Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Key For The Perps Is To Create And Maintain An Element Of Paranoia

The Gang Stalkers primary motivation is the creation of a paranoid state within those they target.

The Targets are constantly dealing with a barrage of gaslighting tactics being used against them, while attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy in their lives -- for the most part a totally unrealistic goal.

Many times the Target will experience such a strange coincidence of themes in regard to the stalking tactics being employed against them that they would seem improbable. However, on closer inspection of the extreme nature of these tactics, and the methodology in which they are applied, the probablity of such coincidental situations taking place becomes quite possible.

Many mind control/gang stalking targets have made statements such as so and so was talking to me on the TV last night. "Senator Kennedy was on the TV tonight and talking to me angrily. But I never did anything to the Senator -- I don't even know him, so why is he angry with me?"


"I saw Jay Leno on TV last night and he was looking right at me smiling like he was reading my mind. How can he read my mind? Who is telling him about me?"

Was the Senator speaking directly to this person? Not likely. However, supposing that you have 50 targets that are being subjected to the same exact mind control/stalking protocol, so that they have been conditioned to respond in the same ways to certain types of stimuli.

Suddenly, they all react the same way when they see a blue ball, or a red car, or a latex glove, or for that matter Senator Kennedy, or even Jay Leno on the Tonight Show. There is no question that the TI's are being "conditioned" through these gaslighting tactics to respond to them in a certain way.

And the most effective aspect of this conditioning is that it is done in such a general way, and to what on the surface are such benign stimuli (the blue ball for example), that the perpetrators can easily claim victory, since they have driven many a TI into what would appear to be a state of babbling idiocy. However, if the average American citizen was able to experience what the TI had, they would have a very different opinion of the situation, seeing a very evil side of humankind where they would never have expected to -- their own government.

In reality do these famous people really give a damn about Targets? Not likely. However through their own scripts and mannerisms they may be unwittingly acting as pawns for the perps who have their joke on the TI's who they are attacking without anyone else suspecting what is going on.

Has Jay been given material to work with that would affect the psychological condition of the applicable TI's? Quite likely he has. However, whether or not Jay is aware of what he is doing or just another unwitting pawn in the perp's game is anyone's guess. He may well have an idea of what is going on, and take part in it because he realizes that the people he is dealing with are extremely powerful, and representative of a pervasive and insidious corruption that rooted itself deep within the United States government.

The real issue here is that the TI can be psychologically attacked by any person that the TI is exposed to, once those persons have been forewarned by the stalkers to take part in the attacks. The mainstream media is an excellent venue for the perps' because it offers them the opportunity to attack large groups of TI's simultaneously. If the TI's could get together and share their experiences, they would suddenly realize that they are not at all delusional, but rather, the subject of a mainstream conspiracy against them which in most cases involves the US government's use of non consensual human experimentation, in which they have been made unwitting guinea pigs.

Your hard earned tax dollars at work people. Great government we have here. With governments like this one anarchy's looking better all the time. At least with anarchy you aren't living under the false pretense of being protected by the very government that is looking to destroy you like it would a lab rat. I used to say that I am not against government, just corrupt government. However, it seems that there is no such thing as good government, since all are based on power, and power by its very nature does corrupt. So perhaps it is unrealistic for us
to expect that we can have good government, given the aforesaid.

The main issue for all TI's is to reconcile ourselves to the fact that we are being used (whether by the government or corporations -- in America these days they are in essence one in the same) so that these perpetrators can study how we react to the psychological and sometimes physical torture that they are putting us through.

This is not unlike the US government using the American people to study the effects of many of the biological and chemical weapons that it has created over the decades, to deterime how effective they would be if used against other foreign powers.

The AIDS virus is one of the best examples of this. A virus that was circulated to the gay populations in New York and San Fransciso under the pretex of giving men the hepatitis B vaccine. It was this master deception of the American people, that allowed for the rapid spread of the AIDS virus beginning in the late 1970's.

