Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Illuminati's Use Of The Rockefeller Foundation In Which To Merge The United States Into 10 Federal Regions Was Unconstitutional Under Article IV

The Illuminati Destroys State Sovereignty In America

"On April 21, 1935, the New York Times magazine published a plan in which the States would merge into new units called Federal Regions that would be controlled from Washington, DC. In 1959, Nelson Rockefeller called for an Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), which became a federally-funded Rockefeller think-tank within Congress to prepare a working formula for the concept. The ACIR analyzed information produced by the Public Administration Clearing House (also known as the "1313") and translated it into legislation to develop regional government, which would usurp the power of the local government.

The Clearing House, located at the Rockefeller-controlled University of Chicago, represented a group of 26 private organizations which had been infiltrating local government agencies to usurp their power and authority. Some of these organizations are: National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors, American Public Works Association, Public Personnel Association, National Association of Attorney Generals, and the National Governors Conference. Their purpose was to train and place a "new administrative class" in every level of government, which would replace elected officials.

"On March 27, 1969, as published in the Federal Register, under the direction of his Illuminati advisers [including Nelson Rockefeller] President Nixon announced the "Restructuring of Government Service Systems" plan which called for the merging of the States into eight [later ten] federally-controlled regions.

Executive Order #11647 was signed by Nixon on February 10, 1972, establishing Federal Regional Councils for the "development of closer working relationships between major Federal grant-making agencies of State and local government." An Executive Order, when decreed by the President, is printed in the Federal Register, and then [unless challenged by Congress] becomes law 15 days later.

This Executive Order was unconstitutional because Article IV of the U.S. Constitution prohibited the merging of the states, and guaranteed a government represented by elected officials. However, regional government was accepted [by the states], because it brought with it "revenue-sharing" funds."

The more one researches the causes behind the global problems which the people of this planet are currently facing, the better one can begin to understand the Illuminati's role in deliberately creating such a plague of problems.

In truth, the only real salvation for the global middle class is to be reeducated so that they can begin to understand that the world which they were born into and raised to adulthood in, is in fact a world of the most abject deception. An Illuminati created matrix which has been used to keep them in a state of blissful ignorance in which to disenfranchise them of their rights as both humans and citizens of this planet.

It is only by freeing themselves from this matrix, that humans can be made to see the true nature of the Illuminati beast -- the hidden EVIL which it represents to humanity itself -- and its covert destruction of the human mind.


Warning: A History of the New World Order
Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
-- by David Rivera, 1994 source: View From the Wall

Chapter 9.2: Centralization of Government Power
Federal districts, Executive orders, replacing the U.S. Constitution
[Editor's note: This chapter has been condensed. The original text is available at the Author's website.]
The Ten Federal Regions (1972)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (1979)
The Newstates Constitution (1974)
The Declaration of Interdependence (1976)
The Conference of States (1995)
The Ten Federal Regions (1972)

On April 21, 1935, the New York Times magazine published a plan in which the States would merge into new units called Federal Regions that would be controlled from Washington, DC. In 1959, Nelson Rockefeller called for an Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), which became a federally-funded Rockefeller think-tank within Congress to prepare a working formula for the concept. The ACIR analyzed information produced by the Public Administration Clearing House (also known as the "1313") and translated it into legislation to develop regional government, which would usurp the power of the local government.

The Clearing House, located at the Rockefeller-controlled University of Chicago, represented a group of 26 private organizations which had been infiltrating local government agencies to usurp their power and authority. Some of these organizations are: National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors, American Public Works Association, Public Personnel Association, National Association of Attorney Generals, and the National Governors Conference. Their purpose was to train and place a "new administrative class" in every level of government, which would replace elected officials.

On March 27, 1969, as published in the Federal Register, under the direction of his Illuminati advisers [including Nelson Rockefeller] President Nixon announced the "Restructuring of Government Service Systems" plan which called for the merging of the States into eight [later ten] federally-controlled regions.

Executive Order #11647 was signed by Nixon on February 10, 1972, establishing Federal Regional Councils for the "development of closer working relationships between major Federal grant-making agencies of State and local government." An Executive Order, when decreed by the President, is printed in the Federal Register, and then [unless challenged by Congress] becomes law 15 days later.

This Executive Order was unconstitutional because Article IV of the U.S. Constitution prohibited the merging of the states, and guaranteed a government represented by elected officials. However, regional government was accepted [by the states], because it brought with it "revenue-sharing" funds.

