Why Government Propaganda Machines Are So Successful/The US Government's Use Of Well Orchestrated Smokescreens To Obfuscate The Truth

Never before was this more obvious than in the rampant American nationalism being displayed after the attacks on 9-11. America as a nation had not been so unified since the day that the United States entered World War II. Osama Bin Ladin and the Al Qaeda had become America's newest enemy, and through their savior, George W. Bush, the American people were going to seek revenge for the brothers and sisters lost in the 9-11 attacks.
How naive we all were.
While the months following the attacks on 9-11 were both a time for national mourning as well as national pride, the Bush Administration in collusion with the US Military Industrial Intelligence complex, exploited this concept of nationalism through the American media system, in order to convince Americans that they were not being patriotic if they chose to question the actions of this Administration -- A betrayal which at first served these treasonists well.
Not since Machiavelli had there been a more cunning deception of a people.
The Dangers of Abstract Nationalism by William S. Lind:
How the US Military sensationalized the story of Private Jessica Lynch, to the point where it became little more than a piece of propaganda for US Nationalism:
50 Lies The Bush Administration Has Told The American People:
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