Many other illnesses which are common problems in American society today have their foundations rooted in biological warfare. An excellent book documenting this is the Brucellosis Triangle by Dr. Donald Scott. There is also another book worth reading called Lab 257 by Michael Christopher Carrol, which discusses in great detail, the biological weapons' laboratory on Plum Island in New York State, which was where many biological weapons, including Lyme disease were created.

The mind control being used on TI's is just another crime being committed against affected Americans. However, this time around we are speaking of electronic warfare instead of chemical or biological weaponry. It's the same criminal methodology -- just a different type of weapon.

As for this government and those who perpetrate mind control and gangstalking crimes against us, none of them are even as decent as Hitler was, which really isn't saying much. Even the diabolical Hitler didn't take to torturing his own people, although it did not stop him from doing so with the Jews, and in the most despicable ways possible. However, Joseph Stalin did torture some of his own people, so the perps's are even more in line with his philosophy than Hitler's.

Nice company the perps' are mentioned in huh? Hitler & Stalin. Why not just throw in Joeseph Mengele and Jose Delgado while we are at it? The first two created the torture policies that the latter two followed through on.

As for non consensual human experimentation, gangstalking is yet another form of it. And, there will be professional gang stalkers and those who pass themselves off as police informant community watch groups (essentially just a euphemism for non paid gang stalkers or stalking wannabes) continuing to harrass us. This is just a painful fact of life when you live in a country that may have once been a democracy, but has clearly become a fascist police state. The USA is essentially a Totalitarian governmentnow based on capitalism, but using rampant nationalism to deceive Americans into believing that if they question government authority, they are not being patriotic enough. Fascism in what is perhaps its most effective form.

Just look at the mess that George W. Bush has made of this country in the past 5 years. Perpetrating terrorist acts against the American people under the color of law, concealing it
under the cover of national security, and drafting legislation (Patriot Act) which would literally
gut the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

We'd have been better off with a mainstream natural disaster. At least we could have put the country back together again and still had a democracy left. What we are left with now as far a government is concerned is not even worth defending. It really isn't. Americans need to fight to get their democratic government back, and get rid of this fascist defect of a government that we have been saddled with by the right wing neocon extremists in this country, who would happily call themselves NAZI's if they thought the American people would let them get away with it.

Democratic government may not be the best thing in the world, but true democracy is about the best working government that a people can hope for.

As for the predators who stalk us, it would be nice if we could get a hunting permit and rid ourselves of these vermin for once and for all. However, this is unrealistic. Even if we could, we'd become as bad they are. It would appear that our situation really is a Catch 22.

So what can we do about these predators government based and otherwise?

Keep on taking license plate numbers and photos of them and the cars they drive. Familiarize yourselves with the criminal history of the US government and intelligence community, and do your best to expose them. There are more skeletons laying around in the closets of those who work for the FBI, CIA, NSA, DoD and other agencies, then in a great number of cemetaries. And every American should know about them.

Congress and the Senate have failed us miserably. Under their leadership, America has become the land of the lies. And it's time to correct this by cleaning out this government and restoring the truths that this once great nation was founded on.

Once Americans know the unpopular truths about this government that the rest of us do, it and its corruption will be dealt with head on. And that should be the goal of all Americans at this time. Exposing the corruption in America until all Americans can no longer deny that it exists.

Deprive the Illuminati of America. They have been trying to steal her from us for over 100 years now and it is time that they were sent packing -- The Bush crime family and their Nazi cohorts as well.

When Americans can stand together and expose these criminals who murdered their fellow brothers and sisters on 9-11, it will then be time to drive the Illuminati out of America for good.

Until then, we are only going to have more of the same political rhetoric, where black propaganda and lies are the information that the American people are fed, while those who tell the truth are relegated to a backseat within our very own communities.

If that is what it takes to get the truth across, then so be it. For when you can't even use your own bathrooms without the US intelligence community spying on you under the pretext of domestic terrorism, it is time to get rid of them.


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