Sunday, September 17, 2006

If Your Neighbors Are Taking Part In The Stalking Against You Keep Dossiers On Them

Up until now this is something that I would never have done in the past, nor would I have recommended doing so to others. However, it's clear that the FEDS and their gang stalking minions are growing desperate, and in their desperation looking to make my neighbors a more integral part of their harassment campaign against me.

Let's also take into consideration that what the FEDS have done here is not only illegal but also in violation of the United States Constitution and every human rights law ever created.

Consequently, they have left me with no choice but to assemble dossiers on as many of them as possible, which I have now begun to do. These people are deliberately depriving us of our Constitutional right to privacy. They know that what they are doing is illegal, which is why they have resorted to gaslighting tactics. However, that does not change the situation in the least. They are, in however minor a way, taking part in gang stalking activity, and have been doing so for more than three years now. What they have done, whether they see it as such or not, is a crime.

This compilation of personal information is not being done as any threat to them, but simply because by taking part in my harassment, they have become a threat to the safety and well being of my Family and self. Quite simply put, I cannot and will not allow them to get away with this criminal activity -- even if it began at the hands of the FBI and NSA decades ago, only to become more pronounced with the creation of the Department Of Homeland Security.

Since what is being done here, regardless of what the FEDS have said, is criminal activity, I have every intention of documenting their criminal behavior. I should also note that is is ironic that such behavior was orchestrated by the FBI and Homeland Security -- two organizations that are supposed to prevent the very types of crimes that they are instigating here. So much for legitimate law enforcement in this country -- at least at the federal level. Over the years the FBI has routinely proven through its COINTELPRO tactics that it is nothing more then a domestic spy agency, that uses covert acts of terrorism against those Americans who challenge the status quo. And the Department Of Homeland Security is just an extension of this abuse,now being heaped on all Americans.

Which leads me to my next point:

An excellent way for the stalking victim to compile information about those who are stalking them within their own neighborhoods is to use the Internet. Afterall, the Internet is just a network of computers containing a myriad of data, and given the right keywords, one never knows what these computers will spit out.

If you have a neighbor who is taking part in your stalking, type their name and address (or just their address if you don't have a name) into the search engine you use (I highly recommend using Google since its one if not the best search engines out there). You may find more info on your neighbor then you could have possibly imagined, which may come in handy later, should you choose to press charges against them.

While this is not something that I would have ever recommended doing in the past, given that stalking crimes are being perpetrated against myself and many others, which are both illegal and unconstitutional, I do recommend doing so now. As is the case with all victims of gang stalking, I have a right to defend myself from this criminal activity and from those criminals unindicted as they may be, who are taking part in them. And that is exactly what I am going to do.

In using a search engine to research your neighbors, you may try many different addresses in your area and come up with information which in time may eventually help you to put all of the pieces of the stalking puzzle that disrupts your life together. Remember that this takes time though and you'll need to be patient. You may find a number of interesting items in regard to these people including what they do for a living, their hobbies, clubs they belong to, other family relations etc. Quite possibly, you may even discover a link between some of your neighbors which can document a conspiracy.

However, I should state that I do not recommend posting this information unless your neighbors become so much of a headache, that it then becomes warranted. I would not want to deliberately put the lives of these people in jeopardy by placing so much personal information about them in one place on the Internet. Yet if they are acting in a menacing fashion, and as such have become a threat to you, then they should be exposed for doing so.

Also remember that if the gang stalking taking part against you is federally based as it is in my case, the FEDS may be reporting disinformation to your neighbors, families and others to put you in the worst light possible, to continue to whip these people into a frenzied state, so that they will participate in the attacks on you. So beware of this. The FBI & DHS are not known for abiding by the law or playing by the rules, so don't ever expect them to. Also note that the use of black propaganda by the federal intelligence community is the norm, not the exception to the rule. These agents lie for a living and they are very adept at doing so -- all sociopaths are.

Now many stalking victims will be dealing with more subtle attacks when their stalkers are local and don't have the same resources that the FEDS do. So it may be a bit easier to collect data on them since they lack the same ability to neutralize a target in the way that the FEDS can -- so the TI may still have some privacy. However, like many other TI's targeted by the FEDS, I have no privacy at all. I am spied on by way of NSA satellites within the privacy of my own home, and for that matter wherever I travel too. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind thatthe FBI and NSA's 25 year spy campaign waged against me represents one of the worst violations of Civil Rights in United States history.

The truth is that I cannot even use my own bathroom without these federal voyeuristic deviants watching and videotaping me - - something that the NSA is doing to millions of Americans at this time, who have no idea that they are being illegally spied on in this outrageous way.

Remember back in May of 2006 when a former employee of the NSA by the name of Richard Tice became a whistle blower against it, after he learned of serious crimes being committed by other officials within the NSA's hierarchy? Tice would eventually testify in regard to these crimes which no doubt involved the NSA's illegal use of remote neural monitoring technology.

