile accident scene. In no instance did I ever see a person who was injured.

These situations always took place well in advance, since they knew that I would be traveling to a particular location before time. This enabled them to plan some very elaborate street theater.

Specifically, one day while I was visiting relatives interred at a particular cemetery, these agents set up one of these bogus "car accident scenes." On another, they staged such a scene while I was heading to a doctor's appointment. Keep in mind that both automobiles had been flipped over in advance of this author's arrival.

The doctor's appointment itself would turn out to be a psyop.

They knew that I would be traveling to a particular location in advance, which gave them time to set these "accident scenes" up. What sane person would ever go to the trouble and expense of deliberately blocking a roadway with a bogus car accident for the purpose of conducting a completely illegal psychological operation?

The answer is that no sane person would ever take part in such chicanery. However, these agents are hardly sane. Through their complicity in such psychotic acts, they must be seen for what they are - criminally insane.

Also keep in mind that their intent is to drive this author insane through the commission of such outlandish street theatrics. These pieces of street theatre are designed to be outlandish in order to make those who document them sound mentally ill. When in reality, it is the people taking part in these Orwellian crimes against humanity who are at the very least mentally ill.

11/20/13 - This author has been experiencing a microwave energy induced headache for hours. These have become very common over the past few decades, as part of the FBI/NSA microwave weapons attacks of my person. These murderous and lowlife degenerate psychopaths are also involved in preventing another Family member from gaining employment, after getting this person fired from two well paying jobs over the past five years. Prior to that this person had been employed for at least two decades without being fired, and was very successful at their job.

These agents of Satan have also used microwave energy weapons on this person as well as their spouse and children. One of these children has become difficult to deal with, and may well be subjected to the EEG heterodyning of the neural pathways of their own brain without realizing it.

This involves the remote manipulation of their thoughts via through the air computer to brain interface, in which artificially created thoughts can be remotely implanted in their minds, creating an altered identity.

Any person can unwittingly become a target of this satellite predation by the NSA, CIA or other agencies within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex who illegally use these weapons on American citizens, as part of a covert program that involves the non consensual human experimentation of their persons.

As a target of MKULTRA since childhood, this author has been subjected to such furtive mind control experimentation by the most evil government in the world. The Zionist financed corporation in Washington D.C.

These attacks on our persons began in the 1970s with an FBI psychopath named Migliore, who orchestrated illegal signals intelligence satellite surveillance of our persons more than three decades ago. This filthy reprobate has caused us nothing but misery. And instead of being held accountable for these crimes, the FBI has completely whitewashed them while protecting this murderous psychopath.

The crimes against our persons are such precedent setting violations of the U.S. Bill of Rights that this author has established an equal precedent in documenting these Orwellian crimes, in efforts to promulgate the hidden evil that the U.S. federal government represents, and how dangerous this Zionist financed crime syndicate has become to the American citizenry.

11/16/13 - Almost immediately after this author posts an article I had written on Martin Tankleff, *the local fire department and police show up in our neighborhood and arrive at a home down the road from our own, likely feigning a legitimate emergency call.

* On the following day 11/17/13, a police car shows up in our neighborhood as part of this psychological intimidation. This serves as further evidence that the local police and fire departments are also being used by DOJ/DHS run fusion centers as part of the vigilante hate crime known as organized stalking. Interestingly, at about the same time that the police car shows up, this author experiences a slight jabbing sensation in the upper left quadrant of my chest, as the result of a microwave energy weapon being directed at my person.

11/16/13 report continues:

Is it possible that they received a call from the local fusion center to take part in this psychological warfare operation?

With the exception of an ambulance and one police cruiser, the fire trucks and one of the police cars left our neighborhood within minutes of arriving. Note that the following article has to do with corrupt law enforcement in Suffolk County, and the role they played in not only framing Martin Tankleff for the murders of his parents, but in also attempting to cover this conspiracy up for more than twenty years.

Several years ago, after this author posted an article in regard to a TI who was suing police in California for their harassment of his person, fireworks were set off in our neighborhood in the middle of the night.

Does this sound like normal behavior? More like that of a Gestapo.

The American men and women who are targets of these psychological warfare operations commonly report that the DOJ/DHS fusion centers which orchestrate the Orwellian vigilante hate crime organized stalking, routinely utilize state and local police - as well as fire departments - in the organized stalking harassment of targeted individuals (TIs for short).

This serves as further evidence of how these organizations are being corrupted as part of the post 9-11 false flag operation, and used to cover up the destruction of our Constitutional rule of law.

The fact that no U.S. politician or media personality will admit that 9-11 was an inside job, even though the evidence that it was has become overwhelming, illustrates just how how substantial this conspiracy is.

Moreover, the fact that they would be spending taxpayer money to send police and fire department vehicles into the neighborhood of a targeted individual, for the express purpose of a psychological warfare operation, is extremely disturbing.

Especially since most of these calls are completely fraudulent.

However, there are also times where satellite deployed directed energy microwave energy weapons are used to target someone else within the TI's own neighborhood, to create a medical emergency, in order to offer police and fire departments a plausible reason for entering the neighborhood of a targeted individual.

The fact that at times they are actually making legitimate calls because of someone who's been injured by a directed energy microwave weapon is even more horrifying.

Especially since the real purpose for them being there is for psychological intimidation of the targeted individual.

Based on the evidence this author has compiled from the testimony of myriad targets of this Orwellian conspiracy, police and fire departments have been serving as part of this psychological warfare operation since just after the 9-11 false flag operation was carried out, and the Orwellian Patriot Act was treasonously enacted by Congress, as part of the 9-11 false flag operation.

This psychotic vigilantism is not just limited to the Northeastern part of the United States either. It's been reported across this country, as well as in many other nations; each of which has three things in common: A Rothschild Communist central bank like the Federal Reserve System, membership in NATO, a national network of fusion centers which act as the hub for carrying out these Orwellian crimes.

As for the directed energy microwave weapons' attacks on this author or any other members of my Family, if any of us is suddenly targeted in a more aggressive manner than usual, I will be certain to report on it here as soon as I am able to.

The reader should also note that NSA signals intelligence weaponry was used to momentarily turn off the electricity in our home just before I published the aforesaid post regarding Martin Tankleff. For nearly two decades I have witnessed myriad types of signals intelligence attacks on our home, as well as many instances of signals intelligence vandalism carried out during this time.

I am also certain that a number of people have been murdered as part of this psychotic psyop against my person. And I believe that it is quite possible that a Madison Avenue executive named Suzanne Hart was murdered as part of this psychological warfare operation.

In 2011, Hart was crushed to death after entering an elevator which suddenly malfunctioned - trapping her between the bottom of the elevator and the ceiling of the floor she entered the elevator on. This "electric malfunction" may very well have been caused through the use of signals intelligence technology. And as part of a very aggressive and completely demented psyop that NSA and FBI psychopaths have been conducting against my person since 2003.

For more on this situation, type Suzanne Hart into the search feature on this Blog.

The brief power outage which we experienced earlier today - also a component in the daily psyops we are subjected to - preceded the arrival of local police and fire department personnel within this author's neighborhood, as part of a decades' long psychological operation conducted by FBI/NSA agents against my person, who continue to conceal from the public, their use of this author as a target of MKULTRA mind control experimentation, as well as a target of COINTELPRO.

What these agents are also concealing is the technological means with which they illegally obtain much of their information on American citizens.

Specifically, a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program that makes use of *signals intelligence EMF scanning networks, which are used to interface artificial intelligence computers with the neural pathways of our own brains.

*Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency

This is something that you will not see being broadcast on "60 Minutes" since they're far too busy disseminating the *CIA's disinformation, to ever focus on the reality of what is really occurring in the United States, in regard to the conspiracy to destroy the American middle class.

Have you ever wondered why the CIA has its moles in every news outlet in the United States? It's to ensure that the CIA is able to continue to propagate its "Mockingbird" subversion of the U.S. media, just as it has since Operation Mockingbird was created in 1948, to use the mainstream media in the United States to serve as a propaganda machine for the U.S. federal government.

An absolutely superb example of Operation Mockingbird's influence on today's so called journalists can be seen in an article which appears in today's Wall Street Journal "Opinion" section, entitled: "JFK: Casualty of the Cold War."

This article could not be more illustrative of the CIA's Mockingbird propaganda, than if the late Cord Meyer Jr., Allen Dulles, or even CIA propagandist Bill "The No Spin Zone" *O'Reilly had written it.

* Bill O'Reilly is anathema to investigative journalism. And his program is one of the most successful propaganda vehicles the CIA has ever used, as part of its dumbing down of the American viewing public.

This article expounds on the completely absurd notion that a lone assassin murdered JFK, while completely ignoring the myriad pieces of evidence which prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that President John F. Kennedy was murdered as part of a criminal conspiracy by a corrupt and extraordinary evil faction operating within his own federal government.

A faction which not only continues to exist in the present day, but has exponentially grown in both size and evil intent since November of 1963.

While there are some well researched books in regard to the Kennedy Assassination (most are pure disinformation), one written by Lee Harvey Oswald's own mistress a few years ago, has been so devastating in exposing the U.S. federal government's complicity in murdering John F. Kennedy, that she now lives in seclusion overseas, due to the death threats she received while still living in the United States.

She has also become estranged from her own children, who are likely being harassed by federal agents as punishment for her having written this book. The U.S. Intel community has a history of oftentimes harassing the family members of its COINTELPRO targets, in what serves as a further illustration of the demented mindset of these agents, and the inherent evil of COINTELPRO.

Having read Judyth Vary Baker's book: "Me & Lee - How I Came To Know, Love And Lose Lee Harvey Oswald," this author finds Judyth's candid expose on the conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy, the best evidence indicting the U.S. federal government in his murder, ever offered to the American citizenry.

And given that we are just days away from the 50Th Anniversary of the murder of our last real U.S. President, this author emphatically recommends this book to the American citizenry.

As for the federal government's directed energy weapon's attacks on our persons, this author has already proven through much documentation, a direct correlation between the use of either police or fire department vehicles entering our neighborhood in advance of such aggressive attacks, and the attacks themselves taking place a short time afterwards.

What we are talking about here is a total subversion of our Constitutional government, by a group of rogue agencies that are systematically working to destroy the American middle class, as part of a much larger and demonic agenda to create a two class system: the wealthy and their subservient serf class.

This scandal is one which this corrupted government could never survive, should the American people collectively become aware of it. And this is the real reason for the demonization campaigns being waged against those of us who are promulgating this information.

As Americans, we've been taken from within by an enemy that has become common throughout this planet. Rothschild Zionism. And it is this cancer on humanity which continues to pervert our own governments and military intelligence complexes, in the interest of covertly enslaving us, while fomenting acts of false flag terrorism like that on 9-11-2001, in order to destroy our sovereignty.

Thus far their plan has worked very well. However, let us hope that with our continued attempts to expose this treasonous scandal, that this demonic plan will completely unravel in the future, as the world becomes witness to the House of Rothschilds' furtive attempts to enslave us.

11/7/13 - The FBI's psychological warfare operations and the myriad aspects of their COINTELPRO operations against this author also involve regular attacks on other members of my Family. In this particular instance I am referring to an attack in regard to a Family member whom the FBI has gotten fired from two jobs in the past five years.

The FBI has now smeared this person in an attempt to destroy his excellent reputation, in order to prevent this Family member from ever holding another job.

With a wife and four children, he has tremendous responsibilities, and it has become quite apparent that the FBI psycho's involved in the attacks on this particular Family member are intent on demoralizing him, in an effort to drive him to commit suicide.

Something these federal psycho's have been attempting to do with this author for more than a decade now.

I document this here because in the early days of the organized stalking of my person, when our cable TV programming had been taken over by these government criminals, as part of their COINTELPRO against this author, the programming made constant reference to the destruction of a person's Family.

The FBI was using its furtive and completely demented psyops to let this author know that they were intending to completely circumvent the Constitutional rule of law in their efforts to destroy not only my person, but also my Family, whom for the past decade I have been doing everything possible to help, by documenting these Orwellian crimes over the Internet.

And my Website is one of thousands in the United States alone, which documents these Orwellian crimes, being perpetrated by federal agencies like the FBI and Homeland Security.

The FBI and NSA have routinely hacked into this Website to tamper with it, and also narrowed the bandwidth of this Blog so that it will download much slower, in an effort to prevent people from reading what I have written in regard to these outrageous crimes.

These agents are the scum of the earth. Absolute evil incarnate.

As a result of these COINTELPRO operations, for more than a decade now, not a single day passes without these government criminals waging their psychotic covert operations against us, as this author makes history both documenting my experiences not only as a target of both MKULTRA and COINTELPRO, but also as an expositor of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program which is being used to both electromagnetically brain map and fingerprint the American people, in an attempt to covertly enslave us.

This act by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex constitutes the highest crime of treason against the American people in this country's history. Yet it's being completely ignored by the government controlled media in the United States, while the politicians in this country act as conspirators in these Orwellian crimes against the American citizenry.

Why is the FBI so concerned about what I am writing that it would deliberately violate my 1St Amendment rights by furtively interfering with this Website? The fact that everything that I have accused the FBI of - including one of the most vicious and slanderous smear campaigns in American history - is true.

The fact that as a target of MKULTRA government mind control experimentation since childhood, I have the credibility to write about these crimes based on my own perspective of what it is like to be subjected to having some government psychopaths illegally accessing the neural pathways of my brain, as though they were rifling through a file cabinet.

These so called agents are thieves who steal our ideas right out of the neural pathways of our brains, while using us as non consensual human guinea pigs within the privacy of our own homes. Why aren't we hearing about this in the mainstream media? Because the federal government controls the media in the United States and has told them to ignore this information, claiming that the technology which is being used to perpetrate these Orwellian crimes against us, is protected under national security.

These federal psychopaths also deny that our thoughts can be remotely read via this complexes' over the horizon radar systems and signals intelligence satellite networks, because they know that the American people would demand a massive investigation into the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' domestic spy operations, which this complex would never be able to survive.

Moreover, I have written articles in regard to how the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is attempting to destroy the U.S. Judicial System, by using the media as a propaganda machine to support the use of fMRI brain scanning technology as a lie detector in U.S courtrooms, when in reality the technology is badly flawed.

The FBI is also aware that the NSA and CIA have far more advanced versions of this brain scanning technology, which for more than forty years, have been deployed by way of signals intelligence satellites and over the horizon radar systems; the latter of which uses radar to remotely read the thoughts of American citizens, by remotely accessing the neural pathways of our brains.

This is the signals intelligence technology which existed prior to the launch of manmade satellites in the late 1950s.

By the mid 1970s this thought reading technology was being deployed via signals intelligence satellites under programs such as TAMI, SATAN, MIND & CHRIST. And by the early 1980s the NSA's crowning achievement, its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, was secretly implemented against the American people; a satellite based spy system capable of instantly identifying the EMF signatures of every American citizen, which could then be used to both track them, while remotely reading (and even influencing) their subvocalized thoughts.

For more on this technology, read "The Matrix Deciphered" by Dr. Robert Duncan, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet and AKWEI VS NSA - Google: "The Matrix Deciphered and Akwei VS NSA

11/2/13 - The FBI is again remotely tampering with the HTML code on this Website, completely manipulating the text on the main page so that the border on the right hand side has been moved half way down the page, and one of the articles has been placed over the bottom third of the front page of this Website. These agents aren't just criminals -they are absolutely insane, and attempting to cover up the greatest scandal in American history! - An NSA Signals Intelligence Driven Domestic Spy Program that is being used to track the unique EMF signatures of each American citizen's body, through the use of a Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network!

10/31/13 - The FBI's aggressive psychological operations continue against this author,  as I document my experiences as a target of MKULTRA since childhood.   Except that this MKULTRA program does not take place in a traditional laboratory environment that those in the 1950s did, where the targets of these heinous crimes are drugged and then subjected to aggressive forms of brainwashing through the direct torture of their persons.

Instead, these Orwellian crimes  take place via signals intelligence satellite networks  that operate through the electromagnetic spectrum,  which is then used to exploit the unique EMF signatures of the human body. 

  This includes the NSA's ability to remotely interface an artificial intelligence computer with the neural pathways of any American citizen's brain,  by synchronizing these computers with the specific frequencies that emanate from our own brains - a unique EMF brainwave print that serves to distinguish one American from another.

This is an evil and Orwellian program of covert enslavement which  we must expose to the American people regardless of the cost.  For if we fail to do so,  the entire human population will eventually become enslaved through such brain mapping/signals intelligence driven programs,  that are already being used to invade our thoughts, in order to create
a mind controlled society which operates based a hived mind concept.

The individual will completely disappear;  their ability to think independently and creatively  lost forever.   

We cannot allow this to happen!

10/29/13 -  This morning UPS delivers a package to our front door.    However, not before another UPS truck shows up earlier to sit in our driveway,  while the driver pretends to move packages around in his truck, while it is parked in front of our home for at least five minutes..   This driver leaves and then a short time later another UPS truck shows up with the  package that should have been delivered by the first truck. 

When this author asks the second driver why the first UPS driver did not drop off the package,  he said "he made a mistake" thinking he had a package for us that he did not.    Of course this *"second driver" was just taking part in an FBI
COINTELPRO orchestrated piece of street theater, as part of the decades' long psychological warfare operation that
these Intel sociopaths have been orchestrating against this author for many years.

*It's entirely possible since I did not actually see the first driver (just their UPS truck)  that the "second driver"  and the
"first driver"   were the same person.

One of the most evil things about psychological warfare operations is that they tend to make pathological liars out of those persons who take part in them.   This is extremely unfortunate since most of the people who are taking part in the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking,   are coerced into doing so.  In  post 9-11 America,   with the Orwellian Patriot Act being used to furtively replace the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights,   U.S. federal government driven insanity continues to  propagate like a cancer throughout American society.

As Americans we new another government that is free of the House of  Rothschilds'  Satanic ideology, and this means that we must first abolish the Federal Reserve System, in order to drive these Zionist interlopers out of the United States for once and for all.

10/27/13 -  We have a sailboat that we are interested in selling.  However,  the FBI will do everything possible to interfere with the sale of this boat, as part of the COINTELPRO that these demonic psychopaths continue to subject us to.

Remember,  one of the main purposes of COINTELPRO is financially destroy the target of this Orwellian operation.

Just to create further tension,  they have someone from the local yacht club call asking about information in regard to the same type of boat, which they claimed to have just purchased.   The claim is that they read through the club's roster and that they found that we had the same boat. 

The fact is that anyone involved in COINTELPRO is forced to lie pathologically as part of this Orwellian program.

And the phone call was made just to create further tension,  given the soft boating market, and the abjectly sadistic nature of these agents,  who continue in their attempt to conceal their use of this author as a target of MKULTRA from childhood.

The FBI's slander campaigns against my person are not only illegal, but  also illustrate the FBI's frustration with  my documenting these crimes,  as well as what may be the longest COINTELPRO operation against an American citizen in
in the FBI's history.   The FBI is an organized crime syndicate whose agents will use whatever means possible in which to torture the target of COINTELPRO To death.  These men and women are evil incarnate.

They also continue to remotely monitor my computer using a keystroke logger.    However, this is not just not to monitor
what I type on my computer, but to also remotely interfere with the keyboard on my computer, which they regularly freeze the keys on, as part of the psychological warfare harassment that I am subjected to each and every day.  They also open and close programs on this computer via the electromagnetic spectrum, since  the computer is connected to the Internet via a wireless router.    And I have found programs on this computer that I did not install.  So this offers further proof that the NSA can remotely access the hard drive on any American citizen's  computer and install their own files.

These agents are psychopaths who are now desperate to cover up these crimes, as well as myriad others, and they will murder this author the first chance they can,  when they can do so  with plausible deniability.  

My legacy has already been established by   documenting this NSA's use of my person as a target of MKULTRA mind control experimentation since childhood,  and  in exposing the fact that the American people are the targets of an Orwellian signals intelligence driven domestic spy program, that makes use of the theft of our bodies' own unique EMF signatures - including an EMF brainwave print -  that is then used as part of a   Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.   This SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network (Google AKWEI VS NSA)  is used to electronically latch on to these EMF signatures; in order to both track us, as well as to interface an artificial intelligence computer with the neural pathways in our brains, for the purpose of remotely accessing and manipulation our subvocalized thoughts.

What I am exposing here is a  Signals Intelligence driven domestic spy program that operates via specialized satellites and the electromagnetic spectrum,  in order  to electromagnetically brand each American citizen like a head of cattle.

These federal agents are more evil than Adolph Hitler himself. 

NSA whistleblowers  John St. Clair Akwei,  Edward Snowden and Russell Tice have shown us that the NSA is being used as part of a shadow government in which to enslave us through the use of technocratic means.  They have sold us out.

As for the FBI,  they have too sold out the American people in the most abject ways imaginable.  And this has even been corroborated by many former agents of the FBI, who understand that the Bureau's leadership is totally controlled by the White House.   As such,   any agent who attempts to do their job by abiding by the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights does not last long in the FBI's employ.

10/23/13 -   Today,  the FBI's pathological psychopaths decide to remotely tamper with this Webpage, removing the   from each paragraph so that I must paragraph the entire page again.   This page documents the daily harassment that this author and other members of my Family have experienced since 12/25/12.   At the time my Father was recovering from a directed energy weapons attack on his brain which caused him to have a terrible seizure that could have easily killed him.  Both of my parents have been hospitalized on more than one occasion as a result of these   satellite deployed microwave energy weapons attacks.   So I decided to start keeping a daily journal of this psychological warfare harassment campaign, perpetrated by these government demons.   What the reader will see here is clear evidence of a criminal conspiracy by the FBI against this author, involving the use of COINTLEPRO tactics that is so outrageous,  that these agents are using every means possible in which to provoke into an act for which I can either be arrested or institutionalized.

As a decades' long target of MKULTRA,  the crimes these reprobates have subjected my person to are so outrageous that they are seeking to find any means possible in which to conceal them from the public, while slandering  my person and consistently sabotaging this Website.

My allegations prove that the FBI's protracted fishing expeditions can last for decades without interruption, while
these criminal agents perpetrate every crime imaginable against me,  under the cover and color of law.

And this Orwellian psychological warfare harassment campaign, which also includes  being tortured by directed energy microwave weapons,   is being done in order to conceal the crimes that both the FBI   and NSA agents have been perpetrating against my person as a target of MKULTRA for several decades.

 What these agents  are absolutely terrified of,  is being exposed for concealing  from the American people,  the NSA's    covert implementation of a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program which  is being used to enslave the American people, by cataloguing the unique EMF signatures   of each citizen's body into a computer database;  a database which is  used as part of  the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.  For more on this Orwellian domestic spy program,  Google:  John St. Clair Akwei  VS The U.S. National Security Agency,  and  "The Matrix Deciphered.
 10/17/13 - Vehicular stalking is more aggressive than usual today. The brainwashing of these people is truly frightening, given how easily they are controlled by the Gestapo run fusion centers which are overseen by the DOJ and DHS.

When one sees how the individual is being destroyed under the Patriot Act, and that the people within this matrix of a society are now subjected to the Orwellian group-think mentality of the Zionist controlled U.S. Military Intelligence complex, one must wonder how much longer this situation will last, before these people either come to their senses, and recognize that they have been brainwashed, or have a psychological meltdown from this brainwashing?

Since to this author's knowledge, no person who has been brainwashed has ever realized that they are brainwashed until after they have been deprogrammed, this offers an even more horrifying prospect, given that this only opens the way for the psychological meltdown scenario to play out.

As a target of MKULTRA for decades, and having first hand experience of what it is like to be EEG heterodyned for such non consensual human experimentation, this author understands the vulnerability of the human brain to such satellite predation, and its adverse influencing of the human mind.

If there are extra terrestrial beings with positive intent presently observing us, may they intercede before humanity destroys itself.

10/16/13 - As we approach the hurricane season in the Northeastern part of the United States, one must wonder how often the U.S. Military Intelligence complex will utilize its HAARP weapons' system to manipulate these storms. And where they will be directed to cause the most devastation.

 The reader will note that Hurricane Sandy was actually headed out to sea, before it mysteriously turned around and headed inland, causing devastation to many communities who reside in the part of the United States.

Electromagnetic technology can be used to create an electromagnetic field which can actually be used to block the path of a storm, and to redirect it to a targeted location.

This is most likely how Hurricane Sandy was able to make its way ashore in October of 2012. The reader should note that Sandy hit Long Island on 10-29-12 (the date of this author's parents' wedding anniversary).

 Coincidence, or something far more nefarious, given the psyop's this author continues to be subjected to as a target of MKULTRA since childhood?

The reader will also note that I have admired film maker Aaron Russo for his documentary on the Federal Reserve System & its IRS bagman, entitled: America - Freedom To Fascism, since this feature film did help to expose this Zionist controlled organized crime syndicate to millions of American people. As such, I had publicly stated my admiration for the work that Russo had done.

Not long after he made this film, Aaron was diagnosed with the cancer which eventually took his life. In this author's opinion, Aaron was afflicted with this cancer, having been targeted by a directed energy microwave weapon. And as punishment for making American Freedom To Fascism, and for publicly disclosing the private conversations that he'd had with Nick Rockefeller, in regard to the Rockefeller Foundation's intent to have all American citizens implanted with a microchip, as part of the House of Rothschilds' intent to create a cashless society as part of its New World Order communist global dictatorship.

As for the government conspiracy against this author, what are the odds of Aaron Russo dying on the same day as my birthday? Was Aaron subjected to a heart attack on this day to finish him off?

 Or, was he euthanized by removing him from a life support system?

Given the Rockefeller's control over the American Medical Association, and the medical community in the United States, this author would not rule out foul play in Russo's death. Especially given that Nick Rockefeller has likely taken a lot of private criticism from other members of the Rockefeller clan, for confiding in Aaron Russo.

This author believes that many other people, some whom were famous, have been covertly murdered through the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of this signals intelligence deployed technology. And I believe that others who have been the proverbial "thorn in in the side" of this complex, have been given cancer by way of these microwave energy weapons; including Dr. Katherine Albrecht

.Albrecht contracted breast cancer after co-authoring a book entitled: "SPYCHiPs," in regard to the implantable microchips being sold in many consumer products, and founding an organization (CASPIAN) which she's since used as a vehicle in which to demonize several companies for their use of these microchips in the consumer products they sell. Albrecht has been particularly (and in this author's opinion rightfully) critical of the makers of the Verichip and Digital Angel implantable microchips, because these chips have been found to cause cancer in humans and animals.

Prior to being diagnosed with breast cancer, Albrecht had stated that she felt a slight jabbing sensation in her breast, as though someone was poking her with a pencil.

Many targets of directed energy microwave weapons have had this experience as well as myriad other symptoms, as physical manifestations of these satellite deployed weapons.

  Those within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex who torture us with these weapons must be seen for what they are - evil incarnate.

In another possible case of cancer being induced by way of a directed energy microwave weapon, a physician who treated this author for chronic Lyme Disease during the 1990s, came down with prostate cancer in the early 2000s, after he successfully defended his medical practice from an *OPMC witch hunt; a witch hunt that was fomented against him by other physicians whom he'd blown the whistle on a decade earlier, for their improper treatment of chronically ill Lyme Disease patients.

* NY Office Of Professional Medical Conduct

In this author's opinion, because of his status as a medical whistleblower, the FBI had likely been spying on him for years, just waiting for an opportunity to arrest him for something. And his closing of his medical practice occurred about a year and a half after DOJ and DHS orchestrated fusion centers had opened across the United States, and the vigilante hate crime organized stalking was coming into Vogue.

Even though I had been seeing this doctor since the mid 1990s, in 2004, this physician was coerced by the FBI to participate in a psychological warfare operation, that they FBI had been aggressively conducting against my person since the Winter of 2003.

.How does the FBI cover up its involvement in this nefariousness? The same way that all organizations which operate under the cover of the demonic U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' umbrella do - they demonize the people whom they have targeted for these atrocities, attempting to portray them as being crazy, while subjecting them to the most despicable psychological warfare operations imaginable - which are used to drive sane people crazy.

Moreover, as part of this criminal conspiracy this doctor was told to falsify a medical report in regard to this author, as was the lab whom he sent my blood work to. This doctor claimed that I had tested positive for Lyme Disease in a blood test, when I have never done so before.

The blood work results, which were from Igenex Labs, were stolen off my desk, after I compared them to the titer results on the Igenex Labs' Website - which proved that these results were falsified by Igenex, and that this physician was party to this criminal conspiracy, which would have led back to the FBI.

The FBI orchestrated the theft of this evidence to prevent me from using it against the agents who have been taking part in these crimes.

This doctor was used by the FBI, as was Igenex Labs, as part of the FBI's COINTELPRO against this author. However, when I exposed this fraud over the Internet, a year later this physician suddenly decided to close his medical practice, after spending a considerable sum of money in attorney's fees, to defend the practice.

To this author's knowledge, Igenex Labs has also gone out of business.It is this author's belief, that this physician was blackmailed by the FBI into closing his medical practice. And even though I cannot prove this, I do know for a fact that he was party to the falsification of the aforesaid blood test report, and that like three other physicians, he had been used by the FBI to see my person under false pretenses.

 One of these physicians has since closed two medical practices. She is also in debt for over 1.5 million dollars + interest. It is this author's opinion, that the people who financed the capital for this medical practice may have been involved in organized crime, and using the practice to launder their proceeds. As such, they needed a physician with a valid medical license to run the practice. However, the practice has since closed, leaving this physician with substantial debt which they will unlikely ever be able to repay.

* Several years earlier, this author been diagnosed with Lyme Disease by another physician, through the use of a LUAT (Lyme Urine Antigen Test), on two separate occasions, which is even more definitive of a Borrelia bacterial infection, than a blood test; because a LUAT tests for the actual presence of the Borrelia spirochete, as opposed to a blood test's immunological response to the Lyme spirochete.The false blood test report was orchestrated by the FBI, through its coercion of this physician and Igenex Labs.The LUAT has been discontinued because it was proof of refractory Lyme Disease after an antibiotic treatment protocol was followed, and could be used to force a medical insurer to continue to pay for additional antibiotic therapy.

The AMA has since claimed that chronic Lyme Disease infection does not exist. This is a blatant lie, used to prevent medical insurers from having to pay to treat chronically ill Lyme Disease patients.As part of the FBI's interference with this author's medical treatment, these monsters have also used certain physicians who committed fraud by seeing my person under false pretenses, to collude with pharmacies to supply me with placebos instead of the medications which I had paid for.These agents are out and out criminals. Pathological liars, torturers, murderers and psychopaths.And they are covering up a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program which is being used to secretly enslave the American people.

10-15-13 - Today a satellite deployed microwave energy weapon is again deployed against this author's skull, causing pressure on the top of my head.

These furtive Nazi type attacks are perpetrated via the electromagnetic spectrum, and by way of weaponized signals intelligence satellites. These attacks offer further proof that the U.S. federal government has been completely subverted by a Nazi idealized and Zionist financed shadow government, which carries out these atrocities via this shadow government's satellite based weaponry.The FBI's vicious and illegal slander campaign against my person continues as I expose the greatest scandal in American history; the NSA's EMF fingerprinting of the American people, and the agency's use of a Signals Intelligence driven domestic spy program, which tracks each citizen by way of their body's own unique EMF signatures, and a signals intelligence EMF scanning network.

Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency and the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning NetworkI have also noticed that the Republican party is again threatening to vote on the impeachment of Barack Obama. The fact is that both the Republican and Democratic parties are totally corrupt, controlled by the Federal Reserve System, and do not serve the interests of the American middle class.We need a new government in the United States which operates based on its own Treasury coined and regulated currency which is created interest free.This is how we restore the value of our currency while jettisoning the federal income tax which is used as a form of class warfare against the American middle class.

The American middle class has built the United States and it now being stolen out from under them by the Rothschilds' Zionist banksters and their Federal Reserve Communist central bank war profiteers, counterfeiters and launderers of counterfeited currency.In establishing a new federal government based on our Constitutional Republic of 1787, Americans must also rid themselves of the Zionist controlled corporate government in Washington D.C., and the Federal Reserve System and its IRS collection bagman. This is the only way for us to drive the Rothschilds and the British Monarchy out of the United States, before they can destroy the American people.10-12-13 - This author's Mother is again attacked by a satellite deployed microwave energy weapon earlier today, which results in heart palpitations.

Those who have read through this author's chronology of these microwave energy attacks for the past *10 months, understand that these attacks are delivered instantaneously via weaponized signals intelligence satellites, and through the electromagnetic spectrum, and then directed at the EMF signatures which emanate from our own bodies.10-10-13 - Last night this author is subjected to a signals intelligence microwave energy weapon attack as I tried to sleep. For a few hours the lower right quadrant of my torso was targeted by a microwave frequency which caused a jabbing sensation in my right side.When the frequency was turned off, the sensation stopped.

Then another frequency was directed at my skull which manifest as tension headache.This continues at the moment and has been ongoing for many hours.This is typical satellite predation by a group of lawless, lowlife positively demonic Intel psychopaths, who have become an abject cancer on the human race.10-9-13 - It's fall season now, and upon trying the heating system for the first time this season, the oil burner does not turn on.

 This is yet another "signals intelligence" remote tampering of the electronic components within our home. If the reader Googles: organized stalking & damaging of electrical components in the home of a targeted individual, you will likely come up with thousands of Websites started by other targets of this Orwellian satellite predation, who are documenting the worst violations of the 4Th Amendment in American history.

A service tech shows up to "fix" the heating system, only to claim that he does not know what the problem is. Of course, the problem is that the digital heating thermostat (which replaced an analogue thermostat which was remotely destroyed by a microwave energy weapon earlier this year ) was being remotely tampered with via signals intelligence satellite.

After the "repairman" tinkered with the heating unit for a time, he declared that it was repaired, without ever coming up with a legitimate reason for its having malfunctioned in the first place.

This problem was signals intelligence related vandalism.

This author's Father, who's been put in the hospital on two separate occasions as the result of microwave energy attacks to his brain (both of which resulted in seizures that nearly killed him), has recently reported having strange and vivid dreams.

The "dream" aspect of mind control experimentation involves the remote implantation of computer generated thought, into the mind of an unsuspecting target of this satellite based MKULTRA mind control predation, via the use of EEG heterodyning technology, and computer to brain interface.

One must wonder given the use a network of 72 fusion centers around the United States, if these Orwellian domestic spy organizations remain open in the face of the federal government's closure? And if so, who is financing these fusion centers? They are alleged to be overseen by the U.S. Justice Department and Homeland Security - both of which are federal organizations.

So are fusion centers financed by federal grants or by state funding?

10-2-13 - Yesterday, the prank phone call part of the organized stalking campaign against this author, again took place. This has been occurring sporadically for years. Nearly all of the calls are made by people speaking a foreign language or broken English. This is done so that the target of these phone calls cannot have a clear and concise conversation.

  The purpose of the call is just part of a much larger psychological warfare operation, which is used to frustrate the targeted individual.

9-30-2013 - The vehicular part of the FBI/NSA/DHS organized stalking of this author continues - some days are more aggressive than others. The result, however, is the same - a group of people who have become vigilante criminals, being mind controlled into doing the dirty work for the FBI's psychopaths, by carrying out an illegal psychological warfare operation that has become pure unadulterated evil.

These organized stalking crimes are not only being reported throughout the United States, they have been documented in many different countries; all of which have two things in common: A Rothschild Communist central bank like the Federal Reserve System, and an affiliation with NATO.The other night, a neighbor who aids and abets the crimes being perpetrated against this author, using the "brighting tactic" as part of this psychotic harassment, shines their high beam headlights into my window. I think that this particular neighbor was complaining about having to take part in the organized stalking of this author, wanting to spend their time on more constructive projects.

The result was that over a brief period of time, they were subjected to intimidation tactics in order to force them to comply with this vigilante hate crime. First, this neighbor was involved in an altercation in which they were followed home by someone who then engaged in a shouting match with this neighbor. The situation was raucous enough for me to hear.

About a week later, during a snowfall, this same neighbor had his driveway plowed, only to find that the plow driver had "accidentally" hit his new car. The car then needed to be sent to the body shop for repairs.

In this author's opinion, the car was deliberately hit by the person snowplowing this neighbor's driveway, as a covert warning for the neighbor to take part in the organized stalking campaign against this author.

While no person being used as part of this vigilante hate crime will ever admit to it, they are intimidated into taking part in these crimes, and punished if they fail to do so.

So much for America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Under the Orwellian Patriot Act, America has become the land of the oppressed and cowardice, where most Americans who are still gainfully employed have chosen to remain silent in regard to these atrocities, while those who have lost their jobs due the covert and systematic destruction of our middle class have become treated as outcasts; denied their opportunity to earn a living, while their Constitutional protections under the U.S. Bill of Rights are completely disregarded.

As for organized stalking and the vehicular component in this vigilante hate crime, FBI agents are notorious for causing car accidents, when attempting to entrap a COINTELPRO target into committing insurance fraud. However, this is still better than when these agents are intent on killing you, in which case they have a number of different ways to cause a fatal car accident, with plausible deniability.

In this author's opinion, one of the best examples of such "accidents" being used to cover up a person's murder, was in the case of Rolling Stone investigative journalist Michael Hastings.

This author recently noticed the following article in regard to Michael Hastings' body having been cremated, despite his family's wish to have his body returned to them for a proper burial. What was the U.S. Military Intelligence complex attempting to conceal from Hastings' family, as well as the American people, in regard to what may have really caused Michael Hastings' untimely death?

Also See: Michael Hastings' body cremated despite his family's wishes to have his body returned for burial

The reader will also note how the FBI attempted to have the body of a man named Kenneth Trentadue cremated after federal agents beat him to death. When Trentadue's body was returned to his family, after they rejected the FBI's repeated offers to cremate Kenneth's  body, his family found that Kenneth's body had been badly beaten and that he also appeared to have been hanged.

Trentadue's brother, Jesse, an attorney, decided to conduct an independent investigation into his brother's death, and has since determined that he was in fact beaten to death while being interrogated by federal agents, and that the FBI attempted to cover this up.

  Trentadue's family has since received a sizeable settlement as a result of this.

As for why Michael Hastings would have been covertly targeted for a plausibly deniable murder, the fact is that Hastings' wrote an expose on General Stanley McChrystal, which resulted in McChrystal being forced to resign form the U.S. Military. Hastings would die in a fiery car crash less than two years later. In this author's opinion, Hastings' new Mercedes was probably electronically tampered with prior to his taking delivery of it. And the car was being remotely controlled at the time that it crashed into a tree killing Hastings, and burning his body beyond recognition.

It sounds like McChrystal was able to finally get even with Hastings through the use of high-tech means. McChrystal himself, would not have had to orchestrate Hastings' murder; just have connections with people within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex who have access to this satellite deployed signals intelligence technology.

9-27-2013 - Today this author has been subjected to microwave energy attacks directed at my skull and jaw. As is typical of the electronic warfare attacks directed at targets of non consensual human experimentation, these attacks move from one part of the body to another. The NSA's signals intelligence computers are programmed to deliver this Orwellian and insidious harassment day in and day out.
Moreover, these AI computers are also reprogrammed from time to time to extract the maximum amount of physical and psychological torture that their Intel programmers can perpetrate against us 24/7/365, while still maintaining plausible deniability in these electronic warfare attacks.

The reader must remember that the attacks on those of us targeted for these Orwellian crimes of satellite predation, are targets of a modern day version of MKULTRA. So the raw data in regard to the NSA's torture of our persons is collected and studied for later use on future targets of this technology.

These Nazi idealized reprobates who pass themselves off as federal agents, are party to the most heinous and evil crimes imaginable - all being perpetrated under the cover of the National Security and the U.S. Secrecy Inventions Act Of 1951.

The following is a direct quote from an American woman who has been targeted for many years by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, for directed energy weapons' attacks, as well as the EEG heterodyning of her own brainwaves.

"The pain is unbelievable. It involves tones, harmonics, hissing, stabs, blows, voice to skull transmissions, induced dreams (nightmares), burning sensations in the body and head, internal burning sensations inside of the body and head, crawling sensations on the body (phantom touch), electronic rape, induced and unwanted urination or orgasms, holographic inserts, and many other horrible tortures. My thoughts seem to be scanned every second."

-Carolyn Williams Palit
9-25-2013 - Over the past week the FBI/NSA psycho's who electronically hack into this Website, interfere with its bandwidth, in order to dissuade the myriad visitors of this site from watching several videos which contain interviews with the late political historian Eustace Mullins.

These particular interviews involve Mullins' research into Rothschild Zionism's connection with Satanism and the occult.

   So it's no wonder why the U.S. federal government would not want the visitors of my Website watching these videos, since these organizations within this corporation that continues to pass itself off as a federal government, are controlled by Rothschild Zionism, and have been completely criminalized by them.

As for the theft of items from our own homes as part of the organized stalking vigilante hate crime conducted via DOJ/DHS controlled fusion centers, given the allegations being made by a number of targets of non consensual human experimentation regarding items which either completely vanish, or vanish and then suddenly reappear in a different place from where they were left, one must wonder that while much of this phenomenon is directly related to a person actually intentionally either taking an item and then returning it as part of a psychological warfare operation, if at least some of these items may be disappearing via the use of advanced electromagnetic technologies? Google: the terms teleportation and electromagnetic weaponry.

9-17-2013 - Another Family member who has been targeted for non consensual human experimentation for decades suddenly has some tooth pain yesterday. The dentist claims that this person needed root canal work, which was then done at a cost of $3000.However, this Family member has used up their dental coverage for this year, so that they had to pay out of pocket. This is the same Family member whom the FBI got fired from two good jobs over the past five years, when the person had never been fired from a job before that time.

A microwave weapon could be used to cause this person's tooth pain, and an unscrupulous oral surgeon could then be used to do unnecessary oral surgery on the person. Possibly even causing further dental problems for this person in the future.

Yet another Family member reports having a sudden pain in their hip, which "comes and goes." This is likely another directed energy microwave weapons attack by some FBI or NSA psychopaths who are only able to perpetrate these crimes against humanity because of the secrecy of this Orwellian technology, and the American people's complete ignorance of this technology.

The U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' corruption of the medical community in America has become rampant since the Patriot Act was passed, and this complex has been able to get away with running roughshod over the civil rights of myriad American citizens.

Last week this author spoke with my Dad (another target of directed energy weapons' attacks), in regard to the recent fire on the New Jersey boardwalk, which destroyed at least 50 businesses. I had told my Dad at the time that the fire which destroyed these businesses would probably be blamed on an electrical failure, because this would act as a cover for signals intelligence vandalism - if the destruction of the NJ boardwalk was one as part of a false flag operation

.Today the media reports that this boardwalk fire wasn't arson, but instead caused by an electrical fire. However, if the electrical fire which caused this destruction was caused by the use of a signals intelligence deployed microwave energy weapon, then the NJ boardwalk fire was arson. In fact, it was a furtively orchestrated act of domestic terrorism.

This crime was perpetrated with a classified government weapon, which allowed the crime to be carried out with plausible deniability.

In another instance of a crime which may have been committed with a signals intelligence deployed microwave weapon, the propane tank explosion, which completely leveled a Stratham Connecticut home earlier today, could have also been caused by a satellite deployed microwave energy weapon. The American public's complete ignorance of these classified space based weapons, is nearly as dangerous to them, as the weapons themselves, as well as the demonic miscreants within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, who secretly deploy them against us.

These so called agents are evil incarnate.

9-15-2013 - The directed energy attacks on this author vary from day to day depending on the satellite deployed microwave frequencies being used by the FBI & NSA psychopaths, who perpetrate these atrocities against my person and Family.

For the past two days the weapons have been directed at my skull to cause a dull headache. This evening, the attack has moved to my right side, which feels like an ice pick being poked at my ribcage.

Of course, the slander campaign these reprobates illegally perpetrate against my person is done to justify criminal acts that these federal criminals can no longer deny committing. Nor can they deny that they have spent millions of taxpayer dollars perpetrating these crimes against this author.

The directed energy attacks must be computer generated, because they are done on a rotational basis. Specifically certain parts of the body are attacked at different times, as the frequencies are altered, and aimed at different parts of the body.

We are truly dealing with incarnated evil that is operating within the U.S. federal government.

And their EEG heterodyning of the people around us is being done to destroy relationships between Family members so that they cannot work in concert to abolish the current crime syndicate in Washington D.C., and reestablish our Constitutional Republic.

Eventually, this planet will bear witness to the rising up of the global middle class against this Anglo Zionist controlled Satanic aristocracy, in order to destroy it.

9-11-2013 - Today, this author's Father is having eye surgery to remove a cataract from his right eye. The last time he eye had such surgery was about a year ago on his left eye. And the surgery was far more complicated than it should have been.* The reader will note the irony that Dad's eye surgery is taking place on the 12Th Anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist false flag operation. These types of "ironic" coincidences have become chronic. The reader will also note that much of our NSA broadcast TV programming this week has included commercials for fatal illnesses. And an advertisement which began to appear the other day and at the top of this blog, is for a funeral home. The ad appears several times per day. This demented mindset is typical of the collective psychopathology of the federal agent, who is, based on this author's observations; both brainwashed and criminally insane.

What followed the last eye surgery my Father had, was a series of "mishaps" which can no longer be described as simply coincidental. Especially since Dad was put on medications for his eye in regard to a symptom which was likely caused by a microwave energy weapon.

Consider the number of Targeted Individuals who have developed cataracts from being subjected to having their eyes exposed to microwave energy weapons, and the reader will understand this author's concern for my Father undergoing cataract surgery, when the surgery could be interfered with by some NSA agent using a satellite deployed laser, to remotely botch this eye surgery.

Remember that the NSA can track any American citizen by way of our body's own unique EMF signatures, and remotely target any part of our body for such electronic attacks.

Not long after my Dad had his last cataract surgery, what soon followed was a severe seizure (the second in as many years) which was caused by a directed energy microwave weapons attack to my Father's brain. This seizure was so severe that it could have easily taken my Father's life.

Just a week home from the hospital after this seizure, the HAARP created storm Sandy took place. And we were left to ride out this government created disaster, with my Father attempting to recover from this microwave induced seizure.

The situation was nothing but misery for each of us, and caused by a group of government lowlife reprobates who will rot in hell for eternity.

Nearly a year later, my Father's medical condition has improved substantially, while the organized stalking and EMF attacks on this author have increased significantly

.So I am now documenting my Father's upcoming eye surgery before the millions of people who have visited this blog over the past decade, so that they will know of the criminal government conspiracy against my Family and person, and the fact that these federal demons will pass up no chance at attacking us, using satellite deployed directed energy weapons, when these crimes can be perpetrated with plausible deniability.

What's worse is that the medical profession within the United States has become completely compromised under the Patriot Act and the 9-11 false flag war on terror.

And this means that the physicians in this country will commit any criminal act they are told to against a targeted individual, or a Family member of a targeted individual, while completely disregarding the Hippocratic Oath.

And this includes being coerced by federal agents into intentionally botching a medical procedure, which could prove to be life threatening to a patient.

There is not one practicing physician in the United States today, who will admit that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is using satellite deployed microwave energy weapons on American citizens, even though a number of government whistleblowers have risked their lives to publicly admit that this Orwellian technology is being used against the American citizenry.

I say this with the intent of preventing such a criminal act from befalling my Dad again, since he has worked very hard to improve his health, and as his Family, we have done everything humanely possible to help him in his recovery.

We have also seen how physicians have run for cover after my Father's brain was remotely attacked via a directed energy weapon, in which seizures were deliberately induced by these evil government psychopaths.

Making matters even more difficult is that each of us is EEG heterodyned via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which enables the monstrous agents who operate this clandestine technology, to remotely influence our emotions at will. And this bespeaks the truly hidden evil that exists within the Zionist controlled U.S. federal government, and why this evil must be exposed and destroyed no matter what the cost.

A Family member being subjected to the EEG heterodyning of their of brainwaves, recently blurted out that they were feeling like a slave. And their statement is very telling, since anyone who is being targeted for such abject evil, as the remote accessing and manipulation of their own thoughts, is being used as an unwitting slave of satellite based mind control experimentation.

Moreover, in the past few months two other members of my Family have become chronically ill as the result of directed energy weapons attacks, while the government miscreants who perpetrate these heinous crimes, do everything possible to alert this author to the fact that their intent is to murder my Family as well as my person.

This author will continue to document these Orwellian crimes of satellite predation, because they are illustrative of a tyrannical and abjectly horrifying presence which is being harbored within the U.S. federal government, that must be rooted out and destroyed.

This is no longer a question of impeaching a criminal president or of investigating certain criminals within our body politic.

 This is now a question of completely dissolving an organized crime syndicate that has been attempting to pass itself off as a legitimate government since the 19Th Century, and with each subsequent new presidential administration and congress, becomes more corrupt than the one it succeeds.

A federal government completely overrun by a tyrannical military intelligence complex, which is financed by the same Rothschild war profiteers who've under false pretenses, fomented every major war for the past two centuries

.9/7/13 - After using our beater mailbox as it was for nearly a year now - minus its front door (and glued back together after some of the local miscreants decided to tear the mailbox post out of the ground), we finally put up a new mailbox yesterday.

One thing about the people who take part in organized stalking. They are as cowardly as they are evil, and will essentially do anything they think they can get away with. Unfortunately, the mailbox vandalism which is so commonly reported by Targeted Individuals, usually acts as a steppingstone to more aggressive behavior when it comes to trespassing.

However, given the fact that more than one TI has murdered an organized stalker who has trespassed on their property looking to commit further acts of crime, it's probably not a very sound idea for organized stalking miscreants to run the risk of getting killed, simply because a local fusion center controlled by FBI and DHS psychopaths has told them it is safe to do so.

If you are trespassing on someone's property in the midst of the night looking to commit a crime, you will have no defense at all, when that person uses whatever means necessary to defend their property and their life.

It is also not a good idea to commit such acts of vandalism when these organized stalkers are either drugged or inebriated, since they will often drop the first names of some of their chums while in the process of committing such acts of vandalism.

And within earshot of the TI.

 That is how this author was able to determine that it was actually friends of some of the youths of local neighbors who decided to trash our mailbox, on the way home from hanging out with their fellow juvenile delinquents. Isn't it amazing how much more courageous total cowards become after they've gotten bombed? And these criminals in training were not exactly sober when they decided to get behind the wheel of an automobile after trashing our mailbox as well as a few others (including our new Asian neighbors.) in our area.

I mention this because said neighbor's juvenile delinquent friends are back tonight, likely intent on having another go at our new mailbox in the early morning hours.

 The point here is how can you expect the progeny of adults who take part in organized stalking to behave any better than their parents, when these so called adults are setting such a horrid example for them, by allowing themselves to become party to such vigilante activities?

And the people (I use the term loosely in this case) who take part in organized stalking, are not exactly a legitimate community watch group, regardless of what they think.

They're nothing but a group of brainwashed, sadist and murderous vigilante criminals, who exemplify the cesspool that our society has become under the Patriot Act and the 9-11 false flag operation.

I'll update the status of our new mailbox after these thugs leave this evening - hopefully sober this time.

However, if the mailbox is less than "new" by morning, I will know exactly who to hold accountable this time.

  9/6/13 - On this coming Wednesday, *9-11-2013 this author's Father is having eye surgery to remove a cataract from his right eye. The last time he eye had such surgery was about a year ago on his left eye. And the surgery was far more complicated than it should have been.

* The reader will note the irony that Dad's eye surgery is taking place on the 12Th Anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist false flag operation. These types of "ironic" coincidences have become chronic. The reader will also note that much of our NSA broadcast TV programming this week has included commercials for fatal illnesses. And an advertisement which began to appear the other day and at the top of this blog, is for a funeral home. The ad appears several times per day. T

his demented mindset is typical of the collective psychopathology of the federal agent, who is, based on this author's observations; both brainwashed and criminally insane. What followed the last eye surgery my Father had, was a series of "mishaps" which can no longer be described as simply coincidental. Especially since Dad was put on medications for his eye in regard to a symptom which was likely caused by a microwave energy weapon.

Consider the number of Targeted Individuals who have developed cataracts from being subjected to having their eyes exposed to microwave energy weapons, and the reader will understand this author's concern for my Father undergoing cataract surgery, when the surgery could be interfered with by some NSA agent using a satellite deployed laser, to remotely botch this eye surgery.

Remember that the NSA can track any American citizen by way of our body's own unique EMF signatures, and remotely target any part of our body for such electronic attacks.

Not long after my Dad had his last cataract surgery, what soon followed was a severe seizure (the second in as many years) which was caused by a directed energy microwave weapons attack to my Father's brain.

  This seizure was so severe that it could have easily taken my Father's life.

Just a week home from the hospital after this seizure, the HAARP created storm Sandy took place. And we were left to ride out this government created disaster, with my Father attempting to recover from this microwave induced seizure.

The situation was nothing but misery for each of us, and caused by a group of government lowlife reprobates who will rot in hell for eternity.

Nearly a year later, my Father's medical condition has improved substantially, while the organized stalking and EMF attacks on this author have increased significantly.

So I am now documenting my Father's upcoming eye surgery before the millions of people who have visited this blog over the past decade, so that they will know of the criminal government conspiracy against my Family and person, and the fact that these federal demons will pass up no chance at attacking us, using satellite deployed directed energy weapons, when these crimes can be perpetrated with plausible deniability.

What's worse is that the medical profession within the United States has become completely compromised under the Patriot Act and the 9-11 false flag war on terror.

And this means that the physicians in this country will commit any criminal act they are told to against a targeted individual, or a Family member of a targeted individual, while completely disregarding the Hippocratic Oath.

And this includes being coerced by federal agents into intentionally botching a medical procedure, which could prove to be life threatening to a patient.

There is not one practicing physician in the United States today, who will admit that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is using satellite deployed microwave energy weapons on American citizens, even though a number of government whistleblowers have risked their lives to publicly admit that this Orwellian technology is being used against the American citizenry.

I say this with the intent of preventing such a criminal act from befalling my Dad again, since he has worked very hard to improve his health, and as his Family, we have done everything humanely possible to help him in his recovery.

We have also seen how physicians have run for cover after my Father's brain was remotely attacked via a directed energy weapon, in which seizures were deliberately induced by these evil government psychopaths. Making matters even more difficult is that each of us is EEG heterodyned via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which enables the monstrous agents who operate this clandestine technology, to remotely influence our emotions at will. And this bespeaks the truly hidden evil that exists within the Zionist controlled U.S. federal government, and why this evil must be exposed and destroyed no matter what the cost.

A Family member being subjected to the EEG heterodyning of their of brainwaves, recently blurted out that they were feeling like a slave. And their statement is very telling, since anyone who is being targeted for such abject evil, as the remote accessing and manipulation of their own thoughts, is being used as an unwitting slave of satellite based mind control experimentation.

Moreover, in the past few months two other members of my Family have become chronically ill as the result of directed energy weapons attacks, while the government miscreants who perpetrate these heinous crimes, do everything possible to alert this author to the fact that their intent is to murder my Family as well as my person. This author will continue to document these Orwellian crimes of satellite predation, because they are illustrative of a tyrannical and abjectly horrifying presence which is being harbored within the U.S. federal government, that must be rooted out and destroyed. This is no longer a question of impeaching a criminal president or of investigating certain criminals within our body politic. This is now a question of completely dissolving an organized crime syndicate that has been attempting to pass itself off as a legitimate government since the 19Th Century, and with each subsequent new presidential administration and congress, becomes more corrupt than the one it succeeds.

A federal government completely overrun by a tyrannical military intelligence complex, which is financed by the same Rothschild war profiteers who've under false pretenses, fomented every major war for the past two centuries.

- James F. Marino
9/3/13 - This afternoon this author is targeted aggressively by a weaponized satellites deployment of an ELF wave, which causes such exhaustion, that I am forced to lay down for hour just to rest. These types of microwave energy weapon attacks have been occurring against my person since the mid 1990s, as part of the FBI COINTELPRO operation against this author, and the NSA's non consensual human experimentation of my person. These attacks are now reported by thousands of American citizens over the Internet, who document their own experiences with the Orwellian government operating in the United States.

This corrupted and evil government must now find ways to continue to wage wars against under countries in order to hold on to the war time powers which they have been using against the American citizenry since the 9-11-2001 false flag operation . If  the United States is no longer at war, then the White House and Congress can no longer claim their right to suspend the U.S. Constitution and habeas corpus, and must instead reinstate the Constitution while decommissioning the Patriot Act. This is why the Obama Administration and Congress will vote to wage another illegal war (this time on Syria), in order to prevent the American people from regaining their sovereignty under the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

These politicians have become nothing but war criminals whose abject lust for power has not only abjectly corrupted them, but also, made them complicit in the murders of millions of Iraqi and Afghani citizens, as well as thousands of American citizens who have died since 9-11-2001.If the American people continue to allow this corrupted government and its military intelligence complex to abuse the Constitutional rule of law they way they have in the past, Americans will have themselves to blame for aiding and abetting their own enslavement under a Zionist implemented global dictatorship.

8/30/13 - Another member of this author's Family has not been feeling well for the past year or so. This person has also been targeted by directed energy weapons, even though they don't realize it. They have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is just a just a term used to describe a series of symptoms for which no causative pathogen agent has been linked. One of the most problematic aspects of the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of American citizens for such non consensual human experimentation, is how the medical community in the United States has been forced to collude in these crimes; instead of exposing the fact that this complex is involved in some of the most horrific atrocities against American citizens ever documented.

What makes matters worse is that many of the victims of this non consensual human experimentation deny that it is happening, in the hope that these furtive electronic warfare attacks will subside, and they can get back to the relative normalcy of their lives. However, throughout history, the tyrants who perpetrate such atrocities never stop committing them willingly. They are instead, and without exception, always forced to end their crimes against humanity. In another example of what may be a case of gaslighting or an actual instance of organized stalking vandalism, our landscaper tells this author that one of his vehicles was broken into, and an several pieces of his landscaping equipment was stolen. It is entirely possible that he may be fabricating this information, having been told to do so.

 However, it is also possible that his vehicle was vandalized and that landscaping equipment was stolen from it. Several months ago the back of one of his trucks had been damaged after another vehicle "accidentally" ran into it. This author saw this damage for myself, so I am certain that the damage (at least in this case) did actually occur. In all likelihood, the vandalism to another of his vehicles, and the theft of several pieces of his landscaping equipment probably occurred as well. After all, any person who takes part in organized stalking is a criminal psychopath, as are the federal agents who orchestrate these Orwellian criminal activities.

The real problem is that as this federal government's clandestine EMF fingerprinting of Americans as part of a signals intelligence domestic spy program becomes better known to the American people, all agencies within this government will be collude to conceal this high crime of treason. And their acts in which to do so will continue to become more desperate as they attempt to avoid prosecution for having done so.

8/29/13 - This week, the vehicular stalking has been a bit more aggressive than usual. The electronic harassment about the same. However, today, these FBI/NSA perverted miscreants decided to remotely access the digital thermostat to alter its temperature. This thermostat was installed during the 2012 holiday season, after these government psychopaths used a microwave weapon to destroy our analogue thermostat. The digital thermostat is easier to control by remote means, since the temperature can be either raised or lowered the same way that the volume control on a TV or piece of stereo equipment can be. This author has witnessed this form of signals intelligence satellite sabotage for the past decade. I have been targeted by directed energy weapons for the past two decades, and a target of MKULTRA since the 1970s.

 I am also the first person in history to accuse a government of secretly developing a domestic spy program, which relies on the EMF spectrum and the unique EMF signatures of each citizen, as a form of electronic enslavement.

To a large extent, my allegations have been further supported by U.S. government whistleblowers John St. Clair Akwei (Google: Akwei VS NSA) and Dr. Robert Duncan (Google: The Matrix Deciphered); both of whom admit that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex has technology which can remotely access the human body without the need for a microchip implant.

This technology is becoming more commonly understood. However, a decade ago, virtually no one whom this author spoke with in regard to my allegations, believed that remotely accessing a person's brain via signals intelligence satellite without a microchip implant, could be possible.

However, today, these people are now realizing that my allegations in regard to this signals intelligence technology are not only true, but that this technology is being deployed via signals intelligence EMF scanning networks, as part of the House of Rothschilds' agenda to implement a global dictatorship, in which the global middle class will be reduced to an electronic enslavement of their own persons.

The electronic attack on our digital thermostat is just the latest in the myriad of such satellite predation, being covertly perpetrated by these demonic federal psychopaths, whom by their own actions have defined themselves as evil incarnate.

8/23/13 - We realize that we have not received the bill for our home insurance policy. We called the insurance agent (an FBI provocateur), who has intentionally sabotaged our payments on at least two separate occasions in the past. This person claims to not know why we did not receive the premium notice. This person lied.

This has occurred with other companies as well, including credit card companies. The FBI either tells the insurance company not to mail the premium, or intercepts the insurance premium from the U.S. Post Office (or has someone at USPS do so - which could even include our own mailman), in an attempt to have our home insurance cancelled.

This is clearly a federal crime on the part of the FBI under Title 18 of the USC, which involves tampering with the mail. With the way that the NSA and FBI perpetrate signals intelligence vandalism to our home, it's no wonder why the FBI would want to have our home insurance policy cancelled, as part of their decade-long attempt to bankrupt us financially.

What the FBI is doing here is clearly a counterintelligence operation (COINTELPRO) which is being conducted illegally and in secret. These so called federal agents are nothing but an organized crime syndicate operating under the cover of a federal law enforcement agency, and using the Patriot Act's treasonous legislation to get away with these crimes. 8/22/13 - After months of refraining from doing so, the FBI again interferes with a UPS delivery regarding an item this author purchased from an Ebay auction. First, FBI provocateurs interfere with the Ebay transaction after the transaction is successfully completed. The seller sends this author an E-mail regarding receipt of payment and leaves positive feedback regarding the transaction. A day later, I receive an E-mail sent through Ebay that the seller has opened a complaint in regard to non payment of this item, even though the seller has already acknowledged receipt of payment and sent me a UPS tracking number for this item.

Today, I receive another E-mail stating that the case has been closed and that the seller has chosen not to ship the item. However, UPS tracking shows that this package was not only shipped, but also delivered on the front porch of my home this afternoon (8/22/13). Even though UPS never actually delivered the package.

This is also further evidence that the FBI can use any organization as part of a COINTELPRO psyop under the Patriot Act, including commercial shipping companies like UPS, FEDEX, DHL, and even the U.S. Postal Service, while using coercion to force an employee of one of these companies to tamper with an electronic bill of lading.

