Thursday, September 07, 2006

Happy 45th Birthday Bob

Today's the 45th Birthday of my only brother, Bob. Bob's a successful businessman who works in Cable Television sales heading up his own sales division. Growing up we were as close as two brothers could be and always looked after and protected one another. The FBI, Homeland Security and their relentless sabotaging through the past several years destroyed my relationship with Bob as it did with the rest of my Family. The FBI used every dirty trick in the book to do so, and violated all of our Civil Rights in ways so outrageous that most Americans would be shocked to learn exactly how these violations were perpetrated, not to mention learning of the advanced technology which has been used to do so.

However, I do wish Bob well on his 45th and hope that this year is filled with more enjoyment than he has had in the past 3. Having the FEDS harassing and intimidating you all the time just so that they can get to the people they are targeting is a miserable experience in and of itself. And Bob knows first hand just how destructive the FEDS can be when they use their COINTELPRO tactics to infiltrate a group, family or anyone else that they are looking to destroy -- they are as vicious and inhumane as any animals on earth. And there is no aspect to your life that they will not threaten, which will eventually break you down to the point where you surrender to them just so that you can get on with your life.

This organization is getting a well deserved reputation as being as Lawless as it is ruthless. And whether those agents working for it realize it or not, their days and the FBI's are now numbered, for as more people learn of the destructive nature of this organizaton, they will themselves call for its abolishment.

*** A belated Happy Birthday to my nephews Bobby Jr. and Brian -- two terrific kids who are very proud of their Dad.


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