However was Tice's testimony ever revealed to the public? Absolutely not. Congress is well aware that if the public ever learns about the NSA's access to technology which cannot only track them by way of their body's own electrical current, but also remotely "electronically access" their subvocalized thoughts, that there will be an overthrow of this government. Many other TI's have given this topic some thought, and those who have discussed it in a public forum have agreed that the US Government cannot withstand a scandal of this magnitude. The crimes that the NSA has committed here with its spy/mind control technology are simply too outrageous to forgive.

Case in point:

Has anyone heard from Russell Tice since he testified? The media certainly has not. There's little doubt that after dropping this bombshell on Congress, Tice was neutralized with extreme prejudice, just as another former NSA employee by the name of John St. Clair Akwei was more than a decade ago, when he came forward with the same disturbing information. I think that we can safely conclude that thanks to his patriotism, Tice has been put on ice.

As for the FEDS, if it turns out that they are involved in your stalking harassment, you can expect to experience a media blackout in which your regular TV and radio programming is tapped into by them (normally the NSA) and replaced with their own propaganda. Keep in mind that once they have done this, the local TV and radio stations can then make a public announcement about you without your having any physical proof of it. This is done by design to keep the TI in a complete state of ignorance in regard to the conspiracy that is being perpetrated against them.

If you see people smirking and staring at you out in public, you are not being paranoid -- you are the victim of a government conspiracy to deprive you of your Civil Rights, by alienating you from your family, friends and society.

This has happened to myself and many others who were illegally targeted by federal agencies including the FBI. As a result, as we now travel out of our homes during the day we immediatley notice that those in town recognize us, and that we are also being followed by cars with their high beams on (brighting tactics) wherever we go. Keep in mind that all of this is illegal, regardless of the FEDS claim that those being targeted for such crimes are domestic terrorists.

The reality is that the FEDS are the domestic terrorists and using the Patriot Act to terrorize the American people, by invading their privacy and making them cogniscent of everything they do. Since George Bush stole his way into office and passed the Patriot Act, the term domestic terrorist is now being used on any persons whom this government wants to neutralized, the Constitution and Bill Of Rights be damned. And this criminal abuse of power must come to an end.

When your average American says that they don't care if the government is spying on them because they are doing nothing wrong, you know that you are no longer living in a democracy.

As if I needed to be reminded of this, when I can't even use my bathroom without having these fascists spying on me, or have a thought without having them illegally "electronically accessing" it, through their remote neural monitoring technology.

It should also be noted that since the creation of the Patriot Act, the FEDS have thrown caution to the wind and will now commit such acts of Constitutional abuse with reckless abandon. So a TI should be aware of this aspect of their harassment. Many TI's report being recognized by complete strangers when they travel out of their homes. And it was the FEDS media blackout of these TI's that allowed for this extreme violation of their Civil Rights; proof positive that the USA has fallen into the hands of a fascist shadow government, when our Civil Rights can be violated is such extreme ways, and due process of law is completely ignored.

So how do you compete with the FBI to try to get the truth about their crimes out to the public?

You are not going to out do the FBI in a media campaign so don't even bother trying to. An agency that is alloted over $4 billion a year in operating expenses can easily sway the public against anyone, even when it is the Bureau itself that has committed the crimes.

Just tell the truth about the crimes that they are perpetrating against you and document as many facts as possible. In spite of the fascist Patriot Act, we still have a Constitution in this country which guarentees every American certain inalienable rights. And any person or organziation that would deprive you of those rights, including the FBI or Homeland Security, is acting in a criminal capacity by doing so.

In my case the FBI has committed enough serious crimes over the years to have left me plenty of circumstantial evidence to use against them. So in a situation where they may try to confront me directly in a court of law, I will not only have a tremendous amount of compelling evidence against them, but also the ablility to document precedent setting crimes that the FBI took part in during its early COINTELPRO activities -- crimes which a jury will certainly find very interesting and applicable to my own situation.

I use the phrase early COINTELPRO so as to distinquish the FBI's original dirty and illegal tactics from those its committing in the modern day, which are no doubt being done under a different name, and now comprise advanced spy and electronic mind control technology that was not available during the earlier program.

The bottom line is this:

As Targeted Individuals, we are the ones who are being victimized. And as such, we have a legal right to defend ourselves. So do so, by using the US Constitution to defend your rights the way that it was meant to, while at the same time, exposing corrupt government and federal policing tactics which should not be taking place in the United States or anywhere else. These FEDS are fascists and a major threat to the democratic government that this country was founded on.

As for those neighbors of ours who have no doubt been "brainwashed" into taking part in the harassment being waged against us, they should also be made to understand that this government mentality can also be used to target them at any time in the future, since these attacks are occuring outside the law and can randomly be illegally used against any American citizen, while depriving them of their right to due process of law.

Those who actually take part in gangstalking activities (not those who sanction them) have been brainwashed as part of their training, and are as much a part of this vicious experiment as are the TI's whom they attack -- both victims of a covert government conspiracy to deprive those being utilized in this illegal mind control experimentation, of their Civil Rights.


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