Editor's Note: What was this cop afraid of, that this elderly woman was
going to slap him upside his head with her walking cane? Not only was she not attacking him, but he could have easily subdued her if she were. One of the bystanders who recorded the incident claimed that the woman was holding a knife, however this is unclear from the video.
And there was no sign that she was approaching the officer in any type of menacing way.
So why did this cop treat this woman as if she were a 250 lb. out of control wrestler who had lunged at him? The insanity of the New World Order's brainwashing of federal, state and local police is becoming more outrageous by the day. What we are seeing here are men and women who are being densensitized into torturing and murdering, because they know that they are not going to be prosecuted for it.
Body slamming an 80 year old woman to the pavement? What's next, tasering a nine year old because he was cycling on the sidewalk?