The American people should demand that the FBI be forthcoming with the amount of its annual budget that the Bureau allocates each year for each citizen whom the FBI, DOH and DHS target for organized stalking through fusion centers. And the DOJ and DHS should be forced to do the same. If these organizations were ever forthright in regard to the millions of dollars a spent on each target of organized stalking, in addition to the time which our communities waste taking part in this Nazi idealized insanity, their own common sense should indicate to them that this program is a complete waste of their own time and money. And, moreover, that they have been duped into taking part in criminal activity by those within federal, state and local law enforcement who are taking part in the destruction of our Constitutional rule of law.

A few minutes ago, a neighbor shows up with the aforementioned package, stating that it was "accidentally" delivered to his home. He is pleasant enough, however, his demeanor is typical of those who either take part directly in organized stalking, or in a peripheral sense.

The complete insanity of these agents continues to be extremely disturbing. And given that these psyop's are ineffective, and constitute a waste of the valuable time of the employees of companies whom the FBI uses to carry out such psychotic operations, one must conclude that the FBI is using such illegal activities in order to destroy those persons whom the U.S. Military Intelligence complex has committed the most serious crimes imaginable against. In the instance of this author, the Intelligence community's use of my person as a target of MKULTRA mind control experimentation since childhood, which involves the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

This is why the FBI continues to carry out these criminal activities under the color of law and the cover of national security, in an attempt to completely obfuscate the Bureau's from its own culpability in perpetrating these crimes against my person. Moreover, the fact that these agents continue to conceal the existence of a signals intelligence domestic spy program in America, which involves the theft of each American citizen's EMF signatures, and their inclusion into this satellite based spy program, should be of great concern to all Americans. This is especially true, since this clandestine program is being used as a form of covert enslavement for the American middle class; most of whom no nothing about it.

8/19/13 - Last night, after posting some derogatory comments on my blog in regard to the FBI, pertaining to the bureau's latest electronic attack on my Website, a group of vehicular stalkers show up in my neighborhood and park in the culdersac at the end of my road.

This is typical of the intimidation tactics used by these federal psychopaths. One of the real problems in dealing with people who are EEG heterodyned is that they are unwittingly subjected to having other people's oftentimes dangerous thoughts remotely implanted into their minds. The result is that you can never really trust anyone, because you never know if the people around you are being EEG heterodyned or not. However, if you are a target of organized stalking and non consensual mind control experimentation, you can be certain that the people around you are electronically brain tapped via EEG heterodyning. The technology is so invasive, and the federal agents who illegally deploy it so inherently demonic, that you can't even trust your own thoughts. As such, you must concentrate on positive thoughts which will result in bringing about a common good, and ignore the negative (and oftentimes evil thoughts) which these implant in you mind using EEG heterodyning.8/15/13 - Today I find that the YouTube videos which are embedded on my Website have been electronically blocked by these FBI/NSA psychopaths.

This is typical of the electronic vandalism which these government criminals perpetrate against this author. I am also be hit in the head with microwave weaponry by these reprobates, who represent a modern day version of Hitler's Third Reich.

8/14/13 - As is typical of this author's days as a target of MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation and the vigilante hate crime, organized stalking, for the past few hours I have been subjected to a microwave induced headaches by this FBI/NSA demonic psychopaths. This is just one in a myriad of examples of the electronic warfare attacks that these miscreants subject my person, Family, and myriad other American citizens to, under the cover of the Patriot Act and other treasonous pieces of legislation which have been passed since the 9-11-2001 government false flag operation.

Another Family member whose symptoms are most likely being caused by directed energy microwave weapons, has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia because of the fatigue and general aches and pains this person experiences. Fibromyalgia, like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the many other syndromes which medical science just can't seem to discover the causative agent for, are likely biological weapons which are derived from the same (or a similar) pathogenic source. In the instance of this particular Family member, the fibromyalgia diagnosis is a convenient way of avoiding the fact that the treating physician in this case, has no idea what is really causing these symptoms. So the patient is conveniently lumped into the fibro category and left to fend for themselves.In this author's opinion, this Family member is yet another target of directed energy weapons, who has no idea of what is happening to them, or why their symptoms are occurring.

Earlier today, this author notices a headline in the media stating that Actress Famke Janssen had recently reported that her apartment had been broken into. Oddly enough, nothing had been stolen. However, a children's book had been left on a bookshelf in her penthouse. This is typical of the gaslighting tactics used by those reprobates who take part in the vigilante hate crime organized stalking.

It would seem that Janssen has now been placed on an organized stalking list, and blacklisted by the Obama Administration for something she may have publicly said or done, that put her on the radar of the DOJ, FBI or DHS gestapo in this country. These are the organizations that control the 72 fusion centers around the United States. And it is these fusion centers which are responsible for the organized stalking crimes which myriad American citizens are now being targeted for. These crimes are also taking place in all countries whose federal governments are members of NATO.

8/12/13 - More directed energy attacks, and I noticed yesterday that the FBI/NSA psychopaths who routinely hack into this Website, have now blocked this author's ability to upload photos to this site.

This is just another example of the abject criminality of these reprobates, and how they are able to get away with these crimes, because the federal government in the United States has become a complete perversion of what it was created to be.

What the FBI is being used to conceal is a signals intelligence domestic spy program that involves the theft of the EMF signatures from each American citizen's body, which are then used to spy on them. In a myriad of instances, this signals intelligence domestic spy network is being used to interface artificial intelligence computers with the neural pathways of an American citizen's brain, for the purpose of mind control experimentation; while the person remains completely unaware that this heinous crimes is happening to them.

This scandal is so enormous, that the U.S. federal government will never admit to it. However, as long as the American people continue to learn about this high crime of treason, they will eventually act in concert to destroy the shadow government in America, and reinstate our Constitutional Republic.8/8/13 - Much of yesterday I experienced a poking sensation on the top of my skull, as the result of a directed energy microwave weapons attack.

It's also been a week of aggressive vehicular stalking by these DHS/DOJ controlled and fusion center directed psychopaths, while the FBI/DHS slander campaign against this author continues, in what is becoming the most outrageous and criminal violation of the 4Th Amendment in American history.

These agents are conducting a smear campaign against my person which is based on their own fabrications, confabulations, blackmail, vandalism, and both psychological and physical torture of this author and other members of my Family, in an effort to completely obfuscate these government criminals from the crimes they have and continue to perpetrate against us.

They have circumvented the Constitutional rule of law, because they have become the criminals. These agents are also covering up a nationally implemented signals intelligence domestic spy program, which is based on the theft of the American people's biological property (the EMF signatures emanating from our own bodies), and that is used as part of the NSA Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, which NSA whistle blower John St. Clair Akwei describes in his 1992 civil lawsuit against the NSA.

There is no way that the NSA will ever admit to this abject crime of treason against the American people, knowing that such an admission would lead to the abolition of this Nazi organization. And the arrest of those within the hierarchy of the NSA for their crimes against the American people.

So their charade continues, while the NSA uses furtive means (blackmail) to control the politicians who could be used by the American people, to shut the NSA down for good.

The question at this moment pertains to Barack Obama's recent claim that the NSA is not spying on Americans. This claim is an outright lie. And one must seriously consider if the NSA has unearthed information on Obama, which the Agency is now using to blackmail him?

If so, then the NSA's hierarchy may well be controlling the Obama Administration, through their blackmailing of Barack Obama. And Obama's claims that the NSA is not spying on Americans, was coerced using whatever blackmail the NSA is holding over Obama

.NSA whistle blower Russ Tice said that it is possible that the Obama White House is being controlled by the hierarchy within the U.S. Intelligence community. However, Tice is now being treated like a leper by the media, based on the U.S. Intelligence community's smear campaign against his person. This smear campaign serves as a very effective means of discrediting people who are telling the truth, while those who are promulgating the government's disinformation campaigns are being given plenty of media coverage.

Further proof that the CIA's Operation Mockingbird is still in effect more than six decades after the CIA initiated this program, in order to covertly subvert the U.S. media system.

8/4/13 - This morning this author's skull is targeted by an NSA deployed microwave energy weapon, which causes pain to the top of my head. These types of directed energy weapon's attacks are frequent, and part of the MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation that I have been subjected to for several decades.The other day, I also noticed that one of the baby Panda Cory catfish which was born recently in one of my aquariums had died. The little fish was fine the day before, and I was enjoying watching it swimming around with the other Panda Cory's in this aquarium. These Intel psychopaths kill fish that I keep in my aquariums from time to time, as part of their psyop attack on my person.

They have a history of torturing and murdering, men, women and children, so they will certainly think nothing of killing an animal. Even if it's a baby. As for the FBI sabotaged inspection of one of our vehicles which I wrote about earlier in the week, the car was finally inspected and serviced without further incident.However, I will now document any problem that might arise with this vehicle since its service, which may result from something either done to the car while it was being serviced, or now that nearly $1000 has been spent on the service, any "signals intelligence" related sabotage which this vehicle may be subjected to by the Nazi indoctrinated reprobates who pass themselves off as federal agents.

8/2/13 - For the first time in quite awhile the organized stalking street theatre again arrives at our front door. This time with two women, appearing to be mother and daughter, pretending to be looking for a bake sale. Their blue Mercedes was in need of a muffler, typical of the many vehicles that organized stalkers use when conducting a noise campaign against a specific target of these crimes. This insane activity proves once again, that those who take part in the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking are not only brainwashed, but also EEG heterodyned. This EEG heterodyning taking place via a signals intelligence driven domestic spy program in the United States, which is predicated on the theft of, and cataloguing of our bodies' unique EMF signatures, into a central government computer database that is used for both illegally surveilling, as well as experimenting upon the American citizenry.

8/1/13 - A few minutes ago (10:30 AM EST) a helicopter hovers over our neighborhood for several minutes, then leaves. At the same time, I notice that some commercial equipment, including a small bulldozer, is being operated on the property behind our own. The piece of property I am referring to has been owned by the same family for most of the 20Th century. However, they have not lived there for decades, and instead have hired a caretaker to look after the place since the 1960's. A law firm pays the taxes on this property each year, and it is one of the last pieces of land in this area (about 45 acres of prime Long Island North Coast real estate) that has yet to be developed.

The problem is that this particular parcel of land does not lend itself to being developed because the property is long, however, narrow. So it would present a challenge to any developer, since it would be quite expensive to purchase the land, and to then build enough homes to ensure that the investment became profitable.

The bulldozing we are hearing today is probably just part of a cleanup of some of the trees which were downed by Hurricane Sandy (a HAARP created storm).However, it can also be part of the Intel COINTELPRO operation FBI/NSA continue to illegally wage against this author. In this case, another noise campaign. I've been subjected to several "noise campaigns" since the organized stalking of my person began in the Spring of 2003.Earlier...Yesterday, we take one of our vehicles in to be inspected, after making an appointment earlier in the week. However, upon arrival the garage owner explains that the inspection machine (which is connected via the Internet to the NYS Department Of Motor Vehicle) has suddenly stopped functioning.

So this vehicle will have to be brought back the following day - which is today. This situation is typical of how the FBI and DHS will use any person or organization that a target of non consensual human experimentation deals with, as part of this Intel COINTELPRO psychological warfare operation.Now, either the owner of this establishment was making up the story about his inspection equipment suddenly breaking down (having been told to do so by FBI/DHS provocateurs), or an NSA signals intelligence satellite could have been used to remotely interfere with this equipment. Something which this author is certain is possible, based on my own experiences as a target of such NSA satellite predation for decades, and the myriad manifestations of this covert and arcane technology, that I have witnessed being perpetrated against my person and Family, by corrupt federal agents.

We are supposed to take this automobile back this afternoon to have it inspected. In all probability the inspection will take place without further incident. However, I will continue to document the situation, as well as the activity on the property behind us, since both occurrences are likely part of the COINTELPRO operation against this author.

7/29/13 - Tonight, the local fire department sends a few ambulances into our neighborhood accompanied by at least two FD SUV's. For the past decade nearly every fire department visit to this neighborhood has been part of a psychological warfare operation. And even the few times when the fire department showed up for legitimate calls to our home, it was in answer to family members who had been attacked with directed energy weapons.

Whether these vehicles are here on a legitimate call or as part of yet another psyop remains to be seen. In all probability it's just another psyop with these people wasting fuel as part of an organized stalking harassment campaign that has been ongoing for more than ten years.

Given the deplorable economy in the United States, with 80% of the U.S. population nearly at the poverty level (further proof that the middle class America is the target of a conspiracy to destroy them), what is the fire department doing wasting expensive fuel and adding additional wear and tear to our community's fire engines and ambulances, just to carry out an insane psyop directed by a Nazi idealized fusion center run by the DOJ and DHS? If by some chance a member of my Family or my person is electronically attacked by these government psychopaths, this author will document the attack when I am able to. As it is, I have more than enough documentation to prove that we are the targets of a major criminal conspiracy being perpetrated by a group of psychopaths operating within the FBI and NSA.

I also noticed that another heavily trafficked Website called posted about being able to remotely attack someone's mind via satellite, and appears to have quoted some information from John St. Clair Akwei's 1992 civil action against the National Security Agency. This website is ranked at about 150,000 world wide, so it receives several thousand visitors a week. Perhaps that is why the Website is now to quote "temporarily unavailable."

The following is listed on the Google search engine for"

Sorry This Site Is Temporarily Unavailable"

A partial post from the Website:

"The mind control technology is known as Remote Neural Monitoring. ... Now, unbelievably, these attacks are delivered via satellite. .... The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the ..."It would appear that the Intel community is very concerned about more heavily trafficked Websites documenting information regarding government whistle blowers that pertains to this governments covert mind control weapons program.

However, the weapons are real, and being used to experiment upon, torture and even murder American citizens, as well as those of many other countries; each of which has two things in common: they are controlled by a Rothschild communist central bank, and the governments of these countries are all members of NATO.

Earlier..  The past weekend involved an increase in vehicular stalking, however, this usually slows down during the week. Moreover, any increase in the price of fuel also has an adverse impact on vehicular stalking; although not as much as it once did, since American communities are now inundated with people who are taking part in this vigilante hate crime. This allows them to operate on a rotational basis. What this author refers to as "Making Organized Stalking More Economically Feasible" for these government mind controlled lawless psychopaths.

The media is now reporting that five out of six people (or roughly 80%) of the U.S. population are either bankrupt, or approaching the state of bankruptcy.

This economic devastation of America is not by accident, but instead by design.

The House of Rothschild and its covert plan to implement a world government Zionist dictatorship is a reality which the American middle class if now finding out the hard way.

The only way to stem the tide of this Zionist cancer is to remove the Federal Reserve System from power, and to reinstate the U.S. Treasury as the sole institution for coining and regulating U.S. currency. By doing so, we can take back our government and our nation from the Rothschild international Zionist crime syndicate.

We can also abolish the federal income tax, since it is being used as a form of class warfare against the American middle class. The only reason that Americans are forced to pay the unconstitutional income tax is to pay back the interest which the Federal Reserve System charges the U.S. Treasury to borrow the Fed's counterfeited currency. Which the Treasury then circulates through the U.S. economy, making each American citizen an unwitting launderer of the Federal Reserve System's counterfeited currency.

Abolish the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and the income tax, confiscate the gold stolen by the Federal Reserve from the Treasury, and put the federal government back on the gold standard, while allowing the American people to regain the value of their currency.7/26/13 - Early this morning this author was attacked with an ELF frequency via satellite deployed directed energy weapon. This particular symptom - which any legitimate target of this non consensual human experimentation will attest to - feels like electricity is running completely through your entire body. Of course, it feels this way because these weapons can be used to perpetrate such electronic warfare attacks on the body of a target of these Orwellian crimes.

The readers will also note the video I have recently listed on the main page of this Website in regard to a Louisiana woman by the name of Connie Marshall who is being attacked by satellite deployed directed energy weapons within her own home.

Ms. Marshall was a mayoral candidate in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, who also publicly voiced her concerns in regard to the dangers of a smart meter which has been installed in her home. Smart meters can produce high levels of radiation which can cause cancer.

Marshall, has since described the organized stalking campaign she is being targeted by, the death threats she has received, and the daily acts of hostility which she has become subjugated to, as part of the criminal conspiracy being waged against her.
Like all other Targeted Individuals, Connie Marshall is being denied her Constitutional rights to be secure within her person and home under the 4Th Amendment, and her right to due process of law under the 5Th and 6Th Amendments.

Her situation is yet another example of the complete lawlessness which the United States has fallen into since the passage of the Orwellian Patriot Act, and the state sponsored terrorism which is carried out through a nationwide network of 72 fusion centers, which are controlled by the U.S. Department Of Justice and the Department Of Homeland Security.

The real terrorists who threaten the American people are not of a foreign power, but instead, those who control the Anglo-Zionist shadow government in Washington D.C.

7/25/13 - Same organized stalking harassment, different day. It's a few minutes after noon, and the people across the road are not at home, so this provides the perfect opportunity for the FBI and NSA's psychopaths who conduct their COINTELPRO operations against this author to use a signals intelligence satellite, to remotely set off the burglar alarm in this home. The alarm has now been set off twice today in less than 20 minutes.

This "noise harassment" campaign is no different than "brighting" or any of the other types of psywarfare electronic harassment that these Orwellian reprobates perpetrate against those of us who are targets of non consensual human experimentation.

Especially those of us who are publicly documenting our experiences as targets of a modern day version of MKULTRA, which is being deployed via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

Today, the alarm harassment campaign has taken a new twist. Instead of turning the burglar alarm on to let it run its course before it resets itself, these Intel psychopaths are repeatedly turning the alarm on and off within a matter of seconds, in an attempt to distract us. With the way that FBI and NSA routinely remotely trigger this alarm system, the owners of this home will wonder why their alarm system either needs to be serviced or replaced in the future.

The local cops eventually show up to reset the alarm. Of course, the cops in this town (like all towns across the United States) take part in these vigilante hate crimes, at the direction of the DOJ/DHS controlled fusion centers which are networked throughout the United States.

The local fire department shows up as soon as the cops leave, as part of this psychological warfare operation. This only adds to this abusive noise stalking campaign. Of course, within 10 minutes they came and went. Given the myriad targets of organized stalking who report both police and fire department involvement in these psychotic crimes, one must wonder how many millions of dollars a year are spent wasting fuel to send these vehicles out on bogus calls, just to furtively conduct a psychological warfare operation on targets of non consensual human experimentation?

We can also surmise that since these police and fire departments are supposed to maintain logs of their calls, that the calls which they log as the result of the organized stalking campaigns being waged against Targeted Individuals, are fraudulent. This is especially true since these calls are the result of signals intelligence vandalism, which is being perpetrated as part of the electronic warfare campaigns against specific TI's.

If this vandalism was not taking place, there would be no need for the local police or fire department to be called in. Moreover, if TI's were not being injured through the FBI, NSA or DHS use of satellite deployed directed energy weapons on their persons, there would be no need to call the police or the fire departments.

So what we have here is a major criminal conspiracy which originates from within the U.S. Federal Government under the cover of national security, which relies on cooperation of state and local agencies, police and fire departments, as well as our own perverted communities.

The readers will also note that the Congress voted to allow the NSA to continue its Orwellian and illegal domestic spying. However, Congress was creative in this deception, attempting to make the vote look close, when in reality, they had no intention of curtailing the NSA's Orwellian spying, or in resurrecting Cynthia McKinney's House Resolution HR 1026, to open an official investigation into the U.S. Intelligence community's illicit and oftentimes treasonous activities.

This offers further proof of the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of spying on the politicians in this country in order to control these men and women through the use of blackmail.The fact is that this complex has become so abjectly corrupt, that they could never withstand a legitimate Congressional investigation.

What does this mean? That the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is in control of the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government. And that this complex is furtively controlled by those who finance the federal government - The House of Rothschild, through its Federal Reserve Communist central bank.

As for this electronic harassment, remember the good old days before the advent of home burglar and automobile alarms, as well as cell phones? Think of how much more difficult it would be for the miscreants who take part in these Orwellian organized stalking campaigns, if they did not have access to this technology.

And when was the last time that an automobile alarm or burglar alarm actually prevented a home from being robbed or an automobile from being stolen?

When you purchase these electronic devices in the modern day, it would seem that you are paying to become part of the electronic noise campaign that is polluting this planet.

Moreover, think about how much nicer America would be without the ghastly looking cell phone towers which pollute America's landscape with their cancer causing EMF emissions, and use in deploying much of the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' satellite based mind control weaponry; weapons which are being used against a thoroughly unwitting American people.

These so called agents and their accomplices are nothing but mind controlled, murderous psychopaths, who have become an abject threat to the human race.

7/23/13 - Today, we are having two trees which are very close to our home removed. We don't want to have to do this, however, the possibility of these trees being taken down with a directed energy weapon and hitting our home makes it too risky to leave them standing. Especially if this were to occur during a HAARP created storm, which would give these FBI/NSA psychopaths plausible deniability in committing this crime.

Over the past decade we have lost at least two dozen trees, nearly all of which were torn out by their roots, so that the entire tree fell at once.

There have also been times where in the middle of the night I would hear a cracking sound which was made when some of the trees around my home were hit with a satellite deployed microwave weapon.

This is yet another in the myriad anomalies we face as targets of government sanctioned non consensual human experimentation. Now that this author is certain that we are targets of MKULTRA, the primary goal for these government criminals to break us financially, so that they can drive us from our home, which will make it easy for them to murder us. This aspect of these government psywarfare operations has been reported by virtually all targets of these Orwellian counter-intelligence operations.As I have stated in the past, these so called agents are the devil incarnate. Pathological lying murderers.

7/21/13 - This morning I find that a toilet in one of our bathrooms has overflowed with sand from the cesspool. The cesspool was cleaned about two years ago, and should not need to be cleaned again so soon .However, with directed energy weapons, the water in a pipe can be blocked or redirected to cause a flood. As such, a sink or toilet can be stopped up through such remote means with plausible deniability. .Last summer, a directed energy microwave beam was used to damage a pipe under our driveway which carried water to our sprinkler system. The driveway had to be dug up in that area, and a plumber brought in to install a new piece of pipe. This is typical of an FBI counter-intelligence operation which is used to bankrupt the targets of such an operation, through the repeated vandalism of their property. Real property and chattel are either destroyed or damaged by any means possible.

The fact that here we are in a new day, with yet another problem to deal with, as part of the COINTELPRO operation these minions of Satan (who pass themselves off as FBI, NSA and DHS agents) continue to perpetrate against us, is a further indication of the depths of the conspiracy these government psychopaths perpetrate against us. They are without a doubt, evil incarnate.

7/18/13 - Over the past few months this blog has averaged over a 1000 page views per day. Today, by early morning there were more than 700 page views. Yet, by this evening the Blogger count for the day shows little more than 100 page views. This is yet another in the myriad examples of how FBI/NSA psycho's hack into this Blog and tamper with it. Their psychological warfare "mind games" continue to characterize these sadistic lunatics, as they continue their attempt to cover up the greatest scandal in American history. The U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' EMF fingerprinting of the American people, and the EEG heterodyning of our minds via the NSA's signals intelligence EMF scanning network.

In order to maintain this deception, any person who is attempting to expose this high crime of treason is being demonized and subjected to the most egregious of violations in regard to their Constitutional rights. And those with whom the targets of these crimes are acquainted, be they either family members, or other acquaintances, are coerced into denying that these crimes are taking place, while oftentimes being intimidated into taking part in them. Why is this occurring? Because the government is perpetrating crimes against these individuals, that it's attempting to conceal from the public; fearing that a national movement to abolish the present government, will take place, if the American people begin to realize the extent of this deception.

The day that the federal government in America, a shadow government that operates behind the façade of a democracy, publicly admits that it can remotely access and manipulate the brain of any person living within the United States, will be the last day of this government's existence.

This is why these psychological warfare operations and smear campaigns are taking place, while the Constitutional rule of law is being completely abrogated. An organized crime syndicate is controlling the U.S. Federal Government and the American citizenry. And sooner or later the American people are going to have use their inherent rights as citizens, to remove this crime syndicate from power, and to reinstate our Constitutional Republic.

After taking the microwave oven (the latest electronic appliance to be damaged via a directed energy weapon) in to be repaired, we find that the problem is caused by a sensor which failed inside the oven's door. And that it is easily repaired under warranty. This is the first time that an appliance which has been damaged due to directed energy weapons has been damaged while it was still under warranty.

These types of signal intelligence related vandalism can be minor or major, depending on the electronic frequencies being used, and the intensity of these frequencies.

The worst part of this technology is its use as a weapon for invading the human mind and remotely influencing it. Something the federal government in America will never admit to, because such an admission will lead to their destruction.

The penalty for knowing about this technology and the fact that the U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence complex is behind this Orwellian scandal, is the systematic destruction of your life, and their attempt to murder you with plausible deniability.However, as a whistleblower, you do have the satisfaction of knowing that you are exposing the greatest act of treason by a shadow government in your country, in its history, while also knowing that the public will eventually realize that you were telling them the truth about this government's Orwellian operations all along, before you were eventually murdered for having done so

.My exposition of the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' EMF fingerprinting of the American people has already made history. However, it will take the population in America time to figure out that my allegations are true, and that I have warned them of the dangers which this government represents to themselves.

7/15/13 - Much of the day my left eye has been twitching as the result of a microwave energy weapon attack. Moreover, this evening our microwave oven stops working. The oven is just about a year old, and the last microwave oven we had was about a year of age when it also just stopped working.

Unfortunately, our home is not "signals intelligence proof."

So any government miscreant with access to this classified technology can invade our privacy, or for that matter any American family's privacy, through the criminal use of this Orwellian technology. We have had to replace several electronic components which have been damaged by these military intelligence psycho's over the years, including, but not limited to a range, dishwasher and microwave oven.This latest microwave oven is the most recent electrical appliance to be damaged by the FBI/NSA psychopaths who attack us with directed energy weapons, as part of decades of non consensual human experimentation.

Fortunately, this appliance is still under warranty. However, unless our home was signals intelligence proof, there's no way to prevent these high-tech attacks by these demonic government predators. And as bad as it is having our appliances destroyed by these reprobates, their electronic warfare attacks on our minds and bodies are even worse .I'd say that these agents are animals, however, that would be an insult to the animal kingdom. In reality these agents are just downright evil.

On 7/8/13, FBI/NSA psychopaths are again at it, using signals intelligence deployed directed energy microwave weapons to either damage the *new battery on my notebook computer, or to remotely interfere with the software for this battery. The last time this occurred, this author documented it only to find that the battery "problem" had suddenly miraculously repaired itself. This is just one example of how the U.S. Military Intelligence complex uses signals intelligence satellites to perpetrate a myriad of crimes via the EMF spectrum, which are done as part of the psychological warfare operation this complex illegally conducts against targeted American citizens.

* After I post the above information, the battery, once again, miraculously starts operating properly. Then a few hours later it's electronically tampered with again. What I ultimately find is that FBI/NSA psycho's have either damaged or are blocking the electricity in the charger for my computer. I have also seen them block the electricity to the wire for an desk lamp. Once they stopped blocking the current flow through the wire, the desk lamp began to work perfectly again.

Also note that the **spellcheck feature which had been disabled on this blog for over a year and recently enabled, has again been disabled by these Internet hacking lunatics. This is another in the myriad examples of how these agent-cum-psychopaths carry out these crimes with plausible deniability.

** The spellcheck feature remains disabled, even though the battery is again working properly - but for how long?

7/6/13 - At about 6:45PM the local fire department shows up with two fire engines, an ambulance and a fire chief's vehicle. It's been a few weeks since they were last in the neighborhood for a piece of street theater at the taxpayers' expense. The last time they were here the fire department was parked in front of my next door neighbor's home in the middle of the night; not for a legitimate emergency, but instead as part of a psychological operation against this author. However, I am sure that their log will claim that they were here for a legitimate reason, even if they were not. Everything they do, like the federal agents who orchestrate these covert attacks via fusion centers, is always done with plausible deniability. I document their trip into our neighborhood this afternoon, since fire departments and police departments are regularly used as part of the psychological warfare operations against targets of MKULTRA in the US post 9-11 police state.Their visit to our neighborhood may have been legit.

However, I doubt it.  The most absurd aspect of this situation for all TI's, is that if we are attacked by directed energy weapons, in severe enough cases (as in the microwave weapon attack against my Dad in the fall of 2012 which caused to terrible seizures), a TI must call the police or fire department in order to obtain medical assistance, when this would not have been necessary if the directed energy attack had never taken place.

This is a prime example of the FBI creating a covert act of terrorism, which requires medical assistance. This is also why many Americans believe that the FBI was behind the Boston Marathon bombing, and using it as another false flag operation. This is an example of the complete perversion of the federal government and American communities since the 9-11 false flag operation, and the disregard for our Constitutional rule of law.

The collusion between federal, state and local government agencies to deny that 9-11 was a false flag operation, while taking part in treasonous crimes against Americans who are being denied their Constitutional rights, is a definitive sign that our government has been taken over by subversives who are seeking to enslave the American middle class.

If any member of my Family or myself is attacked aggressively with a directed energy weapon by these FBI/NSA psycho's, this author will document it whenever I can. The collusion of these agencies in regard to this cover up represents a high crime of treason against the American people, which these lackeys of the Rothschilds' Zionistic New World Order, will eventually have to answer for.

As previously stated, these smokescreens are being used to conceal the fact that the American people have been EMF fingerprinted by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex for several decades.

And that this government has stolen our biological property in order to implement a treasonous domestic spy program which has been used in secret, to brand each American like a head of cattle - An allegation which this author publicly made in 2005 - To my knowledge, I am the first person in history to ever publicly accuse a government of stealing the biological property of its own citizens as part of a signals intelligence domestic spy program, used to covertly enslave an entire population of people.

And time will prove that I have told the American people the truth, while the subverted government in the United States continues to lie to them.

7/3/13 - Today starts with our Newsday daily paper having several pages which are shredded. Tampering in some way with the daily paper is just one of a myriad of the psyops that the Kahzar Ashkenazi Zionist controlled FBI agents perpetrate against us. If the FBI were a legitimate police organization, they would have arrested the entire board of directors at the Federal Reserve System in the 1920's, when it became clear that the Federal Reserve was controlled by Rothschild Zionism, and being used to destroy the United States. Instead, the FBI, like the rest of the Rothschilds' organized crime syndicate covered up for the crimes of the Federal Reserve, while helping to destroy those American patriots who attempted to expose the Federal Reserve for its war profiteering and counterfeiting and laundering operations - Patriots like the late John F. Kennedy, who was murdered at the direction of the Federal Reserve. The FBI and CIA were involved in collusion to carry out the assassination of JFK, and to white wash the facts in one of the most abject acts of obstruction of justice in American history.

These agents are truly and without a doubt criminally insane.6/30/13 - In the middle of the night this author hears the voices of young men outside. They sound as though they are coming from the road. This morning I find a walking sprinkler which was left on last night off its track and headed in the opposite direction.

The sprinkler may have gone off the track on its own, however, it is also entirely possible that the voices this author heard were of people who trespassed on our property in order to move the sprinkler, as a part a criminal psychological operation that FBI/NSA psychopaths continue to subject us to.Those who take part in organized stalking run the risk of being injured or killed when they act so brazenly as to break the law by trespassing onto the property of a targeted individual. And in fact, there have already been cases where people taking part in this vigilante hate crime have been murdered by those whom they were being used by the DOJ and DHS fusion centers, to terrorize.

