"South Florida Federal Judge, Jose E. Martinez, a former Department of Justice (DOJ) employee, who maintains ties to the FBI/DOJ, has granted the FBI "sovereign immunity" in the Aisha v. FBI lawsuit, filed under the Freedom of Information Act, dismissing the case. His presence on the case was questionable to begin with, as there is a conflict of interest present, due to his well established ties to the defendants FBI and DOJ.
Once again, I am telling the truth about every single thing I have stated and my claims have consistently proven true after I publicly made them. However, I was denied justice by the FBI.
An unimpeachable source responsible for much of my exclusives that later proved 100% true and correct, informed me that he had it on very good authority Madonna presented FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, with a $1,000,000 bribe to stonewall and impede the case, regarding her criminal conduct against me. As such, Madonna and Kabbalah brazenly continue in said misconduct to this day."