Monday, March 31, 2008

Bush To The Federal Reserve -- The US Financial Market Is Completely Under Your Control Now

While the Illuminists who control the privately held Federal Reserve Central Bank quietly smirk at yet another victory under the treasonous Bush Administration, George W. Bush is perpetrating what should be referred to as 9-11 act II.

I say this because I believe that the near collapse of the nation's 5Th largest brokerage house, Bear Stearns, was artificially created through surreptitious means, in a conspiracy in which to give the Federal Reserve corporation ubiquitous control over the US economy in the future.

Most people don't realize that it was the Federal Reserve's abrupt tightening of credit back in the late 1920's which was responsible for the stock market crash of 1929.

And this is made all the more ironic, since the 218 pages of proposed legislation by the Bush Administration, regarding the Federal Reserve's soon to be new found control over US financial markets, is considered to be the most drastic since that created as the result of that fateful day which would become the genesis for the Great Depression of the 1930's -- a day which would infamously become known as black Friday.

If the American people have been manipulated by the Federal Reserve in the past, this newest and most constricting legislation will essentially enslave them to this Illuminati controlled corporate monster.

And to prove my point, I will wager that within the next few years, Americans will collectively learn of a new electronic currency called the Amero which will be used to replace the sagging US Federal Reserve Note (an intangible currency which unlike the Federal Reserve Note will be a virtual representation of your buying power like present day credit cards). As such, all of the cash which you presently have will no longer have any practical value in society. It will become as worthless as "Monopoly" money.

As a further illustration of this disturbing prospect, imagine if you will making a quick a trip out to Burger King to pick up a late night supper (given that you and your spouse are working ridiculously long hours just to maintain a minimalist lifestyle); a situation in which unlike in the past, you must now pay for your meal by way of an RFID chipped debit card. A card which you must either hold, or forgo the ability to pay for such necessary items as food and clothing, as well as your fixed monthly bills.

In other words, a completely cashless American society, in which your local Federal Reserve Bank affiliate has complete control over this electronic currency. A situation in which an alleged debtor (I say alleged because you may not owe this person or company any money) can have your account electronically accessed to withdraw funds which they claim you owe them. Gone will be the days of small court claims, in which such battles have been fought out in the past. You will simply have no say in the matter, as you arrive at the realization that you've been made into an unwitting slave who won't even be able to eat without the approval of the Federal Reserve Bank's lending associates.

Paulson Proposes Financial Overhaul

Mar 31, 1:34 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration Monday proposed the most far-ranging overhaul of the financial regulatory system since the stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression.

The plan would change how the government regulates thousands of businesses from the nation's biggest banks and investment houses down to the local insurance agent and mortgage broker.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson unveiled the 218-page plan in a speech in Treasury's ornate Cash Room, declaring, "A strong financial system is vitally important - not for Wall Street, not for bankers, but for working Americans."

See the late Aaron Russo's precedent setting documentary on the criminal Congress, IRS and Federal Reserve Bank here:

America From Freedom To Fascism
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