As is typical of its Gestapo roots, the FBI could not care less who gets murdered in their covert and completely illegal attacks on a targeted individual. We've seen this in a number of instances, where the TI snapped under this enormous pressure, and murdered people who were taking part in the particular organized stalking hate crime that they were being subjected to. A woman by the name of Yvonne Hiller, a confirmed target of organized stalking, murdered two of her coworkers, after being organized stalked by them for years.

One day, Hiller decided that she'd had enough of the abuse and went home during her lunch hour. She returned with a 357 Magnum handgun, which she then used to shoot two of her coworkers to death, while seriously wounding a third person who'd also taken part in the illegal psyop attacks against Hiller.

The media was quick to portray Hiller as a murderous psychopath, while conveniently leaving out the vicious hate crimes which Hiller was subjected to before she finally unraveled under the enormity of the psychological pressure she was forced to endure.

The FBI was satisfied because their objective was to find a way in which to remove Hiller from society in a plausibly deniable way, since the Bureau had nothing which they could prosecute her for.And the FBI considered the murders of two of Hiller's coworkers acceptable losses in order for them to get Hiller off the street. So the FBI succeeded in turning a law abiding citizen into a cold blooded murderer in order to do so.

However, while the Bureau may be able to officially shirk their responsibility for the murders of these two women, the fact is that the blood of these women will always be on the hands of the male and female agents who orchestrated these hideous crimes - the U.S. Department Of Justice and the Department Of Homeland Security.

It's also become quite clear that both the DOJ and DHS see the people within our communities whom they use to take part in this state sponsored terrorism, as expendable pawns who can be replaced by a new group of organized stalkers, should they be murdered; the use of our communities to perpetrate such criminal acts (many of which constitute serious felonies), are done so that the federal agents who actually orchestrate these crimes, can deny having done so through their use of plausible deniability.In this respect, the people who are being used to take part in these Orwellian hate crimes, are in fact, also victims of this criminal conspiracy, which is being covertly perpetrated by the Departments Of Justice and Homeland Security.

In short, the FBI could not care less if these people are murdered while carrying out the vigilante hate crime organized stalking. It is also entirely possible that each of these people is EEG heterodyned, to ensure that they do as they are told. Anyone who dissents either verbally, or who thinks about dissenting, can be controlled via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and the remote neural monitoring of their thoughts, via the EEG heterodyning of the neural pathways within their own brains. The result is that the U.S. Federal government is criminalizing American communities, while turning them into a snitch culture of mind controlled robots who operate in total violation of the U.S. Constitution.

From its corporate government on down, The United States has become a nation of mind controlled slaves who are being used to carry out the agenda of Rothschild Zionism, in order to create a global dictatorship. This is taking place while destroying the very foundations on which Constitutional Republics like America were built.

 6/27/13 -  This author's *Brother is having testing done which requires him to be anesthetized. I am certain that many of his symptoms are being caused by directed energy weapons, and that he has been targeted by them for several years; just as this author and several other members of my Family have. A few years ago, one of my Brother's children developed a tremor in her hand that the doctors could not determine the cause of. She was a teenager at the time and the tremor lasted for over a year. It eventually went away, however, I am certain that this tremor was caused by a microwave weapon.*

We receive a phone call a short time ago stating that this author's Brother has finished the diagnostic procedure, and fortunately, is now home, without incident.

These types of attacks are always done with plausible deniability. And anytime a Family member is forced to undergo a medical procedure which may be unnecessary, because the symptoms are a manifestation of a microwave weapon attack, I document it here prior to the person having the procedure, in an effort to prevent them from being murdered. The FBI/NSA attack on our persons has become that outrageous, and they will kill anyone of us if they can use plausible deniability in which to do so.

These covert attacks also complicate matters, since they make it more difficult to determine what are naturally caused illnesses, and what are microwave energy induced illnesses which are being caused to the body by long-term exposure to these weapons.

I will update the condition of my *Brother after he has this procedure. Hopefully, it will be uneventful. My Father continues to do much better as he continues to heal from a directed energy attack last Fall, which resulted in two terrible seizures which nearly killed him. The only reason he is doing better is because he is no longer under such aggressive microwave energy attacks, because this author documents and updates his physical condition on a regular basis; knowing that like the rest of us, he can be murdered by these government psychopaths, with a microwave weapon at any time.

The abject denial by the U.S. Congress, White House, Judiciary, media and police, has allowed for these Orwellian crimes to proliferate. And eventually, these men and women will be held accountable for their part in these crimes against humanity.

This is what life is like when you are the target of a COINTELPRO operation, which is being used to cover up the crimes you've been subjected to as a target of MKULTRA and non consensual human experimentation for years. The rule of law is completely abrogated to allow these criminals to avoid prosecution for their crimes.

As such, the current government in the United States must be defined as what it is: an organized crime syndicate.6/26/13 - Yesterday, the media reports that the award winning investigative journalist who died in a car accident last week, had E-mailed friends just hours before the accident happened, stating that he was onto a major story, and that he was concerned that the FBI had both himself and a number of his acquaintances under surveillance.

Michael Hastings had been a thorn in the side of the U.S. Military Intelligence complex for sometime, for his candid reporting of their crimes. So the fact that he would die in such a violent manner has many Americans wondering if Hastings may have been the target of a high-tech assassination, in which his automobile was remotely tampered with to cause the crash which took Hastings' life.

These organizations definitely have access to signals intelligence technology which can access the computer in an automobile in order to interfere with its normal function.

In fact, they can use this same technology to remotely enter the neural pathways of the human brain to interfere with its normal function.

In this author's opinion, and based on my experiences as a target a modern day version of MKULTRA for the several decades, I believe that Michael Hastings was murdered by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex. And it is quite possible that his murder was planned out well in advance, and as retribution for doing a story in regard to Stanley McCrystal, which resulted in McCrystal's being fired from his job.

The federal government cover up in regard to Hastings' murder has already begun. And we can expect the typical whitewash of the facts that has historically characterized such government black operations, with the mainstream media promulgating the official and fraudulent story, instead of the truth.

6/23/13 - The cable TV repair person was here yesterday and claimed that the cable to the TV (which stopped working right after this author passes a derogatory and accurate comment in regard to the NSA) was corroded inside. His claim could have been a complete lie, since anyone who aids and the abets the FBI's crimes will, like their FBI handlers, become a pathological lying psychopath.

FBI/NSA psychopaths used a directed energy weapon to target the left side of my ribcage this morning, causing pain for several minutes. This is how this lying refuse perpetrates their crimes with complete anonymity, while conducting their public slander campaigns against us.

Why is the law completely absent here?

Because these federal agents are the perpetrators committing these crimes, while attempting to cover up the greatest scandal in American history; their covert EMF fingerprinting of the entire U.S. population. A story which this author began to expose in 2005, and which has resulted in the illegal and unprecedented smear campaign being waged against my person by the U.S. Federal Government; those who continue in their attempt to find a plausibly deniable way in which to murder this author.

The U.S. Federal Government continues to be a complete perversion of the government created by our founding fathers. The current government in the United States is controlled by an organized crime syndicate which should be imprisoned for their crimes against the American people, and their treasonous betrayal of the U.S. Constitution.

6/21/13 - Just prior to Noon, this author passes a negative comment in regard to the NSA. Suddenly, the cable TV in our kitchen malfunctions and will no longer operate. The cable company will be here to tomorrow to install new cable boxes on some of the other TV sets we have, including a brand new TV set that we had to purchase, when the audio portion of one of the sets suddenly stopped functioned the other night.

This is yet another in the myriad examples of how the NSA uses its signals intelligence weaponized spy satellites, to vandalize the private property of American citizens, with plausible deniability. The cable box is just the latest of many pieces of electronic equipment which FBI/NSA psychopaths damage using this classified technology.6/20/13 - Last night the media reported that actor James Gandolfini, star of the HBO series The Sopranos dies suddenly of massive heart attack, at the age of 51.

Gandolfini was overweight, however, that does not automatically make him vulnerable to a heart attack. What is of interest in the case of a well known Hollywood actor who dies unexpectedly (especially those who are young such as Brittany Murphy, Heath Ledger and Christopher Penn) are the allegations being made by actors who are now the targets of organized stalking campaigns.

Actors such as Randy Quaid and Steven Shellen have publicly stated that they are they are the targets of organized stalking campaigns, and that their estates have been raided. They have also implicated Zionist Hollywood studios in these crimes.

Quaid has dubbed the particular individuals who take part in these vigilante hate crimes as "Star Wackers" - claiming that because most Hollywood stars are wealthy, this leaves them especially vulnerable to being murdered under furtive circumstances. This is especially true if a well known actor falls out of favor with a Hollywood studio over a contract dispute, as Brittany Murphy did in regard to the Paramount movie, Happy Feet.

Less than a year after this dispute, Murphy was found dead in her shower, the victim of an apparent heart attack. However, those of us who've researched the U.S. Military Intelligence community's illegal use of satellite deployed directed energy weapons on American citizens, are well aware that Murphy could have been murdered with a directed energy weapon.

It is also of equal interest that Murphy's husband, director Simon Monjack, filed a wrongful death suit against Paramount Pictures, claiming that the studio was responsible for Brittany Murphy's death. Monjack would die a few months later - also of a heart attack!

Both Monjack and Murphy were in their 30's at the time their deaths from heart attacks occurred, which is very suspicious, indeed; especially when one considers that Monjack was in the process of suing Paramount at the time of his death - only five months after his wife's. And with both Monjack and Murphy dead, their lawsuit simply went away.

How convenient for Paramount. It makes one wonder regarding the recent death of James Gandolfini, if there was a plot hatched well in advance of his death, to murder the actor through the use of a directed energy weapon, since these weapons are used because they offer the criminals who use them, plausible deniability in doing so. It also makes you wonder if certain federal agencies within the military intelligence complex in the United States are moonlighting as a high-tech version of "Murder Incorporated" - which serves a wealthy clientele who need to rid themselves of people who in some way, stand in the way of their own agendas. Still worse, supposing that these government agencies are using these high-tech weapons simply for the thrill of murdering people whom they don't like, under the cover of national security. Given the secrecy in which the U.S. Military Intelligence complex operates, what is to stop them from doing so?

Hollywood is also alleged to be a venue for Satan worship; especially since the Rothschilds have long included the worship of Satan as part of their Zionist ideology.

Also See - Sorcery Used In Zionist Hollywood:

The Types Of Sorcery CIA/Zionist Hollywood Uses In Its Mind Control Programming - Such Sorcery Can Be Seen In Everything From Disney World To The Clothing Worn By Hollywood's A-List Actors

6/19/13 - This morning when I access this blog I notice that the text on its right border has been changed. The font size and style has been altered. This is just another example of how the FBI and NSA's Nazi idealized psychopaths repeatedly and illegally hack this blog.

Of greater interest, today there is a story in regard to NTSB whistleblowers who have created a new documentary about the destruction of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, which claims that the FBI's official explanation for the downing of TWA Flight 800 is a complete fabrication. This should come as welcome news to most Americans, who have known from the beginning that the FBI's illegal usurpation of this investigation was to sabotage it, while the Bureau was used to conceal the fact that TWA Flight 800 was accidentally shot down by the U.S. Navy during a training exercise it was conducting off the coast of Long Island.

On another note of interest, the journalist who broke the story in regard to General McChrystal, which resulted in the McChrystal's being forced to resign, is reported to have been killed in a car accident yesterday. Michael Hastings recently broke this story in an article for Rolling Stone magazine.

Hastings was only 33 years old, and this author believes that he was murdered in a staged car accident. He may have been drugged or even given a heart attack or stroke via a satellite deployed directed energy weapon, in which to cause him to crash his vehicle. The true cause of his death will covered up in a whitewash of lies.6/18/13 - My Dad is watching TV when the sound on his TV stops working. The TV is about 20 years old, however, has been working perfectly. The age of the TV offers NSA/FBI psycho's a plausibly deniable way of damaging the TV - which they have done.

In all likelihood, they probably used a microwave weapon to burn out the microchips which control the sound on this TV. They burned out the microchips on the main circuit board to a piece of expensive hi-fi equipment that I was using in my stereo system on two separate occasions. It was expensive to get this piece of equipment repaired, so I have no intention of spending money to get it repaired again, just so these high tech predator/vandals within the FBI and NSA can damage it again.

These so called agents are nothing but voyeuristic lowlife sleazy predatory criminals who are an abject blight on the people in this country.

These types of electronic warfare attacks occur on a daily basis as do the slanderous allegations that these federal psychopaths make against this author. This occurs while these lunatics intercept the regular cable TV programming which we are supposed to be receiving (instead of the psychotic psychological warfare programming that these federal psycho's have been broadcasting into our home since 2003). - The same year the organized stalking campaign against my person began.

However, their allegations are never made to me, because the allegations are based on slander and promulgated through covert means which are unconstitutional, and done in an effort to conceal the fact that this author is a target of MKULTRA.

Instead, these agents continue to fabricate and confabulate in their covert attack on my person, while committing the most precedent setting violations of the law ever documented.

This is why these agents have created a situation which prevents them from ever answering to the allegations that this author has made against them on this Website. And I am far from alone in making such allegations against a group of men and women who are so evil that they are proving to be nothing more than demons who have incarnated into human flesh.

Why have federal reprobates circumvented the Constitutional rule of law here? To cover up their crimes against this author as well as the classified signals intelligence technology which these Nazi idealized monsters are using to perpetrate these crimes.

6/17/13 - At around Noon EST, we lose electrical power to our home for about 40 minutes. This author has documented this particular part of the FBI/NSA psyop attack on my person and Family for much of the past decade. These Intel psycho's have intentionally turned the power off in our home on myriad occasions; the power is oftentimes synchronized to go off with something this author does - or even in regard to a thought that I've had which is EEG Heterodyned via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

I am also certain that my thoughts are being cloned and quite possibly implanted into the minds of other people, including other targets of non consensual human experimentation (TI's).This EEG cloning enables an NSA operative to steal my thoughts and to then store my thoughts in one of the NSA's signals intelligence computer databases. These thoughts can then be rebroadcast into either the neural pathways of my brain or the brain of another unsuspecting target of MKULTRA, using EEG Heterodyning technology.

NSA can do this to any American citizen by broadcasting the cloned thought stream of one person into the brain of another person, using the unique EMF frequency (the person's brainwave print) of the other person's brain in which to do so.

There is no doubt that this crime against humanity is taking place on an enormous scale within the United States. And from the testimony of other targets of this modern day version of MKULTRA, who live in many other countries whose governments are members of NATO, these Orwellian crimes are also occurring within their countries as well.

Earlier...Last night was typical of the electronic attacks this author is subjected to daily - my arm was being burned and I experienced a burning sensation to my private areas - TI's are routinely assaulted in such ways by the sexual predators within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, who use directed energy weapons on us. These aren't agents of the federal government as we have been told, but instead a monstrous group of evil minded thugs hiding behind the cover of National Security.6/13/13 - Tonight during some fairly heavy winds yet another tree in our backyard is knocked down, narrowly avoiding a shed and a sailboat, and destroying a Dyer Dhow row boat.

This tree was, like most of the other 25 or so trees which we have lost in less than a decade, torn out at its roots. It has gotten to the point where these FBI/NSA psychopaths never miss an opportunity to cause property damage when they believe they can do so, with plausible deniability. These trees are being knocked down with directed energy weapons that are deployed via weaponized satellites. And the anomalous storms which are causing complete devastation throughout the United States are being caused by the military intelligence complex in this country, using HAARP technology as a form of geophysical manipulation of the weather - HAARP is just another form of directed energy weapon.

These storms are being created in advance, and can be remotely steered in any direction to cause devastation to our communities, without the public ever realizing that their suffering is being caused intentionally by these New World Order reprobates, and as part of a genocidal plan to systematically wipeout the global middle class.

The damage to so many of our trees has also been very expensive. It cost nearly $11,000 to have more than a dozen of them cut up and removed after Hurricane Sandy (another HAARP created storm), and this tree will be expensive to have removed. These covert acts of terrorism are planned out in advance by these government psycho's, and they can use this clandestine technology to torture or murder anyone.Moreover, as part of the continued organized stalking harassment, another Family member was subjected to being harassed by a single stalker when shopping the other day. And earlier today, yet another Family member reports that they experienced a shortness of breath after their next door neighbor had their property sprayed with a bug repellent.

These companies are supposed to contact the homes around the home whose property they are spraying before they do so, so that these people have time to close their windows.

Instead, this Family member was never contacted. This was not an oversight, even if the company claims that it was. This was done deliberately as part of an organized stalking campaign.

This is another example of the vigilantism that we see occurring in American communities throughout the United States, where neighbors and company employees are pressured into taking part in this Orwellian harassment, or risk being blacklisted and then subjected to this vigilante hate crime themselves.

These crimes are always perpetrated with plausible deniability, however, that does not make them any less criminal. We are a nation in denial of a government that is totally and irrevocably corrupted. And the sooner the American people work to abolish this Anglo-Zionist Communistic organized crime syndicate, the better off the citizenry in this country will be.6/9/13 - At around 7:45 PM an aggressive organized stalking "noise campaign" begins with a high powered Mercedes Benz and its psychopath driver gunning his engine as he passed this author's home. Interestingly enough, the burglar alarm on the home diagonally across the road from ours is set off simultaneously. The people are not home which enables the alarm to run for about a half hour before the local cops (aiders and abettors to these organized stalking crimes) show up to turn the alarm off.

This was all planned out well in advance and coordinated between FBI/NSA psycho's and local community psycho's. I refer to them as psycho's because normal people do not take part in such insane acts. Nor do they attempt to violate the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and then attempt to murder these men and women for perpetrating these crimes against them.

Since 2001 and the treasonous passage of the Patriot Act, American communities are being turned into cesspools by the fusion centers who propagate the vigilante hate crime organized stalking. The home alarm diagonally across the road was likely triggered by NSA signals intelligence satellite, using the car racing by as a cover for setting this alarm off.

The home directly across the way from ours also has a burglar alarm, however, this one did not go off. Moreover, when this neighbor is not home, their burglar alarm is remotely triggered constantly as part of the FBI/NSA psyop against this author and members of my Family.

The objective is to get the alarm running for as long as possible for the sole purpose of annoying the targets of these organized stalking crimes, as part of the Intel community's psychological warfare operations being conducted against us.

The remote triggering of these alarms via signals intelligence satellite began at the same time that the motion sensitive spotlights around our home began being triggered - the mid 1990's. Interestingly enough, this was about the same time that the Department Of Justice granted the FBI use of directed energy microwave weapons on American citizens.

What is the U.S. Federal Government trying to conceal from the American people - what this author first publicly exposed in 2005 - that the American people have been - without their knowledge or consent - EMF fingerprinted by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, who have stolen the unique EMF signatures which emanate from our bodies (our biological property) and secretly catalogued these signatures into a central government computer database, which is used to carry out an illegal and treasonous domestic spy program in the United States.

Earlier.. About 20 minutes ago - about 4AM EST, one of the thugs who absconded with our mailbox a few hours ago returns it - actually throws it against a utility pole that's located on our front lawn. The mailbox makes a resounding thud as it strikes the pole.

Interestingly enough, the vehicle has yet to return from the other end of our neighborhood which is a dead end. Could this sleazy low life cowardly thug be the progeny of one our own neighbors? And is this thug driving while under the influence? As much as the local cops take part in the organized stalking of this author (just as they do any target of this vigilante hate crime), I seriously doubt that they would appreciate one of the teen or young 20 something thugs who takes part in this vigilantism, driving around our town drunk or under the influence of drugs in the middle of the night.Earlier...It's about 1:45 AM EST and a couple of teenage vandals who were being rowdy and drunk, knocked our mailbox off its post and kicked it down the road. I'll have to find it tomorrow if I can. These thugs were in the process of damaging the neighbor across the street's mailbox when I asked the thugs if they wanted to go to jail for vandalism.

After that they got quiet and left.

These are the types of criminal acts that targets of organized stalking are subjected to on a daily basis, by cowardly thugs who are directed to do so. Their direction comes from people who are far more nefarious. Those who control the network of fusion centers in the United States - The DOJ (FBI) and the Department Of Homeland Security.

The DOJ and FBI were created to act as a modern day Gestapo, as pawns of the White House. DHS was created as part of the 9-11 false flag fraud and like the FBI, operates as a modern day Gestapo using plausible deniability to perpetrate its criminal acts against American citizens.

Why has all of this occurred since the Draconian Patriot Act was passed? Because if these federal agencies had perpetrated these crimes prior to the Patriot Act, the agents involved would have been indicted under Title 18 of the US Code; which covers crimes committed under the color of law. A statute that is completely ignored by the FBI and DHS, since their counterintelligence operations are routinely used to perpetrate color of law crimes. The United States is truly in a state of despair when many of the real criminals in this country work for the federal government, and oftentimes hold law degrees or carry federal badges which more times than not, offer them impunity from prosecution for their crimes.

The real difference between white collar and blue collar criminals in that in far too many instances, white collar criminals never get prosecuted.  And in America today, we have a federal government full of white collar criminals who should be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity and against our Constitutional Republic.6/8/13 - I have been posting quite a bit on this blog recently, and as a result the vehicular stalking of my person has increased significantly. Vehicular stalking is nothing but a form of psychological warfare used to create anxiety in the target of such Orwellian crimes.

Vehicular stalking also results in extra wear and tear on automobiles and our local roads, as well as a foolish waste of expensive fuel.  Then again, those who take part in organized stalking are brainwashed into doing so, and in all probability also EEG Heterodyned; the neural pathways within their brains being remotely accessed by signals intelligence satellite without their knowledge. As it turns out, the local fire department and cops showing up in the early morning hours of 6/7/13 appears to have been nothing more than a piece of street theater.

I am relieved to the extent that at least this neighbor had not taken ill. There have been many times over the past few years that he has been rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night, which resulted emergency vehicles coming into the neighborhood.  I would not be at all surprised if he had been targeted by microwave weapons, and that this was the cause of some of his trips to the hospital in the past.

Keep in mind that his home is only hundred or so yards from my home, so if the NSA or FBI can hit me with directed energy weapons, they can certainly attack this neighbor with them as well. The same is true in regard to my Father and Mother, both of whom were rushed to the hospital on more than one occasion after being attacked with directed energy microwave weapons. As for last night, at the time I thought it was a bit coincidental that the fire department and cops just happened to show up as I was cursing these Intel reprobates out for using a microwave weapon to cause pain in my foot.

These types of psychotic attacks take place constantly, and the more I document them, the more aggressive these criminals are  .In spite of this, I am especially pleased to see so many Websites now linking to John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the U.S. National Security Agency, because Akwei's information proves that targets of these Orwellian crimes are being tracked by way of our bodies' own unique EMF signatures.

This means that the NSA can instantly identify and remotely track any citizen living within the United States, by using the EMF spectrum to synchronize signals intelligence computers with our unique brainwave prints.

This also means that you do not have to be implanted with an RFID tracking chip for the NSA to locate you, because the NSA has already stolen the unique sets of EMF signatures from your own body (your biological property), and catalogued them into a federal government central computer database which is being used to spy domestically.

I have worked diligently over the past eight years to make targets of this technology understand that it is their own body's unique EMF signatures that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is illegally targeting.

  In 2005 I began posting this information on my first Website (which the FBI had deleted) because my E-mails to TI organizations were being intercepted by the FBI.  Fortunately, several of these organizations began posting a link to John Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA after this, and many TI's began realizing that they did not need to be implanted with RFID tracking chips in order to have their thoughts remotely read, or to be remotely tracked.

This was very difficult for me to achieve, since the TI community is infiltrated by FBI agents who have managed to convince many TI's that they are themselves TI's.

And these agent provocateurs were attempting to discredit this author because I was telling the TI community the truth about them being tracked by way of their bodies' own unique EMF signatures.

Now that the FBI realizes that it is a lost cause to try to convince these people that they must be implanted in order to be remotely tracked and EEG Heterodyned, the FBI has moved on to a more aggressive slander campaign in regard to this author, as punishment for suggesting that the TI community read the contents of Akwei VS NSA, which many TI's have now done.

What we have here are Nazi's operating under the cover of a military intelligence complex, who hide their crimes against us under the cover of the National Security Act.

And their covert EMF fingerprinting of the American citizenry is a scandal that the shadow government in this country is not going to survive.  For those Americans who still believe that the National Security Act is used to protect the American citizenry, this is incorrect.

The National Security Act was created to protect the U.S. Federal Government in Washington D.C. National Security has nothing to do with protecting the American people; in particular, the American middle class.

It never has.

6/7/13 - It's about 4AM on Friday morning and the police and an ambulance crew have taken my next door neighbor to the hospital. I hope that he will be OK. He is in his nineties, so a microwave energy attack on his person can be very easily perpetrated against him with plausible deniability.I also find it of interest that my foot was being targeted by a microwave energy weapon causing too much pain for me to sleep. I was cursing out these government rat bastards for at least 20 minutes when I suddenly noticed headlights shining through my den window. At first I thought it was a car delivering the morning newspaper. However, when the lights stayed focused on the wall in my den (what's known to targets of organized stalking as brighting), I got up to see what was going on.

There were a few fire department vehicles and at least one or two police cars at my neighbor's home. This has occurred several times over the past decade, and I am now starting to wonder if this neighbor is not being targeted by directed energy weapons as part of the FBI/NSA COINTELPRO attack on this author. Would they attack him just to find a reason to drive into my neighborhood to harass my person in the middle of the night? Of course they would. One must remember that a significant part of these covert operations is to drive TI's to the point of insanity, while attempting to deny that these Orwellian monsters are doing so. I have also taken to journaling on a nearly daily basis in order to document the fact that in some way I am attacked with directed energy weapons constantly, and that my parents and other members of my Family are also targeted, even if they choose to deny this - a common problem with the Family members of targets of non consensual human experimentation, who are themselves just trying to survive this Orwellian nightmare.

I do find it of interest that my neighbor, in spite of his advanced age, can be found riding his golf cart around his property on most days, and has been doing so for the past few months, since he arrived home after spending time at his home in Florida during the Winter. I also find it of interest that this situation occurs a short time after this author posts an article that I have written in regard to the NSA's domestic spying, and an ex federal court judge named Stanley Sporkin, who in 1992, had the opportunity to allow a court case against the NSA (John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency) into courtroom, yet chose to dismiss it.

As a target of the NSA's SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network for decades, I sought to find out whom the judge was who presided over this case. When I found his name I decided to see what type of reputation he had as a judge, only to find that this is a corrupt judge with a history as general counsel to the CIA, before his was appointed to the circuit court in the District Of Columbia. And Sporkin also has a history of perverting the judicial system for the CIA and NSA.Is it any wonder why he is so well thought of in political circles since a judge who can be used by the U.S Military Intelligence complex to serve the interests of this complex at the expense of our judicial system, is worth his weight in gold to a complex whose crimes are only exceeded by their deception of the American people.

I will continue to document how my neighbor is doing, however, I find it of considerable interest that he should be taken ill after I post the article on the NSA and Sporkin, and while I am cursing out the damn FBI/NSA psycho's who were attacking me with directed energy weaponry at the time the fire department and police showed up at my next door neighbor's home early this morning.

It's just a bit too coincidental. Especially when one considers how the police and fire departments across the United States have colluded with the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, to aid and abet the crimes committed by this complexes' use of directed energy microwave weapons on American citizens.

Interestingly enough, the pain in my foot has since stopped as quickly as it began, since the microwave frequency which was being directed at my foot has either been turned off, or modulated downward to decrease the intensity of the pain.

These agents of Satan truly are psychopaths.6/5/13 - Directed energy attacks over the past few days including a "needle pricking" sensation in certain areas of my skull as well as pressure being placed on different parts of my skull. The symptoms usually disappear as quickly as they appear, when the particular microwave frequencies are modulated down (decreased).Other Family members are feeling better as the result of a decrease in the modulation of these microwave frequencies as well.

However, given that we are EEG Heterodyned, we can be instantly attacked by these microwaves weapons, and even murdered by FBI NSA operatives who illegally and secretly use this technology against us.

An adjunct to the vigilante hate crime Organized Stalking is something known as Vehicular Organized Stalking (VOS).VOS of this author and members of my Family continue. Imagine a group of juvenile deliquents racing their cars up and down the road in front of your home at all hours of the day and night, while endangering anyone who lives in your neighborhood, and you can begin to understand the insanity that drives such furtive criminality.

Criminal activity which is being orchestrated by the psychopaths who oversee the network of 72 fusion centers across the United States. These fusion centers are overseen by the Department of Justice (FBI) and the Department Of Homeland Security.  Consider that the FBI is unconstitutional because it operates in America without a legislative charter and DHS was created based on the 9-11 false flag operation fraud. 

As such, is it any wonder why our Constitutional rights have been completely abrogated under this Anglo-Zionist controlled New World Order crime syndicate?

6/01/13 - Earlier this week a Family member is watching the TV show "Wheel Of Fortune." When one of the contestants spins the wheel they just miss the million dollar space. This author asks the Family member if someone on Wheel Of Fortune has ever won the million dollar prize by landing on this space and answering the corresponding question correctly.

The Family member states that they don't think a Wheel Of Fortune contestant has ever won the million dollar prize.

The same week that this author asks this question, a contestant on Wheel Of Fortune lands on the million dollar space on the spinning wheel, answers the corresponding question correctly, and wins the million dollar prize.

This is only the second time in Wheel Of Fortunes' history that a contestant has won the million dollar prize.What are the odds of this occurring just days after this author inquires as to whether or not a Wheel Of Fortune contestant has ever won the million dollar prize? They would have to be astronomical.

Then again, these types of "astronomical" occurrences happen quite frequently if you are the target of MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation. In the early days of the organized stalking attacks on this author, FBI NSA psycho's began tampering with our cable TV programming.

Part of this tampering included broadcasting a spoof of Wheel Of Fortune with Pat Sajack and Vanna White in which every person who spun the wheel hit bankrupt. This went on for the first segment of the program, however, when this segment ended and the commercials ran, after the commercials had run, the station never returned to the Wheel Of Fortune program. This is just one example of the types of psychological warfare programming this author has seen on our cable TV programming.

I also wonder if the spinning wheel on Wheel Of Fortune is remotely rigged so that the producers of this show know which contestants are going to win in an advance? Once you begin to realize that our society is based on a matrix of lies from our governments and religions on down, then any deception becomes a possibility.

5/30/13 - Same COINTELPRO electronic harassment, just another day of it. Today this author's Father, who has been a target of directed energy weapons' attacks for at least a decade, reports that he was feeling nauseas all night long. He has been feeling much better for the past several months, healing from a directed energy weapons' attack that resulted in a violent seizure that almost killed him.

The only reason that he has been able to heal is because these directed energy weapons' attacks have eased considerably since this author became documenting them on this Website

.If Dad's health should "suddenly" decline, FBI/NSA murderous psychopaths will be directly involved.

This author was also targeted for directed energy microwave weapons' attacks last night as well as EEG Heterodyning. The EEG Heterodyning involved these modern day Nazi's implanting their own demented thoughts into my mind via signals intelligence satellite and through the air computer to brain interface.

