Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Perps Who Attack Us Federal & Otherwise

The people who use directed energy weapons and gangstalking to attack us are the most demented and psychotic forms of perversion in society today. These people derive sexual satisfaction from spying on innocent Americans within the privacy of their own homes. They watch us when we shower and use our toilets. They watch us in the "so called" privacy of our own bedrooms while we sleep or have sex, and also through the NSA's remote neural monitoring technology, can spy on us and both scan and manipulate our thoughts wherever we go, by using the electricity in our own bodies as a tracking device and source to detecting what our states of mind our (they do the latter by using this technology to tap into our brainwaves which are then relayed via satellite to the NSA's computer data banks in Fort Meade, Maryland.

These people (especially those who are employed by the FBI, NSA and CIA) are sexual predators and with remote neural monitoring a form of remote electronic mind control known as synthetic telepathy, to place their prescripted thoughts and images into our own minds. Much of this has to do with their own versions of the sickest pornography imaginable, as they get some perverse sense of satisfaction through attempting to alter our own sexual habits by assaulting us with this technology.

The federal agents and those stalkers who they employ to attack us are child molesters, rapists, sodomites and everyother deviant form of psychotic miscreants that one can imagine. They regularly use this technology to torture us both psychologically and physically, and the most raunchy sexual content is often employed. And this is being paid for with your hard earned tax dollars. So you think that people who wear law enforcement badges could never be criminals
do you? Well think again, because many at the level of federal intelligence are some of the worst criminals you will ever meet.

However, something positive is happening as a result of this. Grassroots movements which are springing up to expose these federal agents and their citizen informants, who in reality are nothing more than gangs of stalkers that commit serious crimes against those who they assault, are growing by the month.

The perpetrators who have been taking part in these inhumane and sadistic acts of covert terrorism now risk being photographed, having their license plates circulated over the Internet, and in some cases even their names and addresses placed on anti-gangstalking lists, when TI's learn of them.

Just this morning a stalker in a blue shirt was headed down the road until he was notified that I had my camera and was about to snap his photograph. He immediately walked into my neighbor's driveway so that I would have a tougher time snapping him, and then walked back up the road. He clearly would have walked right past my home in stalking mode had I not had the camera out.

What does this mean? That these people know that what they are doing is criminal activity and they do not want their photographs circulated over the anti-gangstalking network that has been created to combat this form of radical abuse. Gangstalking became a major problem in this country in the 1980's under then President George Herbert Walker Bush. And it has only become more problematic under his son, George W. Bush, especially after the Patriot Act was passed. And is it any wonder since both Bush's are have long standing ties to the NAZI's, that they would endorse such NAZI-style tactics as illegally networked gangstalking?

This brings up another very important point. Every TI, must facilitate an aggressive response to these stalkers and their crimes, by documenting them. Get a physical description of those who are stalking you by photographing them; a description of their vehicles including license plates if possible; and every aspect of their crimes that you can document by using a blog to journal them.

THESE PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS! Don't Let Them Get Away With What They Are Doing.

For the time being these are the best weapons that you can use to battle this harassment. Stalkers by their very nature are cowards who cling to groups because they are insecure in themselves and need validation from others who have the same perverted sense of reality.

It is these same stalkers who find a false sense of courage when aligned with these criminal groups, who then become predatory when they feel their numbers are significant. What cannot be stressed enough here is that by themselves these people are cowards who feel powerless, and are looking to someone else to find the courage that they do not have.

The stalking groups that they join comprise the same types of personalities, all of whom have a perverted both a perverted sense of reality and justice -- no sense of fairness or decency about them.

And this goes double for the FBI and other federal agencies who not only sanction these terrorist stalking groups, but also indirectly fund many of them. Remember, gangstalking has become a global problem, so other governments have also taken to this NAZI method of intimidation as well as the US federal government.

However, in order to perpetuate these criminal acts the FEDS enlist professional stalking groups that whip the public into a frenzy about Targeted Individuals to keep the pressure on them.

The TI is denied their right to due process of law, and sentenced to a life of misery, yet they have never been arrested, charged, tried or convicted of any crimes. These actions against all TI's are a total perversion of justice, where the FEDS act as vigilante thugs rather than law enforcement. If the FEDS refuse to enforce the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights, it becomes necessary for TI's to do so -- and that is exactly what we are going to do.

Gangstalking is a form of domestic terrorism. And even if the FEDS have orchestrated it in such a way where they have given themselves plausible deniablity, they are still guilty of the very crimes that they are supposed to be preventing. So why are we even employing them any longer, since they are functioning as criminals and not law enforcement?

Were it not for the FEDS and their gangstalking goons, the public would revert to its normal way of functioning and the stalkings would cease. For this reason it is of paramount importance that the FEDS continue to keep pressure on the public so that it stays in a state of heightened alert -- this is the key purpose of these stalking groups -- to wage constant psychological warfare on TI's to force them into a state of mental distress where they can then become even easier prey for these SICKOS.

However, unlike in the early days of these sadistic and perverse attacks, TI's are now using their intellects to fight back by documenting all aspects of the crimes being perpetrated against them. And I do say crimes, because what these stalkers are doing is criminal activity, as well as the manifestation of some very sick and twisted minds.

So to the FEDS and their most EVIL gangstalking minions I say this: you cast the first stones that sent the ripples of destruction throughout the lives of our Families, friends and communities and selves. You were the instigators of these criminal acts, not us.

And don't you ever try to deny it!

We are going to expose you for the criminals that you are and make certain that your days as domestic terrorists are put to an end for once and for all.

You people are SICK -- GET HELP before you no longer have the alternative to.


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