In each of the ten standard Federal Regions, there was to be a Council made up of the directors of the regional offices of [Federal departments and agencies]. The President was to designate one member of each Council as the Chairman. Here is how the ten Regions are organized (with the regional offices in parenthesis):

Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts (Boston), Connecticut, Rhode Island
New York (New York), New Jersey, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, District of Columbia
Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia (Atlanta), South Carolina, Florida
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois (Chicago), Indiana, Ohio
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas (Dallas-Ft. Worth), Arkansas, Louisiana
Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas (Kansas City), Missouri
Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado (Denver)
Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, California (San Francisco), American Samoa, Guam, N. Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, Micronesia
Idaho, Washington (Seattle), Oregon, Alaska
In October, 1976, Jimmy Carter said before the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC):

"I believe that regional organizations should be strengthened. If elected President, I intend first to upgrade the role of regional councils representing the federal government to assist State and local officials, as well as private citizens, in dealing with federal agencies ... I also intend to encourage the development of regional councils representing State and local governments."

Carter expanded the Federal Regional System on July 20, 1979 with Executive Order #12149 to "provide a structure for interagency and intergovernmental cooperation ... to establish practical and appropriate liaison functions with State, tribal, regional and local officials."

Each of the ten Councils were made up of a representative from each of the following agencies: Dept. of the Interior; Dept. of Agriculture; Dept. of Commerce; Dept. of Labor; Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare; Dept. of Housing and Urban Development; Dept. of Transportation; Dept. of Energy; Environmental Protection Agency; Community Services Administration; Office of Personnel Management; General Services Administration; ACTION (Peace Corp., VISTA, senior citizen programs, and other special volunteer programs); Small Business Administration; Federal Emergency Management Agency; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and the Regional Action Planning Commission. It included over 550 aid programs and block grants. The Department of Education was added later, after it separated from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (which became the Dept. of Health and Human Services).

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (1979)
On the same day [July 20, 1979], Carter signed Executive Order #12148: "Federal Emergency Management" which created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an agency within the Department of Justice, which oversees all of the federal agencies that have specific duties during times of emergency, such as the Federal Disaster Assistance Agency, and the Federal Emergency Broadcast System.

It seems that only about 10% of its personnel are actually involved in disaster assistance. It [also] has the capability to assume [emergency] government control if necessary, and they have been given police powers which some researchers believe will be used as the enforcement branch of the Regional Government; in other words, a national police force. Its purpose was to merge every community's police force, transferring control of them to the central government. This was done through revenue-sharing funds providing special training programs to the local police, special communications equipment, and other things. The National Guard began receiving SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactical Team) training to be part of this national police force. Located at the National Security Agency building in Fort Meade, MD, it has been reported that FEMA has been actively engaged in developing a computer database, for CAPS (Crisis Action Programs), to collect records on millions of Americans.

In addition to dividing the country into ten Federal Regions [bypassing State and local government], the government has also been making plans for the establishment of a literal dictatorship [in the event of a "declared emergency"], which among other things, will freeze prices and wages, close the Stock Exchange, and regulate the amount of money you can withdraw from your checking and savings account.

#10312 (12-10-51) Gives Government the power to take over all radio stations.
#10346 (04-17-52) All Federal Departments and Agencies are required to prepare civil defense plans.
#10995 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all communications and media.
#10997 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all energy and power sources such as electricity, petroleum and natural gas.
#10998 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over farms, farm machinery, and food sources; including production, manufacturing, processing, distribution, and retailing.

#10999 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all modes of transportation, seaports, highways, etc.
#11000 (02-16-62) Gives Government the authority to mobilize citizens into work forces under Government supervision.
#11001 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all health, welfare and educational functions.
#11002 (02-16-62) The Postmaster General will be responsible for registering all Americans.
#11003 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all airports and aircraft.
#11004 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over housing and financial institutions, to relocate communities, to erect new housing with public funds, to declare areas to be abandoned because they are unsafe, and to establish new locations for the population.
#11005 (02-16-62) Gives Government the power to take over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
#11051 (09-27-62) Authorization for Executives Orders to be put into effect during times of international, economic, or financial crisis, and for the Office of Emergency Planning to carry them out.
#11310 (10-11-66) Gives Government the power to use all prisons to administer medical treatment, for mass feeding, and for housing.
Executive Order #11490 (10-28-69) which was amended by order #11921 (6-11-76), consolidated these previous Executive Orders (#10312, #10346, #10997-#11005, #11087-#11095, and #11310). It assigned emergency preparedness functions to most Federal Departments and Agencies to assure the "continuity of the Federal Government."

[Since 1976, successive administrations have continued to increase the emergency powers of the Federal government via Exective orders and legislation. The declaration of an "emergency" is at the discretion of the President. --ed]

The Newstates Constitution (1974)
In October, 1970, the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, a tax-exempt foundation in Santa Barbara, California (financed by the Ford and Rockefeller with up to $2.5 million annually), published in their magazine Center an article called the "Constitution for the United Republics of America". The principle author of this document was Rexford Guy Tugwell (Assistant Secretary of Agriculture under President Franklin Roosevelt), who directed a team of close to 100 socialist educators who contributed to the project.