As a target of MKULTRA since childhood, I was subjected to a high-tech version of this program after the U.S. Congress ordered the CIA to end its original MKULTRA program in the early 1970's. My targeting began by the mid to late 1970's.The CIA may have ended its original MKULTRA program, however, the new MKULTRA program has no official name and thus no paper trail like that of the original MKULTRA.A CIA director by the name of Richard Helms, ordered that all of the official research from the original MKULTRA program be destroyed during the 1970's. However, not before more than 16,000 pages of this program was unearthed by attorneys for the family of a CIA scientist by the name of Frank Olsen, who was murdered by CIA operatives after Olsen witnessed "interrogation" techniques by the CIA that were so atrocious, that Olsen would not agree to remain silent about them.

After being slipped the hallucinogenic drug LSD in a drink he was having, Frank Olsen became despondent and fell into a severe depression. The official story is that while in a NY hotel room he managed to jump out of a window to his death. However, concerned that he may have been murdered, years later Olsen's family had his remains dug up and tested using new technology. This new forensic investigation has conclusively proved that while Olsen's body was thrown from a hotel window, he had been killed prior to this when he was hit in the head with a blunt object.

 Had it not been for Frank Olsen's family's attorneys finding the 16000 pages of MKULTRA research before Richard Helms had the chance to destroy them, the public would never have learned of the CIA's MKULTRA program. And if it were not for those of us who are presently documenting our experiences as targets of a new high-tech version of this program which is conducted via signals intelligence satellites, the EMF spectrum, and EEG Heterodyning technology, the public would not know that the CIA's MKULTRA mind control program is still around. However, this program is now being used by many different organizations within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex including the National Security Agency.

And it is the American people who are the targets of this particular and insidious program in the new millennium. They may murder us, however, not before we have exposed these demons in the flesh for what they really are. I will update on the condition of my Father, having now posted this information.

5/29/13 - The electronic harassment that FBI/NSA subject this author to occurs every day. In the early morning hours I am subjected to muscles spasms in left quadrant of my upper torso; the result of a directed energy microwave weapon being aimed at the part of my person.

This evening I am editing an article that I had written some time ago. When I attempt to publish the article on Blogger I am given a fraudulent message which claims that an HTML symbol does not have a matching closing symbol.

This could have been a legitimate problem (plausible deniability), however, it was not. Blogger will send you a warning message when your HTML text needs attention prior to publishing a Blogger post.

However, you will then be prompted to either publish the text as is or edit it. FBI/NSA blocked this feature so that I could not publish this article. his type of electronic tampering has been taking place for most of the past decade. It is illegal, just as the current slander campaign which these Intel psychopaths continue to conduct against this author is also illegal.

Another example of this electronic tampering involves FBI/NSA removal of the spell check feature from my Blogger edit menu. his began with the old version of Blogger and has also been the case with the updated version. Suddenly today, after more than a year without the spellcheck feature, my Blog has an automatic spellcheck feature like the type that you would find with Microsoft's Word program.

These types of psychopathic attacks are the very essence of an FBI COINTELPRO operation. One which is occurring against a legitimate target of MKULTRA for decades.

And someone whom these federal psychopaths are hell bent on seeing dead.

Fortunately, unlike many other MKULTRA targets, I have lived long enough to document thousands of pages of testimony and supporting articles, in regard to the COINTELPRO attack that I have been forced to endure for decades. These attacks became far more aggressive over the past decade when in 2003, a NY fusion center overseen by the DOJ (FBI) and DHS placed my name on an organized stalking list, which has resulted in a criminal and chronic harassment campaign that has now been ongoing for more than 10 years.

The targets of organized stalking understand that the U.S. Federal Government is abjectly corrupt and incapable of ever representing the American people.

As such, we await the day when Americans use peaceful means in which to abolish this organized crime syndicate that continues to pass itself off as a democratic republic.

The United States Federal Government has become the greatest threat to world peace in the past century, because it is controlled by a triumvirate that has no interest in world peace - regardless of their protestations to the contrary. This triumvirate consists of The Vatican, The British Monarchy and the House of Rothschild. And the readers must consider that the Vatican has been controlled by the House of Rothschild and its Zionist ideology for the past two centuries.5/26/13 - I recently began to use my digital camera again. I purchased this camera more than a decade ago and when new found that it used up AA batteries in about ten minutes.

It used batteries up so quickly that I decided to purchase a separate power pack for it, which would give me at least an hour of battery time.

After years of use, the battery served its purpose, however, is no longer functional. So I decided to just use regular batteries in this camera again to see how long they would last. As it turns out, I used the camera for at least 20 minutes the other day without the battery warning light coming up - double the time I got out of the batteries I used with this camera more than a decade ago.

Back then, I used up several packs of AA batteries, so it was not a case of a few batteries that may have been defective.

This camera was simply using up AA batteries much faster than it was supposed to.   Of course, years later and after thousands of hours of researching this classified technology, I now know that FBI and NSA psychopaths were using microwave energy weapons to discharge these camera batteries, just the way they can discharge the battery in an automobile.

Those targets of non consensual human experimentation who have been physically subjected to ELF wave attacks know that these frequencies can cause instantaneous exhaustion in anyone.

These are just a few of the myriad examples of how these federal agents amuse themselves using this classified technology on American citizens; technology which is unwittingly paid for by the American taxpayers.

As a target of MKULTRA for at least 35 years, this author is always researching covert government programs which involve non consensual human experimentation.

I also document many of the atypical experiences that I have had since the 1970's, decades before I became aware of the U.S Intelligence community's use of my person for such non consensual human experimentation.

The electronic warfare attacks against this author by FBI/NSA operatives began in the mid 1990's - about 20 years after I had first been targeted for MKULTRA.

These attacks are myriad in nature and involve both electronic warfare attacks directed at my person, as well as personal property that I own.

A number of electronic components that I own have either been damaged or destroyed over the past decade alone.

And as a target of such non consensual human experimentation, I have witnessed everything from HAARP weather manipulation around my home, to the remote triggering of everything from home and car alarms to motion sensitive spotlights, TV sets and radios.

Of far greater concern is the remote manipulation of the brain, which the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network is capable of. This SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network is capable of implanting artificially created thoughts into the brains of both humans and animals through the NSA's use of EEG Heterodyning technology, which is used to synchronize its artificial intelligence computers with the neural pathways in the brain.

From the reports of myriad targets of this non consensual human experimentation, the NSA, as well as other agencies within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, are not only using this technology to experiment on Americans, but also to torture and murder them.

And there are thousands of citizens from other countries who are reporting the same situation regarding their use as targets of non consensual human experimentation.

5/25/13 - Over the past day I notice a pain in my right ear canal. Once again, a new "electronically induced symptom" appears to come out of nowhere.

These types of physical manifestations  occur as the result of the  NSA and FBI's satellite deployed microwave weapons,
and have become common for this author and other members of my Family over the past two decades.

I have also documented the chronic electronic attacks on my brain which vary, depending on the frequencies these demonic psychopaths are using, and which area of my brain they are targeting at any particular time.

A modern day version of Nazi Germany is thriving under the cover of the U.S. Military Intelligence community's "skunkworks."

5/22/13 - The psychological operations which this author is subjected to on a daily basis may also act as cover for several covert murders perpetrated by federal agents using the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

In particular, I refer to the 2011 death of a Manhattan advertising executive by the name of Suzanne Hart. Hart was crushed to death when attempting to enter an elevator which "accidentally" closed when she was entering the elevator. She was crushed to death when the elevator began to move between floors.

The readers should keep in mind what this author experienced just two days prior to Suzanne Hart's death.

Two days earlier I was watching a movie during the evening, made in 1971, entitled "Paperman." During the movie a woman is traveling through a computer automated building on a college campus. When she takes an elevator, it stops between floors.

When she attempts to crawl out of the elevator, it begins to move upward, crushing her body between the next floor and the bottom of the elevator.

We later find that the elevator was intentionally programmed to malfunction by another of the movie's characters in order to murder this woman.

The day after this author watches this movie, a van with the name "HART" painted on its side is parked in the road in front of my home for several hours. I just conclude that the van is part of the street theater which I have witnessed as a target of organized stalking since 2003.However, the following day I read in the paper that a woman named Suzanne "Hart" was killed when she was trapped in an elevator, and her body was crushed between the elevator floor and the ceiling of the floor she entered the elevator on.

This woman died almost the exact same way that the woman in the movie "Paperman" died. Had it not been for my seeing the van with the name HART painted on it, parked directly across the street from my home, I would have thought that this might have been some furtive attack based on the NSA's remote neural monitoring of the neural pathways of my brain - since NSA does illegally access this author's brain via the NSA's use of EEG Heterodyning technology; yet there would have been no direct connection.

However, the fact that this van with the name HART painted on it appeared the day after I saw this movie, and a woman whose last name is HART was reported to have been killed a day later in an elevator accident, is far too coincidental for me to ignore. Especially since I have experienced a number of situations in regard to something I have seen, or a thought which has been remotely implanted into my mind, occurring in real life almost immediately after I have had such experiences; oftentimes with people dying in real life.

Several years earlier I had experienced an EEG Heterodyned implanted thought one evening, in regard to a person's head being crushed by a vehicle, after they accidentally fell under the vehicle. The following day, a Jericho High School student by the name of Matthew Ravner was killed when for no logical reason, he decided to jump on the floorboard of an SUV a friend of his (whom Ravner had just ended a conversation with) was driving, yet missed the floorboard and fell under the wheels of the vehicle.

Matthew's head and chest were crushed when he was run over by one of the rear wheels of this vehicle, and killed instantly.

Matthew died exactly the way the person in the EEG Heterodyned implanted thought I'd been subjected to the night before, died.

The correlations between such incidents occurring after I have seen something nearly identical in an EEG Heterodyned state, can no longer be ignored. Especially since there are myriad targets of MKULTRA who have documented similar experiences of their own.

Moreover as the target of a modern day version of the CIA's MKULTRA program, in this instance conducted via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, I am certain that they have been subjecting this author to many different types of experiments which involve the experimentation of my brain via computer to brain interface.

The readers will also note that the NSA and CIA have the highest levels of classified programs of all of the organizations within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex.

At least officially, these programs are not known to the President of the United States nor the U.S. Congress. And the funding for these clandestine programs is financed through black operations such as drug trafficking and human trafficking.

Moreover, it is at these highest levels of the federal government that the types of classified programs which involve non consensual human experimentation are furtively conducted.

Vehicular Stalking Becomes More Aggressive Again
Vehicular stalking has been more aggressive over the past few weeks, making use of myriad different colors of vehicles which the EEG Heterodyned puppets who take part in these crimes, have been brainwashed into believing have an inner meaning over and above their normal meaning. Specifically, these colors are supposed to represent hidden meanings which this author is supposed to identify with as part of the FBI/NSA campaign to sensitize my person to these "psychological triggers."

Instead, it is the people who are being used to take part in this organized stalking Nazi-minded vigilantism who have been unwittingly brainwashed. This brainwashing is the result of the neural linguistic programming (NLP) which they have been subjected to, which is deployed by a nationwide network of *DOJ/DHS controlled fusion centers, that are being used to brainwash this entire country into taking part in the organized stalking vigilante hate crime.

*U.S. Department Of Justice, Department Of Homeland Security

Our country is controlled by a Zionist *financed corporation in Washington D.C. which was illegally created in 1871, when Congress passed the Legislative Act of 1871. This high crime of treason resulted in the U.S. Constitution being replaced by a corporate constitution, which to this day the Congress and White House have used to deceive the American people into believing is their real Constitution.* This corporation is financed by the House of Rothschilds' counterfeiters and war profiteers, through their control over the Communist central bank in America - The Federal Reserve System.

5/21/13 - Another member of this author's Family is again being subjected to directed energy microwave weapons' attacks, which in this case, involves trapping gas in their intestines to cause a bloating feeling and shortness of breath.

This Family member is now going to be forced to see a heart specialist and pulmonary specialist to determine if they have heart problems.

The readers should keep in mind that directed energy weapons can be used to attack the heart muscle or any other muscle in the body to cause permanent damage, which will then be explained away as a physical malady instead of one which was artificially created by way of this electronic warfare technology.

As has been reported by more than 1000 targets of directed energy attacks, the medical community in the United States has been told to deny that this electronic warfare technology exists. They are told to do so in order to discredit the myriad victims of this technology who are being tortured to death.

In this author's opinion, FBI/NSA psycho's are using directed energy weapons to cause these electronic warfare symptoms in this Family member.

And they are also using this nefarious technology in order to create a state of anxiety in this person in an effort into forcing them to see a psychiatrist who will be manipulated into having this Family member take psychotropic med's which will make them easier to control.

Even though there is nothing mentally wrong with this person. Their anxiety is being caused as the result of the same COINTELPRO attack FBI and NSA continue to subject this author to.

As such, I am documenting this situation here in an attempt to prevent this atrocity from happening, since I am aware from first hand experience of how the FBI and NSA can interfere with a COINTELPRO target's medical treatment. Specifically, how these organizations can coerce a physician to violate their Hypocratic Oath, by using the physician to intentionally inflict harm on a patient who is also the target of a COINTELPRO operation.

As further proof of this conspiracy, this same Family member was targeted with a microwave weapon a few years ago, which caused pain in this person's right side.

This person was forced to undergo a colonoscopy which was negative, and gaul stones were never determined to be the cause of the pain, which went away within a short time. That is, after this person was forced to deal with the electronic attacks and subsequent pain they are being remotely subjected to, while also having to go through the trouble of having to waste time and money to have medical tests taken that they did not need to have done.

These electronic warfare attacks, which result in a person's being forced to consult a physician for help, are tantamount to a form of torture, since they also allow FBI/NSA psychos to pervert the use of the medical community as part of their torture of a target of COINTELPRO.

These agents are psychopaths who will use various means in which to drive a target of COINTELPRO to commit suicide, as we saw in the case of the late actress, Jean Seberg.

When their psywar attempts to suicide someone fail, they will then either murder the person in a made to appear as suicide, or use directed energy weapons to murder that person with plausible deniability, as we saw in the case of the FBI's murder of EarthFirst! eco activist Judi Bari, who was suing the FBI at the the time she developed breast cancer, which would later kill her.

In spite of Judi dying before her lawsuit against the FBI could be concluded, her Family and friends saw the Judi's lawsuit against the FBI to fruition. Judi would win a posthumous judgment against the FBI for nearly four and a half million dollars!

This directed energy attack on the body via NSA/FBI weaponized satellites, and the torture of targeted individuals and their Family members - who ultimately also become TI's - is just one aspect of myriad different forms of the psychological warfare operations that we as a Family, and thousands of other American citizens are forced to endure daily, under this Patriot Act controlled dictatorship which is attempting to pass itself off as an American democracy.

The perpetrators of these terrible crimes are federal agents.

And their crimes are absolutely atrocious.

These federal psychopaths are particularly vicious if as a targeted individual, you have exposed a major crime being committed by the U.S. Federal Government, against the American people.

Something which this author did in 2005, when I publicly accused the U.S. Military Intelligence complex of illegally cataloguing the unique EMF signatures from each American citizen's body into a centralized government computer database, which is used to spy domestically, and can instantly identify each one of us via signals intelligence EMF scanning networks, like the one discussed in detail in NSA whistleblower, John St. Clair Akwei's 1992 civil lawsuit against the NSA.

Moreover, because this covert electronic EMF fingerprinting program has been used to catalogue the unique EMF signatures of each American citizen's brain (a brainwave print) into this computer database, all Americans have also been electronically brain fingerprinted.

This is a form of secretly enslaving each American citizen, while destroying their Constitutional rights to privacy within their person and home under the Bill of Rights 4Th Amendment, and their right to due process of law under the 5Th and 6Th Amendments.

Over the next few weeks I will spend some time documenting how this particular Family member is treated by the medical community, now that FBI/NSA psychopaths are using the concept of plausible deniability to harm this Family member, through the Intel community's use of directed energy microwave weapons; which has now resulted in this Family member being forced to deal with the allopathic medical community again.

Incidentally, this is the same person whom the FBI got fired from their job several months ago (the second time in less than five years), and it's the same person who recently had some back teeth removed due to pain (likely caused by DEW weaponry). This Family member also commented on how the oral surgeon left a bone spur in his mouth which caused pain, that this person's dentist was then forced to remove.

The bone spur was left in intentionally to cause this Family member pain. This is another example of how the FBI attempts to use the medical profession to torture targeted individuals.

These federal psycho's are clearly out to harm (if not murder) this Family member as well as this author and several other members of my Family.And for this reason, I journal about these outrageous violations of our Constitutional rights every day, in an effort to expose a group of demons who have taken human form, and who pose as federal agents of the U.S. Federal Government.

Update On FBI/NSA Electronic Sabotage
Of Another Of Our Automobiles

Late yesterday, we were notified that our station wagon (which had been given a full service last week) was in need of a new oxygen sensor.

The car only has about 60,000 miles on it and has been running perfectly fine. However, the service manager tells us that the car will not operate the way it is supposed to unless the O2 sensor is replaced. This is yet another example of how any person or organization (including mechanics, doctors, lawyers, dentists etc.) can be used by U.S. Intel agencies to aid and abet the crimes of these agencies, regarding their COINTELPRO attacks on American citizens.

There was nothing wrong with the 02 sensor or the car or it would not have been driving properly. The engine warning light was triggered via signals intelligence satellite so that we would be forced to spend more money on this car than was actually necessary.

Between the 60,000 mile service last week and the replacement of the 02 sensor, we have spent about $1000 on the car. This is typical of the ways in which the FBI will attempt to destroy the finances of a COINTELPRO target, by causing problems which result in such uneccessary expenditures.

Both the FBI and NSA will also use directed energy weapons to vandalize, or even destroy the electronic equipment owned by targets of these Orwellian crimes.

There is no longer any question that the FBI and NSA are responsible for the crimes being perpetrated against us, given the mountain of evidence which reveals a criminal conspiracy that even the most jaded of persons can no longer deny.

These agents are using signals intelligence satellites and directed energy weapons to vandalize our property as well as to torture us with these microwave weapons.

Through their atrocities, these so called agents of the federal government have proved themselves to be nothing but incarnated evil - demons who have taken human form.5/20/13 - The station wagon which FBI/NSA psycho's remotely tamper with using signals intelligence satellites is back in the shop, so that we can determine why the engine warning light will not go off.

These Intel reprobates made an SUV that we traded for another SUV in 2009 during Obama's "Cash For Clunkers Program" virtually undriveable, since the computer in this vehicle was being remotely tampered with via signals intelligence satellite.

This electronic tampering was done to prevent the engine timing from being set properly, so that this vehicle would stall out everytime we attempted to start it.

On occasion, the vehicle would start and run fine, because these lunatics would temporarily refrain from remotely accessing this vehicle's computer.

Ultimately, their electronic attacks made the vehicle undriveable, so we traded it in on a new car, and this SUV was junked per the "Cash For Clunkers" deal.

This is unfortunate, because the only thing wrong with this SUV was the fact that its computer was being remotely tampered with.5/19/13 - Earlier, FBI/NSA psycho's remotely tamper with the circuit breaker in our home, turning off the power to part of our home, while the power in other parts remained on.

The power was only off for a few seconds. However, this is yet another example of how a signals intelligence satellite can be used to remotely interfere with the electricity in any electrical circuit - including the electric power cable which connects one's home to a utility company's powerline grid.

Over the past few days FBI/NSA also electronically tamper with the processor in my computer, at times slowing its speed. They have also remotely tampered with the my Google Webpage, showing two margins at the right hand side of this page, instead of only one.I also set this page to never show instant results because the setting which shows instant results can slow a computer down significantly. However, FBI/NSA hack into my account and change the setting so that Google shows instant results, which slows my computer significantly, and results in my having to reset the Google menu again.

They have done this myriad times over the past few years, and this electronic tampering serves as further evidence regarding the criminal conspiracy these Intel psychopaths subject my person to, as part of their COINTELPRO against this author.

In 2005, when this author publicly accused the U.S. Federal Government of using the Military Intelligence complex in this country to electronically brand all Americans like heads of cattle, by secretly cataloguing the unique EMF signatures of each citizen's body into a central computer database, I made history. This government committed this atrocious violation of our Constitutional rights as part of a much larger plan which involves the creation of a central communist government, which will rule this entire planet.

Each continent will now become a region of this world government, including he United States of America, which along with Mexico and Canada, will be incorporated into the North American Union. There will also be an African union and an Asian union. The European union already exists.

When combined, each of these unions will comprise one Communist world government overseen by the Vatican, The British Monarchy and the House of Rothschilds' counterfeiters and war profiteers.

This planet's population will be reduced to the status of serfs, and enslaved by the aforementioned triumvirate and its elite investment class.5/18/13 - This morning the electrical power to our home is briefly interrupted twice. What is exceptional here is that the power was not cut from the main powerline which runs from the road to our home.

Instead, the power was intercepted at the electrical junction box in our home, so that power could be turned off on certain circuits without cutting power off to the entire house.

As proof of this, in our kitchen, the clock on the microwave oven needed to be reset, however the digital clock on our range oven was fine.

How could this be accomplished?

The electricity would have had to have been blocked by way of remote means from certain wires in our home. Who would have the ability to remotely intercept an electronic signal at its source, or to redirect it? An organization with expertise in signals intellience.

And which organization is considered to be the foremost authority regarding signals intelligence technology? The U.S. National Security Agency.

These high-tech electronic attacks offer further proof that this author is that target of an FBI/NSA criminal conspiracy, and that for more than 35 years I have also been used as a target of a modern version of MKULTRA, which is deployed via the electromagnetic spectrum by way of a signals intelligence satellite network.

For more on this technology Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency, and The Matrix Deciphered by Dr. Robert Duncan.

5/17/13 - This morning we receive an oil delivery. Does the driver back his truck into our driveway and proceed up its path?

No.Instead, this driver drives up cab first, gets out of the truck, walks to the back of our home, then returns to his oil delivery truck and pulls it out of driveway.

He then backs the truck in the way that he should have done in the first place.

When he's done, does he stop by our mailbox to place the bill for the oil delivery in it? No. He leaves the area only to come back a few minutes later to put the bill in the mailbox.

Our mailman, who intentionally delivers wrong mail to us on a regular basis often makes one pass by the mailbox, and them comes back a second time. Imagine these types of gaslighting tactics every single day for years on end, and you can begin to understand what your average target of organized stalking it subjected to, in efforts to drive us to the point of insanity.If you are thinking that there is a demonic aspect to what these people are doing, you're correct. However, it's the people who are brainwashing them into committing these acts who are the real demons.

Those power hungry control freaks who control our government through the Federal Reserve Communist central bank. They are the reason why the United States is being systematically dismantled, while our communities are being reduced to the state of mindless vigilante criminals. And as their country is being stolen right out from under them, by the very people who've brainwashed them into taking part in these crimes.

On an aside, I have begun reading a book which was published in April of 2013 entitled: "Exo-Vatanica Petro Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior.

"For those who have eschewed religious indoctrination and are interested in the UFO connection as a possible genesis in the creation of humanity, this book appears to be very well researched.

Its authors conclude based on years of research that the Vatican is presently awaiting an alien savior whom they say will not be Christ, but instead the Anti-Christ.

Of great interest here is that these men did predict that Pope Benedict would step down as the head of the Vatican at least two years before he did. And given that this is the first time in roughly 600 years that a Pope has done so, one must wonder how it is that these authors obtained this information?

Given all of the UFO sightings over the past decade and the deep secrecy of the U.S. Federal Government, it is up to the individual to be proactive by doing their own research.

One thing is for certain. The Vatican does maintain control of one of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world, which is located on Arizona's Mount Graham.

So, why would the Vatican need a radio telescope unless they were searching the sky for something in particular?

5/16/13 - HAARP weather manipulation is responsible for many of the catastrophic storms, earthquakes and other man made natural disasters the human race is witnessing in the present day.HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) technology is also being used to create deadly and costly storms like 2012's Hurricane Sandy.This author has experienced many instances where it will begin to rain instantaneously, and then the rain will subside just as quickly as it began.

For instance, one day a few weeks ago it was sunny outside. Then the minute I moved one of our cars out of the garage it began to rain. Once I put the car back into the garage a minute or so later, the rain immediately stopped; Last night I was outside watching a movie on my computer. I went into the house to get something and within 30 seconds it began to rain hard while my computer was outside.

I was able to get to my computer before any damage was done, even though the keyboard did get wet. When I went back in the house the rain had stopped within a minute.

The U.S. Military Intelligence complex has access to technology that is capable of manipulating nature in ways that most people are completely unaware of.

And this technology is not being used to benefit humankind, but instead, to harm us.

As a target of MKULTRA for decades, this author has witnessed myriad strange anomalies in regard to this advanced technology, which is the primary reason for the Intel community's slander campaign against my person.

Their job is to discredit any person whom they have used for such non consensual human experimenation, because if the public learns that we are telling the truth about this technology and the criminal ways in which it's being used, the American people will force the Congress to stop appropriating funding for the intelligence community.

And this would result in many of these covert organizations being forced to end their clandestine research; much of which involves non consensual human experimentation, and in particular, remote forms of mind control experimentation.

5/15/13 - Upon feeding my tropical fish this morning, I found another dead fish. When the FBI/NSA psychopaths who also use directed energy weapons on this author as well as other members of my Family, are not targeting us aggressively, they are targeting animals or electronic equipment with these weapons. Many of the electrical appliances in our home are also subjected to such attacks, which has resulted in the premature failure of many of these components.

The fact that these monsters, who operate under the cover of federal Intel agencies, are able to perpetrate these crimes using directed energy microwave weapons, is just another example of how completely lawless the U.S. Federal Government has become. And how criminally insane the agents who perpetrate these crimes against us are.

They are able to torture and murder targeted individuals, because these agents are psychopaths who have no sense of right or wrong.

Moreover, the fact is that the U.S. Federal Government is now attempting to cover up a crime which involves their illegal fingerprinting of the EMF signatures of each American citizen's body, into a central government computer database, which is being used to destroy the Constitutional rights to privacy and due process of law under the 4Th, 5Th and 6Th Amendments, of all Americans.

Yet, most Americans remain unaware of this atrocity, which this crime syndicate of a corporation (The U.S. Federal Government), which passes itself off as a government, has perpetrated against them.

When I was typing this post, FBI/NSA psycho's blocked my access to this Website, so I had to sign off and then access this Blog again, so that I could finish this post.

These lunatics have been electronically interfering with this Blog since I created it in 2006, in order to document the crimes that these pathological predators continue to perpetrate against my Family, person and myriad others; each of whom are targeted for non consensual human experimentation, electronic harassment, and organized stalking.

The vehicular stalking has also increased over the past few weeks, as this Blog has regained much of the Internret traffic that it had, before I took a hiatus from blogging during the month of January 2013. It was during this month that I spent quite a bit of time looking after my Father, as he began to heal from the directed energy attacks which put him in the hospital twice in 2012.

5/13/13 -  Foolish Move By A Good Cop -  About two weeks ago there was a story in the weekly Newsday paper regarding a high ranking Nassau County police officer by the name of John Hunter, who pleaded guilty three misdemeanors, including helping to derail a police investigation regarding the son of a benefactor, who'd stolen audio/visual equipment from a Long Island high school.

This police officer, whose name is John Hunter, was fired from the force and sentenced to three years probation and 500 hours of community service as the result of his plea bargain.

It is unfortunate that Hunter's career was cut short by a foolish move on his part. This is especially true since this author's knows of a particular instance back in the early 1990's when John Hunter was very helpful to the village of East Norwich.

Hunter and his family had just moved into East Norwich at the time, and had been unaware that for many years in the past, when Halloween would arrive, teenagers from some other towns would dress up in costumes and come into East Norwich, quite literally, terrorizing the village's residents once it became dark outside.

A Family member of this author's moved into East Norwich the year before the Hunters did, and lived just a few doors down from them.

This author received a phone call from this Family member on the evening of Halloween in 1990, and was told that some teenagers who were dressed in costumes, had vandalized his property, and thrown a small wrought iron bench which was sitting in front of his neighbor's kitchen window, through the glass window.

These weren't just two isolated incidents either. These teenage thugs were going around this entire neighborhood with walkie-talkies, warning each other when a police cruiser would be passing through a particular area, and keeping watch, until the cruiser was gone, before they would resume committing their acts of vandalism.

They were also damaging other people's homes and automobiles, and in general terrorizing the residents of this hamlet. Yet, nothing was done by the local police to end this situation.

That was until John Hunter moved into this neighborhood in the early 1990's. During Hunter's first year living in East Norwich, these teenage hoodlums came back on Halloween night and began their mayhem again.

However, this time around, before they could finish terrorizing the residents of East Norwich, the Nassau County police showed up in force, and arrested the teenage thugs; taking them down to the police station and forcing their parents to come pick them up.

From that time on, the teenage terrorists who once brought complete havoc to the town of East Norwich each Halloween night, have been a distant memory, in large part, thanks to Police Officer John Hunter.

Unfortunately, these acts of terrorism have been replaced in the modern day by men and women who take part in the vigilante hate crime organized stalking - which has become a plague on our society, and is completely ignored by the police under the cover of the draconian Patriot Act legislation.

If only we could round up these organized stalkers, haul them down to the police station and have their parents come take charge of them.

Unfortunately, most of the organized stalkers who are polluting our communities by taking part in this state sponsored terrorism, are adults.

Nevertheless, they should be arrested for creating a public menace to society through their terror of, and violation of the Constitutional rights of the men, women and children who comprise the TI community.

This should not be a complicated or nebulous issue in any way. If you violate someone else's constitutional rights, regardless of your reasons for doing so (especially if you have been told that it is OK for you to do so by a police officer or federal agent who told you that you could get away with it), you have allowed yourself to participate in a criminal act.

5/12/13 - I am told that another member of my Family's automobile was started in their garage, when the self start feature was accidentally set off. It would seem that this is a bit coincidental since I just wrote about my concerns in regard to this over the past few weeks, after the self start feature was partially activated, but never actually used to start one the vehicles in our own garage.

Part of the difficulty with the gaslighting tactics used in organized stalking is that mimicry is used as a regular part of this psychological operation. Oftentimes, someone close to the target (a family member of friend) of these crimes will lie to the TI by claiming that an incident occurred which did not actually happen. Since most of the family members of TI's are completely brainwashed and coerced into taking part in these deceptions, they will often fabricate an event which is used to corroborate  something that the TI may have voiced concerns about. This is done in an attempt to have the TI post this information on a Website, so that the family member who made these claims can later deny them. This is again, done in an attempt to discredit the targeted individual, even though the TI is telling the truth.

This author posts the claims made by members of my Family, because in the past most of them have turned out to be true, while a few turned out to be fabrications. The fabrications are done to create a nebulous situation, which is exactly what the FBI relies on to discredit its victims. And when the FBI is covering up a scandal that is an enormous as secretly cataloguing the EMF signatures of each American citizen's body for the purpose of covertly enslaving them, the FBI will do anything possible to ensure that those who are exposing this scandal are discredited - or even destroyed.There's a bit of a breeze this evening, but nothing strong enough to set off a burglar alarm. Yet, the burglar alarm in the home diagonally across from ours is set off by NSA SIGNIT satellite. In this particular instance the alarm is only running for a few minutes before the homeowner shows up to turn it off. Usually the local police do it, because the homeowners are not home at the time the alarm goes off.

