Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Charles Schlund Government Whistle Blower

Charles August Schlund And The Don Bolles' Papers

There is now compelling evidence that intelligence organizations within the United States are involved in the overthrow of the United States Government. Perhaps the most important person on the face of the planet at this time is a man by the name of Charles August Schlund.

Schlund has given testimony in his lawsuit against the United States Government based on documents (The Don Bolles'Papers) that he received which were based on research done by an investigative journalist by the name of Donald F. Bolles. Bolles was murdered in 1976 when his car was blown up.

The Don Bolles'Papers contain quite literally "smoking gun" accounts of widespread criminality, which implicate the CIA, DEA, Rockefeller and Bush Families (including George H W Bush and George Walker Bush) in a conspiratorial and treasonous plot to overthrow the United States Government.

Mr. Schlund's startling testimony can be accessed at the following Web sites. Charles has stated that President Bush claims that he's above the law in the Schlund case and is trying to have Charles'lawsuit dismissed. Please take the time to read through it thoroughly as it may well be the most important document in regard to US History and the fall of American democracy that you'll ever read.

**** For quite some time now Charles Schlund has been tortured with implanted microchips (cochlear implants) which can be remotely used to attack him. The implants are able to create deafening sounds within Charles' head to torture him. This technology (nanotechnology) does exist and is used as part of the US Federal Government's campaign to silence whistle blowers who learn of its crimes.

The Murder Of Investigative Journalist Don Bolles

Charles August Schlund's Testimony Regarding The Don Bolles Papers -- Implicating the CIA, President Bush And George Walker Bush Senior In The Clandestine And Systematic Overthrow Of The United States Government


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