In Tugwell's 1974 book, The Emerging Constitution, the 40th version of the original draft was published as "A Constitution for the Newstates of America," which the Ford Foundation spent $25 million to produce and promote. Tugwell claimed that our Constitution was too cumbersome and needed to be changed. He believed that it was possible to get this new "Constitution" adopted, and said:

" could happen that the present system of government would prove so obstructive and would fail so abysmally to meet the needs of a continental people and a great power that general recognition of the crisis would occur. There might then be a redrafting of the basic law, and, if so, then it might be that this model we have worked out over a number of years might be taken into account."

The new Constitution called for the States to be divided into Ten Federal Regions, called Republics, which would be "subservient departments of the national government." The President would serve one 9-year term with two Vice-Presidents. A hundred Senators would be appointed by the President for lifetime terms, not elected; and there would be 400 members in the House of Representatives. Each of the 100 Congressional Districts would elect three Representatives for three-year terms; another 100 would be elected by the entire country to serve nine-year terms, and only they could become Committee Chairmen.

This proposed Constitution contains no guarantees of the freedoms that we now have under the Bill of Rights. For example:

Article I, Part A, Section 1: "Freedom of expression shall not be abridged except in a declared emergency". In an emergency, the government would have the power to curtail communication, movement, and the right to assemble.

Article I, Part B, Section 8: "The bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons shall be confined to police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under the law". Private citizens would not be allowed to own firearms.

Article VI, Part B, Section 9, Subsection 8: "To assist in the maintenance of world order... to vest jurisdiction in international legislative, judicial and administrative agencies."

A meeting arranged by Nelson Rockefeller was held from April 5-8, 1976 in Philadelphia with representatives from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, the League of Women Voters, the National Council of Churches, National Urban League, NAACP, United Auto Workers, Common Cause, and various other University professors and governmental experts, to study our present Constitution to see if it could be modernized and improved.

With the completion of the proposed Newstates Constitution, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, president of the U.S. Senate, developed support for the introduction of H.C.R. 28, which called for an unlimited Constitutional Convention in 1976. Swift public opposition soundly defeated this attempt, so the Convention supporters then went to the states promoting a "limited convention for the purpose of adding a balanced budget amendment."

They were able to convince 32 of the required 34 states to pass resolutions calling for a convention. The last state to sign on was Missouri in 1983, but after that, the legislatures in three states (Alabama, Florida and Louisiana) realized the consequences of their actions and rescinded their call.

The Declaration of Interdependence (1976)
On January 30, 1976, came the announcement of "A Declaration of Interdependence", a document which endorsed a one-world government. The announcement was made at a meeting held at Philadelphia's Independence Hall, which was sponsored by the World Affairs Council (and had stemmed from a five point program they had announced in September, 1975). The meeting was funded with a $100,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Bicentennial Committee. The document, written by CFR member Henry Steele Comsmager began with this sentence:

"Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order."

It was signed by 24 U.S. Senators and 80 U.S. Representatives, including:

Sen. Alan Cranston (D-CA, CFR)
Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY)
Sen. Hubert Humphrey D-MN)
Sen. George McGovern (D-SD)
Sen. William Proxmire (D-WI)
Sen. Charles Mathias (CFR)
Sen. Clairborne Pell (CFR)
Rep. Paul Simon
Rep. Patricia Shroeder
Rep. Louis Stokes
Rep. Les Aspin (Secretary of Defense under Clinton)
Rep. John B. Anderson (R-IL)
Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-AZ)
This document went through further drafts, and in 1984, it was presented by the Committee on the Constitutional System (CCS) as an alternative to the existing Constitution. One of the group's Board members, James MacGregor Burns, a history professor, said:

"If we are to turn the founders upside down ... we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected."

About a third of the CCS Board members belonged to the CFR, including Chairman C. Douglas Dillon (former Secretary of Treasury), Lloyd Cutler (former legal council to President Carter, and council to President Clinton), and Sen. Nancy Kassebaum. Some of the other members were: Robert McNamara (former Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson), Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Sen. Charles Mathias, Sen. William J. Fulbright, and others who were associated with the Brookings Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and Woodrow Wilson Center.

It is ironic, but organizations claiming to be "conservative," seem to be the strongest supporters for a Constitutional Convention. Most notable are: American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), National Taxpayers' Union (NTU), Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Committee on the Constitutional System (CCS).