Both of these homeowners also take several vacations each year, which offers NSA the ability to remotely turn the alarms on these homes on practically daily while the homeowners are away. The alarms are just another part of the electronic harassment this author and my Family are subjected to by FBI/NSA.

Usually once or twice a week the burglar alarm on either the house diagonally to the left of our home, or the one directly across the road from ours is remotely set off as part of the FBI/NSA organized stalking psyop this author is subjected to daily.

There is no end to the psywarfare harassment, electronic and otherwise that the FBI/NSA will subject an American citizen to, when that citizen is exposing the most treasonous crimes by a federal government against its own citizens ever committed.

5/12/13 - This morning I find another plastic cup with spoons discarded on our front lawn. This is the second day that I have found trash on our lawn since the neighbor across the road was told to turn the spotlights on the front of his home off at night.

The spotlights have been turned off so that the organized stalking cowardly trash who perpetrate this vigilante hate crime against this author, can sneak into our neighborhood at night to commit these crimes.

Who orchestrates these crimes? The DOJ, FBI and DHS through their criminal use of fusion centers, which are being used to criminalize our communities under the Draconian Patriot Act legislation, which was passed as part of the 9-11 false flag operation fraud.

Once again, who would be responsible for telling trash to dump trash on our property? What else but another piece of trash.

And while I may not know the specific person(s) who is responsible for dumping this trash on our property, I do know that the neighbor across the road took part in this, by intentionally leaving the front spotlights of his home off at night. I also know that if this neighbor did not do what he was told to do, that he would find himself being targeted for organized stalking, which is further proof that OS is a form of state sponsored terrorism.

As it is, the fact that his new car was hit by a driver plowing his driveway during a recent snowstorm was a warning to him to stay in line. An earlier altercation in which he was followed home by someone which ended in a screaming match between the these two people was more likely another warning for this neighbor to stay inline and do what he was told to do.

He has a wife and young family who could easily be targeted by these Intel psychopaths if he chose to ignore their orders. So his aiding and abetting of these crimes has become a matter of survival for himself and his family. They have become unwitting prisoners of this New World Order Nazi indoctrinated shadow government, that has emerged in America since the 9-11 false flag operation, because they are not free to live their lives without being intimidated into taking part in a criminal conspiracy against someone who has done them no harm.

This is how the Nazis were able to pressure the Germans into remaining silent in regard to the Nazis' attacks on the Jews during World War II. They used this type of community peer pressure to intimidate communities into attacking the Jews, and attacked any person who attempted to help the Jews.

In the modern day, Jews are no longer the only targets of this Silent Holocaust. The targets of this latest atrocity are from all walks of life, and being denied their inherent rights as citizens of the United States. These attacks will eventually provoke a civil rebellion by the American middle class against the Zionist financed and Nazi indoctrinated shadow government in America, which is responsible for these crimes against humanity.

5/10/13 - Last night this author was thinking about how annoying the spotlights on the neighbor's home across from our own are. These lights have been on every night for the past few months, since there was an altercation between the neighbor and a person who had followed him to his home, some months back.

Tonight, the lights are off. They are off because this neighbor was told to turn them off. This is further proof that this author is EEG Heterodyned by FBI/NSA psychopaths who illegally access my thoughts.

A short time after the altercation took place between this neighbor and the stranger who followed him home, we had a significant snowfall.

The neighbor's driveway was being plowed when the plow driver ran into his new car.

This happened a short time after the neighbor had the altercation with the person who followed him home.

The plow driver was apologetic, however, he may have deliberately hit the neighbor's car as a warning to do what he is told to do, in regard to FBI/NSA organized stalking harassment of this author.

It is possible that this neighbor found his time too valuable to waste by taking part in this vigilantism over the past decade, and may have balked at having to spend time doing organized stalking duty instead of something else.

Targets of organized stalking have noted how their neighbors take turns taking part in this crime (especially at night) given that they operate on a rotational basis.

This is how FBI/NSA brainwash our communities. It is also how they keep our neighbors inline. Specifically, any person who dissents from taking part in organized stalking is warned not to do so again. If they fail to heed this warning, they then become a target of this vigilante hate crime.

This is further proof that organized stalking is state sponsored terrorism.

As for the neighbor's spotlights, they remain off tonight for the first time in several months. While these spotlights are annoying, they do offer good visibility; which tends to discourage cowardly organized stalkers from showing up in the middle of the night to dump trash on our lawn or to vandalize our mailbox.

Given that these lights are off tonight, the roadway between our homes is very dark.

There is no coincidence between my having the thought about these lights last night, and there being turned off this evening for the first time in months.

This person was called by FBI/NSA provocateurs and told to keep the lights out tonight. Why remains to be seen. It may just be a gaslight, or FBI/NSA psychos may plan to vandalize our mailbox again.

Two days ago, the check engine warning light on our station wagon was remotely triggered after the car was serviced. FBI/NSA psychos like to announce in advance that they are planning such covert attacks through the use of such furtive warnings. It is part of their psychosis. Such men and women who carry on like juvenile deliquents with badges (although far more dangerous) are not normal. They are psychotic.

This neighbor suddenly turning off the spotlights on the front of their home also serves as further evidence that this author is being subjected to the remote neural monitoring of my brain via EEG Heterodyning. And this offers further proof of the criminal conspiracy that these federal lowlifes are perpetrating against my person and Family.

Since these psychos and their cronies also monitor this Blog, it will be interesting to see if the neighbor turns his lights back on again, after I've posted this information, or if they remain off.

Regardless of whether the lights are turned back on or not, this person will have been told do either turn them on or leave them off.

And this makes him a perp who aids and abets the FBI/NSA COINTELPRO attacks against us. This also serves as further proof that our communities are being turned into vigilante strongholds for the shadow government in the United States, which orchestrates these Orwellian crimes through fusion centers.

This homeowner pays taxes and purchased his home. So what gives the FBI the right to tell this person what to do while he is within the privacy of his own home?

5/8/13 - On 5/7/13, one of our automobiles is serviced. The car runs fine when we collect it, however, today, the red warning service light comes up. Is it a legitimate problem or is the NSA again electronically interfering with the electrical system in one of our automobiles?

In all probability, the problem with the warning light is being caused by an NSA signals intelligence satellite being used by these psychopaths to perpetrate another act of high-tech vandalism.

The NSA could also be "warning" us that they are going to attack one of us with another aggressive directed energy weapons attack as they did with my Father a few months ago, which resulted in his having a violent seizure that nearly killed him.

These agents are truly the most monstrous and evil reprobates living on the face of this planet in the present day.

This author has witnessed these high-tech criminals interfere with myriad electrical components including the electrical systems in several of our automobiles.

Such electronic tamperings include the remote triggering of car alarms when the car is both parked, as well as being driven. The warning lights in some of our automobiles have also been remotely triggered, including the service warning lights in these vehicles. In fact, the computer in one of our automobiles was remotely tampered with so that the engine timing on this vehicle could be interfered with. The end result was that no matter how many mechanics we took this vehicle to, none were ever able to fix the problem.

Of course there never was a legitimate problem with this SUV; just the fact that its computer was being remotely tampered with via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.5/6/13 - FBI/NSA psychos trigger a motion sensitive spotlight on the side of our home, leaving it on the entire night. This remote tampering with the motion sensitive spotlights on our home has been taking place since the mid 1990's; about the same time that these federal reprobates began to attack this author with directed energy weapons. The U.S. Department Of Justice was given access to DEW weaponry in 1994.

The DOJ then granted the FBI access to these weapons. An FBI agent who gave testimony in regard to another target of directed energy weapon's attacks by the name of Jesus Mendoza, testified under oath, that the FBI has been using directed energy weapons to torture American citizens, while completely disregarding their Constitutional rights.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that neither the FBI, nor the Department Of Justice have a legislative charter, which they are by law required to have before then can operate in the United States.These unconstitutional organizations have no legislative charter, because they were not created by the Congress - the body of government which enacts laws.

Instead, the DOJ and FBI were created through an act of the Executive Branch of government - the White House. However, the Executive Branch of government is not empowered to make laws. This is further proof that both the DOJ and FBI are nothing but pawns of the White House, which are used to circumvent the Constitutional rule of law.

Consequently, both the FBI and DOJ should have been abolished long ago, since their existence in the United States remains a threat to each American citizen's right to privacy within their person and home under the 4Th Amendment, as well as their right to due process of law under the 5Th and 6Th Amendments.

Both the DOJ and FBI are controlled by organized crime. And this has been further documented by former FBI agents who have now blown the whistle on the FBI's criminal activities.

Many of these whistleblowers have commented at the sham the FBI is regarding its being portrayed as a legitimate crime fighting organization, when in reality the FBI has always existed for the express purpose of political repression - specifically, to punish those Americans who use their Constitutional rights to challenge the U.S. Federal Government's oftentimes treasonous activities.

This has been well documented by a number of Americans who have been targeted by the FBI's COINTELPRO operations, including this author.5/4/13 - Family member whom FBI setup to be fired from their job needed oral surgery. The surgeon who did the procedure left part of a bone spur on the gum were the surgery was done, which left this Family member in pain. When the Family member stated that they found a shard of bone left in the area of the tooth, the surgeon told this Family member that they were fine and that the procedure was complete. This Family member had to go back to their dentist to have the bone spur removed, causing additional pain. However, at least the dentist removed the spur, to correct the damage that the incompetent oral surgeon caused.

Did the surgeon leave the bone spur intentionally, to cause this Family member additional pain? Probably.

This is just another example of how the FBI can interfere with any part of your life, including how these criminal agents can interfere with the medical treatment of a target of COINTELPRO.5/3/13 - In what is yet another example of the FBI/NSA/DHS daily harassment of this author, today's Newsday daily paper contains another "one off page" that has been inserted into this paper courtesy of the FBI psychopaths who continue their COINTELPRO against this author.

The page has an article regarding the 2014 Porsche Cayman. The article is normal except for the fact that the insert which carries data about the vehicle's specifications   has been removed, and replaced with spec's from an article about the 2013 Honda CR-Z. Over the past decade this author has received several of these "one off" page inserts as part of the FBI's illegal psychological warfare operations against my person.

These agents are particularly spiteful towards my person, because in 2005 I publicly accused the U.S. Military Intelligence community of developing proprietary domestic spy technology which enables this complex to electronically fingerprint the EMF signatures of the human body, which can then be used to remotely track the body. I also accused the U.S. Federal Government of implementing an electronic surveillance system which has been used to catalogue the unique EMF signatures from every American citizen's body, which now, nearly a decade later, is proving to be true.

What is also true is that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex operates based on Project Paperclip's Nazi ideology.This means that Americans must now face the fact that the Nazi's were not killed off after World War II as we've been told, but instead smuggled into the U.S. Military Intelligence complex for their expertise in the sciences and mind control research, and allowed to reestablish themselves under the cover of the National Security Act.

The American middle class has become the new focal point for these Nazi's, and their intent is to electronically enslave us through programs like the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and CIA, Pentagon programs such as TAMI, SATAN and MIND.For more on this Google: Akwei VS NSA and The Matrix Deciphered.

5/1/13 - I notice a that a wood table that I use to hold some plants has a large crack about 6 inches long which travels from the top of the table right through to the table's bottom.This is a solid piece of pine which is very strong wood, and was perfectly fine yesterday.

I heard a cracking sound during the night (much like what I hear when trees around my home are targeted by directed energy microwave weapons), and I'm certain that this crack in the table was caused by the NSA using a microwave weapon on it.

These agents really are degenerate psychopaths who have lost all sense of reality when it comes to their use of these weapons to torture and murder American citizens.

These agents are also pathological liars who foment smear campaigns against those whom they perpetrate these atrocities against, which are based on the FBI's fabrication of witness testimony, as well as the Bureau's confabulations, which are used by the FBI to support its deceptions.

This is why the FBI must violate the Constitutional rights of those citizens whom it perpetrates such crimes against - especially those of us who are targets of MKULTRA.4/30/13 - During mid afternoon NSA uses a signals intelligence satellite to set off the burglar alarm on the home diagonally across from our own. Of course, the owners are not home at the time, and local police, who regularly take part in the organized stalking vehicular street theater this author is targeted by, show up to turn the alarm off.

This particular aspect of the psyop this author is subjected to has been occurring for the past decade, since I first became a target of organized stalking in the Spring of 2003.The alarms on the homes around us are usually set off several times each week, however, only when the occupants are not home, since if they were home they would simply reset the alarm.

Instead, because they are not home when their home alarms are set off, these alarms can run for as long as 30 minutes before they are reset, which can be annoying.

This author and other members of my Family have all described the tremendous fatigue (induced via ELF waves) that we are subjected to over the past few days.

This is just another part of the FBI COINTELPRO attack on our persons and the Intel community's use of directed energy microwave weapons on American citizens.4/27/13 - For the first time since I began posting on this blog again after taking a month's hiatus during the 2012 holiday season, access to this blog is normal. That is to say I am able to access this Website, as well as its dashboard within a matter of seconds, instead of having to wait several minutes to do so, as the result of FBI/NSA electronic tampering with this blog.

his is yet another example of the types of psychological warfare gaslighting tactics that these federal psychos subject my person to each day. And is offers further proof that these lunatics are using electronic warfare technology to perpetrate many of these crimes, while they use the media as well as the medical community to cover these crimes up.

The ELF waves that have been directed at this author to cause total exhaustion over the past few days have been reduced in their intensity, and a different frequency which results in trapping gas in the intestinal tract is used to cause a different type of physical discomfort to this author. FBI/NSA modulate the frequencies of these directed energy microwave weapons on this author and other members of my Family in an attempt to cause myriad different physical problems, all of which are created by artificial means.

These government criminals are nothing but psychopaths, who are able to remotely target us through the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network. This SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network uses EEG imaging of our brains to synchronize our brainwave prints to the NSA's artificial intelligence computers, which utilize EEG Heterodyning technology to illegally track and torture us.

As a result of this Orwellian electronic surveillance system, we can be tortured or murdered instantly by NSA operatives. When John St. Clair Akwei described this technology in his 1992 civil action against the NSA, Akwei stated that the NSA's electronic surveillance program to remotely capture the electromagnetic signatures of the human body is listed under radiation intelligence in the NSA's archives.

According to Akwei, radiation intelligence involves EMF signals which are unintentionally broadcast into the air. For instance, the EEG signatures of the human brain may originate from within the brain's neural pathways, however, they extend outside the brain itself and can be electronically intercepted and decoded by the NSA's signals intelligence computers.

Had it not been for a corrupt circuit court judge by the name of Stanley Sporkin, acting as a puppet for the NSA by dismissing John Akwei's civil action against the NSA, the American people could have learned about this Orwellian technology and the NSA's use of it on American citizens.

Instead, the lawsuit was wrongfully dismissed, and the NSA allowed to develop and implement even more outrageous mind control weaponry over the past two decades.

When the NSA commits such an abject violation of a person's 4Th Amendment rights by using electronic means in which remotely access their minds, the NSA also commits the crime of electronic trespass.

As a target of MKULTRA since the 1970's, I document this information to alert the American people to their own vulnerability to this EEG Heterodyning through-the-air mind control technology, because the U.S. Military Intelligence complex can illegally utilize it on any American citizen, without that citizen's knowledge or consent.

4/28/13 - After posting in regard to the most recent electronic warfare attack on my person, the particular symptom of the attack eases significantly as the microwave frequency use to cause the discomfort is modulated downwards to decrease the intensity of the attack.

These types of electronic attacks have in some way been a daily occurence in this author's life for the past two decades, and they serve as further proof that I am being used as target of MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation.

4/26/13 - Our landscaper is supposed to show up today to cut our lawn, however, he does a no-show. This is just one example of how the FBI controls the people around those of us who are targets of a modern version of MKULTRA mind control research which is conducted using signals intelligence satellite networks like the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and subjected to the EEG Heterodyning of our brains via this technology.

These atrocities are committed by federal agencies which include but are not limited to the FBI, NSA, DHS and CIA.

Today, the ELF waves (short for extremely low waves which operate at the lower portion of the EMF spectrum) which are being directed at this author and other members of my Family is more intense, causing increased fatigue. This is a covert form of torture perpetrated by the FBI and NSA psychopaths who have been using this author as a target of MKULTRA mind control experimentation for the past 35 years.

The U.S. Federal Government denies its use of this electronic warfare technology on American citizens, even though these crimes have been reported by tens of thousands of Americans, who document this remote and furtive torture on Internet Websites of their own.

The NSA's remote interfacing of its artificial intelligence computers with the brainwave print of targets of the satellite predation, and that I document on this blog, is perpetrated with the use of a technology known as EEG Heterodyning.For more on this Orwellian technology and its use in enslaving the minds of the global masses, read Dr. Robert Duncan's book "The Matrix Deciphered." Duncan is a former government scientist, who prior to becoming a government whistleblower, worked for both the CIA and Pentagon on programs that involve mind control technology and its deployment against the masses.

When he realized that the CIA and Pentagon had betrayed the American people by using this EEG Heterodyning technology to covertly enslave the minds of millions of Americans, Duncan began to speak out publicly about the dangers of the technology.

There have been many government agents posing as concerned citizens who have attempted to discredit Robert Duncan's claims regarding EEG Heterodyning, however, there are too many people targeted by this technology who know that this EEG Heterodyning exists, and as such have already corroborated Duncan's allegations.

Duncan, like John St. Clair Akwei and the rest of us who are targeted by this technology, are telling the truth. It is the U.S. Federal Government that is lying to the American people.

The TI community has many legitimate targets of mind control technology, however, there are also myriad government agents posing as TI's who are using the FBI's COINTELPRO tactics to disrupt legitimate groups of TI's, in an attempt to prevent them from alerting the general population on this planet to the existence and dangers of EEG Heterodyning technology.4/25/13 - This morning I experience an electronic attack on my skull delivered by way of a directed energy microwave beam, which is focused at the top of my skull.

This particular sensation has been described by many other victims of directed energy weapons attacks, as feeling like a hot needle tip is being poked into your skull. I was reading how the FBI failed to Mirandize the younger brother who is accused of masterminding the Boston Marathon bombing. By violating this young man's right to due process of law, and later Mirandizing him only after the FBI interrogated him, if this suspect is found guilty, the guilty ruling can be overturned on appeal.

This entire situation becomes more convoluted by the day, as it takes on the appearance of another government false flag operation; the FBI being used to obstruct justice, rather than seek it. And there are now many people who believe that the alleged bombers may very well be innocent of this crime.4/24/13 - For the past two days FBI/NSA agents use directed energy microwave weapons to cause gas to be blocked in my intestines, making it more difficult to breathe and uncomfortable. They have subjected me to this symptom myriad times over the past two decades.

However, because the U.S. Military Intelligence complexes' use of this technology against American citizens is plausibly deniable (precisely the reason that it was created), they can continue to perpetrate these crimes with anonymity and thus impunity from prosecution.

These agents represent the worst that this country has to offer. They operate without any conscience or sense of decency, and they are torturing and murdering a large number of American citizens through their use of directed energy microwave weapons, which are deployed via weaponized satellite networks like the NSA's Echelon spy satellite array.

In today's news I read that New Hampshire State Representative, Stella Tremblay, agrees that the Boston Marathon bombing is the result of a false flag operation.

Representative Tremblay was immediately criticized by her political peers as well as the controlled media in this country, who have now attempted to marginalize her, like they do all Americans who are intelligent enough to realize that the U.S. Federal Government is being operated by a criminal enterprise that has become a terrible danger to all Americans.

The public should now pay very careful attention to what happens to Representative Tremblay in the future, since she will be blacklisted by the Obama Administration for her courageous public acknowledgment, that the Boston Marathon bombing was in fact a government sponsored false flag operation.In this author's opinion, there will now be a conspiracy as there was with Representative *Cynthia Mckinney several years ago, to destroy Tremblay's career, and to use her as an example of what happens to U.S. politicians who don't adhere to the official disinformation campaigns promulgated through the U.S. Federal Government via the controlled media.*Mckinney was setup in a minor altercation which the controlled media was used to blow completely out of proportion, in order to prevent Mckinney from being reelected to office.

 At the time this occurred, Mckinney was attempting to have legislation which would have been used to begin a new and in depth investigation into the domestic spying of the U.S. Intelligence community, including its of use of satellite deployed directed energy microwave weapons on American citizens, when U.S. Intel orchestrated a minor incident between a security guard and Mckinney which the media used to destroy her political career.

And Americans wonder why we can't accomplish anything significant to improve our living conditions and economy, when the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is being used to keep things exactly as they are, while destroying the career of any politician who attempts to change things for the better.

If John F. Kennedy were alive today and attempting to function as he was in 1963, he would again be assassinated by the CIA, for trying to restore America to the Constitutional Republic she was created to be, and by weeding out the criminal element who continues to control this country under the Federal Reserve Communist central bank.

NH State Representative Stella Tremblay Says Boston Marathon Bombing Was A False Flag Operation By The U.S. Federal Government

4/22/13 - Opening my eyes for the first time this morning, this author hears what sounds like a large firecracker being set off (like an M80)in the distance. The time is about 6:30AM. Who sets off firecrackers this early in the morning? It was probably not a firecracker, but instead an electronic device positioned somewhere in the woods near my home. I believe that there are many such devices, including an one that makes electronic bird calls. It sounds like a bird chirping, however, there is an electronic characteristic to the sound that is abnormal.

These types of psyops are carried out with military like precision because they are being deployed by federal government agencies. And I have experienced hundreds of such remotely coordinated events with my movements over the past decade.

The longer I research the FBI NSA crimes against my person, and the classified technologies used to perpetrate these crimes, the more convinced I am that my entire community is under a form of remote mind control which is carried out through the electromagnetic spectrum - their minds being invaded via some type of through-the-air computer to brain interface technology - what Dr. Robert Duncan refers to as EEG Heterodyning technology that can be deployed via a spy satellite network like the NSA's Echelon satellite array, to synchronize an artificial intelligence computer with the brainwave print of an unsuspecting person.

I also think that there are many people within the TI community who are being subjected to EEG cloning experimentation. Specifically, having someone else's cloned thoughts broadcast into their own brain as part of the government's non consensual human experimentation programs.

It is also entirely possible that the thoughts of one targeted individual are being remotely broadcast into the brain of another TI. What is even more frightening is that one person's thoughts can be cloned and remotely implanted into an entire nation's mind without their knowledge, using EEG Heterodyning technology.

Imagine taking the thoughts of Adolph Hitler, or George W. Bush, or Dick Cheney (you get the point), and EEG Heterodyning them into the minds of the entire U.S. population.

We could become a nation of psychopaths.

If the U.S. Congress or White House ever admit to such an abject violation of the American people's 4Th Amendment rights, how long would it be before Americans abolish the current corporate government in Washington D.C., and reinstate our Constitional Republic of 1787?

4/21/13 - The vision in my left eye has cleared up as a result of the modulated electromagnetic frequency being used on the part of my brain which controls my vision being decreased. This is just one of the myriad types of non consensual human experimentation that this author has been subjected to as a target of MKULTRA since the 1970's.The FBI's slanderous smear campaign against my person is being used to whitewash the crimes the FBI and NSA have, and continue to perpetrate against my person under the color of law and cover of national security. These agents are criminals who should be indicted for the crimes they have perpetrated against my Family and person.

4/20/13 - After I awake this morning I notice that the vision in my left eye is noticeably blurred. My vision in the eye was fine yesterday. This has occurred many times in the past. Those federal psychopaths who use this author for non consensual human experimentation have also done the same with the vision in my right eye from time to time. This is yet another in the myriad of examples of how their directed energy microwave weapons can be used to target any part of the body or brain in order to harm us.

As an example of the ways in which this author is targeted for such non consensual human experimentation, on Thursday I went to move one of our cars out of the garage to let its engine run for awhile. The weather was nice and there was not a cloud in the sky. However, the moment that I pulled the car out of the garage it began to rain lightly.

I drove the car back into the garage and it stopped raining almost instantly. I have experienced anomalies like this with the weather on numerous occasions. This is further evidence that HAARP technology can be directed at any location on the globe and deployed there.

Directed energy weaponry can also be used to physically push air, which is then directed at a specific target. The technology exists to do this, as well as to increase the speed at which the air is being pushed, to create wind gusts.

In regard to a government false flag operation being responsible for the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon earlier this week, I have been reading about the brothers who are accused of perpetrating this attack, and am still not certain if they were the actual perpetrators of this crime or not. They may have been involved, however, if so, they were likely mind controlled into committing this atrocity.

That is if they actually carried out the attack. The fact that there was a controlled explosion exercise which was to be carried out later in the day, and that the FBI has ignored the photos of at least 10 men wearing black backpacks that look exactly like the ones which the pressure cooker bombs are alleged to have been placed in, is very suspicious.

Especially when given the FBI's history of lying to the American public in regard to the attacks on 9-11-2001, the TWA Flight 800 and Oklahoma City coverups, and the original attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, which according a former FBI informant by the name of Emad Salem, the FBI intentionally allowed to take place.I believe that the Boston Marathon bombing is yet another false flag operation, and that whether the two brothers who have been implicated in this bombing took part in it or not, they are not the ones who orchestrated this terrorist attack

.4/19/13 - This author is subjected to a directed energy microwave weapon's attack on my skull in the early morning hours by FBI NSA psychopaths. A Family member whom FBI setup to be fired from their job (for the second time in less than five years)is now concerned that they will not be able to get another job. If the FBI had not interfered this person would still be employed at this job, because this person is very talented and good at developing new business for this company.

This is yet another example of how criminal FBI agents are, and how they illegally interfere with a COINTELPRO target's employment as part of the FBI's intent to destroy the person's life. The person's unemployment also gives the FBI yet another angle to play in its harassment of our Family, while these Neo Nazis attempt to gradually murder each one of us.

These agents are nothing but psychopathic predators who are cancer on the American people.

4/18/13 - Government cowards attack in a cowardly fashion because they are, first and foremost, cowards - which is why they attack at night. It's about 10:30PM and a few minutes ago I heard a car pass and a thud which sounded like a light object striking our mailbox. When I go to investigate, sure enough, a torn plastic McDonalds' soda cup is resting near our mailbox.
These types of cowardly acts of vandalism are usually carried out at night, and so common that for the most part I don't waste my time writing about them any longer

.I do so tonight only to illustrate that these federal agents are of such a low mentality that they actually would send out one of their flunkies to dump trash on someone's property.

If they don't like what I write about them on this Website, there is no reason for them to visit the site. However, it would appear that they spend as much time on this Website as the myriad of other visitors, with one exception.

The other visitors come to this Website with an objective outlook wanting to know more about how this government really operates, and some of the classified technologies which it is illegally deploying against this author and many other American citizens. Moreover, the fact is that if they were not committing these crimes, regardless of how furtively they continue to do so, I would have no reason to write about them.

And from the millions of Websites which now paint a far less than flattering portrait of what this government and its agencies have become, there is no longer any doubt that this government is seen as a criminal enterprise, which has absolutely nothing in common with the Republic that our founding fathers created in the 18Th Century. As for tonight's vandal, who would tell one piece of trash to dump a piece of trash on your property? Who else but another piece of trash.

Amongst the myriad of electronic tamperings to this Website, I have noticed that in order to reduce the Internet traffic to particular articles that have attracted public interest, FBI-NSA operatives will hack my Blogger account and convert the particular posts which are of interest back to a draft, so that they are no longer accessible on this Website or the Internet.

When they attempt to access a specific post that has been converted to a draft, they are told that the post no longer exists, when in reality, it does exist, yet has been electronically tampered with by these Nazi idealized lunatics.

There are well over 3000 posts on this Website, so it's impossible to keep track of them all. Consequently, this enables these Intel psychopaths to prevent a significant number of readers who regularly access this Website from reading many of the specific posts that they have an interest in. Given these electronic tamperings, it is truly remarkable that this Website has as much Web traffic as it does. Then again, the content of this site is extremely  provocative to anyone who is interested in reading about crimes which the federal government in this country continues to commit with complete impunity.

4/17/13 - The media reports an explosion this evening at a WACO Texas fertilizer plant which has injured more than 180 people and killed as many as 15, as of this report.I find it of interest that this explosion has taken place only two days after the terrorist bombings at the Boston Marathon. I also find of equal interest how the Texas explosion takes place in WACO only two days shy of the 20TH Anniversary of the WACO Holocaust at the Branch Davidian Church, where the FBI burned this Church to the ground, killing dozens of people, including at least 20 children.

The last few days FBI NSA predators hit this author with ELF waves which cause tremendous fatigue. This is just one example of the ways that different frequencies of directed energy microwave weapons are used on those of us who are targeted for MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation. Family members have been told to deny that directed energy weapons are being used on us. They quickly change the subject whenever the topic of microwave energy weapons is broached, in a conditioned response. One Family member who was fired from their job several months ago as the result of FBI interference in this person's life. And the FBI is creating a situation where this person is unable to find work. The longer this person is kept from working, the easier it will be for the FBI to control them, and to get them to say and do anything that the FBI wants them to. This is how the FBI coerces fraudulent testimony from targets of COINTELPRO, as well as the family members of targets of this black operation. The FBI's role here is one of complete deception.

 These people are made into virtual prisoners by the FBI, who will then use any means necessary, regardless of how illegal or horrendous, to manipulate a situation to their advantage.These agents are sociopaths.

And the ease with which these agents control the minds of the family members of Targeted Individuals is indicative of brainwashing, and further evidence of the criminal conspiracy that FBI NSA perpetrate against myriad targets of MKULTRA mind control experimentation. This author has been a target of MKULTRA for more than 35 years. I have spent most of my life as a target of MKULTRA, however, like most victims of this non consensual human experimentation, did not realize it until a decade ago.

Nowadays I spend my time researching and writing about the U.S. Federal Government's crimes against my person, Family and myriad others, using classified technologies that this government does not want the American people to learn about.

4/14/13 - One of the most disturbing aspects of being targeted by an FBI COINTELPRO operation is the FBI's corruption of medical staff, including doctors, who are used to commit further harmful acts against the COINTELPRO target, as well as members of that TI's family. This author's Father has been the target of such electronic warfare attacks on many occasions, including two directed energy microwave attacks on his brain, which resulted in devastating seizures which could have easily killed him. These artificially induced seizures have now resulted in Dad being placed on anti-seizure medications which he would not have had to take, had he not been attacked by these FBI/NSA psychopaths in the first place. His progress over the past few months has been remarkable given the sorry state that he was in during the holiday season.

 The reason he has been doing so much better is that he has not been under an aggressive microwave energy attack in all this time. However, the neurologist whom he sees can be used by the FBI to increase the dosage of his medication when he does not really need the dose increased. He had been doing fine on the dosage he had been placed on. The other day he saw the neurologist who was extremely pleased with his progress, yet tells him that he needs to be on a larger dosage just to be safe. Exactly how safe can Dad be when his seizure was brought on as the result of a microwave weapon being directed at his brain, in order to commit a vicious and calculated crime against him?

Moreover, since he is being illegally tracked via signals intelligence satellite, he can be subjected to a myriad of artificially induced symptoms at any time, including the type of fatigue that can be brought on with the use of ELF wave. Is the recent fatigue he is experiencing the result of the increase in his anti-seizure medication or his being targeted by an ELF wave? Given that he can be used by the FBI as part of its insane psychological warfare operation against us, this doctor has become nothing more than another pawn of these Intel psychopaths, who will be used to manipulate this situation further.

