Editor's Note: If you already own a hybrid or battery powered automobile, the simplest way to test the strength of an electromagnetic field is by using a gaussmeter.
However, the meters are expensive, ranging from a few hundred dollars to several hundred, so see if you can borrow one.
Given our use of cell phones, wireless computer devices, microwave ovens, and a host of other electronic devices, Americans are bathed in all sorts of harmful electromagnetic fields, which are causing serious and oftentimes deadly illnesses.
The EMF waves can also cause tremendous fatigue.
Moreover, being confined to a hybrid or electric vehicle which emits very high levels of EMF (electromagnetic flux) can cause cancer. If you have children, exposing them to high levels of EMF radiation can cause leukemia. So what good is saving money on fuel, if you end up getting cancer or find that you are so exhausted from exposure to EMF waves that your energy level is always being compromised?
Unless the EMF fields in hybrid and electric vehicles can be properly isolated, these automobiles must be considered to be a health hazard.
It had to happen, just when we were beginning to think that plug-in hybrid and electric cars were the best things since sliced bread, someone has intimated that there may be a health risk involved in driving those vehicles.
You remember, the power line scare back in the ’70′s (which really hasn’t gone away) and of course the more recent flap about cell phones emitting dangerous electromagnetic fields to the brain. In case you want to read more on these issues, a specific Google entry should suffice.Now, before you go somewhere else, hang on, there’s more to this electromagnetic field issue than you may think. That’s coming up, along with a short tip of the hat to the man who got us started on our way to the world we live in.
Back to the story. A New York Times article suggests that the flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a vehicle, in this case a hybrid, sets up very large electromagnetic fields that could result in health risks to both adults and children. Again, the reference here is to children and the danger of leukemia. Sound familiar?
Now, we live with electromagnetic fields (EMF) every day. Where electric current flows, generally speaking, there are EMF’s of varying degrees. There are no specific government, or scientific standards for EMF exposure, so much of this concern is pure conjecture, or so it seems. As for plug-ins and electric cars, it is thought that drivers and passengers could be exposed to large EMF’s for extended periods of time.
The NYT article told the story of a Staten Island woman who bought a Honda Civic Hybrid in 2007. She drove the car about 200 miles each week as part of her employment. After a while, the woman said she fell asleep at the wheel three times, and her blood pressure rose. She believes the strong electromagnetic fields produced by electrical systems in the car caused the malady.
There could be many causes for her affliction, but just remember that it’s her reality, specific to her alone. The woman clearly stated those were her own conclusions and not based on a doctor’s opinion.
To make a long story short, both Toyota and Honda say their hybrids meet all recognized safety standards. They say their plug-ins are tested for EMF’s and they stand by the safety of their products.
Just to set the record straight, man-made EMF’s may not be the only threat to health. A recent article in New Scientist tells of research in Russia that indicates the earth’s very own EMF’s may result in suicides. And there is ongoing research into the effects of the earth’s magnetic fields on humans. A trip to Google is suggested for further research.
While preparing for this article, I thought of the man who brought electromagnetism into the public mainstream, and made everything we hold electrically dear today possible.
His name, Nikola (Nicholas) Tesla, a Serbian immigrant born in 1856. He’s often been called “the man who invented the twentieth century.”
Tesla held more than a hundred patents, including the transmission of electric power, an electro-magentic motor, a regulation system for alternating current, which powers our world today. His inventions made radio and TV possible, his induction motor has made it possible for nearly everything that moves on wheels today. In spite of all that, he never became financially wealthy, dying in 1943, and according to some, penniless.
Was Tesla affected by electromagnetic fields? After all, he spent his life exploring them, often living for hours within high concentrations. He was 87 when he died. Could they have helped extend his life, or were his genes just right for a long life?
There’s a story on EV World about Tesla’s so-called “Black Magic” touring car. It was a 1931 Pierce-Arrow, supposedly converted by Tesla and his nephew to run on some sort of energy created out of a box of electronic circuitry measuring 24 x 12 x 6 inches. He replaced the gasoline engine with an electric motor, hooked the circuit box up to the motor and they were off. The car is said to have been capable of reaching speeds up to 90 mph.
Eventually, the car reportedly wound up on a farm near Buffalo, New York, and the magic “converter” box disappeared.
The article asks, had he tapped into the earth’s magnetic field, or, found zero point energy or gravitation waves?
I’m sure we’ll never know.
As for today’s hybrids and electric cars being dangerous to our health, it appears more scientific study is needed to answer that question.
Source: gas2.0.org
Also See:
A report from the National Research Council shows that the energy required to produce electricity and batteries makes electric cars and hybrids more harmful to human health than gasoline vehicles.
Electric cars and plug-in hybrids pose more hazards to your health than gasoline vehicles.
That's right. The energy needed to produce electricity and batteries – from harvesting raw materials to burning coal to produce power – renders these low or zero-emission cars more costly to human health, said a report by the National Research Council released on Monday. To a lesser extent, the damage also impacts areas such as grain crop and timber yields, as well as recreation.
The research council set out to paint a fuller picture of the impact of energy production and use in the United States by determining costs that are not typically reflected in the market pricing for energy and related goods. These costs, instead, generally come from the damage caused by things such as air and water pollutants.
They looked at everything from harvesting raw materials and generating fuels to manufacturing and driving vehicles using data from 2005, when more comprehensive statistics were available.
Aside from the transportation industry, the council also analyzed the costs, called "external effects" by economists, in electricity and heat generation and consumption (see Energy and Health: the $120B Hidden Cost). An example of what is not an external effect would be a hike in food prices when more farmland is devoted to producing fuel rather than food crops (the price hike would presumably be a result of natural market forces).
By the way, the report doesn't quantify the impact of transportation-related activities on the climate, ecosystems or national security.
Overall, the transportation industry incurred $56 billion of mostly health-related damage in the United States in 2005. Driving cars typically contributed to less than a third of the hidden costs and translated into 1.2 cents to 1.7 cents per mile traveled, the report said.
Gasoline has earned a foul reputation because the country's reliance on foreign oil. But the heavy focus on domestically produced ethanol doesn't necessary provide less damaging options, the report found.
Impact from corn ethanol production was similar or "slightly worse" than gasoline because turning corn into fuel takes more energy, the report said. Making ethanol from corn stover and other types of plants, on the other hand, inflicted less damage.
Electric and plug-in hybrid cars also aren't as "green" as they appear. While these cars produce less or no emissions, they are run on power from fossil fuels, the report said. Manufacturing batteries and electric motors also takes up quite a lot of energy.
The report concluded that the non-climate damage caused by manufacturing and operating electric/hybrid cars was "somewhat higher" than other types of cars in 2005, and the same trend would continue in 2030.
Forcing car manufacturers to produce more fuel-efficient cars would help to reduce the overall costs by 2030. But larger reductions could take place if new and effective technologies in areas of carbon capture and storage and advanced biofuel production become available in the marketplace, the report said.
Looking strictly at emissions, cars that run on gasoline produced from oil in tar sands – and diesel produced using the Fischer-Tropsche process – emitted the most pollution and would continue to be heavy emitters in 2030.
Cars that run on natural gas or ethanol from plants such as switchgrass had much lower emissions in comparison, both in 2005 and likely in 2030.
Source: greentechmedia.com