In 1992, Ross Perot, who had become a political force to be reckoned with, publicly called for a Constitutional Convention. In guest appearances with Barbara Walters, Phil Donahue and Larry King he stated that we needed a Parliamentary Government, and pledged that "his people" could get the remaining states needed for a Constitutional Convention call "in their sleep."

The Conference of States (1995)
Another threat to our Constitution was the Conference of States (COS). It was being peddled as a movement for the states to come together and discuss the need to balance the relationship between the states, and the federal government, in a "co-equal partnership," even though our original Constitution intended for the States to be sovereign, and for the federal government to only have limited powers.

Their first meeting was to be held in Annapolis (MD), July 6-9, 1995, with a historical reenactment of the 1786 Annapolis convention; and the second had been planned for October 24-26, 1995 (which, ironicaIly, was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the UN), in Philadelphia (PA), a reenactment of the 1787 convention. It was being funded by three private organizations which are associated with the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR): Council of State Governments (CSG) (established in 1930 with funding from a Rockefeller grant), National Governors Association (NGA), and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) (established in 1933 with funding from a Rockefeller grant).

In December of 1994 the NCSL had a meeting in North Carolina where state legislators were told the Conference of States was a way for States to keep the federal government from encroaching on their sovereignty. So this COS resolution was taken back to their respective state legislatures and the first 12 states were able to ratify it through deceit by having legislative leaders introduce it, bypassing any committees so there would be no hearings, and bringing it to the floor for a quick vote. According to Michael Leavitt, the Republican governor of Utah, the goal of the Resolution's proponents was to have 26 states pass it, although Governor Nelson of Nebraska was pressing for 34, which was the exact number of States needed to call for a Constitutional Convention.

Leavitt, a member of the ACIR, told the Salt Lake City Tribune in 1994 that he wanted a Constitutional convention. In a May, 1994 Position Paper, he said that our government was "...outdated and old fashioned ... not suited for the fast-paced, high-tech, global-marketplace we are entering. There is a better way...". The "better way" he suggested seemed to be an end-run around the Constitution, because the COS literature indicated their interest in passing Constitutional amendments. He indicated his high expectations for what the meeting could accomplish:

"Congress tried to limit the convention's authority by stating it would meet 'for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation' ... As we all know, the delegates to the great Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia did much more than that. They threw out the Articles of Confederation and drafted a new constitution."

Though Article V of the Constitution indicates that two-thirds of the States must vote for a constitutional convention before Congress could call one, the COS was planning to use the same method the delegates did at the Annapolis convention in 1786. Within ten years, the Constitution that was originally drafted on June 12, 1776 (and fully ratified by 1781), was no longer able to meet the needs of a growing nation. The delegates of Virginia, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, meeting in Annapolis were charged with the task of amending the Articles of Confederation, and were to meet in Philadelphia "for the sole and express purpose of revising" them. The need for a stronger central government was expressed, one that didn't limit States rights. However, upon meeting in Philadelphia in May, 1787, they locked all the doors, and posted armed guards; and even closed all the windows, so they could deliberate in secret while they actually set up a new national government. Neither the Congress or the people could stop them. Their work was finished on September 17, 1787 (and was fully ratified on May 29, 1790), and the Constitution of the United States was born, and is still in existence today.

Many people were worried about this Conference of States, because nobody was really sure what could happen. Charles Duke, the Republican state senator from Colorado, said that the COS would be the "edge of the sword that knocks the head off the Constitution."

Case law mandates that members of a constitutional convention must be directly elected by the people, so they can act as their representatives to exercise the sovereign power of the state. Each state delegation to the COS would consist of the governor, and two leaders from each party in the state legislature (plus two alternates, one from each party), and therefore could be empowered with the necessary legal status as representatives of the people, should the decision be made to turn the meeting into a constitutional convention.

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA), and 33rd degree Mason Bob Dole (R-KS) openly supported the COS, and on March 24, 1995, Republican senators Hank Brown (CO) and Jesse HelmsJesse Helms (R-NC) sponsored a Senate Resolution which would give Congressional authorization to transform the COS into a bonafide Constitutional Convention. They maintained that without this Congressional approval, it would be in conflict with Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution, which does not allow any agreements between States.

Ultimately, because only 14 state legislatures passed resolutions calling for their participation in the COS, which was short of the 26 needed, their organizational meeting scheduled for July, 1995 was cancelled.

It is obvious that the Illuminati had taken a two-prong approach to regional government. They have been working within the confines of the Executive Branch to get various Executive Orders passed; and they have also used their various finger organizations to study our existing constitution, and recommend changes. All of their efforts may eventually culminate in a call for a Constitutional Convention that will spell the end of [the Republic] as we know it in this country.

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