This is yet another example of how the FBI and its Intel cronies can contaminate any venue which they commence their criminal operations in. Many Targeted Individuals will avoid seeing physicians because they know that these physicians will be used by the FBI to violate their Hypocratic Oath; the doctors themselves, fearing that they can also be subjected to the FBI's wrath, if they refuse to aid and abet the FBI's crimes against us.

This author has witnessed several physicians whom I have seen over the past decade violating their Hypocratic Oaths, in order to aid and abet the FBI's crimes against my person. In fact two of these physicians have since been put out of business. One was a Lyme Disease specialist who falsified a medical report in regard to this author. Another one was a DO who was also used by FBI psycho's in order to take part in another of the FBI's psyops against this author. The first doctor was blackmailed into closing their medical practice. The second doctor became indebted within a year for more than a million dollars, which has since destroyed their credit, after they were convinced to head up a medical practice in which the doctor was used to assume any debts incurred by the practice. Neither of these doctors is practicing medicine any longer.

 Moreover, the FBI could have easily used their violations of the Hypocratic Oath, against these physicians in order to put them out of business, even though it was the FBI who orchestrated these crimes. There is no longer any question that not only is the FBI intent on destroying this author and my Family, they are also intent on destroying many of the people whom I have dealt with. Another TI reported that the physician whom the FBI used as part of its COINTELPRO against him, was killed in a traffic accident not long after this TI posted the doctor's name on the Internet. Was the FBI tying up another loose end in what may have been the furtive murder of this doctor, to conceal his role in the FBI COINTELPRO against this other TI? 

Keep in mind that the FBI/NSA/DHS psychological warfare operations against us occur 24 hours a day. Our cable TV programming is interfered with and often replaced with programming that has specific psyop value to the FBI in particular. Programs and commercials are delivered TIVO style in which the part of the program or commercial that the FBI wants used for its psychological warfare value is shown the moment that we turn the TV on. As such, it does not matter which station we watch because each station is used to deliver the FBI's psyop programming.

Even during sporting events, the apparent dialogue of the announcers is often digitally morphed as part of this psyop. I say this because these announcers would never make some of the comments on a nationally broadcast TV show that they have made on the programs we are subjected to in our own home. We are receiving psyop altered programming, like millions of other targets of non consensual human experimentation. For more on the Intelligence community's use of such programs Google: NSA mind control and Will Filer. This interference with our TV programming became aggressive in the Summer of 2003, after an initial meeting with a psychiatrist failed to result in the FBI's entrapment of this author. The only reason that I saw this psychiatrist was because of the depression I had developed as the result of several consecutive months of organized stalking - this was before I even knew what OS or electronic harassment were, much less that I would spend the next decade aggressively targeted by both.

Up until that time, if our programming was being interfered with, it was done subtly. However, after I arrived home from the first meeting with this psychiatrist, our programming became completely subverted, and has been ever since. In aiding and abetting the FBI's entrapment schemes against this author this psychiatrist committed several criminal acts, including seeing this author under false pretenses and taking thousands of dollars to do so. Every channel had some type of psyop programming on it. Just a few examples of this include a "Wheel Of Fortune" episode in which every player kept hitting bankrupt on the wheel for the entire episode.

In another instance, I saw a version of the movie "Frantic" in which the original opening scene was replaced with a spoof of the scene done by Harrison Ford and Betty Buckley, who were at least 15 years older than they were when they made Frantic in 1988. At the time I had no idea how this was being done with our programming or that I had a been a target of MKULTRA since the time I was a teenager.

I became so distraught at the time, that I went out into the backyard of my home and lay on a fallen tree just to try to relax. I spent about an hour just looking into the sky and at a strange looking branch on a tree that was right next to the trunk that I was laying on.

The following day I decided to turn the TV on again only to find that a photo of the weird looking *branch was being presented on my TV screen. This image was taken directly from the visual cortex region of my brain via the NSA's EEG Heterodyning of my person.

One night a few week's later I decided to take a photo of the tree branch, and to use it as part of the evidence that I was beginning to collect in order to document that I was the target of a government conspiracy. However, when I went out to photograph the tree the following day, I found that it had been knocked down - completely uprooted. It would be the first of more than two dozen trees to be either damaged or uprooted by some form of directed energy weapon over the time span of a decade. As for my seeing a photo of this tree prior to its being knocked down, which was taken from the visual cortex of my brain, imagine my surprise when I would later learn that the Agency had been remote neural monitoring my brainwaves via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network for decades, as part of a modern day version of the CIA's original MKULTRA program. I have been a target of MKULTRA for at least 35 years.

Since posting on my blog yesterday, the heater in one of my aquariums is no longer working properly. It turns on, however will no longer heat the tank to an acceptable temperature. On further inspection the glass on the bottom of the heater was cracked straight through. The heater is less than a year old and should have lasted longer. Moreover, the glass should not have cracked the way it did. In all probability the heater is yet another in a long list of electronic equipment that has been destroyed by FBI/NSA psychopaths, seeking revenge against this author for documenting their use of my person as a target of MKULTRA since the 1970's. This is typical of how electronic equipment in our home is remotely tampered with or damaged by the NSA's signals intelligence technology. Had the heater not been destroyed, its power supply could have also been interfered with. The current could have been modulated via signals intelligence satellite, for the express purpose of getting me to throw the heater out, so that I'd be forced to spend money to purchase another one.

Specifically, I have seen the electricity in a lamp intercepted by this technology so that the lamp would not light. A few days later the lamp was perfectly fine. NSA had interfered with the electricity  going from the outlet through the wire. Once they stopped blocking the electricity the lamp began to function fine again.Moreover, NSA again tampered with our propane grill, preventing it from starting on the first try. This has also happened in the past. There's nothing wrong with the grill, and it could have started the first time. However, the electric spark to ignite the grill can be tampered with to prevent it from starting. And the propane itself can be blocked from entering the burner on the grill.

I have seen so many examples of this electronic sabotage of components in our home over the past two decades, as a result of the NSA's signals intelligence technology, that I am certain this technology can be used to remotely interfere with any item that has electricity running through it. The same can be said for how this technology can adversely affect the electricity running through the body.

4/13/13 - New day, same organized stalking - mind control scenario. As an early target of organized stalking, I have seen it evolve from the days where fusion centers were limited in scope and the people taking part in these crimes had to be brought into an organized stalking target's neighborhood to harass them, to the point where these fusion centers are now networked across the United States, and a targeted individual's neighbors are now used to perpetrate these stalking crimes.It is horrifying to see how far the United States of America and our Constitutional rule of law have deteriorated since the 9-11 false flag operation more than a decade ago. The public is growing more enraged at this theft of their country by the day, and their disdain for the leadership in the U.S. corporation AKA the Congress and White House has become palpable.

Moreover, under this Communist regime in Washington, we are now seeing the destruction of the American family. In virtually every case reported by Targeted Individuals over the past decade, members of their own families are now coerced into taking part in the psychological warfare operations against them, for fear that if these family members don't do so, they will be directly targeted if they do not take part in this government sponsored atrocity.

This is outright intimidation by a crime syndicate that hides behind the façade  of what was once our government.

This destruction of the American family is being orchestrated through the Department Of Justice and Department Of Homeland Security, and their oversight of fusion centers. It is this national network of fusion centers which is being used to destroy the family as an American institution.

What we as American citizens are witnessing here, is a 4Th Reich emerging in America, which is based on the complete destruction of the U.S. Bill of Rights. The days of due process of law have become a thing of the past, while the government itself becomes completely overrun by the most horrific organized crime syndicate ever seen.

As a result, no part of the U.S. Federal Government has avoided being tainted by this furtive attempt to turn America into a contemporary version of Nazi Germany. And this perverse and horrifying mindset has now expanded to state and local government as well.

Our communities are being intimidated into taking part in these Orwellian crimes in order to avoid becoming targets of them. Law enforcement has been coopted into this program, so that our Constitutional rule of law no longer applies.It has been ten years of daily psyops, directed energy weapon's attacks (sometimes minor, other times aggressive) that we have been subjected to, as we watch our beloved America being turned into a wasteland for the Rothschilds' Zionists, as they sell our country off piece by piece, while attempting to cheat us out of our birthright as citizens of this country.

We have become a nation of mind controlled slaves; EEG Heterodyning technology applied to a global signals intelligence satellite spy system, used to influence our thoughts and actions, by broadcasting a myriad of different information through the air and into our brains via the EMF spectrum.

An absolute and abject horror. And not one U.S. politician has the courage to speak up for the American middle class by exposing this false flag operation and subversion of our government.

4/11/13 - We're off to a typical FBI COINTELPRO orchestrated organized stalking - cum psyop day. One of the morning papers was never delivered. The "paper failed delivery" part of the psyop occurs regularly. A few times each month one of our newspapers is either not delivered at all, or only delivered after we have called the delivery person to inform that we never got the paper - as if they did not know in the first place, given that they were told not to deliver the paper.

For quite sometime a newspaper would be tossed into the shrubs several times a month, so that we would have to search for it, or in roadway so that vehicles could run over it. Then there's the actual tampering with the newspaper in which over the years this author has received several "one off" copies in which articles were in someway altered as part of the FBI/NSA psyop this author is subjected to 24/7/365.At other times two of the same sections of the paper will be included while one that should be included is removed. - Sound like the newspaper delivery person is taking part in this pysop?

The real payoff here is when the delivery person called to ask why we have not sent them a gratuity!

4/10/13 - Over the past day I have experienced a lot more fatigue due to the ELF waves that I am being subjected to. This frequency is broadcast by the NSA signals intelligence AI computer that interfaces with my brainwave print via the Agency's use of EEG Heterodyning technology.

Through this technology NSA tracks my EEG signature and alters its electronic warfare programming, thus changing the electronically induced symptoms that I experience. I also experience a slight pressure in my head and a sensation of a lightness in my arms which occurs with a particular EMF frequency that I am targeted by. This symptom is caused by remote means and ends the moment that the frequency directed at my brain is either reduced or turned off. This is one of myriad forms of electronic torture that I have been subjected to over the past two decades by these monsters who masquerade as intelligence agents. Other family members have also complained of tremendous fatigue over the past 48 hours, which is no doubt due to their also being targeted by the same ELF frequencies.

During my Internet surfing I found the following Website regarding mind control technology which alleges that every person on the planet is now being mind controlled via remote means in some significant Based on what I have experienced as a target of MKULTRA for the past four decades, and what I have witnessed in regard to the organized stalking crimes I continue to be subjected to, it is entirely possible that the entire planet is now under a mass form of mind control which is deployed through the electromagnetic spectrum. What does this mean in ultimate terms if this technology and the people using it against us cannot be exposed and destroyed? That the human race will become a planet of EEG Heterodyned slaves operating under a hived-mind mentality. All this planet's inhabitants will be forced to acknowledge the Rothschilds' Zionist world government as the supreme leader, while the family unit is destroyed. Men and women will be forced to mate for the express purpose of procreation, while selective breeding will be mandated. This is even more diabolical than Orwell himself had envisioned when he penned Animal Farm and 1984.

4/9/13 - During the night I am subjected to microwave energy attacks on my skull. Today, I have been getting what are referred to as bee stings in my facial area. These crimes are being perpetrated by FBI/NSA psychopaths who have more in common with tyrannical monsters like Adolph Hitler, than they do with the American people and our concept of a free society. In addition to the patio furniture that we ordered last week which was late in arriving and poorly assembled, we also ordered an umbrella to go with the furniture. However, as usual, FBI/NSA psychopaths interfere with the delivery of the umbrella and instead have the merchant deliver a table which we did not order. These types of sabotage regarding our purchases have happened hundreds of times over the past decade. These predator-agents will do anything to make our lives more difficult, while committing myriad crimes against us. They are nothing but organized crime operating behind the cover of a badge.

4/6/13 - Dad has been doing consistently better for the past few months. Suddenly he is very tired again, which I am certain is the result of his being attacked with ELF waves, which are being deployed via directed energy microwave weaponry by FBI/NSA psychopaths. These waves are modulated, meaning that their intensity can be increased or decreased at any time. However, the fact that Dad is being illegally tracked by his body's own unique set of EMF signatures means that these electronic warfare attacks can be used against him by NSA/FBI at any time.

The same is true for all people who are the targets of MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation and directed energy weapon's attacks. I like to do the daily word Jumble. For the past week the FBI and NSA have interfered with each day's Jumble. The Jumble has centered around the cartoon character Dick Tracy solving crimes - If Dick Tracy were a real person I would suggest that he investigate the FBI and NSA, as well as the rest of the Military Intelligence complex in the United States - he'd be shocked to learn of how these criminals operate under the cover of national security, and the depth and breadth of their atrocious crimes.

When I pass the living room this evening one of the light bulbs in a curio burns out. NSA/ FBI use NSA signals intelligence technology to routinely interfere with the electronic equipment in our home. They also routinely burn out light bulbs prematurely as part of the electronic warfare - psychological operation these reprobates perpetrate against us.

The readers will note that usually a light bulb burns out when you switch a light fixture on. However, the light bulbs in our home usually burn out when the lights are already switched on, and this author is present at the time the bulb filament burns out.

The electronic destruction of the bulbs is merely one of the myriad types of psychological warfare that these Intel psycho's illegally subject us to.

They also use signals intelligence satellites to remotely trigger motion sensitive spotlights around our home, as well as the motion sensitive spotlights and burglar and car alarms on homes and vehicles within proximity to our home. This has been occurring on a daily basis since the Spring of 2003, when this author became the target of an organized stalking campaign.

However, the electronic warfare attacks, including the directed energy torture of this author have been taking place since the mid 1990's.4/5/13 - Patio furniture finally shows up. However, it's not bolted together securely, so this author tightens every single bolt on each piece of furniture to make certain that the furniture is safe to use. FBI/NSA no doubt interfered with this delivery like they do with all of our business transactions, and told the store to do a careless job of assembling this furniture.

NSA/FBI psychopaths are remotely targeting some of my aquariums with microwave weaponry. One day all of the fish in one of my aquariums are at one end of the aquarium and very skittish. An hour later they are perfectly fine. Then a day later some of the fish in the aquarium adjacent to this one begin to act strangely.

Microwave frequencies have been used to force some of my fish to jump out of their tanks at night, so that I would not be able to find them until morning. This is just one of the crimes that FBI/NSA psychopaths perpetrate against my person and those around me, including pets. These agents are criminally insane and sadistic beyond belief.4/4/13 - We ordered patio furniture which was supposed to be delivered yesterday. However, the furniture never showed up and we have not heard from the delivery person. This is yet another stalling tactic by FBI/NSA as part of their decades long psyop against this author. Everyday various psyops are perpetrated by these psychopaths, against us, all of which are plausibly deniable. Plausible deniability is how the U.S. Military Intelligence complex is able to perpetrate its crimes against American citizens with complete anonymity. They commit these atrocities, yet are able to get away it.

 4/2/13 - After writing to the merchant who sold me the battery for my netbook describing how the battery is malfunctioning, the software shows that the battery is now fine, and charging properly. This is yet another in the myriad examples of NSA/FBI psychopaths can remotely access the computer of any person in the United States using the NSA's signals intelligence EMF scanning network.

This author's experiences with this remote electronic tampering of my computer also confirms earlier allegations that the NSA has been given information on every personal computer purchased within the United States, which gives the agency the ability to instantly access the PC of any American citizen without their knowledge or consent. This technology also enables NSA operatives to remotely tamper with any personal computer in America. Such tamperings can include deleting or adding files to the hard drive of these computers as part of an entrapment scheme that the FBI or DHS may be conducting against an American citizen.

4/1/13 - The other computer battery for my netbook has stopped functioning altogether after only a few weeks. This is the second battery that FBI/NSA psychopaths have damaged since January 2013, using signals intelligence satellites and microwave weapons. The battery that came with my computer lasted for two years and three months before it had to be replaced. The last two new batteries that I have purchased for this computer have lasted less than three months.

3/29/13 - About 11:30AM an organized stalking perp shows up in a black Ford pickup just as a Family member is about to exit our driveway in their car. The entire situation is staged as a part of the organized stalking that we are subjected to. The organized stalker driving the black pickup pulls out a map and starts asking questions. After this Family member exists the neighborhood, the perp then drives next door to our neighbor's for a moment, then returns to the front of our home, where this organized stalker proceeds to park his vehicle. He stays for a few minutes then drives off.

Typical vehicular street theatrics.

The fact that I have started to post regularly on my Website again has been met with more aggressive vehicular stalking and psyops. Especially when I describe my experiences as a target of MKULTRA since the 1970's.I have also noticed that my tropical fish are again being targeted with microwave energy. The fish can be perfectly fine, then they will start to react in a very skittish manner. This occurs as the result of the microwave frequencies being directed at them, when these frequencies are modulated to increase their intensity. The frequencies will then be dialed down and the erratic behavior of the fish will end just as quickly as this strange behavior began. This is just one example of how those around this author are also targeted for such non consensual experimentation, via the microwave weapons being deployed by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex. There is no one immune from this satellite predation or the criminal refuse who deploy these weapons against us. This is MKULTRA for the new millennium, where high tech mind control weapons are deployed via the EMF spectrum. This makes the entire planet a venue for mind control experimentation, since no one is safe from these demented government criminals or their electronic warfare technology.

This technology represents the "Holy Grail" of domestic spying by a subverted government of its own citizens. And this is why the technology is never discussed by the media in the United States, the body politic or the judiciary system. If the Military Intelligence complex in America loses it use of this electronic warfare technology, the American people will regain privacy under the 4Th Amendment that they lost decades ago, when this technology was deployed by the U.S. Military on a national scale. The American people must begin to familiarize themselves with this spy technology, and learn the lexicon of the U.S. Military Intelligence complex if they are to avoid being electronically enslaved by this complex of Nazi minded reprobates. The first term that the American people must familiarize themselves with is EEG Heterodyning, since this term represents the remote synchronization of an artificial intelligence computer with the brainwave print of a human being. This author has also seen many animals remotely EEG Heterodyned to manipulate their normal behavior. As such, no human or animal is safe from the predation of these New World Order government robots, who masquerade as federal agents, while concealing their crimes against humanity under the cover of the national security act.

3/28/13 - At about 6:30AM NSA sets off the burglar alarm on the house directly across the road from ours. The owners, who also take part in the organized stalking of our persons are away on vacation, since school is closed for spring break. I think these people were balking at having to be inconvenienced at taking part in the harassment of our persons and were given the requisite threats to keep them inline. The burglar alarms are usually set off by NSA signals intelligence satellite on homes whose occupants are either on vacation or out for the day. This allows these alarms to run for up to 30 minutes before they reset. It also usually results in the police showing up to check on the homes.

Several times each week burglar alarms and car alarms are set off in our neighborhood via signals intelligence satellites, as part of the psychological warfare operations that FBI/NSA subject us to, as part of the criminal conspiracy that these government psychopaths covertly perpetrate against us. For instance, a few months ago, this author hears some shouting at about 10PM. I look out my window to see that there is an altercation in the driveway of the home across the road. The owner is telling a person in a car parked in the road to get the fu*k out of his driveway.

This could have been a piece of street theatre, however, it may have been real. The argument went on for a few minutes and then the driver with the car in the road left. However, there was another car which had driven up our driveway and set off a motion sensitive spotlight, which had driven to the other end of our circular driveway. It seemed that the driver was just sitting there watching the altercation between my neighbor across the road and the person in the road. After these two cars left, the owner of the home across the road was still angry and screaming. He got into another of his cars with his wife and then proceeded to drive around the neighborhood, perhaps looking to see if the person he was arguing with was still there.

A few weeks later after it had snowed, he had his driveway plowed, and the person plowing his driveway hit his car, doing enough damage that it had to be sent to a body shop. The question is were the aforementioned confrontation with the other driver and the damage to his automobile during the snow plowing of his driveway coincidental, or were they done deliberately as a warning to this person to either stay in line and do what he is told, or to suffer worse consequences if he fails to do so? I don't believe that many people are taking part in the organized stalking of their neighbors willingly. I believe that they are intimidated into doing so, out of fear that they will be targeted for the same crime if they refuse to take part in it. At least the TI community has become aware that a network of fusion centers from around the United States which are overseen by the U.S. Department Of Justice (FBI) and Homeland Security, are responsible for the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking.

3/27/13 - FBI/NSA electronically tamper with my Blog in order to slow its download time after I recently update the blog and add several new posts. This is the typical way that these Nazi miscreants can get away with committing their atrocities under the cover of the national security act.

3/26/13 - Our cable TV programming continues to contain myriad psychological triggers 24 hours a day, as part of the FBI's attempt to brainwash us. The FBI/NSA interception of our cable TV programming and replacement of this programming with FBI/NSA psychological warfare programming is completely illegal and used to whitewash the crimes that FBI and NSA agents have been committing against our persons for decades.

Simply put, since they are the criminals who are seeking to conceal the crimes they have and continue to perpetrate against us from the public, they are instead using this programming in an attempt to drive us crazy. These agents are outright criminals who belong in prison. They are the most sadistic, pathetic, torturous and murderous pieces of subhuman refuse in the history of the human race. If  they were ever to publicly admit that they have electronically fingerprinted the EMF signatures of each American citizen's body, as part of a covert plan to enslave us, I am certain that the American people would immediately call for the dissolution of the U.S. Intelligence community, and demand a complete restructuring of the U.S. Military, while conducting a new Church Committee type investigation into the treasonous activities being perpetrated by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex.

3/22/13 - While walking outside tonight, I see a flash go off in the sky behind me which for a brief moment leaves the sky an aqua green color, then what appears to be a meteorite flies through the air at a very low altitude heading to the Southwest. The object is so close to Earth that I can here it as it passes overhead.

Ordinarily, I would think that the object was just what it appeared to be. However, given my experiences as a target of MKULTRA, and the myriad of anomalies that I have witnessed as a target of EEG Heterodyning and non consensual human experimentation for the past few decades (and organized stalking for the past decade), what I witnessed tonight could have been manmade and deployed via some government Star Wars Initiative satellite based space weapon.3/21/13 - Dad has been complaining of not sleeping well over the past few days and a slight headache, which can be caused by microwave weaponry. I know how he feels, since I am constantly targeted by microwave weapons during the night, making it impossible to obtain any type of significant rest.

Over the past month Dad has improved dramatically as the result of the microwave frequencies being deployed against him being decreased by a substantial margin. Given the Intel community's intent on murdering this author for exposing the fact that the U.S. Military Intelligence complex has been used to electronically fingerprint the EMF frequencies of each American citizen, Intel is constantly searching for new ways in which to murder my person in a plausibly deniable way.

And they will torture or even chance murdering any person around me in an effort to make me an easier target.Moreover, their slander campaigns have become so outrageous, that they can never enter a courtroom in the United States without committing perjury. Their abject disregard for our Constitutional rights continues to define these federal agents as the most abject of criminals, who are now desperate to destroy any evidence which documents their own highly illegal activities. These agents are well aware that the American people will call for their execution if the truth about the U.S. Federal Government's use of EEG Heterodyning technology ever becomes commonly understood and acknowledged by the American people. These crimes are horrendous.

For the first time in *48 years our monthly bank statement does not show up in the mail, which results in our having to call the bank. The bank representative tells us that they have no explanation for this and that if we don't receive the statement within the next few days to call back and they will have another statement sent out.* After I post this on the Internet yesterday, today the bank statement suddenly shows up in the mail. This is typical of how the FBI uses every available means in which to furtively attack a target of COINTELPRO, regardless of how illegal or outrageous the acts of these agents are. The fact that the FBI can use the U.S. Post Office as well as its postal carriers to perpetrate these crimes is even more disturbing.

3/19/13 - Our mailbox gets knocked down again - the second time in just over a week - probably by the paper delivery person or mailman, since both are used by FBI/NSA as part of their psychological warfare operations against us. These agents are intent on murdering this author for exposing these Nazis for secretly fingerprinting the unique EMF signatures of all American citizens, and using this clandestine domestic spy system to brand each American citizen like a head of cattle.

3/15/13 - For nearly twenty years FBI/NSA have used some form of directed energy weapon on this author virtually everyday. Over the past few days they use this technology to cause gas to be trapped in my intestines, which creates discomfort.They also cause pain in my skull and right foot with this technology. However, the pain can end as quickly as it began and start somewhere else, because this technology can be used to target any part of the body.

This is a further example of the monstrosity that the U.S. Federal Government has become under the Patriot Act, even though many of these crimes were being committed before the Patriot Act was even passed or before Homeland Security was created.

Homeland Security is made up largely of FBI agents who were transferred to DHS after the attacks on 9-11-2001. DHS would later higher other employees as part of its national domestic spy network.

Many other targets of this non consensual human experimentation have documented similar attacks on their own bodies, by a group of men and women who have become so abjectly evil, that they are intent on murdering us, instead of answering for what they have done. Their worst crime is the secretive cataloging of the unique EMF signatures of each American citizen's body - including our brainwave print, heart beat and other EMF body resonances. This high crime of treason is so outrageous, that these government reprobates are intent on finding a way to murder us, instead of admitting that they have committed the worst crimes against humanity ever documented.

The U.S. Federal Government is in shambles because of the criminal conspiracy to destroy the American middle class and our Constitutional Republic. The only logical response is a civil information revolution based on re-educating the American middle class, in order to equip them to deal with the realities of a government that has betrayed them in every way imaginable. This revolution will be one of education rather than bloodshed, since far too many lives have already been lost through this government's fomentation of wars for profit, under their Zionist leadership.3/9/13 - This author is targeted with certain frequencies of microwave energy all night long, while the motion sensitive spotlight near my window is repeatedly set off the entire night. This occurs on a regular basis as part of the decades that I have been subjected to these Intel psychopaths and their psychological warfare operations and electronic warfare attacks. They cannot afford to admit to the fact that they have used me as a target of a modern day version of MKULTRA mind control experimentation since the 1970's. So instead, they continue to conduct their psychological warfare operations while simultaneously running one of the most aggressive and illegal slander campaigns that has ever taken place. The psyops involve all types of psychological warfare protocols, including gaslighting tactics.

This evening, I place a takeout order at the local Chinese restaurant and the person who takes the order immediately starts to gaslight me. Just before I complete the order, the person says that he cannot hear me because of the noise in the background. I am then switched to another person who insists that I give her the order again. Of course, when the food arrives home, one of the dishes that was ordered was replaced with a dish that wasn't. The end result is that a return trip had to be made to the restaurant, and the dish that should have been included was given free of charge. So this FBI orchestrated psyop costs the restaurant owner the price for a dish that would have already been paid for, had the owner not complied with the FBI's request to take part in this psyop. Perhaps these FBI agents compensated the restauranture   for the money loss.However, given how cheap these men and women are, it's not likely.

3/8/13 - There is fresh snow on the ground from snowfall last night. Today, someone knocks our mailbox off its post after the mail has been placed in it. As such, most of the mail gets wet. And magazines get wet and covered with dirt. This is typical of the mind games that these federal agent psychopaths subject us to. They always use someone else to do their dirty work for them, including the members of the communities in which TI's live. These agents and their provocateurs are nothing but lowlife criminal trash, who are defined by their own pathological deception and abject disregard for basic decency.

Still worse, is that the mailman regularly takes part in these psyops by delivering other people's mail to us, or holding up packages that should have been delivered on time. It is also possible that he could have pushed the mailbox off its stand (the box just sits atop the post since it was ripped off by a group of thugs whom FBI told to knock the mailbox down this past summer). There were also several trucks with plows on them which plowed the road in our area, and one of them could have intentionally hit the mailbox and knocked it over. We are under 24 hour a day illegal surveillance, so these people are told in advance when it is safe to commit a crime against us. These agents are psychopaths and so are their provocateurs.

3/6/13 - A prank phone call is made to our home at about 1AM this morning with a person speaking Chinese, waking my parents out of a sound sleep. The prank phone calls which started in the mid 1990's, are usually made by someone speaking a foreign language, since this completely negates any legitimate conversation that would take place between the provocateurs who are calling us and ourselves. These prank phone calls are used by FBI/NSA as part of a myriad of different psychological warfare techniques used to disrupt our sleep patterns, since a good night's sleep is critical to remaining healthy, and these government psychopaths don't want us to remain healthy.

They want to murder us in any plausibly deniable way that they can in order to avoid prosecution for the crimes that they continue to perpetrate against us. In the interim, they will settle for the myriad ways in which they use to covertly torture our persons through the use of both psychological warfare operations, as well as directed energy weapons' attacks.

Afterall, they are soulless reprobates who are trained to torture and murder innocent people whom they cannot prosecute through the courts. If they could prosecute us they would. Instead, they resort to the most despicable and illegal tactics imaginable, while denying that they are committing these crimes.

A few minutes ago I find another dead fish which jumped from my aquarium. This another electronic warfare attack directed at my aquariums. A fish under EMF attack can be fine one day and then immediately stop schooling with the other fish in the tank. In the case where there are different species, the fish may become aggressive towards other fish or very skittish, darting towards them as an intimidation tactic. Regardless of the particular situation, in my experience, these attacks always result in fish jumping from my aquariums during the night - when I am in bed. I find them dead on the floor the following day. The electronic attack on the fish is yet another in what have become thousands of different psychological warfare attacks which take place on a daily basis, by a group of federal agents who are nothing more than evil in the flesh

.3/4/13 - As usual, whenever I purchase an item online, FBI/NSA psychopathic agents interfere with the purchase in some way. I recently ordered two Hagen GLO T-5 lighting systems for $51.90 delivered as a value pack. The value pack should have included two of these lights instead of one. Moreover, only one of the GLO lights was delivered instead of the two in the value pack, and a day earlier than the earliest delivery date, which is March 5Th, 2013. When contacted, the merchant selling the value pack made the excuse that they had made a mistake on the Website, and that the price listed was for only one light. This is another example of how FBI/NSA psychopaths interfere with the legal purchases which this author makes over the Internet. They have done everything from using credit card companies to fabricate charges when I use this credit card, preventing the credit from being accepted for no logical reason (since the account is in good standing) to damaging some of the merchandise that I purchase.

Clearly, any person who would commit these psychotic crimes is not in their right mind, and that applies to federal agents who commit the same types of crimes.

These agents also regularly attack members of this author's Family, using any means possible in which to cause them problems. For example, one family member had oral surgery a few days ago and is suffering from jaw pain. The jaw pain may be just the result of the oral surgery, or electronically aggravated via microwave weaponry. This family member has been an unwitting target of electronic warfare for the past few decades as has this author. As such, this person can be attacked with microwave weapons at any time. Moreover, any opportunity which gives the agents who use these weapons against us a plausibly deniable way of deploying them, these agents will use. Microwave weaponry can also be used to cause tooth pain, when it is directed at a targeted individual's mouth. The pain will start suddenly, and end as quickly as it begins. The same type of microwave attack can be used to target any part of a person's body.

In fact, the EEG heterodyning technology that is deployed via government programs which include the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network and the Pentagon and CIA's TAMI, SATAN and MIND programs are capable of instantly tracking the EMF Signatures of any American citizen, while monitoring everything from our brainwaves and heart rate, to our body's temperature. This Orwellian government has electronically enslaved the American people, and is now seeking to murder those of us who know about this with absolute certainty.

A short while I was told that another family member was having a difficult time breathing and went to the Emergency Room at the local hospital to get checked out. This person is also taking a pain killer for the jaw pain, and I am convinced that since the pain continues after four consecutive days, that FBI/NSA agents who are subjecting this person to COINTELPRO and directed energy attacks, may well be capitalizing on the oral surgery to use these weapons to cause this person additional pain.

The FBI also orchestrated this family member's being fired from two jobs over the past five years, as part of the psychological warfare harassment that they subject my Family to daily. This person had been in the business for more than two decades without ever being fired and has an excellent reputation for bringing in new accounts. This person's firing was the work of an FBI COINTELPRO scheme and no reflection on the person's ability to do their job. This person is one of the most talented people in this business, at developing new accounts and maintaining them.

The government rat bastards that orchestrated this person's being fired, also used satellite deployed DEW weapons to put my Dad in the hospital several times over the past few years, and used this weaponry to cause him to have two terrible seizures that nearly killed him. I have documented all of this over the Internet.

They have also attacked other parts of his body, causing chronic digestive problems for the past few years. Suddenly, he sees a nutritionist and the digestive problems are relieved almost overnight. However, these problems don't get relieved overnight, unless they are being caused by artificial means - which they are, via microwave weaponry. He has been doing much better over the past few months because he has not been attacked by directed energy weapons.

3/3/13 - As another part of the FBI/NSA psyop against this author, they will often have the newspaper delivery person remove the part of the paper that contains the word Jumble, since I like to the Jumble puzzle daily. This is yet another of the myriad crimes which they perpetrate with plausible deniability. As I finish typing the last sentence, Dad starts to choke. It could have been a normal physiological response, or it could have been the result of a directed energy weapons attack, since these weapons can be used to irritate one's throat to cause the person to cough. This technology can be used to artificially replicate any physical or psychological condition imaginable.

This is what we are forced to endure under the tyranny of FBI/NSA and their Orwellian high tech attacks on our persons.

3/1/13 - Another 9-11 activist who lost her husband in the 9-11 false flag operation has died suddenly of a stroke. Jane Pollicino died of a stroke while on vacation at the age of 59. This author was born in 1959 and 59 is just one of myriad psychological triggers that FBI/NSA use in their psychological warfare harassment of my person.

Was Jane Pollicino murdered as part of the psyop against this author? Moreover, America Freedom To Fascism producer Aaron Russo dies on my Birthday - August 24Th, 2007. Even though he was suffering from cancer, Russo died of a heart attack. Was his heart attack caused by a directed energy weapon? Moreover, was his cancer caused by a directed energy weapon. Aaron developed cancer after he produced America Freedom To Fascism and went public with his conversations regarding Nick Rockefeller, and the Rockefeller's intent to have everyone in the United States implanted with an RFID tracking chip.2/28/13 - FBI/NSA continue to remotely tamper with my computer, oftentimes freezing the screen. They do the same with my Dad's computer as part of the long-term psychological mind games these miscreants subject us to on a daily basis.

2/26/13 - The bracket on Mom's wedding photograph breaks and the picture frame crashes down on her bureau. Is this an indication that FBI NSA are going to be attacking her again with DEW or pysops? They usually use a similar tactic prior to committing a more serious crime - it's tantamount to a warning that they are going to be doing so. This is also important in that she has a dental appointment tomorrow for some root canal work, which could be used as a plausible way for FBI/NSA to use DEW weapons to harm her. The knocking down of the photograph is just part of the psychological warfare mind games that FBI/NSA psychopaths subject us to, as part of their daily psychological abuse of our persons. These agents are sociopathic monsters who indulge themselves in every perversion imaginable.

FBI NSA also use directed energy weapons to physically move items in our home - knocking items onto the floor etc. This becomes especially concerning when one has aquariums as this author does, given the damage that they can cause here.

I write this in the event that these agents attempt to commit yet another act of electronic vandalism against my person or other members of my Family or cause other types of physical damage. Prank phone call again at 8:30 PM? The prank phone calls are a regular part of these psychological warfare operations, as are the smear campaigns that these treasonous men and women perpetrate against my person and Family. As a targeted individual and subject of non consensual mind control experimentation since the 1970's, this author has noticed many anomalies in my life over the past few decades. Oftentimes, I will have a premonition about something occurring only to find that something similar to this premonition is reported in the mainstream media a day or two later. This has occurred so many times over the past decade alone, that it must be related to the synthetic telepathy that I am subjected to. For example, two days ago I saw a movie called the Assassination Bureau, in which towards the end of the movie, a Zeppelin catches fire killing all aboard, with the exception of the main character who barely escapes. Today, there is news of a zeppelin in Egypt which explodes in fire, killing all of its 18 tourist passengers .Last week I hade a strange feeling when looking at the entrance door of our home of someone firing a gun through the door.

The following day, Olympian Oscar Pastorius is charged with killing his girlfriend, after shooting her through the bathroom door she was hiding behind. It is getting to the point where when I have such thoughts, I don't even want to watch the news any longer, knowing that the people who perpetrate these crimes against my person have the ability to murder anyone using mind control weapons that are deployed via EEG heterodyning technology. What is even worse is that they can clone a person's thoughts and then rebroadcast them into another person's mind. Depending on the personality of this particular individual, they may act on such thoughts, when the person the thoughts were cloned from would not. This mind control experimentation has become an abject horror to humanity, with those who operate within the global military intelligence complex using it to play God with people's lives.

2/25/13 - Dad has been making steady progress since getting out of the hospital a few months ago, after being attacked by a directed energy weapon, which resulted in a violent seizure. I continue to remind him that he must not give FBI/NSA operatives any opportunity to attack him with a directed energy weapon, because they will take any opportunity they can in which to murder him. He, like virtually all Family members of TI's, has chosen to deny that these atrocities are taking place out of fear that he will be attacked again.

FBI NSA have a myriad of ways in which to punish the Family member of a TI, which can involve everything from directed energy attacks on these Family members, to a myriad of psychological warfare operations, each of which is used for the express purpose of terrorizing the person into submission. Many TI's have been driven to commit suicide, and many others still remain tortured on a daily basis as the result of being attacked by satellite deployed directed energy weapons. As a result of this, the Family members of TI's have given up their Constitutional rights as American citizens, and are now little more than brainwashed and mind controlled puppets, who are being used against those of us who refuse to allow the shadow government in the United States to get away with destroying the American middle class and our Constitutional rule of law, while electronically enslaving us via covert Orwellian programs like TAMI, SATAN, MIND and the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

We are in a cold war here, with the American middle class being reduced to the status of serfs in a feudal system, while the Anglo-Zionist elite class continues to pervert our government institutions to serve their own criminal world government agenda. The Constitutional rule of law is dead until the American middle class revolts to reestablish it. If the revolt is done through such peaceful means as education, all the better, since enough American blood has been shed during the Afghan and Iraqi wars for profit and oil; both fomented based on the 9-11 false flag operation.

2/22/13 - FBI NSA continue to target my skull with microwave weaponry causing muscle pain in the right front region of my head. This is yet another covert form of torture that these demons use as part of their COINTELPRO against my person. I have been targeted by directed energy weapons for nearly two decades, and can't even remember what it feels like to experience life without being attacked by these covert weapons.

2/21/13 - The last few days FBI NSA implant thoughts of people I had known in my youth into my mind. This is just another of the myriad types of EEG Heterodyning that I am subjected to as a target of MKULTRA.FBI NSA also continue to attack my person with directed energy weaponry, causing pain in my skull. The pains move from one area to the next as these agents target different parts of my person with their satellite deployed microwave weapons. The United States is controlled by men and women who can only be defined as psychopaths whose allegiance is to their master - Satan.

Their concern is that after 10 years of brutal psyop attacks, I am still alive and documenting their crimes, including those crimes which they perpetrate against my person, Family, and myriad other targets of COINTELPRO and non consensual human experimentation

.2/19/13 - Today, we notice an infestation of "ants" in our kitchen. This is another part of the electronic warfare aspect of the FBI/NSA psychological operation being conducted against us. Microwave energy can be broadcast at myriad frequencies to disrupt "nature." We are now seeing this constantly, with the U.S. Military Intelligence community's geophysical manipulation of the weather through its use of electronic warfare technology like HAARP.

The technology can also be used to broadcast frequencies that attract animals to a particular area where they congregate.

For those of you who may have seen a video on the Web regarding HAARP's use in causing whales and dolphins to beach themselves, or literally tens of thousands of birds appearing out of nowhere and converging on a particular venue, these phenomena are all being caused by electronic warfare technology.

For example, for a time we had mice showing up in our home on a weekly basis, which resulted in an exterminator being called in virtually every week for several months. Suddenly, the problem ended and there was no longer the need for an exterminator. The only reason that the "problem" ended, was that the broadcast frequency being directed at certain parts of our home which was used to attract these rodents, was no longer being used in these areas of our home.However, microwave frequencies that attract ants are now being directed at our kitchen, which has resulted in an infestation of ants which has taken place over the past day. The ants are not here by some act of nature, but instead through the use of electronic warfare technology, that the psychopaths operating within the FBI and NSA are using against us. In fact, our kitchen was subject to a similar ant infestation a few years ago as a result of the same technology

.Now we will be forced to use an "exterminator" again. Of course the exterminator (the same company we have used for years) takes part in these psyops. One can only tell how long this electronic harassment campaign will last before the ants are gone, and the FBI/NSA psychopathic predators who continue to subject us to the hellish purgatory, find another form of electronic harassment to torture us with.At about 6:30PM, I hear a loud pop while having dinner in my den. It was in all probability the result of a microwave weapon deployed via NSA or FBI satellite. I will have to look for damage to some electronic component over the next few days. FBI/NSA continue to fabricate witness testimony as part of their COINTELPRO against this author, while they publicly demonize my person, yet edit my TV and radio programming so that I cannot prove it.What the FBI has managed to do here is to foment a series of fabrications which could have been exposed early on had I been aware of them and able to publicly challenge them. Instead, the FBI was able to prevent this using the Patriot Act, and then build on this deception. If the FBI is exposed in telling just one lie to the public in regard to this author, then the FBI's allegations become suspect. Give this author's use as an MKULTRA target, the last thing the FBI wants is to be subjected to cross examination in a court of law where these agents would be for forced to commit numerous counts of perjury.

This could never have occurred prior to the treasonous passage of the Patriot Act, which since 2001, has been used to suspend the U.S. Constitution.

This is what happens to targets of non consensual human experimentation when we expose the U.S. Military Intelligence complex for the atrocities that they commit against us, using their Active Denial Weapons System. These agents are truly the definition of the psychopath; their pathological deception and murderous nature is truly horrifying.

2/18/13 - FBI/NSA turn the motion sensitive spotlight by my window on all night long. This particular part of their psyop has been going on since the days before I was targeted for organized stalking.

The electronic tamperings began around the mid 1990's and I became a target of OS starting in the Spring of 2003.I have been an MKULTRA target since the 1970's, being used for a remote form of mind control experimentation as the result of the EEG heterodyning of my brainwaves via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network. These are crimes being committed through the EMF spectrum by the U.S. Military - Intelligence complex - a group of men and women who are nothing but modern day Nazis.

2/17/13 - In the early morning hours FBI/NSA implant dream sequences into my brain - as usual, they have no purpose but to disrupt any rest that I can get. This morning FBI/NSA operatives jab me in my skull with a microwave beam. These types of remote electronic attacks have been a constant since the mid 1990's, nearly a decade before this author became the target of an organized stalking campaign.

I have been the target of a modern day version of MKULTRA since the late 1970's, as the result of the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network tracking my body's unique sets of EMF signatures - including my brainwave print, heartbeat signature and set of EMF frequencies that emanate from other parts of my person. I am illegally satellite tracked via a national EMF fingerprinting network that has been used to catalogue the unique sets of EMF frequencies of all American citizens. This phenomenon has been reported by targeted individuals living in all NATO countries, and has been referred to as the "Silent Holocaust" because of the covert nature of these high tech weapons, and how they are used to circumvent the constitutional rule of law in our respective countries.

On 2/16/13 I replace a watch battery in Dad's watch which stops working less than 24 hours later. The watch battery itself is perfectly fine, however, the watch itself appeared to have been damaged. Yet, when it is taken in for a new battery the following day, the watch works fine again.

This is another illustration of the gaslighting that these Intel agents subject us to. At least this time, the watch was not damaged by a satellite based weapon. I have a stack of hi-fi equipment that has been damaged (burned out circuitry) by the monsters within FBI/NSA who continue to subject us to a COINTELPRO operation, directed energy attacks, and non consensual human experimentation.

2/15/13 - In the early morning hours a trip to the bathroom is met with NSA triggering a motion sensitive spotlight on the garage two homes over. This spotlight was triggered every time I would use the bathroom during the night, in the early years of the organized stalking campaign against my person - 2003 - 2005.

When I returned to my den, the NSA triggers the motion sensitive spotlight by my window and continues to remotely turn it on every time the light turns off on its own. Family members know that this is happening, yet deny it, as part of the coercion they are subjected to by FBI. The directed energy attacks on their persons also keep them in fear for their lives which helps to control them. Received new battery on 2/15/13 and returned recently purchased battery which stopped working - mailed defective battery back to merchant on 2/16/13, handing it to Walter the perp mailman. This mailman has aided and abetted any psyop by FBI against this author over the past decade.

2/14/13 - The computer battery from my old computer has been taking little charge for the past few weeks, so I purchased a new one. Within two weeks, the new battery was no longer taking a charge - or at least that is what its software was indicating. So I put the old battery back in my computer, because it was taking a small charge, instead of the new battery which was not charging at all. For the past few days the old battery has been charging to about 9% of its full charge.Then yesterday, the battery's software indicates that is has suddenly taken a 100% charge. This is another example of electronic warfare, and how it is used to tamper with electrical components such as batteries, lights, car and home alarms, TV's, radio's and other electrical appliances. On another note, Walter, our aiding and abetting mailman is again intentionally delivering other people's mail to our home. Walter is typical of the organized stalking perp, in that unless these people take part in the harassment of a TI, they will become the target of such harassment and psychological warfare operations under the criminal regime which now controls the U.S. Federal Government and its Military Intelligence complex.

2/12/13 - I was reading about former LAPD police officer Christopher Dormer and his killing spree. Dormer is said to have been a whistleblower in regard to police brutality he witness against American citizens. He was fired after an internal investigation claimed that he lied about witnessing police brutality. This author believes that Dormer did witness police brutality and was blackballed for blowing the whistle on what he saw.

He may have also become the target of organized stalking, without actually realizing it, not knowing that OS exists, or being able to recognize the signs of this vigilante hate crime. In my opinion Dormer snapped under the psychological pressure he was subjected to, which led to his terrible crimes. He may have also been mind controlled into doing it, given that the Military Intelligence complex has no loyalty to the police and merely uses them as pawns in the complex's covert operations. The U.S. Military Intelligence complex is responsible for the mind control experimentation of American citizens in what has been described as a modern day version of MKULTRA.

As a TI, I am provoked into becoming violent every day, and have been for at least 10 years (the time when I first began being organized stalked). This is why I have written so extensively about this crime in my attempt to educate other targets of OS, not to act out in a violent way, but to instead recognize that they are the subjects of a criminal conspiracy that has originated from within the hierarchy of the U.S. Federal Government. It is important to document these crimes until such time as the present crime syndicate that controls this country is removed from power and indicted for their crimes against us.

2/11/13 - Last night one of our perp abetting neighbors set off some fire crackers. Aside from the fact that purchasing fireworks in NY and setting them off on your property is illegal, this also serves as yet another plausibly deniable psychological operation. A few years ago the FBI had some of their perp's set off firecrackers in our neighborhood at about 2AM. This serves as further proof that these agents really are completely insane.

The TI community continues to report that their neighbors have been coopted into taking part in these organized stalking crimes. And these crimes are taking place throughout the United States. New York is one of the most heavily populated states for targeted individuals. The FBI and DHS are responsible for organized stalking hate crimes, as well as conspirators in the cover up involving the electronic EMF fingerprinting of the American people. This is further proof that the U.S. Federal Government is now controlled by a network of criminals who do not acknowledge the Constitutional rights of American citizens. This means that no citizen is safe from the Military Intelligence complex and its acts of satellite predation.

2/10/13 - This author notices that my new computer battery has stopped functioning after only two weeks of use. Another likely electronic attack. My Mom also had the beginnings of root canal done the other day and now has pain in the right side of her jaw, ear and throat. I am documenting this because FBI/NSA have a history of exploiting medical situations to attack our bodies with directed energy weapons, whenever the possibility that they can do so with plausible deniability arises. Doctors and dentists can also be forced to take part in these schemes either unwittingly, or as the result of being coerced into the FBI to do so. A Lyme disease physician who once treated this author for chronic Lyme disease was blackmailed by the FBI into falsifying a medical report which stated that I had tested positive for Lyme Disease in a blood test. This was an outright lie.

To this day this doctor has never told his patients the truth in regard to why he really closed his medical practice. He was blackmailed into doing so. He also took part in the FBI psyops against this author on many occasions. The test in question was falsified, and I had taken the titers listed on the test report and compared them with Igenex Labs' criteria, only to find that the titers listed on my Igenex report had been falsified. Then a Family member was blackmailed by the FBI into removing this medical report from my desk, because the document proved that the lab reports had been falsified and that the FBI was tampering with my medical records. The FBI had this information stolen from me, because it could have been used as evidence against the FBI in a criminal or civil lawsuit.

In 2005 I posted this scheme by the FBI on the Internet describing how this Lyme disease physician was used as part of the FBI's psyop against my person. Within a year of this, the physician announced that he was retiring and closing his medical practice for good. In the interim he mailed his patients to inform us that he had decided to close his medical practice. In his notice, this doctor stated that there would be speculation as to why he closed his practice, however, not to give this speculation any credence. He lied. Of course, what he really meant was that there would be rumors regarding why he suddenly closed his medical practice after spending years and tens of thousands of dollars to defend his medical license from an Office Of Professional Medical Conduct investigation.

Then he suddenly and without any rational explanation decided to close his practice without being able to profit from its sale just because he felt like it? There remains rampant speculation as to why this doctor closed his medical practice.

However, I know for certain that he was forced by the FBI into seeing me under false pretenses on at least one office visit, as part of the FBI's entrapment scheme against my person. The FBI not only used this doctor as part of this scheme, but also coerced him into falsifying a medical report which the FBI could have easily used to force this doctor into closing his practice.

Once again and for emphasis, this doctor was blackmailed by the FBI into closing his medical practice, and DHS may have also been involved. Regardless of what he states, he did not close his medical practice of his own free will.

He was likely being spied upon for years by the FBI as the result of his testifying before Ted Kennedy's Senate Health Committee in 1993, to blow the whistle on certain doctors who were misdiagnosing chronically ill Lyme Disease patients.

This doctor became blacklisted by the American Medical Association after his testimony, and about 12 years later, this doctor would be blackmailed into closing his medical practice for good. This is unfortunate because the Lyme Disease community lost a competent physician at a time where we need as many as we can get. The FBI's covert attack on this doctor remains exactly what it has always been - a criminal conspiracy to destroy his medical practice and to prevent him from ever being able to make a lucrative living in the medical profession again. The FBI was unable to accomplish this until the Patriot Act was passed, because this piece of treasonous legislation has allowed for the complete abrogation of our Constitutional rule of law, and our rights as American citizens under the Bill of Rights.

As for the FBI/NSA criminal conspiracy against this author, I spend the better part of my days walking around our home doing chores, while documenting any physical or psychological manifestations of directed energy attacks that my parents are subjected to. Like the myriad of other TI's in the United States, this is how we are forced to live within the so called privacy of our own home, under this despicable dictatorship that is attempting to pass itself off as a democracy in the United States.

2/9/13 - The DEW attacks at night continue - sometimes subtly, sometimes more aggressively. Today, while plowing snow left from the NEMO snowstorm here in New York, this author notices yet another in the myriad of anomalies that I have seen perpetrated via satellite deployed directed energy weaponry. I find some footprints on the side of my property going to the driveway. I find another set of footprints in another area of the driveway leading up to my front door. However, the footprints do not extend from any starting point. They merely appear out of nowhere and stop abruptly. Now unless the person was suspended from a height only to drop down to the ground to make these foot prints, and then lifted up to leave without continuing them to a specific destination, I must conclude that these footprints were caused by some form of directed energy weaponry. Since the way in which they were left defies physics as we know it.

I also notice another kitchen light bulb that appeared to have burned out. Minutes into changing this light bulb, NSA/FBI either damage another light bulb in our kitchen or block the electrical signal to it. Oftentimes, these light bulbs are not even damaged, but instead, the electricity in the wire which goes to the bulb is remotely intercepted via signals intelligence technology. I have also seen this happen with ECU computers in automobiles, lamps and audio equipment. Family members who are completely brainwashed and fearful of being attacked by directed energy weapons, quickly deny that this anomaly has any credence, even though they know that these electronic attacks are taking place.

Furthermore, they always deny these attacks, because they are intimidated into doing so, and after years of being psychologically abused by these federal agents, have developed an intense fear of expressing themselves, which often manifests in their complete denial that these crimes are taking place. In fact, the Intel agents involved in these crimes have poisoned the Family members of targeted individuals, against these TI's, through the use of brainwashing tactics, psychological operations, and directed energy weapons attacks. Yet, these agents would deny this in a U.S. court of law. It is this denial by the Family members of TI's, as well as the American people, that has allowed the U.S. Military Intelligence complex to perpetrate these crimes with completely impunity from prosecution, while intimidating the Family members of a target of such non consensual human experimentation, into taking part in the Intel community's crimes against us.

These Family members do so, not of their own volition, but instead, out of fear that these Family members will be more aggressively targeted for these COINTELPRO operations if they fail to do so. There is not a single member of this author's Family who is not under illegal signals intelligence surveillance. These Family members are also brainwashed into submitting to the FBI/DHS intimidation tactics against this TI, while these agents continue to commit these crimes with total impunity from prosecution.

What we have here is a form of furtive extortion being perpetrated by a group of federal agencies, whom through their abject disregard for the rule of law must be abolished. The only purpose these agencies currently serve in the United States is to promote the concept of a global dictatorship while dismantling the U.S. Constitution, and using psychological operations and electronic warfare technology to torture and murder any person who attempts to publicly expose these high crimes of treason.

Moreover, since the White House, Congress, U.S. Judiciary and media in this country have conspired to deny that these crimes are taking place, the end result is that the entire infrastructure in the United States has become criminalized and must be eradicated through the reeducation of the American middle class. This is especially important, since the Rockefeller Foundation has been overseeing the educational system in the United States since it took control of the Peabody Trust more than a century ago.

The Rockefeller Foundation's perversion of the educational system in the United States has resulted in a population that is completely ignorant of who controls the United States (the House of Rothschild through its Communist central bank the Federal Reserve System), because the education we receive in American schools is determined by the Rothschild Family through the Rockefeller Foundation, and its financial grants to schools in this country; in particular, institutions of higher learning - universities such as the Ivy League colleges are most prone to the Rothschilds' anti-American indoctrination.

The Ivy League schools are carefully scrutinized by the Rockefellers and the U.S. Military Intelligence complex because many of these students will eventually be employed in influential positions within the U.S. Federal Government, media system, and other professional venues, which the Rothschilds deem to be important in their efforts to maintain furtive control of the American society.2/6/13 - During the night I am subjected to DEW attacks - poking sensations in the region of my liver. This is another hi-tech attack by FBI/NSA, using weaponized satellites to commit these crimes furtively.

2/4/13 - After about a year of being unable to access the template on my Blogger account, the template is again accessible; proving that Blogger aids and abets the FBI/NSA conspiracy against this author.

2/3/13 - During the Superbowl game tonight the lights on half the stadium go out for about 30 minutes, interrupting the lead that the Baltimore Ravens have built up against the San Francisco 49er's.

The outage results in Baltimore's losing its momentum and just eeking out a 3 point lead to win the game, after having had a 22 point lead before the blackout. In my opinion, this blackout was caused by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex using signals intelligence technology to block the electric signal to a power source which knocked out electricity in the area around the stadium, as well as the stadium itself. The fact that only half the lights in the stadium were knocked out is a further anomaly, and serves as proof that this outage was caused by remote means. I have seen this technology used to block electricity from passing through a power cord to an electrical appliance on many occasions.

2/1/13 - The Hagen GLO timer shows up today after I E-mail the shipper to tell him that his product never arrived, but that USPS shows it as being delivered. Then I Email the shipper again to tell him that the package arrived.

At this point he Emails me to acknowledge this, however, deliberately misspells the world glad (instead spelling it as gald - as in gauled). He was obviously part of this FBI pysop, as was the postman. The FBI interferes with my Internet purchases constantly as part of their decades of conspiring against my person, and attempting to conceal the mind control experimentation that they continue to subject me to under a modern day version of MKULTRA/An MKULTRA program which is now conducted by way of the electromagnetic spectrum via phased radar arrays and signals intelligence satellite networks - See John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the National Security Agency and Dr. Robert Duncan's book "The Matrix Deciphered" for more on this Orwellian technology and its use by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex in their treasonous crimes against the American people.

1/31/13 - Hagen GLO timer I ordered was not delivered in today's mail, yet the tracking number says it was delivered.

Postman either delivered it to the wrong address (most likely) or continues to take part in the FBI/NSA psyop against my person by deliberately holding onto my packages longer than he is supposed to. This mailman has been taking part in these psyops for at least a decade or more.1/30/13 - Prank phone call made about 9PM - FBI agents are notorious for making these prank phone calls and began doing so to us back in the 1980's. Another winter storm with damaging high winds is predicted for southern NY State tonight. This includes all of Long Island and Manhattan. It has become very obvious that NY is being hit with weather that is being caused by HAARP technology. And once again NY is right in the path of a very dangerous storm which the U.S. Military Intelligence complex may be responsible for creating

About a year ago I began watching videos uploaded to YouTube by a person named Dutch Sinse. Dutch would correlate the HAARP rings that he saw on weather maps with bad storms, hurricanes and other geophysical events, which would occur within 24 to 48 of his predictions. He gained a substantial following for his accurate predictions, and his claims that these storms were being manmade. Soon after this, a campaign to smear Dutch was commenced. He described break-ins at his home, being stalked, and YouTube deleting his account. I am not surprised at all that this happened to Dutch, since this is how legitimate whistle blowers are treated in this country. I also agree with Dutch in regard to his claims that much of the adverse weather we are seeing has been created by HAARP technology. And I believe that Hurricane Sandy was created by HAARP.

1/26/13 - FBI/NSA continue to remotely attack different areas of my brain causing numbness in certain body parts. The symptoms wax and wane depending on the part of my brain they are using microwave weapons on. These attacks have been ongoing since the mid 1990's by these high tech predators.

1/25/13 - DEW attacks to my skull and brain continue. Today, Newsday deliverer is told to omit the section of the paper that includes the JUMBLE because I like to solve the JUMBLE every day. Instead, the deliverer is told to give us TWO of the same sections of the paper while deliberately not delivering the THIRD section. If the delivery person did not do what she was told, she would be harassed by FBI psychopathic agents, who continue their COINTELPRO against this author and my beloved Family. These agents are nothing but lowlife criminals who occupy the lowest forms of humanity.

During the evening Mom is taking a nap and suddenly starts to choke - this could have been a directed energy attack on her person, the dew weaponry being used to close up her windpipe. Many TI's have reported this type of an attack on their persons. FBI/NSA also remotely trigger the motion sensitive spotlight by my den window leaving it on all night long. This usually occurs for a few days in a row, then subsides for a time, only to begin again. The remote manipulation of electric components in and around our home began with these motion sensitive spotlights around the mid 1990's. Interestingly enough, about the same time that the FBI was given access to directed energy weapons technology by the U.S. DOJ.

1/14/13 - I continue to be targeted by directed energy weapons, being attacked during the night - pin pricks and burning sensations around certain bodily areas have been documented by thousands of targets of this Orwellian technology; horrific crimes being perpetrated by the Satanists within this government who criminally operate the technology. On the evening of 1/14/13 a phone call made from my nephew's cell phone registers on our TV screen, yet he says he did not make this call. The same thing happened with my niece a few weeks ago. She said she did not make the call. This is likely just another part of the FBI pysop against us.

1/13/13 - We get a phone call that my nephew was involved in a minor traffic accident after he was cut off by another car in rainy conditions. Was my nephew being followed so that he could be set up in a traffic accident? FBI has used this type of entrapment scheme against this author for close to three decades. The phone calls alleged to have been made by my niece  and nephew were likely just another part of the continuing psyop FBI NSA subjects this author and other members of my Family to. In all likelihood, they did not have any idea that the calls were made using their cellphones.

A few years ago FBI used a Family member's SKYPE account, then had the people at the company claim that someone must have had access to the number. FBI has done similar things with credit cards as well, in which claims were made by the credit card company that someone had access to the card. This only happens when this author uses one of these cards, which is further proof that the FBI is involved in this chicanery.

Also keep in mind that another family member was setup to lose their job recently, by FBI psychopaths who have secretly and illegally had this person under surveillance for decades. This is an Intel criminal conspiracy against our Family, which is being whitewashed through Intel's use of slander campaigns and psychological warfare operations.

1/10/13 - Today, our furnace starts blowing cold air. FBI/NSA continue to use dew technology to attack the heating system in our home as part of the myriad electronic warfare attacks that have been taking place over the past two decades.

Since Hurricane Sandy, Intel has used directed energy microwave weapons to knock an exhaust tube off our furnace, remotely manipulated a thermostat in the hot water heater so that it built up pressure which ended up causing a flood in our basement, and recently destroyed our analogue thermostat so that it could be replaced with a digital one (which is easier to control by remote means - meaning signals intelligence satellite!).These electronic attacks involve everything from remotely interfering with, and in some cases damaging electronic equipment, to attacking our persons with directed energy microwave weapons. These agents are nothing but a cadre of miserable lowlife demonic excrement who serve the House of Rothschilds' satanic illuminati agenda.

1/08/13 - Dad complains of nausea and lightheadedness after having about 7 relatively good days in his recovery. There is little doubt that this lightheadedness was caused by a satellite deployed directed energy weapon. And we have to watch him very carefully, knowing that the two seizures that he had recently were caused by directed energy microwave weapon attacks to his brain.

1/04/13 - Mom's knee begins to bother her again after months of relief - another directed energy attack?. My parents can be fine for a period of time and then out of nowhere a directed energy attack on a certain part of their bodies can debilitate them or even result in their hospitalization.

This is why I document everything that we experience as part of this government COINTELPRO operation, since doing so proves that there is a criminal conspiracy being perpetrated against us by a group of federal agents who define the concept of incarnated evil.

 12/18/12 - A pet owned by another Family member is taken to the groomer. After he arrives home he goes out for a walk and comes back to the house having difficulty breathing. According to the vet, something internal ruptured and he had to be put down. He was being treated for cancer but was doing ok. The cancer offered plausible deniability in killing him. Was he killed with a directed energy weapon?

12/13/12 - FBI/NSA latest signals intelligence vandalism involves damage to our furnace. Whether the damage is due to a part that has malfunctioned (directed energy attack to damage the component) or blocking the electrical signal to some electric component in this furnace remains to be seen. However, there is no question that FBI/NSA are responsible for this latest electronic sabotage and crime. The damage is caused to the analogue thermostat, which is then replaced with a digital thermostat - the digital thermostat can be controlled via signals intelligence satellite more easily than the analogue thermostat - hence the reason FBI NSA destroyed the original thermostat.

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